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His Wife

Return flashback

Kathy stepped out from the airport.

She hailed a taxi then got in.

"I'm back" She muttered.

There's a smile on her face.

Four years ago, she left Capital City.

She looked at the scenery outside the car. it's been a while.

The City didn't change too much.


When she was thirteen, her mom passed away. Then a man came and brought her to mansion.

When she arrived, there's a couple and an old man waiting for her.

After hearing their explanation, it turned out that old man was her grandma's friend.

And the lady was her mother's best friend.

Since then, she lived with them.

When she was fifteen, Grandpa Davis told her that she was his grandson's fiance.

She smiled and thought that maybe only grandpa's joke.

But after her age turned nineteen, Grandpa Davis told her that his grandson already returned to Capital City and he wanted to have family dinner.

Since she stepped into the college, she stayed at the dorm.

She only returned to mansion at weekend or holiday .

So, that day, grandpa called her and asked her to come to mansion.

When she arrived, she saw a white sports car stopped at the outside the mansion.

A man walked out and he looked so handsome, he walked towards the door and the butler and servants greeted him.

She was dumbfounded and she followed by his back.

"Miss.." they greeted her too.

"Alex, you're back" Aunt Jessy walked towards him and he totally ignored her.

He only looked at her coldly and walked past her.

"what kind of attitude is that? that man is really arrogant and rude"

Kathy saw Aunt Jessy 's sad face, she felt sympathy for her.

She saw Aunt Jessy wiped her tears.

Jessy looked at Kathy who was standing at the door.

"Kay. you're here too"

"Aunt..I'm sorry, I'm late'

Kathy walked towards her and hugged her.

Aunt Jessy always treated her like her own daughter.

"come in, grandpa is waiting for you at inside"

They walked into the living room and saw grandpa was sitting on the couch with uncle James and that man.

"grandpa, uncle"

"hey my sweetheart, here" grandpa waved at her and patted the seat beside him.

Kathy walked towards him and sat down, she hugged him.

"grandpa, I miss you"

"grandpa miss you too"

Suddenly James said, " so how about me ?"

Kathy looked up and let go her hug and looked at James.

"of course, I miss you too, uncle James"

James laughed.

Grandpa patted her shoulder and asked,

" how are you? you, little girl, if grandpa didn't call you back, you never showed up"

"I'm sorry grandpa, my schedule is little tight, but I promise you as soon as I have the time , I will immediately come and accompany you"

"good girl"

At the same time, the butler came and said dinner was ready.

"let have the dinner"

they all walked towards the dinning table

Look at the round table was filled with delicious food, Kathy smiled.


Seeing her smile , grandpa was satisfied.

"little girl. Grandpa know you will like these. Your aunt asked the servants cook your favorite dishes"

"grandpa you're the best" then she turned to Jessy.

"thank you , auntie and uncle"

" come on. sit "

Kathy usually seat beside grandpa, but her seat was taken by that man.

Because off that, she took the place between Jessy and that man.

They started to eat , and uncle asked her about her college, she answered them one by one.

All the time, that man only answered when grandpa asked him.

Kathy didn't know that man, so she ignored him but she also felt a sharp gaze directly to her.

She turned her head to her left side and saw that man looked at her.

Grandpa realized something and he said,

"Alex, this is Kay, Katherine, she is the one that I told you. She is your fiancee"

When Kathy heard that , she almost choked.

She coughed. Jessy quickly gave her her water and patted her back.

" be careful" Grandpa said.

This must be joking. No way , right..

Kathy looked at his cold face, she admitted that man is so handsome, but he looked so arrogant and just now, he was so rude. and looked a lot older than her.

Grandpa and Uncle James looked at Kathy who was looking at Alexander.

"grandpa, you are joking again right?"

Kathy returned to look at grandpa.

"of course not, you two have been betrothed since birth. didn't I tell you last time?"

then he continued,

"this is the promise between me and your grandma"



That man, Alexander looked at his grandpa then Kathy.

and suddenly opened his mouth.

He looked at Kathy . Kathy felt intimidated by his gaze.

He didn't like her. That's the only thought popped up in her mind.

Fine, she also didn't like him.

Hearing his words, grandpa's smile faded.

Suddenly, his face became stern.

"Because I said so"

Then he put down his bowl and walked to upstairs.

Alexander looked at Kathy and Kathy felt goosebumps.

That man was so scary. his gaze really scary.

Alex stood up and walked out.

"Alex.." uncle James called him.

Alex stopped and asked without looking at his father.

"what do you want? , don't try to interfere with my life"

then he walked out from the mansion.

Kathy looked at James and Jessy, she felt sympathy with them.

That bastard.

what's exactly happened to them.

Why did he seem to hate his parents so much.

Kathy wanted to call Alex and scolded him but Uncle stopped her and said,

"Kay, don't mind him, he's always like that"


A month after that day. Kathy heard that Alex agreed to marry her.

She didn't know why?

But their marriage would be held after Kathy was twenty.

She remembered two weeks after her twenty birthday , suddenly Alexander came with a beautiful woman beside her.

He told them that he wouldn't marry Kathy.

She also knew that Alex was forced by his grandpa.

But his actions really hurt her and humiliated her.

She herself also didn't want to get married so soon especially with that stinky face.

She has her own dreaming wedding.

She wanted to fell in love with someone and married him.

She wanted to married a man who loves her too.

After declaring himself, he left with that woman.

Grandpa Davis fainted from anger.

They all brought him to the hospital.

Grandpa felt guilty.

Kathy reassured him that he doesn't need to feel guilty and didn't need to fulfill his promise to her grandma.

She told him that she is happy to be his granddaughter.

She said she also didn't want to marry with someone who didn't love her.

Uncle James also agreed with Kathy.

After being persuaded by them, Grandpa finally calmed down and felt more better.

From that day, Kathy also found out that Jessy is James's second wife.

After his first wife passed away, he married Jessy.

That's why Alexander hates Jessy, he thought Jessy was the cause of his mother's death.

Alexander also hates Kathy because she is Jessy's best friend's daughter.

Alexander has an aunt. His mother's sister, Hana.

Alexander's aunt hates Jessy.

After her sister passed away, she thought she would replace her sister as James's wife.

But she didn't expect that James brought his lover in.

Since that day, she hates them.

As usually, Kathy would spend her weekend or holiday in Davis Mansion.

But that day was her unlucky day.

James and his wife weren't at home, They went to their vacation.

Grandpa also went to his friend's place.

So Kathy was alone at the mansion.

That night, she didn't expect that Alexander would return to mansion.

and he was drunk.

And the unexpected things happen to them.

The next day, when Kathy woke up, Alexander was no where to found.

Kathy felt like she's been crushed by a truck.

She lost her virginity to Alexander.

Kathy was crying for whole day .

But she couldn't do anything. Everything was already happened.

After that day. as usually, Alexander never back again

A month later, She felt uncomfortable.

She was so scare. She was afraid that she would be pregnant.

But when her period came, she felt relieved.

A week later, from the butler she found out Alexander already returned to Capital City.

So she tried to avoid him. She rarely returned to mansion.

No one knows about that night.

A year later, Kathy went aboard for her study.

She brought a ticket and flew out looking for her best friend Alena.

When she was at aboard, she tried to work part time with Alena's help.

Alena is a designer.

Kathy has pretty face and beautiful figure. she followed Alena's suggestions.

She worked part time as a model , and she also started to learn about photography.

Now she already became a professional photographer.

After spending four years at aboard. She finally returned.

Kathy already found an apartment for herself, so after getting the taxi, she asked the driver sent her to her new address.

Alena was still at Paris.

She already called Kathy and said she would return in two weeks.

After taking a shower, she went out to have her dinner.

She also went to buy some stuffs for her apartment.

When she returned to her apartment, she saw few messages from grandpa and Aunt Jessy.

All these years, she never cut off their communication.

She smiled when she read thier messages.

She quickly replied them before she went to bed.


Alexander was reading the documents when Sonia walked in.

They dated when they were in college, then she left him for her career as a model.

Then she came back again that year.

Yes, She was the woman that he brought that day.

When he announced wasn't going to marry Kathy.

Since that day, Sonia has always been beside him, even though they already broke up, but Alexander still let her stay beside him.

Sonia is also a model under Alexander's company.


"Why did you come? don't you have a shoot today?"

" I'm tired so I asked to cancel today's schedule"

Then she walked over to Alexander.

She was wearing a tight dress which made her look sexy.

Without lifting his head, Alexander said,

"you shouldn't always cancel your schedule, be professional"

Sonia walked over and sat on his lap while her hands were on his neck.

She was stroking his ear to try to seduce him.

"But I miss you, you rarely see me lately"

Alexander held his breath, he let go of Sonia's hand from him and pushed her off his lap.

" Sonia, Behave"

Sonia doesn't want to give up, she throws herself again at him and starts to kiss his neck.

Alexander's face was darkened. He tried to push her again.

"Sonia , I have to work"

"Alex, I miss you, Why..?"

Sonia started to sob. She already tried so hard to seduce him, but she doesn't know why he changed.

"why? is it because of her? don't you hate her? she's gone. Alex. Didn't you already reject this arranged marriage? then why ..? Alex, I love you, I still love you. I know I was wrong that time to leave you. but as you see I finally came back to you"

" Sonia, don't cross your line, all this time I have let you by my side because of our agreement. Don't try to interfere with my personal affairs"

Sonia wiped her tears and laughed.

"you're still like always, you know I love you but you're heartless"

Then she walked out from his office.

Alexander looked at the closing door.

He put down his documents and closed his eyes.

Those watery eyes still crossed his mind.

That night, he raped her.

Even though he was drunk, but he still knew it was her, her beautiful eyes, she didn't wear her thick glasses and she was wearing a pair of shorts and pajamas.

She looked so beautiful and attractive.

Maybe that night was really her bad luck, she must have woken up because she was thirsty.

But she didn't expect to meet him.

Alexander remembered that night he was a little drunk.

He knew that Kathy was startled when she saw him. she quickly wanted to leave.

But Alexander felt she was attractive and immediately grabbed her when she walked past him.

he wrapped his arms around her waist. she was so soft.

And her lips are so seductive.

Kathy tried to let herself go from him.

seeing her rejection made him want to conquer her.

He sealed her lips with his and he raped her.

He looked at Kathy who had already fallen asleep because of exhausted.

He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

After that, he woke up and went to the bathroom.

He actually felt guilty, but his hatred blinded him.

He left the mansion early in the morning.

Alexander looked at the picture of her mother on his table.

He doesn't know why he hates Kathy, even though there's no reason for that.

Maybe he hates her because her mother was the one introducing his step mother to his father, maybe he hates her because his grandpa forced him to marry her just because she was his grandpa's first love granddaughter.

But after that night, he felt something weird happened to himself.

He didn't like to touch another woman.

Every time he makes out with someone, he will remember her face.

All he knew, she was aboard, he didn't know where she was.

She disappeared.

He knows his grandpa helped her hide herself from him.

Now. it's been four years since she disappeared.

He took the documents again and started to sign them.

After a while. his assistant came .

"Sir, Old master wants you to return to the mansion for family dinner this Saturday"

"I got it"

Then he lifted up his face to see Leo still standing in front of him.

"Anything else?"

"Sir, our new product is almost complete. Now we need to find a model to advertise that. We already contacted Ms Sonia, but we seem to find a photographer for that, because the last one had a problem with Ms.Sonia so he doesn't want to take this job"

Their company actually has three photographers but all of them have a tight schedule.

Beside that, they also avoid working with Sonia because of her bad temperament.

Sonia is arrogant, she likes to do whatever she wants.

Working with her was so tiring.

"Try to contact DK, maybe they have the solution"

"Yes , Sir"

Then Leo walked out.

DK is a model agency company, DK belongs to Danny.

Danny is Ryan' s little brother.

while Ryan is Alexander's best friend.

What Alexander doesn't know is that Danny is Alena's boyfriend, he is also Kathy"s best friend.

The three of them were best friends since high school.

This time, Kathy is back and she works at Danny's place as one of his photographers.

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