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Obsessed By You

The beginning

Kylie is a normal College girl, she lives a happy life with her brother and mother in a decent home downtow.

She works a part time job as a cashier in a bookstore.

She never thought that her life will change in one day.

Her brother Tom was trying to get to a higher level of life, better house, better car and more money. He went after the biggest Mafia in town just to work with them and he got what he wanted, he directly assigned as the assistant of the right hand of the big boss Jack, who is well-known as the hottest and richest guy in the city.

Jack is also known by his fierce look and behavior towards everyone.

One day, Kylie was going out to work while her brother is going to get in the car of his big boss for his second week of work.

The car was big and dark and you cannot see through the glass. Kylie with her innocent and beautiful look wearing a white dress and white sandales, ran after her brother to give him a big hug before leaving and remind him of their planned dinner with their mum at night.

While she was running after her brother who almost reached the car, she catches the eyes of Jack who was astonished by her cute little look and her beautiful figure.

He directly asked his right hand and assistant about her and ordered him to make a full research about her, and than he decided to greet her.

He walked outside of the car and at that moment, the beginning of their story began.

He was mesmerized by her big dark eyes and long dark hair, her innocent face features and her soft voice. He couldn’t resist to just sit still in the car even though it is his first time to step outside of the car to greet a woman.

He was wearing a black suit with black shoes, he looks very hot and he is very tall and huge.

He stood besides of her brother and Tom freaked out as his family has no idea what he was doing, it is ture that his boss owns a mafia but he owns a lot of businesses and he is a well known businessman who every woman wants to be by his side.

Tom directely introduced him to his sister as the CEO of a lot of companies and his boss and they shook hands.

That’s where she took his breath away, she introduced herself with a soft smile on her well shaped lips and asked for a leave as she was in a rush for her work. jack was shocked about her reaction towards him as he was a normal guy standing infront of her. She did not react as other females usually do, where they go crazy just by the touch of him.

Kylie smiled at both of them and reminded her brother for the 100 times about the dinner and took of.

Jack stood still following her with his eyes not paying attention to her brother at all.

Tom decided to break his day dreaming and opened the door for him.

That day it was the beginning of a twisted love story where everything will change in their lives.

Kylie will never thought what is coming for her.

The Second encounter!

After that meeting between Jack and Kylie, everything will change and none of them knows what’s coming next.

He was thinking about her every single minute, she haunted his thoughts and mind couldn’t seize thinking about her smile, her face and her body.

His assistant did the job and brought a whole research about her to his hands.

It turns out she is just a soft woman, who have been studying and supporting herself and her family with part time jobs while finishing her master degrees, it is true that he wants to know more about every single thing about her but what he wanted mostly is to see wether she has someone in her life or if she ever fell in love...what her background said that she had three unsuccessful relationships and she was never in love!! This is exactly what he hoped for. He wanted her to only loves him and belgons only to him.

Jack knew where she works and had everything planned for what he wants to happen next.

He invited her brother to his office while he was standing by the big glass mirror window with his black suit.

“We have a huge ceremony for our company this weekend, we are planning to invite every employee’s families to appreciate their hard work for the success of our company, so!!!”-Jack said.

“That’s wonderful Sir, I hope everyone can come and celebrate this success! Would you lile me to work on something”-Tom exclaimed with a smile on his face.

“Just bring your sister, so that she can be proud of you and see that you are working in a decent company”

“Well! She is not the outgoing type of girls but I will try to convince her”

Without any hesitation he directly replied:” you have to”

Tom was stunned for a while thinking why his boss will insist on inviting his sister but than he remembered how indifferent and cruel his boss is.

That night Tom went home and undoubtedly he discussed the matter with Kylie and invited her, she refused at first but Tom insisted on the fact that he wants to escort a beautiful lady with him and how he does not want to go alone.

Kylie thought about it and eventually accepted his invitation.

It was Thursday and the ceremony planned for Staurday. What will happen next!! Only Jack knows and have everything planed for the few days to come!.

Friday came and Kylie went to her part time job As usual, she opened the shop wearing her jeans and white shirt putting her long hair down, she went inside put her apron on, waiting for customers to come. But she always had this habit of choosing a book to read on a daily basis.

Kylie went inside the corriders, walking around moving her fingers around the books hoping to find the chosen book for the day.

She found a book in the fiction section and start to read the introduction to decide wether to read it or not! She didn’t notice that someone went inside the shop.

« I am looking for children’s book section » jack exclaimed with his mesmerizing look with a grey shirt and black jeans.

She jumped of fear in her place and directly responded  « Good morning !! Of course I can help » and at that moment she realized his familiar face.

« I know you!! Your Tom’s boss, I am so sorry I was choosing a book! Please follow me » and she places the book back on the shelf again and passes by him

She continued while walking to the second floor on the stairs:  «  Do you have a boy or a girl? »

He was looking at her from behind with a smirk on his face: « I am not married yet! It is for my little cousin. »

She was moving around and choosing random books for his cousin while he was only looking at her and inspecting all of her body.

She stopped and showed him what she choosed.

« Everything you choosed, I will buy! » Jack said

They Went together to the cash register and she started packing his stuff. Suddenly he uttered what he usually don’t do and say :«  Are you coming to our special event »

She looked at him in the eyes and confirmed with a soft smile on her face that made him go even crazier about her.

He paid and left the shop with a happiness on his face that all of his guards man never felt before on him.

Jack can not wait any more for Saturday to see her again!.

This mysterious man never felt this way before towards anyone and all that he wanted is to explore more about this feeling.

The Ceremony of love!

It is Friday evening, Kylie decided to go shopping with her best friend Maria, they are friends for 18 years now, kylie knew only her and trusted only her!

She told her about the ceremony and decided to haunt a black long dress, it took them two hours to find one but it was the right one. Kylie went into the fitting room and tried the dress! It was fit for her, since she had a perfect height, the slik black dress wore her body perfectly, it was a long silk backless dress as if it was made for her. Maria was astonished by her best friend’s look and directly took her to pay for it and they enjoyed the rest of the day together.

Maria was curious about the huge event and started asking questions about every single detail which made Kylie confess about how handsome her borther’s boss is but she has no interest in him since they are not from the same level of society and she thinks that they don’t share the same values and dreams, of course she thought a guy like him will never consider a woman like her since he can have any woman he wants.

They spent the whole evening wondering around and they had dinner together and went home.

The expected day is here, Kylie wore her beautiful dress, hair up and soft smokey make up. Jack wore his gorgeous suit as if he is walking out of a magazine, he was hoping to see and talk to her and figure out what she has in her mind.

Tom walked in his sister’s room: « wow!! You look stunning , walking out of heaven!! »

« Stop it! It is my first big event that I am attending to! So I have decided to prettify my self for the occasion » she said with a shy face.

He took her hand and they walked outside together, they found a balck big car waiting for them outside provided by his boss which Tom had no idea about it.

They reached the huge amazing castle outside of town, both of them were amazed about the view and the people attending the event, all of them were so fancy and wearing expensive clothes.

They stood still at first and than decided to hold hands and walk inside together.

When they stepped in, it was crowded. Tom decided to go and grap a drink and go to look for his boss in case he needed something from him.

“Wait for me here, I will grap a drink and be back”

“Don’t leave me, I don’t feel comfortable staying all alone! I don’t know anyone in here”

At this right moment Jack spotted both of them but he saw Kylie only from behind, while she was talking to Tom she looked around just to see the place. Their eyes met together but she continued looking around. However, he was blown away by her look,her figure and her beautiful face. Especially that she is wearing his favorite color. He couldn’t move, three guys around him were talking to him and he was paying no attention to them, he was staring at her like he wants to grap and run away now with her.

Tom left her and went to seek a drink, kylie stood by herself near a long small table looking down and she looked very shy and intimidated.

The place was crowded, every single woman was looking at Jack and waiting for a little attention from him and he looked as if no one in the room her.

Tom was back with champagne, he gave her a glass and went to look for someone he knows..he promised her that he will be back but she knew that it will take him so long, she saw from far away a balcony on the side.

Kylie went there without looking at anyone, she is too shy to make any eye contact, Jack was following every single move she makes.

“Excuse me! I have something to do” he said to the three gentlemen next to him.

He followed her to the balcony.

Kylie went outside and she breathed the fresh air as if like it was for the first time, she looked like she was suffocating inside.

She putted her glass of champagne on the side of the wall and start gazing at the magnificent view.

Jack was right behind her and looking at her, he wanted to feed his eyes with her before start talking.

“You look beautiful! More than the view that you’re looking at!”

She directly turned to face him: “ oh!” With a surprise on her face “thank you so much and thank you for inviting us to this great event! Congratulations on the success of your companies!”

He couldn’t care less about the event because the event was made to impress her and to make him see her one more time: “ but you don’t seem like you enjoying it?” He looked at her in the eyes and up and down made her feel so shy so she looked again at the view.

“No! No! I do. It is just that I don’t like crowded places and I don’t know anyone in here”.

He came closer to her and stood right next to her holding a glass of whiskey. He looked at her face trying to memorize evey inch of it, she looked back and continued as she felt more shy: “ why are you outside of your own party? Everyone must looking for you!”

He moved his eyes to the view and said: “I happened to find the one that I am looking for,so no need for me to get back inside!”

She was shocked and didn’t know if he meant for her or someone else, so she replied: “oh’ that’s good for you! I hope I am not interrupting anything!”

He smirked and looked back at her without saying any work.

At that moment she felt the bloods rushing through her veins towards her heart as if she is having a heart attack, she was shivering and shaking, because of the hot god standing infront of her,talking to her like that,must means something but she did not want to dream or assume things.

She didn’t know what to do so she smiled back at him and changed the subject:“ I assume you find it difficult to manage all of your employees and all of these companies?”

Jack replied:” well! No not at all! I started working at a really young age and I inhereted alot from my great father! So yeah sometimes it can be difficult, but everything good comes with a price’

“Good luck with everything! I don’t wanna waist any more of your time, so I will leave and thank you again for inviting me! This place is amazing.” She turned around about to leave and he grabbed her hand.

“How will you go home” he said “ let me take you home” he continued with a mysterious look in his eyes.

“No! no, I don’t wanna bother you, I did enough for one night already, I will grab a taxi”

“No, I am going to drive you home, don’t say any more word” he grabbed her hand and added “follow me”

She was under a trauma not believing what’s happening to her, so her body followed him automatically as if like there is an a eletrical field pulling her body towards him.

They walked inside the party and passed through the crowds with everyone looking at them and went directly out without noticing anyone.

He ordered someone to bring him his care and in one second the car arrived. Magic!

Jack opened the door for her and went inside.

The drive home was like a dream for both of them!

This is the night where everything will change for Jack!

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