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The Haunted House

Buying a house

I was sleeping peacefully but got disturbed by my ringing phone I got up and picked the phone, it was the broker.

------------ON THE PHONE-------------

BROKER: Hello sir, I would like to ask when are you free to see the mansions?

ME: Oh, right I am free today we can meet at XX place at 8:00 a.m.

BROKER: Ok sir, meet you at 8:00 then.

-------------CALL END--------------

I got up and went to the Bathroom.

AUTHOR: till then he is getting ready let me introduce the character.

Name: Andrew

Age: 23

Profession: Business Man

About: Andrew is a cheerful, positive personality and advantageous young man.

He inherited his family business and in very short time became a well known business man. Currently he wants to buy a new mansion and contacted a broker with whom he is going to see the houses.

------------- BACK TO STORY--------

I was seeing the pictures that broker has of the mansions. But I didn't like any so, we decided to go on sites.

--------------- TIME SKIP-------------------

We were going to see other mansion but suddenly our car broke down and stopped Infront of an old house. We came out of the car. The driver was checking the car and I was just observing the area and my eyes fall on that old mansion. It was looking very old but will look quite nice after cleaning and decorating.

I asked my broker if that mansion was on sale but don't know why he was looking scared and didn't want to talk about that house. When I burdened him then he told me that it was an abandoned mansion and the owner was selling it at very low price. He asked for the owners contact details.

---------------TIME SKIP-------------------

I freshen up and dialed the phone number of the owner and set the meeting. He agreed on meeting me tomorrow at his address.

---------------- TOMORROW-------------------

OWNER: Hello Me. Andrew I'm the owner and this is my wife.

OWNER'S WIFE: Hello nice to meet you.

ME: Hello Mr and Mrs I'm the one who wants to buy your mansion .

After listening to me the owne's wife was quite scared.

ME: Miss are you all right ?

OWNER: Oh, yeah she just feels quite nervous while meeting new people.

ME: oh, ok

OWNER: So, did you like our mansion?

ME: Yeah although it looks old it will be all right after cleaning and all.

OWNER( impatient): Oh, that's good so, when are you thinking of buying it ?

ME: I'll buy it whenever you're available to sign the papers.

OWNER: Oh how about tomorrow at 8:00 am you come with the payment here only and I will sign the papers?

ME: That's good I'll meet you tomorrow then.

-- After setting all the things I bid my goodbye and left the place-----

OWNER: Finally that trouble (mansion) is settled.

OWNER'S WIFE: But that mansion is haunted what about the young man.

OWNER: I don't care I'm getting the money and you also shut your mouth if you want to sell that unlucky mansion.

--------- he left from there----------

OWNER'S WIFE: I hope he will be fine. sigh.

Shifting to the New House

----------------NEXT DAY-----------------

OWNER: Congratulations Mr. Andrew the mansion's yours now.

ME: Thank you (smile) ok I'll leave now.

------------ANDREW LEFT------------

Owner was very happy after getting money but on the other hand his wife was very worried for Andrew but she couldn't do anything.

------------- ANDREW'S HOUSE------------

While packing his things he was talking to his friend.

ME: yeah I bought a new mansion.

FRIEND: Oh wow you have to through a party dude.

ME: Yeah sure but before that I have to clean and tidy my house.sigh.

FRIEND: Call me if you need any help in cleaning I'll come with others.

ME: No need for you trouble makers you all will only ruin my house.

FRIEND: at least I asked hump.

ME: fine, fine I'll hang up now I have so much work to do.

FRIEND: ok bye

-------------CALL END--------------

I continued packing my things." I think I should first clean that old mansion" seeing the things lying here and there " nevermind I'll finish packing first".

------------AFTER PACKING-----------

ME: Hello, yeah I need some cleaners to clean the mansion at XX place.

SOMEONE: Sure sir, I'll send some cleaners at the mansion today only .

ME: Thank you very much.

-------------CALL END--------------

Sigh finally someone agreed to clean the mansion. But why was everyone declining after listening the address of that mansion. Like it's HAUNTED. *chuckles* what am I saying.

----------------NEXT DAY-----------------

ME: Ok please leave these things in the mansion.

WORKS: yes sir.

Oh, the cleaners really cleaned the mansion thoroughly. Let me thank them(smile)

--------ON THE CALL-----------

ME: Hello thanks sir your cleaners were good they cleaned the mansion really good.

SOMEONE: oh, t-th-thank you Sir.

ME: What happened sir any problem.l?

SOMEONE: n-no sir i-its n-nothing.

ME: why are you stuttering

SOMEONE: sir actually when our cleaners were cleaning the mansion they heard weird noises and felt anyone else's presence other then them.

ME: oh, maybe there was wind or any animal as that mansion is abandoned for so many years don't worry they were afraid for nothing.

SOMEONE: yes sir that might be the case but please be careful in that mansion.

ME: ok thanks don't worry.

-------------CALL END--------------

WORKS: sir all the things are kept in the mansion.

ME: oh thanks

------------- all the workers left but Andrew was still thinking about the things cleaners said and to confirm he started to check if there was any window glass was broken from which air might come or if there was any animal. After searching whole mansion he found nothing.-------------

sigh. I got nothing , seems like they were just blabbering things. Nevermind, let's set the things.


hah. I'm tired let's take a short nap.

--------- Andrew was sleeping peacefully not knowing that someone, a black shadow was standing at his room door and staring at him like it will create a hole through him. ------------

Party in New House

-------------NEXT DAY-----------------

ME: yeah I am throwing a party of my new mansion so, can you arrange it and invite the guests?

SECRETARY: yes sir I'll arrange everything you don't have to worry.

ME: good but you should do it fast the will be held tomorrow.


--------------CALL END--------------

He's quite capable and reliable everything will be perfectly done.(Andrew thought)

I should choose my outfit then.

----------- Andrew was standing infront of mirror trying the suits but suddenly he started to feel someone else's presence but when he turned, he saw nothing. He thought he was just imagining things and continued trying his outfit.------------

------------NEXT DAY AT PARTY------------

I was receiving guests and suddenly someone pat my shoulder and I turned to see and I saw

SAM ( Andrew's friend): Hey bro, looking looking handsome and consideration for the new mansion.

ME: Thanks bro you too are looking Handsome by the way where are others?

SAM: oh there they are (points at a direction)

ME: Hey guys how are you all doing (excited as he met them after so much time).

THEY: Hey long time no see and we are doing good.(Happy)

ME: (was going to say something but his secretary came)

SECRETARY: sir the guests are waiting for you.

ME: oh coming. ok guys enjoy the party I'll be back soon.

---------- ANDREW LEFT-------------

FRIEND 1: hmm his mansion is nice though. I'm so jealous.

FRIEND 2: yeah he became more rich and I think he's holding this just to show off.

FRIEND 3: humph young masters like him never lose any chance to show off their wealth.

SAM: don't be ridiculous he's our friend and when has he ever showed off his wealth? He used to eat at shabby place because of us and never complained. He's a good friend that not everyone has.

FRIEND 1,2,3: silent.


FRIEND 1: he's also just After his money .

FRIEND 2: Yeah, such a boot licker.

FRIEND 3: who cares about those two let's just enjoy the party.

------- they both nodded and left to food section----------

Everything was going well Sam and Andrew were talking happily after meeting so much time. Until those three Morons did something.

--------- some time ago----------

They were sitting on table and eating when friend 1 was going to get something but bump into someone and spilled his drink.

MR.: Are you blind can't you see where are you going?!

FRIEND1: ah sorry sir .

MR.: what will do from your sorry you ruined such an expensive suit.

FRIEND 2: sorry sir for that we can compen-

MR.: Compensate? hahaha see yourself in the mirror first can you even afford it's dry cleaning?

FRIEND 3: sir you are crossing your limit now we already apologized.

MR.: Crossing my limits? am I saying anything wrong right everyone?

--------------- they were fighting so loudly that now they were surrounded by the crowd-------------

-------------- PRESENT--------------


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