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Quick Transmigration: Take On Scheming Boss

Chapter 01: Release System

As a fine puppet cat, Su Yao always thinks that he is a different kind of male cat. Otherwise, why other males are tall and healthy, but only he has thin skin, tender flesh, delicate body and easy to be pushed down.

Although he is powerful, he is different from other males.

He had tried to bask in the sun for a few days, trying to tan his skin, but it was still as white and tender as before.

The devil is just deliberately against him.

He can see that all of his companions have stop being single, one by one. Some of them even have their wives and children on the hot bed together. But him have been single for hundreds of years, and still a single dog...Ah, bah, a single cat.

Su Yao sighed with great melancholy, "When will it be my turn to stop being single in this damned life?"

No. 052, which is floating around looking for its host, heard the sound as if it was a sigh from the soul, and then quickly drifted away in the direction of the sound.

No. 052 saw Su Yao with a pair of legs and a dog tail grass in his mouth. He looked soft and easy to deceived.

"Boy, you are eager for milk, Bah,do you want to be gone in the single list? I can help you."

Hearing this, Su Yao sat up half at once, his eyes burst into light, "Who is talking?"

Su Yao looked for a circle, but did not find a person, and immediately let out his anger and lay down, "There is no one at all. Making me happy for nothing."

"I'm Talking. I'm here." No. 052 tried to jump in front of Su Yao to highlight his sense of existence.

Only then did Su Yao notice it. He sat up and grabbed it.

It look like a dumpling and he suddenly felt a little hungry.

He looked at 052 and swallowed.

He don't know if he can eat this?

It seems to be able to talk but I don't know if it will cause diarrhea or something if he eat it?

No. 052 seemed to be aware of Su Yao's intention and trembled with fright. "You can't eat me. I'll die if you eat me."

Hearing this, Su Yao looked at it for a long time, and then sighed, "Okay then I won't eat you."

No.052: "...."

What's the matter with your regretful tone?

"By the way, is it true that you just said you could help me stop being single?"

"Of course it is. I never lied."

"What conditions do you have?"

After all, there is no free lunch in world.

"The condition is that you need to travel through three thousand worlds to do tasks. As a reward for completing all tasks, you will be given a partner." No.052 said, "Are you excited?"

It's just that if the partner is male or women are undecided.

Su Yao's attention was completely focused on the sentence 'will give you a partner.' and nodded fiercely, "It's really exciting."

"Then let's sign a contract and become a magic boy....Bah, be a Tasker. "

Su Yao: "...."

What the hell is being magical boy? Why does he feel that this kind of system is seem a little unreliable?

Well, forget it. As long as you can get him off the list of being single successfully, everything else doesn't matter.

"Then how do we sign the contract?"

"You put me in front of your forehead first." 052 replied.

Su Yao did, and 052 put his hand on Su Yao's forehead.

No. 052 didn't let go until until a seven colored flower appeared on Su Yao's forehead.

Chapter 2: Do you play cats? I knock cute 1

"The contract has been signed successfully. Now let's get to know each other..."

No. 052 words was interrupted by Su Yao, "Tangyuan, stop talking nonsense. Let''s start now."

"Then, why do you call me Tangyuan?"

"Because you look like a dumpling." Su Yao explained.

No. 052: "..."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter what the name is. Now let me explain it to you..."

Su Yao interrupted it again. "No, I know what you want to say. It's just to do a task and then attack someone in the world."

Tangyuan: "..."

Host, how do you know this? Did you read the script secretly?

"Well, let's get to work. My knife is thirsty."

Tangyuan: "..."

Host, as a man, can't you be more reserved? No wonder you haven't succeeded in taking off in being single.

[Ding, transmitting in the first mission world 】


As soon as he entered the first mission world, Su Yao was dragged into the alley by others before he could stand firm.

He fixed his eyes and found that he was dressed in a flowing fashion. He saw that he was surrounded by men who were not a good people, and their eyes made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Boy, give your wallet out, otherwise..." The man with a red rooster's head said with a smile. His sight has been swimming on Su Yao's body.

The others also looked at him in the same way.

Su Yao's face suddenly became cold. As soon as he was about to let these gangsters know what the sky is, the sound of Tangyuan rang in his mind, "Host, your mission target has appeared."

Hearing this, Su Yao's eyes lit up. He looked up. When he saw the beautiful boy standing there, he immediately lool like a deflated ball.

Why is the target a man?

He's looking for a girlfriend, not a boyfriend.

No, maybe he is a big man in men's clothes. After all, there are some handsome girls these days. He looks like a girl himself.

And maybe they can complement each other?

As soon as Su Yao, a brain tonic, was about to rush towards his own goal, he was stopped by those thugs. "Boy, where are you going?"

Su Yao was so angry that he wanted to smash the heads of these gangsters. The kind that really smashed.

But when he thought that it would be bad for the target to be scared away by the ferocious scene, he had to give up the idea and call for the help instead.

"Help! I'm being robbed!"

Qin Yuan heard the call for help, then looked over. When he saw the boy wearing the same school uniform as him, he immediately frowned.

"Tut, what a trouble!" He said so, but he walked over.

"I said, could you please let this fellow from the same school as me, go? "

The Red rooster head stepped forward, reached out and pushed him, "Boy, you'd better not meddle in our business, or you'll get into trouble."

"That's a pity. I'm not afraid of trouble." Qin Yuan put his schoolbag on the ground, then quickly flashed to the back of the red rooster's head, grabbed his arm, and directly throw him over the his shoulder.

The red rooster got up from the ground and felt his nose hot. He put out his hand and wiped it. After he found that he had nosebleed, he became immediately angry, "Kao! Brothers, kill this son of a bitch for me."

Chapter 3: Cats, I Knock cute 2

The gangsters reaction are 'you look at me, and I look at you' then they all rush towards Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan fights with them. The red rooster picks up a stick from the ground, and then goes behind Qin Yuan.

Seeing that the stick was about to go down and his mission goal was about to be finished.

Su Yao, regardless of other things, rushed directly to the fight and lifted the red rooster's head with one hand, and then smashed it hard on the ground, making a hole directly.

Qin Yuan and those gangsters looked back and were immediately silent.

Su Yao quickly pretended that he was afraid and was weak. He said innocently, "This....what's going on? Who appeared here just now?"

Qin yuan: "..."

The gangsters: "..."

Tangyuan: "..."

"Boss, boss, are you ok?" A gangster with green hair rushed to the side of the red rooster's head.

The red rooster couldn't respond to him because he had already fainted.

The green haired man looked up at Su Yao with a fierce expression, "Stinky boy, what have you done to our boss?"

Su Yao didn't answer his question. Instead, he looked at his green hair for several seconds. Then he asked curiously, "Why did you dye you hair a green? Could you be green by your, your ex girlfriend?"

#If you want to live well, how can you not have a little green on your head? #

The green hair man who was stabbed in the sore spot , suddenly froze. "Asshole! What are you talking about?! How can a woman dare to put a green hat on me in this world?"

"Explanation is a cover up, cover up is fact. Young man, face the reality firmly because, soon you will be green by your current girlfriend."

Su Yao looked at the green haired man with sympathy in his eyes.

Man with green hair: "..."

"Asshole! I'll kill you now!" The green haired man roared at Su Yao.

As a result, before he can touched Su Yao, he pushed him to the wall and couldn't pull out.

Su Yao shook his head and sighed, "Hey, why do you have to let me do it? Is it not good reason?"

The surroundings were silent and the atmosphere became more and more strange.

Su Yao raised his eyes again and looked at the remaining gangsters. "Do you have anything you want to say? If you don't, get out of here quicky."

"'re going, we're going!" The gangsters, with red rooster heads and green haired men, fled without looking back, as if some beast were chasing them.

Qin Yuan bent down to pick up his bag, patted the dust on it and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that he was about to leave, Su Yao stopped him.

Qin Yuan stop and he turns around, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Su Yao walked over quickly with a brilliant smile on his face. "Thank you for saving me. This is..."

He took out his pocket and pulled out a strawberry candy.

Su Yao ignore the three seven or twenty-one, and directly put the sugar in Qin Yuan's hand. "This is a thank you gift. I'll go first. Goodbye."

As soon as the words fell, he ran out of the alley like a gust of wind.

Qin Yuan looked down at the strawberry candy in his palm and suddenly laughed, "It's strange that a boy likes to eat this kind of food."

He put the strawberry candy in the pocket of his school uniform and walked away.

On the other side.

Su Yao boasted to Tangyuan, "How about it? Did I play well just now?"

"You're completely exposed. Fool!" Tangyuan spit mercilessly. "Which weak teenager who would knock down a bully with one punch?"

Su Yao's expression on his face suddenly froze, "Well, I just exposed myself because I was afraid of being killed by the red rooster's head. Usually my acting skills are very good. Believe me."

"I believe! I believe you graduated from the Central Academy of drama fine arts."

What else can I do other than coax him?

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