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The Devil's Possession

Warning+ Intro

• This story is dark, means there will be lots of scenes which will be triggering.
• I do not support any of the wrong actions mentioned in this story neither do I support the male character in this story. It's a fictional story so don't take it seriously. And if you are fragile who take everything seriously, sorry dear this story is not for you.
• Those who have problem with dark romance, do not continue to read. I hate it when people start reading knowing that it is dark and still report it. You are the one who decided to read, and if it is not what you are looking for then pressing back button is easy. There are many others who are reading, do not spoil it for author and other readers.
• Characters, names, places mentioned in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to the reality might be coincidentally.
• The male lead is King.The book is based on modern era, though the fictional country, Subenia, is not a democratic country.
• All the images used in this book are taken from pínterest. Credit goes to their respective owners.
• The whole story is mine own imagination so please do not try to copy.
• Your comments are always welcome. But I do not accept any hate comment for me. Of course you can write your opinion about story and character.
• English is not my first language so if there are any mistakes, please mention. I will correct it.
• Last but not least, thank you if you have decided to read my story. It means a lot.
King of Subenia
Age: 28
Age: 19
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The car of King was halted as one old lady fell on the ground.
The driver came out and was lashing out on the old lady when a girl came and helped the lady.
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
"Can't you see that she is injured? Instead of yelling you could have helped her."
"Miss, please don't make a scene here. King is inside the car. I suggest you to leave before king gets offended." The driver said.
She gasped as she realised what he said. She never imagined she will ever come across king, that too like this.
Taking the driver's advice she was about to leave with old lady when the door of car opened. She turned around and looked at his direction.
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
He was tall. Unlike her who was 5"6 he seemed to be around 6"4. As he stood infront of her, she felt small. He was intimating with powerful aura. Beautiful chocolate brown eyes which was enough to captivate anyone. Sharp jawline, long eyelashes were like a sherry on top of cake. His muscles were hugging his clothes perfectly giving the sight of his perfect body.
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
"What's going on here?"
He asked making everyone tremble. His voice held authority. If it had been anyone else he wouldn't have given a second glance but the little girl was intriguing.
"The old lady is injured." His driver said almost in a shaky voice.
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
"Take this lady to the hospital."
He said to one of his men.
The driver was astonished by president's words. He hated any disturbance in his way. An egoistic and narcissistic man like him never cared about anyone but himself. The sudden change in his behaviour was surely something new for him.
"Thank you so much for your kindness, my child." The old lady said and held his hand.
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
"Take care."
He said while pulling back his hand abruptly. He hates when someone touches him, specially low life like her.
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
"Your name little flower?"
He asked while staring in Arabella's eyes. By now the old lady was gone leaving Ara alone with devil. She was intimated by him, his close proximity was making her uncomfortable.
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
Her voice felt like a music to his ear. The single word coming out of her mouth made him desire for more.
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
" We will meet soon, Bella."
He said and left leaving her in confusion.
"We will meet again."
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
(What does it means?)
She thought.

Chapter 2

Arabella reached the orphanage. She loves kids, that is why she spends her weekends with them.
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
"Hey, cutie."
Arabella hugged the little girl who jumped on her as soon as she saw her.
"We missed you, fairy sister."The little kids said making her smile. The kids always call her fairy because for them she is like an angel.
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
"Today I will tell you all a story."
"Yaay...We love stories." The kids cheered her which made her giggle.
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
"Once upon a time, there lived a princess...."
Ara started telling the story unaware of someone's stare. Her every action was only making him desire her more and more.
Being the King of a country, he had to do charity work. His public image mattered a lot and that was the reason he had come to the orphanage. But he never thought he would get to see his little flower again.
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
Luciano Knight [28 years old]
"Such a small world, Bella."
He mumbled. He smiled while looking at her before he left.
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
"Hello, Mrs. Black."
"My dear, it's so lovely to see you here every weekend. Kids miss you a lot and they always keep waiting for this day."
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
Arabella Stanford [19 years old]
"I love them. How can I not come to meet them? They are so adorable."
Ara said while looking at the kids with affection.
Next chapter will be updated very soon.
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