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CHAPTER 1 my first crush

"Hello , you real want to do this...?"

(Introduction my self to miss magumi)

Megumi : "Hello there mr Skuna-san. How are you , it's been a while.."

"Shall we start now.."

Skuna : "Yes...

I was not good at love, But i had a girlfriend and we were every other love story my love story is also quite dramatic. She will be ok with that ...

Megumi : "Don't worry about her , i am here with you now , it will be fine"

Skuna : "I wish........

I think i went too far

let's start my journey from the beginning, but you remember over deal right?"

Several years earlier....

"When I was in third std I had my first crush already.She lived near my house. We played together everyday,she like to play with me as well

She was a clever one , we were in different school , but we went to same tution classes i want to go her school so bad,i want to be with her every minute of my life so i decide to go to same school as her. So i told my parents about this and they agreed but as school was already started after this year they put in the same school as her.

After a tution classes we played at her house. We used to like running playing in park. And to impress her i do stunts on my bicycle,and she just watch me.sometimes i fall by doing stunts but she cheers my on. She record everything on her father's phone but I just don't remember it .

We played cricket . We enjoyed a lot.

During her birthday,she invited all tution friends to her birthday party. I was so excited for the birthday party,I quickly went home and i asked my mom that I want to go to my friend birthday party tonight. My mom said no because although her house was near to my house but it was not safe to come alone at night. I was upset and went to my room.

I feel so bad for not attending his birthday party i really want to go to her party but i can't

so i decided to go there whatever it's takes i sneak up through my window without changing my dirty clothes and started running towards her house. But eventually my parents find out about it

I was so happy there , we played a lot of games we eat together we enjoyed a lot and i had so much fun. Lately my peresnt came to pickup me . But i don't even care about that I was just happy to be part of her birthday.

Year passed

And i went to the school same as her and i was so happy,we walk together to school.our standard is divided into four sections class-A , class-B , class-C and class-D

I was in class -B same as her class. But i have my badluck there i accidentally seat in class-A .And teacher wrote my name in class-A so now I was officially in class-A. My parents put me in another tution classes so i stop going the tution classes as her.

Somehow we lose connection as in school she hang around with her friends and change in tution classes and at home she started playing with other girls so got separated.

every day at school,home or when we meet.she didn't even look at me.even at assembly line at school I managed to stand near her but she didnt look at me and eventually i stopped looking at her

Due to my fathers job I had to changed my house.

I made new friends and started playing with them in school eventually i forget about her.

And here is my first crush story over.

next CHAPTER...



After that it was just a normal school boy life , going to school palying with friends studing coming back from school in school bus.

I not that famous but girls sometimes talk with me.

I just sit on the last bench somtimes,one day at my school they announced a sports event which is basically a cricket match, i want to participate in that event I was so excited about it as i loved to play cricket

My class representative needed players for a cricket tournament ,so tell him to write my name for the selection

At selection day they need 11 players for the team i was very nervous but i know that i will got selected because i play cricket everyday and i got selected pretty easily.i was so happy that i got selected.

I went home and told my parents about it and they were happy my success.

Finally sports day came,our first match was with class-D studentswe won that match pretty easily.

Our class girls were cheering our team but my captain never allowed us to go near girls cheering,it's funny moment I never forget.

As the tournament progesses we managed to get in finals.

In finals due to me and my friend partnership,we won the tournament In school history,every sports event was won by class-A .

And then the year passed and I passed my standard 8 there.

There was a prestigious schooI that everone talk about and my parents want me to study there my further studies,to get an addmission in that school you need and interview and had to pass throughthat to get addmission i was so nervous about it."

At the interview

Sir :" Hello there mr. Skuna,how are you"

Skuna :" Hello , nice to meet you , i am fine "

Sir :" So.. why do you choose our school"

( Not for study,my parents wants it,i just want to enjoy my school life silly)

Skuna :"I heard that this school is very good teaching and it will be and honour for me to study at your school."

Sir :" Ok ok I understand that ,and what is your main goal what you want to became in future."

(haaaaeeeee... I never decided my goal,I don't want it either)

Skuna :"Yes , my goal is become a great businessman."

Sir( smile ) :"ok,we will meet you soon . Have a good day"

Skuna :"Thanks you sir , you too."

And when enter the school it's very huge

A very huge...

I started to live alone and rented an apartment its not bad for living.

There were many high profile students coming in that school and I was feeling so bad that some one like me manage to get in this prestigious school.

First and second day of my school was normal i was alone sitting on my bench during breaks,i saw many students making friends quickly and coming school with group of friends or with their girlfriends and i wondering when my days came like them.

At the third day of my school , i was detrmined this day i will make a friend.

I was at the gate of my school and when i take the first step.

I slipped out and fall on the ground , everyone was laughing at me.

I looked down and trying to get myself up.

Suddenly one hand came right in front of face.

When i look up it looked like a soft , bright hand shining in my eyes.

It was a girl's hand , A girl gave her hand to help me.

She stand me up, she looks so good as some angel came from heaven to help me.

She looked at me and smile, but i don't remember her. But i was thinking i had seen him somewhere.

She was very carrying and beautiful.

I want to know her name . But i can't speak i was blown by her charming and beautiful face,i just stopped there and sees her face.

It's like wind was singing a song and time was stopped there.

Suddenly out form my imagination .

She speak my name loudly.

"Skunaa,Skuna are you ok did you get hurt.

Hello skuna"

I realised

(Whattttttt the ... she know my name)

I asked her how she know me

She said "you dummy I sat next to you"

While laughing

She said "hiiii i am your classmates . Hana Hayashi ."

And i said hi nice to meet you,i am skuna............


Magumi sees a sweet smile on my face,

But i remember what has happened after that(gets emotional)

Seeing that magumi quickly changes the topic and says that "ok this for it for Today now,We should take a break here."

Skuna replied:"ok I have some work at my home so see you soon then Sukna went home.

After seeing skuna getting emotional Magumi followed skuna so that he sleeps with a smile on his face.

skuna sees him walking behind him.

but when skuna turns around magumi turn his face other way.

At Skuna house he finally asks magumi :"Dont you think this your way to home".

Magumi with crappy smile replies :" oh so you think so i forgot my way to home."

( she soo annoying)

When i opens the front door open.

Magumi was standing behind me.

getting Angry and saying :"Why are you follow me,

This not your home right."

I opens the door and was about to closing the door,Magumi pushes door to open it.

I sliiped out and falls on ground And magumi fall down on his chest.

It was so embarrassing skuna see magumi face her glasses get broken(due to falling) , her hair feel silky, her smell was good i see in magumi eyes and feel same feeling when I was little.

Magumi slap me , pushes me away and tells :"you pervert."

(Whyy is so annoying.)

Due to broken glassesMagumi decided to stay at my house for tonight

We sat different places but i clearly hear her tummy starving...

So i decide to buy some food from shop. And ask magumi to take shower first.

So i went out out and buys some food.

When i came back from shop she came out from shower in towel.

(she soo beautiful)

But i quickly distract my mind.

Magumi walks towards the bed and while passing me she trips over and falls on me and accidentally kisses me.

It was so emberesing again.

And she sees that and slaps me again.

Magumi tells me take shower.

While taking shower magumi look at my house and sees that the whole house is messed up.

when I came out from shower,i see

my room is so clean. magumi was cleanging my house i sees her hair as they were silky her eyes shinging brightly without glasses she sees me ang gave a smile i feel like i had seen this somewhere she looks so happy doing this and tells me :" how are you feeling now."

(i just love to see how she caring.)

magumi tells me that :" it's payBack for what you doing for me." she goes in kitchen and make some food for us.

I started doing my work,i smell food and it was fantastic,while doing work i look at her and she was smiling making food for us.

her hair falls on her eyes and puts her hair on ears while doing she looks at me.

i got embarresed and quicky started doing my work.

As the food was ready i said "thank you for the food and started eating.

it's feel so good eating home cook food , because I live alone most of time so I eat convenient store food and sometimes sleep without eating.

I smile at him while eating food , and says :" thank you magumi for cooking this delicious food", magumi face become red and replies:" its nothing, if you want I will

make again."

While looking at her eyes tears came out like she is remembering somthing bad happening to her.

and she sleep on bed and i went to living room for sleeping on sofa.

before she went to sleep she gave me a warning as she sleep walk at night.

In middle of night i wake up and go for drinking water.

it's my first time sleeping with a girl at my house

she came to me and sleeps by my side,

i am so uncomfortable there no gap between us,she try to kiss me so i push her back all night i cant sleep because of her only sees her face.


i wake up early so I put her on bed and cover her body with blanket.(she sleep like baby.)

I make coffee and after drinking it and wake up her.

After waking upmagumi says :" where am I"

i just stand near her.

she was so shocked and slaps me.

magumi :" what are trying to do you pervert,

i had dream of you trying to kiss me aren't you."

suddenly she released that she is on bed and she wearing a blanket,and slowly she sas :"thanks you."

we went for shopping to buy glasses for her.

( why I am here after all)

me and magumi argument with each other "come with me and i had not came with you it's not my business after all.

magumi you are the one who broken it so you come with me."

magumi makes an angry face and i said :"fine just do it quickly."

magumi tries some frame for new glasses and asks :"how was it looking good on me."

I turn my face as iw as angry on him she puts my hand on my face and asks angrily :" hey i am asking you something does it look good on me or not."

i turn my face from other side and says :" yes it's Look nice on you."

After shopping for her glasses she went to her houseand i went to my home.

before going home she thanks me again for everything. and says she will meet me again tomorrow morning at my house.

NEXT DAY......

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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