NovelToon NovelToon

Becoming a True Man with the Help of a System

Episode 1

"I'm sorry Aldo, you're just too good for me..."

Aldo was dumbfounded by his girlfriend's words, as she unexpectedly released his handhold with a sorrowful expression.

"It looks like we need to end our relationship right here, right now," she said, without giving Aldo a single glance, still stunned.

It took a moment for Aldo to snap out of his shock, "B-but why Alyssa? Why are you suddenly breaking up with us like this?"

Aldo was in disbelief, considering he and Alyssa had been dating for the past month, making promises of a bright future together - and yet, she was the one calling it quits now.

"Every time we're together, I keep thinking about how you're too good for someone as flawed as I am. I don't deserve to be by your side any longer..."

"But I don’t mind that, haven’t I always said I’d accept you just as you are? And you're not as bad as you make it out to be, honestly."


They debated in the deserted city street, freshly damp from a rain that had just ceased, while Aldo and Alyssa both wore scarves to ward off the night's chill.

Aldo wasn't prepared to lose Alyssa and continued to plead for her to stay at his side as his one and only girlfriend.

But despite Aldo's efforts to hold onto his love, the woman, on the contrary, desired to part ways with him without clear reason.

Until eventually, Aldo found he could no longer maintain his grip on this love...

"I'll be returning your gift," Alyssa said, removing her scarf and handing it to a still silent Aldo.

"May you find happiness elsewhere, without me," she continued before heading to the bus stop, leaving Aldo alone in the deserted street.

Aldo bit his lip in frustration, holding the returned scarf as a symbol of their parting.

Looking up, Aldo gazed at the star-filled dark sky. Just recently, they were both admiring the stars together, and now they had split.

No sob could be heard from Aldo while tears couldn't fall - his tears had long run dry after years of crying over similar matters.

"What’s so wrong with being a good person!"

Aldo cried out to the sky, venting the pent-up emotions accrued over the years.

It wasn't the first time Aldo was broken up with for being too nice, and it had happened repeatedly.

His relationships never lasted long, usually collapsing three weeks into the courtship, but this time had reached a month.

His relationship with Alyssa turned out to be his longest romance, though it, too, had failed.

"On second thought, my fate is indeed quite sad," mused Aldo with a bitter smile.

He wasn't born into wealth, his education wasn’t as extensive as others', but through sheer hard work, he managed to secure a job in the entertainment industry.

The salary he earned was just enough to get by in Jakarta, and Aldo could afford to offer Alyssa only one gift, a red scarf previously owned by his exes.

Though a sad boy, it was true Aldo had more than 100 ex-girlfriends, each leaving him with the same pain...

"Am I destined to be a bachelor for life?" Aldo wondered bitterly.

Now 27, by conventional standards, he should have been establishing a family, like peers his age, but ironically, he was still grappling with finding a life partner.

Aldo couldn’t even return to his hometown due to relatives constantly inquiring, "When will you marry?"

"How am I supposed to marry when I can’t even get past the trial phase with girlfriends!" Aldo exclaimed in frustration, finding his neighbors insufferable.

Aldo vented until he was out of breath, only for a strange voice suddenly to fill his head, shocking him.

[Confirming a suitable user for the system. Would you like to accept merger with the system?]

Aldo, startled, looked around and saw no one, just as the voice resonated again.

[You need not panic; the system is actually within you.]

*This can't be a hallucination\,* Aldo thought.

"What exactly are you, and how can you exist within me?" Aldo asked, somewhat perplexed.

[I am a system that will assist you in becoming a true man; you have been selected by the system because you are the most pitiable person in the world.]

"What do you know about my life?!" Aldo retorted angrily, acknowledging his sad state but resentful of others stating it so casually.

[I know all about your 157 heartbreaks and your use of adult magazines for pe-]

"STOP!! STOP!!! Don't say another word!" Aldo interrupted in panic; his face flush with embarrassment as his deepest secrets were nearly revealed.

[Are you now convinced by the system?]

For some reason, Aldo felt a smug tone from the system when it asked that question.

" long as you don't divulge too much of my secrets..."

Resigned to the reality of the bizarre system within him, Aldo yearned to alter his sad destiny.

"In that case, I accept the system merger!" Aldo declared decisively, entrusting his fate to the system.

[A wise decision, you are now my master!]

[Initiating merger!]



"Is that it?"

Aldo was puzzled; he felt the same as before the system's merger, nothing special seemed to occur.

[Complete, Master.]

[Would you like to display the status window?]

*This just keeps getting more like a game\,* Aldo thought\, and consented to the system's suggestion.

A semi-transparent screen materialized before Aldo, displaying his various statuses:


Name: Aldo 【☆】

Age: 27 years

Strength: 9

Endurance: 5

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 18

Charisma: 21

Special Abilities: 【None】

System Points: 100

Ability Points: 100

[Lucky Spin] [Inventory]


"Such a dismal status..." Aldo mused with a wry smile.

His status was unremarkable except for above-average intelligence. Although bright, he hadn’t continued his education due to financial issues.

Luckily, a kind soul offered him a job at an entertainment company, and Aldo had managed to survive there to date.

"System, what's the significance of the star next to my name?"

[It denotes your statistics ranking; the higher your stats, the more stars you will receive. Essentially, it’s similar to a leveling system in video games.]

Aldo nodded in understanding before inquiring about the System and Ability Points.

The system explained.

[System Points are used to spin the lucky wheel, which offers a variety of special abilities and vital items as prizes, while Ability Points are used to upgrade your abilities in time.]

"Perhaps with this, my unlucky bachelorhood at 27 will finally change..." Aldo mused, an ember of hope reignited.

Episode 2

The next day, Aldo awoke from his slumber considerably later than usual, his exhaustion from the previous night weighing heavily upon him. Yawning broadly, he glanced at the wall clock which displayed 10:34 AM.

"It seems skipping work for a day won't hurt," Aldo mused, fully able to envision his boss's fury should he arrive late.

"Besides, I've got more pressing matters to attend to today, system are you there?" Aldo continued, summoning his system.

[I am ever at your service, sir.]

*Thank heavens this isn't just a dream\,* Aldo thought\, relieved.

"Do you have a mission for me today?" Aldo inquired, hoping for something worthwhile from the system. However, the system's reply wasn't quite what Aldo had hoped for.

[A true gentleman must possess an exotic physique to attract passionate admiration from women; thus, your first mission is to exercise.]


[Daily Mission]

-Jog for 1 km

-Perform 30 push-ups

-Perform 30 sit-ups


10 System Points

10 Ability Points

Cash RP 10,000


"Isn't there a more useful mission than exercising, perhaps one that would instantly fortify my body or grant me wealth?"

Aldo felt a tinge of disappointment with his system, which seemed less useful than those he'd read about in novels or comics.

[I am a system that assists you in becoming a true gentleman, not in amassing wealth. Financial concerns are your own affair.]

[Moreover, the system generously bestows cash rewards upon mission completion. Is that not enough?]

*Honestly\, it's far from enough. A measly 10\,000 can barely cover a packed meal; what does it know about living expenses?* Aldo pondered in disbelief.

Despite his frustration, Aldo couldn't reject the missions given by his system, believing they might lead him to a brighter future.

"Very well, I'll accept the mission," Aldo declared, and rose from his bed.

Dressed in worn shoes, shorts, and a white T-shirt, Aldo set out to accomplish his assigned task.

But before he could depart his boarding house, he was unexpectedly called out to.

"Ah, Mr. Night Owl is up. It's rare to see you awake at this hour, had a wild time with your girlfriend last evening?”

Aldo rolled his eyes, disinclined to engage with the landlady taunting him loudly; she was a gossiping widow with a penchant for trouble.

"Ah Ms. Santan, I was merely exhausted from work yesterday, that's why I'm up late today...” Aldo responded with a strained smile.

"Oh, is that so? My apologies for jumping to conclusions," Ms. Santan exclaimed, her surprise feigned.

"Oh, by the way, my daughter will be marrying a wealthy manager in a few months, and I hope you can make it to the celebration," she added, the words 'wealthy manager' heavily emphasized.

"Is that so? Please extend my congratulations to your kind and beautiful daughter," Aldo replied, still maintaining the façade of a grin.

What Ms. Santan didn't know was that her daughter was one of Aldo's many ex-girlfriends from months ago; now, Aldo harbored no feelings for her or any of his previous partners, as there were far too many to remember.

"So, when will it be your turn to marry?"

Ms. Santan's question was one Aldo abhorred. If he could, he would have already married his first love. Unfortunately, fate wasn't so kind.

Reflecting on his fate only soured Aldo's mood further.

"I'll marry when I find the perfect woman, rather than rushing into it and ending in divorce," Aldo remarked sternly, meeting Ms. Santan's eyes with intent.

His words a clear jab at Ms. Santan's hasty marriage which resulted in a bitter divorce.

Ms. Santan's face flushed with anger, humiliated for the first time by someone much younger--and someone she despised.

"Y-you, apologize this instant, or I'll have you removed!" the landlady spat.

Aldo was fed up with the conniving woman and without a second thought, he flipped her off.

"Keep your filthy place and your foul mouth to yourself!"

"In that case, consider yourself evicted from my boarding house indefinitely. Go sleep under a bridge, you scoundrel!" Ms. Santan shouted.

Onlookers and neighbors who witnessed the commotion remained indifferent, as if such altercations were commonplace.

"That old hag is kicking up a fuss again."

"With a wealthy son-in-law, she's grown too bold."

"Just let Ms. Santan be; it's best we stay out of it!"

Ms. Santan glared at the gossiping neighbors, driving them away.

Meanwhile, Aldo efficiently packed his few possessions into a large backpack; his sparse belongings did not require much time to organize.

The decrepit boarding house was hardly comfortable, fraught with mosquitos at night and roaches by day, with an occasional rat skirmish overhead that disturbed Aldo's sleep.

Indeed, such were the amenities one could expect for a million a month...

Aldo was eager to leave, but Ms. Santan blocked his path once more, "Hey! Don't think you can just walk out, pay this month's rent first!"

*It's not even mid-month and she's hounding me for rent? What a greedy shrew!* Aldo scoffed silently.

However, Aldo, wanting no further dealings, handed over a million to the landlady.

"There, that's more like it..."

With a triumphant smile, Ms. Santan used the money as a fan.

"Now be on your way and stay away from this area," she proclaimed smugly.

*Just you wait\, you vile woman\,* Aldo swore internally before leaving her presence.

Her face alone was enough to make Aldo's blood boil.

[To epitomize a true gentleman: stand your ground, particularly against a woman, make decisions firmly, and be ready to face the consequences. You are awarded: 50 System Points, 50 Ability Points, +5 Charisma]

*So\, positive actions can yield rewards... this is intriguing\,* Aldo pondered.

Episode 3

Hungry, thirsty, and tired—that's how Aldo felt.

The sun blazed fiercely overhead, scorching Aldo as he walked along the roadside. The hefty backpack on his shoulders grew heavier with each step of his fatigued stride.

After being kicked out of his lodging, Aldo wandered without destination until a bus stop appeared before him. Desolate and inviting, it was the perfect place to rest.

Leaning on the bench, Aldo stretched his aching legs, which felt as though they might break at any moment. He reached into his pocket, withdrawing his wallet to count his meager funds.

"79,000 rupiah, I'm pretty much broke..." Aldo muttered, inspecting the cash he carried, but thankfully he also had bank savings.

Using his cracked-screen phone, Aldo checked his account balance and managed a faint smile at the sight of the remaining three million or so.

"That should be enough to rent a room for a month," he mumbled, tucking his wallet away.

He intended to put his phone back too, but it rang, though nobody was calling.

"It's from Mom."

Aldo answered the call, adopting a more cheerful and lively tone.

"Hi, Mom, what's up? It's rare for you to call at this hour."

From the other end came the innocent voice of a woman, "Nothing special. Just wanted to see how you're doing."

After a pause, she continued, "How have you been lately? Any troubles at work? You're not involved with any bad people, are you?"

"No, Mom, everything's fine. No need to worry about me. How are you, Dad, and my sibling? Everyone okay?" Aldo replied amiably.

"We're all doing well here. By the way, do you have enough money? We've had a decent harvest and made a good sale of rice these past two days. How about I send you some money?"

Aldo patiently waited for her to finish before replying, "No need, Mom. My job here pays well enough to support me, so there's no need to send money. Just save it or buy yourself something nice."

"Okay, dear, but remember you can call me if you need money."

"Sure, sure..."

Even though Aldo was in dire need of money, he couldn't accept his parents' hard-earned cash.

As the eldest child, he wanted to lighten his parents' burden.

The two chatted for nearly ten minutes before his mother revisited the inevitable question they faced in each call.

"By the way, when are you planning to get married? Your father and I aren't getting any younger, and we'd love a grandchild. I hope you'll settle down soon with Novita."

*Who is Novita?* Aldo thought\, utterly bemused.

He'd dated over a hundred women, many whose names he had forgotten, so naturally, Aldo couldn't recall one named Novita—or how she could have possibly met his mother.

[Novita was your first girlfriend 10 years ago. She's known to your mother because you introduced her yourself.]

The System's reminder jogged Aldo's memory about his first girlfriend. Back then, he was thrilled to have a partner and even confided in his mother about her.

Unfortunately, their relationship didn't last long as Novita left without a clear explanation.

If only his mother knew that since Novita, Aldo had dated over a hundred women. But he couldn't let his parents know that.

"Is everything okay with you and Novita?"

"A- ah... Novita and I are fine, Mom. Don't worry, I'll be settling down soon enough and giving you lots of grandchildren!"

"Ha-ha, don't overdo it. Five to ten grandchildren will be more than enough to brighten our old age," she chuckled before hanging up cheerfully with a final good laugh.

Aldo didn't lower his phone yet, staring blankly as his body froze upon hearing his mother's parting words.

The System's voice soon snapped him back to reality.

[New mission triggered]


[Special Mission]

-Find Novita

-Get married promptly and have 10 children

-Make your parents proud of your virility in child-making


1 billion System Points

1 billion Skill Points

1 Billion Dollars

100 extra years of life


"What sort of ridiculous mission is this!" Aldo exploded with frustration, itching to strike the System for such a ludicrous assignment.

[True manhood is proven by potency; the more children you father, the more your virility is evident in satisfying your wife.]

"This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Why would you listen to my nonsensical mother?"

A mission arises from a trigger, and this time, clearly, it was from Aldo's mother.

[Do not worry, Master, as the System will always assist you.]

[Special reward from the System: the Strong Man's Pill. Consuming this will turn your babymaker as strong as a dragon.]

"What is with this reward? I don't need this weird thing at all! And what's a babymaker?"

[It is—]

"I said don't explain!" Aldo cut off the System from stating anything more on the sensitive topic.

Sitting back at the bus stop bench, Aldo was overcome with frustration, uncertain where to start with the accursed mission.

He realized the absurdity of the task, but the rewards were even more nonsensical.

Creating children seemed easy to Aldo—just a matter of "in and out,” as he'd learned from certain "educational" videos he watched for stress relief.

But parenting is the true challenge—what would he feed them when hungry? Surely not pebbles.

Hence, before having children, Aldo needed a considerable sum of money.

Alright, that much was clear. But now the question was: who would want to bear Aldo's children? His romantic endeavors always failed, so how could he possibly find the perfect woman?

Thinking of all this gave Aldo a headache as his stomach growled louder.

"Better find something to eat before I tackle the next step. After all, I can deal with the mission anytime."

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