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..."Liza Marie Almante's POV"...

Walking down the hall, I can feel thier sharp gazes towards me.

Its as if I've committed a serious crime that can't be forgiven,

Although I can't blame them, the fact that they don't know anything makes it laughable.

I'm heading toward the head of the organization's office, since the head called for me for the same reason as to why these people are staring at me.

As soon as I arrived Infront of the office, I immediately open it without even knocking.

Yes I may appear disrespectful, but I have my reasons.

As I was about to enter, a bunch of paper slaps my face and hits the ground.

I closed my eyes tightly as my frustrations arises, but I took a deep breath and look at the person inside the office.

I'm mad yes probably because of the papers that slaps my face, but not as much as the person Infront of me.

"Do you know what you've done?!" He scolded, you can sense his frustrations in his voice.

But I looked at him with a smug on my face, raising one eyebrow while tilting my head a little.

My madness from what happened suddenly disappear and easily replaced with amusement.

Ofcourse who wouldn't, seeing your boss mad but knowing that he can't do anything to you is very amusing.

His frustrations grew, his face turned red and his fists were shaking.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Close the door, lets talk" he said and sat on his chair.

Ofcourse as the boss ordered, I sat on the sofa far from his table and sat facing the opposite direction where my boss is.

Even without looking I can sense his anger and walked heavily toward me and sat Infront of me.

He looked at me with burning eyes and sigh's.

"Do you know what you did?" He asked.

I smiled as if taking his question as a joke.

" I don't know" I said in a sarcastic tone.

He clenching his teeth is an absolute sign of his anger rising yet he still kept his composure.

I'm impressed not gonna lie haha.

"You failed a mission and not only that you've also put your case in the media, were currently being hunt down by a lot of instigators and detectives! And because of that our work had gone double!," As he said those words.

My eyes kept Wondering around his office.

Ofcourse he's still talking and clearly he can see that I'm not interested in hearing his scolding.

"Our budget had dropped to ground because of our people trying to keep track of those jack asses detectives and polices and keeping our online transactions a secrete had started to be hard to block, the fact that a lot of hacker's are following us! And hiring them to work for the fbi and- , ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING!" He shouted.

I just looked at him and smirks hahaha you can tell he's very angry.

"Look just disband the organization till the commotions gone down, just lay low they will eventually forget us" I calmly told him making him more angrier.

" You think this is easy! Shit! All you do is run around the organization and make a fuss about everything! Damn it!" He said irritated.

I just shrugs it off. C'mon disbanding the organization isn't a bad idea, they can just return when everything goes down.

Beside this organization is going nowhere. Our reason on making this organization is slowly fading and they just kept an eye on earnings and useless missions.

"Don't tell me you already forgot the reason we built this place?" I asked him seriously.

He was taken a back a moment but then looked away.

Ofcourse hahaha he was so focused on other things that he forgot our main target.

"Ohh well, I don't really care if you already forgot our main objective but I'm telling you, if you want this organization to survive, disband it and erase everything that we currently have, I'm leaving" I told him and stand up ready to leave.

I turned around and saw Luis entering the office.

He looked at me for a moment with dismay and looked at our boss.

" Anyway I'll be packing up, don't worry boss I'm old enough to take care of myself, if you're worried about where I will be staying well I guess I'll find a normal job and I don't know rent a house maybe" I told him and looked at him.

I smiled with sincere but I can see his sadness crawling in his eyes.

I walked out of the office heading in my room to pack up.

Boss is my father figure, since I was brought there boss was the person who took care of me.

Aside from my Friends whom I consider as a sibling, we grew up together.

Boss is 15 years older than me while my friends whom I grew up with were 5 to 10 years older than me.

I'm currently 19 years old haha surprised yes I'm young but we've experience such crucial life.

You may be wondering where are my real parents?

Well I don't know I was so young that I still don't know what's going on.

All I remember was me calling boss father and him giving me a shower that's the first memory I've got.

He told me that he's not my father and I was abducted like him since he was 8 years old.

He told me that I was kidnapped when I was 2 to be a lab rat and a killing machine.

Yeahh I was abducted by a psycho syndicate.

And yeah I did became a lab rat but I don't know about becoming a killing machine, yes I've probably killed before but that was either a mission or a necessary thing to do.

Ofcourse I'm not the only one who became a lab rat there were probably 20 of us including my friends whom I grew up with.

Boss tried to save us but he can't do anything ofcourse he's still just a teenager that time, probably 18 and all he can do in that situation is to take care of us.

Ofcourse until I was 16 when we all escape from unknown reasons.

Well not all we lost some of our friends and we all got lost and don't know where to go we don't know anything in the world since we've been locked inside that place for a really long time.

So I became a homeless person and was put to an orphanage and then was found by boss.

Boss looked for us and yet we still can't find the others even after 3 years of searching.


















...This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events and Incidents are based on the imaginations of the writer or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons,living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental....



...( THE AUTHOR'S) CONSENT**........















..."Liza Marie Almante's POV"...

Our organization was made for two reasons.

To search for the others hoping they are still alive.

And hunting down the organization who took us away from our families just to suffer and be tortured for thier own gain.

So far our research about that syndicate isn't very clear yet.

All we know is that they are making a killing machine to eliminate thier enemies and also sell them to thier contractor.

We we're also still investigating the incident that happened 3 years ago.

About who and what happened about that facility.

But ofcourse our search and investigation about who are those syndicate was and what happened slowly became an organization because of hired hackers, missionary and investigators who helped us doing those stuff.

But we also slowly lost our budget so we need a source of income and that's how we've had missions.

From kidnappings to assassin's we are hired to do those for money.

We're not bad people don't worry we're like an fbi ya know just the opposite.

We took care of rich families who hired us to either torture a certain traitor in thier company or just plain as assassinating a person who tried to kill them.

Yeahh I know, quite dark right, but we're used to it compared to what those people made us do this is nothing.

Infact we're earning and saving people, so it's a win win for us.

Anyway I need to start planning on what I'm going to do and where I'm going geez.

This is hard seems like I need to migrate to another country.

I need to start at nothing.

I'll just call hana, that bitch is a pilot in her public job.

Ohh hana is our transportation device in the organization if there's a place we needed to go.

Seems like she's gonna have a full time job now haha.

I took out my phone and immediately call her.

With a few rings she answered.

"Wtf! Do you know what time it is?" Seems like she just woke up, hearing from how her voice is.

" Ummm 2 in the afternoon?" I said while looking in my watch and holding my laughter.

"Fuck! Bitch it's 4 in the morning and I've only been asleep for over 2 hours!" Oppss sorry girl hahhaha.

" Hahha sorry I need you help" I said still feeling guilty.

Her job is not easy the fact that she just probably went home for over 2 days nonstop flights is tiring and she just got sleep for only two hours hahaha sorry gurl.

"Make it fast" she said, I can imagine her face that she 's talking while her eyes where close.

" So umm I'm planning on migrating outside the country where do you think is the best place to start out since I have nothing?" I said while taking out the luggage and packing my personal belongings.

"Well I'd recommend Bahamas since Bahamas has no income tax, but then Singapore is a fine city too, hong kong is also great since food there were amazing haha, wait what? Why are you leaving anyway?"wow it took her a while to realize that.

"Well boss will tell you soon, better rest before that happens though hahaha, anyway i don't want to go in bahamas that jerk is probably there" I drop my phone beside me and put on a loud speaker.

"Did boss kick you out?, Ohh wait how did you know he's there hahaha" yup so I was right.

" Anyway let's forget about daniel and no I wasn't kicked out alright you'll find out soon, so any other suggestions?"

I took out my portfolio full of papers and put it in a separate luggage, these papers are important.

"Well mexico is also a choice hmm but if you want there is a place I own in the Philippines you can stay there though you gotta find a job". What?

"Philippines? Where's that? And you have a place there why?" What the she have a property never heard of that.

" Well Philippines has a lot of great island so yeah I bought a property its just a small house though so yeahh wanna stay there?" Wow she wants me to take care of her house.

"Fine but can people there understand english and is it hard to find a job there?" Ughh gotta research where is that Philippines is.

"Don't worry pilipinos second language is English so they can understand you, you won't have a hard time especially with those kind of people, pilipinos are so sweet so there's no problem on communication and getting along with them but job is a problem" job why?

"So having a job there is difficult?"

" Well it depends, I really don't know since I've only stayed there for a minimum time you'll figure yourself out besides you can just ask your neighbor about having a job there"what the?

"Why the hell would I ask a stranger about having a job?!"

"I told you people there are kind so they will help you okay just be careful okay there some people might scam you but a lot of people will help you there okay, ohh I know you're planning on asking me to get you there don't worry I'll ask my co-pilot to get you a free flight to Philippines, now don't call back I need sleep kay bye" and she hang up.

Fine whatever. Good thing google exist.

Well gotta pack first then take time to research Philippines.





















..."Liza Marie Almante POV"...


Wow people here seems cheerful.

I have arrived in the Philippines and yes I did some research about this place so I guess that's it.

Walking out of the airport, I gotta find a taxi to take me to Hana's house.

Well it's not that hard to find one since they're already Infront of the place so I just had to give the address.

I opened a door and told the taxi driver where I'm going and he nodded.

Well it's been a long day, so I gotta take a nap for a while.


Hana's place isn't so bad just enough for me to live.

It's not that small but also not too big.

Just enough it's like normal apartment.

I entered and started unpacking.

Hana's probably hasn't been in her house for a while since there are so many dust guess I need to clean.

But I'm still tired from the trip urghhh this is annoying.

Fine I'm gonna clean.

I need to buy some cleaning supplies and also personal hygiene products as well.

Anyway good thing I exchange my money to Philippines money and took the time to search how currency's work here.

I heard there's a lot of convenient store here somewhere.

So I go out to find one.

This place isn't so bad. There are kids playing around while thier mom's just chatting around and looking after thier kid's.

I just looked at them, huh kids life is so easy, I wonder if that would've been my childhood if I weren't abducted.

Well its a decade too late to regret now, it's not like it's my fault that I was kidnapped I'm still just a child that time so yeah.

Well gotta find a convenient store.

"Ohh hello po" a kid approached me.

I looked at her wondering what does she want?.

" Ang ganda niyo po" she said.

What? What did she say?, It must be tagalog arghh it's not easy to learn tagalog online okay, so even if I searched it it's still hard! Damn it.

I just stand there still wondering what she says.

" Ayyy amiricana ata"

"Oo nga mukang amiricana"

A lot of whisper from parents to kids started.

What the heck is going on?! Are they talking shit about me?

"Hi, can you understand tagalog" a mother approached me and smiled genuinely.

Ohh thank goodness, they really do speak English, although not fluently but you can still clearly understand it.

"Ahh no I can't, I just moved in" i said.

She just smiled and nodded.

Other mother's started to approach us too.

Ohhh no what's going on?.

" Ohhh really, what's your name?" they asked.

"Uhmm liza ma'am" I said politely.

Ohhh heard that you should be polite to people older than you here in the Philippines.

They smiled and introduce themselves and so as their kids.

Alright I need to asked them about the convenience store.

"Uhmm may I ask? Is there a convenience store nearby?" I ask them and they responded.

They told me where it is but before that.

We chatted for a long time, they asked a lot of questions about how old I am, about my parents.

They also gave me tips on how to live here, what I should do and everything, I learned a lot about this place just by chatting to a couple of mother's.

Wow this place is like a complete different dimensions.

People in my state are so sophisticated and and very private.

While this place are so easy going and down to earth, they even help a complete stranger and a foreigner at most.

No wonder Hana liked this place, its easy to adjust here knowing that people here are so kind, no too kind infact it's scary you can just manipulate thier kindness.

But I guess manipulation isn't a problem here since thier kindness were all mutual.

Damn!, it took a while a before I reached the store.

A bought the things I need and like the mother's I just stumble earlier, the cashier also chatted with me for a while asking questions and giving tips about buying things and so on and so forth.

Wow I learned a lot of information yet again from a cashier hahaha not only that she also warned me about scammer and how to buy thing without getting ripped off.

I soon as we finished talking I hurriedly walked home since I still gotta clean.

I looked at the time to count how much time I would be spending to clean and arrange my things but.

Holy fuck it took me three hours! to buy just the cleaning supplies what the heck!

I didn't even realize the time I spent chatting with them seriously!.

I just closed my eyes tightly its 12 o'clock in the afternoon.

I gotta eat lunch my goodness another crisis where am I supposed to buy food!.

Ohhh wait I'll just order online, I'm so dumb.

Well gotta order some food and while we wait we have to clean.

And I also need to find a job, aghhhh living alone is tiring.

Just thinking about what am I supposed to do next is already exhausting.

But I got no choice, I'm just gonna look for a job tomorrow.

I'm gonna clean and rest for today.


Damn it!

I'm so tired and hungry,

I'm currently cleaning the bathroom by the way.

How long is my food gonna arrived jeezzz.

"'knock knock" - " food delivery po ma'am"

Ohhh myy ghaddd thank goodness,.

I hurriedly washed my hands and go to the door.

Took my wallet and open the door.

" How much?" I saw how shocked the delivery boy yet he's smiling?.

" Hungry hahaha" he said, wow his English is very good, he probably realize I'm a foreigner.

"Yeah now tell me how much"

He gave me the food and told me the price.

I payed instantly and told him to keep the change since its only 50 doll- ohh I mean pesos.

50 pesos is only one dollar by the way.

Prices here are pretty cheap so I have enough money to survive in a month or so.

But I still need to look for a job, I wonder what kind of job.

I finished my food and rest for a bit then continue the cleaning it took a while but exactly 4 in the afternoon I finished cleaning and unpacking my things.

And since its dinner time already I ordered some food. again.

























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