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Warmth Melody

The Sinner Must Die

A multiple short stories with different plot and character from different era and places.
The first story is.........
The Laurent family has long been a leading party of the underworld crimes. They built their life in luxury for the crimes they continuously performed. But no matter how an eyesore they appear to be, no one would dare act against them, not even the royal family.
But the family of justice and war, the Martinez were different. They are not like the other who would tolerate such sin committed by the Laurent family. And that's the exact reason why these two families could never be in good terms.
Velicia Laurent, one of the unfortunate child that born in the devil incarnation Laurent does not has an easy life either. Upon her birth, she was already marked as a person who would be used to make the Laurent flourish. As a child who don't know anything but to obey every of her father's word, also committed uncountable sin.
In her first life, she was ordered to disguise and took the place of Florentia Martinez, the long lost daughter of Duke Martinez and enter their Estate to dig out all the information the rival family got.
It was during that time she first met the Young Lord and future inheritor of the Martinez Estate, Asten Martinez. He was the only person to actually welcome her arrival. Although Velicia knew that this affection and warmth he has shown were only meant for Florentia, she can't help but felt an unlimited happiness which she never once felt before back in the Laurent.
It was only after she replace Florentia and enter the Martinez Estate, she has found the true meaning to live for. At this place, she was free to make her own decision, it was a place where they would love you no matter what.
She began to be too fond of this happiness that she even went against her father and make several excuses for her not reporting any information yet.
"Like this, atleast I'll still be able to remain in the Martinez for a while. Only for a while, that's all"
Turns out that she took too much risk and at the end, fate always plays it's role. On the day of the banquet specially held for her, Florentia make her appearance, which took the people in shock and surprise. It doesn't take long to identify the real Florentia, thus, Velicia got locked up for the next five days.
Asten: "Flora"
Velicia: "You know that I'm not your younger sister, so stop calling me like that"
Asten: "Be prepared, I'll come back again to brought you out"
I never understand him, could it be that he took a pity on me? Or is it that he actually see me as a real family during that two months of my staying here?
That night, the Martinez Estate got attacked by the Laurent family.
"My daughter, it's time to prove your worth"
The whole Estate was in chaos as the two enemies fought to death.
At that moment, it was again Asten who still came for her.
Asten: "Flora, stop it! It's not too late. We can still work this out"
Velicia: "Too late, it's too late for me. Ash, please listen to me and leave this place, many people will die tonight, and I don't want you to be among them"
Asten: "No, I swore a pledge to protect my own home. And we can stop this, I just need you to come to my side"
Those words were so sincere that it sound almost like a lullaby, you're really my comfort.
Velicia: "Ash, kill me. Once you kill me, all my power and abilities will be transferred to you. That way, you could save the Martinez"
Asten: "No.... you knew that I can't"
I knew that he'll refuse to do so.
But this is the only way I could finally repay him.
I hold his hands up and plunge myself into the sword he's holding, as he tried to kept on stopping me while calling me 'Flora'.
Velicia: "Please call me Velicia, that's the name been given to me from birth"
Asten: "Velicia! Velicia!"
But Ash, I actually prefer to be Flora forever.

TSMD -- 1

Laurent Estate
Duke's private room
Damon Laurent (Duke Laurent)
Damon Laurent (Duke Laurent)
The prisoner will be arriving today, I want you to take care of it.
Damon Laurent - Leader of the Laurent Estate and the Biggest Ruler of the Underworld crimes in the Empire - Has a total of 4 wives, 3 concubines and 10 childrens
Damon Laurent (Duke Laurent)
Damon Laurent (Duke Laurent)
Velicia, are you listening to my words?
Damon Laurent (Duke Laurent)
Damon Laurent (Duke Laurent)
Velicia Laurent Age: 14 years - The Sixth Child of Duke Damon Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Yes..... I do.
Damon Laurent (Duke Laurent)
Damon Laurent (Duke Laurent)
The Garcia's childe is here, you can accompany him first and then went to the prison later.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
I understand.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
I may excuse myself then.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Have a good day, Duke.
A miracle often happen.
But I never knew that such thing will ever be blessed upon me.
Today, I, Velicia Laurent was given a second chance to correct my life.
That's right, I return to the past.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(My dear father, I hope you remember the way you treated this child of yours. Please be like this always, so that I won't regret letting you suffer this time)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(This given opportunity, I'll also use it for the people who doesn't turn their back on me. I'll save the Martinez this time, Ash)
Jax Idius
Jax Idius
Won't My Lady go to meet the guest?
Jax Idius Age: 25 years - A loyal servant and bodyguard for Velicia - His family was once a noble that went into bankruptcy, and own a huge sum of debt to the Laurent. Thus, Jax Idius, the oldest among his siblings gave himself to be a servant to paid off their debt. Velicia choose him to be her personal servant and bodyguard after seeing his excellent swordsmanship
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Jax, what will be the worst possibility of my punishment if I refuse to meet Seth Garcia?
Jax Idius
Jax Idius
The Garcia belongs to the royal line, and not only that, their eldest son is your fiancee. So if you left him unattended, I guess a week of locking you in your room with lesser service of food and water would be the most possible punishment.
Jax Idius
Jax Idius
Though you won't be harm physically since you've already got engaged.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Alright, then that is it.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Let's go to the garden.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(If my memory serves right, this would be the year I turned 14 and many things already happened)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(The Duke open his wine shop in the middle of the city. But that was just a disguise for his child trafficking and illegally accepting products from the neighbouring country)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(My engagement with Seth Garcia was held last year, which is also settled by the Duke himself for him and the royal to have further connection)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(But atleast..... I still caught up before the actual problems came)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(Florentia is still not caught yet)
3 days later
Jax Idius
Jax Idius
Your breakfast has arrived.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Ah, I get omelete today?
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
That's strange, aren't I'm still in punishment for not meeting the Garcia's childe?
Jax Idius
Jax Idius
Lord Dylan helps out on it.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Ah, Brother Dylan? How sweet of him.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Thank him on my behalf.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(As expected, Duke Laurent doesn't even waste a second and came right to me after hearing that Seth Garcia left angrily. What I received from this is a single slap and a week of locking me in my room with limited food and water)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(Little does he know, I did all of this on purpose)
2 days later
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
I'm honoured to receive your presence, Young Lord Garcia.
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
You look totally fine to me.
Seth Garcia Age: 23 years - The next successor of the Garcia Ducal House that held the royal blood and powerful position - Velicia's fiancee
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
I'm happy to hear that the Lord care about my well being.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(He seems to be distant, but he was actually a very warm person who would often help me out even in the last life)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(Normally, when he would come to visit me, it was always by his family's order. And several people would be beside him to prevent any of his action that could be an embarrassment for the Garcia. But once he knew that I'm being punish harshly just because I didn't attend him, he would make excuses like wanting to meet me so that I could hurriedly be free from the punishment)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(At this time, the Garcia would feel a little ecstatic and won't send much people, this is the chance I was hoping to see for)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Thank you for your help, because of you, I could finally eat a good breakfast.
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
If you didn't want things like that to happen, you're not supposed to be so full of yourself.
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Now you make me waste my time.
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
That's all it is, I'm leaving.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
I think My Lord would be interested to what I'm about to say.
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
But first off.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
*Raise out her hand*
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Would you mind taking me around the garden?

TSMD -- 2

Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
*Sipping her tea*
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Trading with the Obreado Empire is a crime punishable by death!
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
What does the Duke think of the Royal Garcia?!
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Why does My Lady care to inform me about the Laurent crime?
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
My Lord, I fell in love with someone.
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
If My Lord was able to investigate about this matter and rightfully punish the Laurent, this marriage alliance won't be further considered and you will earn recognition from both the people and the royals.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
What do you say? Is it good for you?
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
So you want me to play a part in here so that the marriage will be cancelled and you could marry your lover?
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
My Lady, such bold action won't result as good as you expected.
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Beside, even if the Laurent were caught red handed, a punishment won't be inflicted. The whole Garcia Empire are scared of your family.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Forming companionship with the Obreado meant that the Laurent are ready to sell off their country. Even this is what the royal family couldn't easily let it pass by.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
I know that direct punishment won't happen, but this will ruin the relationship between the Garcia and the Laurent which was build for more than 20 years.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Seth Garcia
Seth Garcia
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
The Martinez Ducal house are not afraid of the Laurent.
Velicia's room
Jax Idius
Jax Idius
My Lady, is there something bothering you?
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
*Snap out*
Jax Idius
Jax Idius
You haven't touch your breakfast.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
I don't have an appetite.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(I don't know in which exact date Florentia was caught, but I'm pretty sure it's in this year)
Florentia, the second child born to the Martinez Ducal house was lost during the battle in Athea.
During that period, a great conflict occur between the Martinez and Laurent, thus Duke Martinez send away his wife and children to Athea, Duchess Martinez's hometown in hope that they won't be involved.
Unfortunately, the people of Athea was suddenly attack by an enemy kingdom and brought a great disaster to the people living there.
Duchess Martinez fled to the forest with her children until her foot turn bloody. She accidentally slip and fell off from a cliff with the little Florentia on her arm, and never return. Asten, who was lost and hungry in the deep forest cry everyday until his family finally came to his aide.
They were led to the place where the Duchess Martinez fell and they search day and night only in vain.
Duke Martinez blame himself for the outcome, and Asten got traumatized with the incident. They search Florentia till this day, with no great result for a long time.
After 13 years, as they publicly announced the missing person to the whole country, a good news finally reach their ears. A farmer couple who were living near Athea at that time report that they indeed found a baby 13 years ago. Turns out that after Duchess Martinez fall off from the cliff, she used all her remaining energy to look for help. She end up passing away, but her wish were blessed, as the couple spot her on their way back home. They save the child and buried her on the forest.
Duke Martinez immediately call them to the city, and send hundreds of soldiers to brought them back. But in the past life, the Laurent hear the words of this from the spy they planted on the Martinez, and hurriedly followed the soldiers.
They injured half of the soldiers, kill the couple and kidnapped Florentia. She was held captive in our prison for the time I took her place and pose as the fake Florentia.
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(Her appearance at the banquet in the past life must also be Duke Laurent's plan. He seek through my betrayal and release Florentia so that I could be imprisoned and help him to defeat the Martinez)
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
Velicia Laurent
(Ash, I wonder how you've been)
Martinez Estate
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
Father, are you calling for me?
Asten Martinez Age: 20 - The successor of the Martinez Ducal House, the House of Justice and War. - First child of Martinez
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Looks like the luck is on our side, good news kept on pouring over.
Frederick Martinez - Duke of the Martinez Estate
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
You indeed look ecstatic.
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Take a look at this.
Asten took over the letter the Duke offered, and read each word carefully.
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
Seth Garcia seems to have a clear evidence on this. But how could he know in such detail?
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
Duke Laurent doesn't expose a secret even to his own children.
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Do you know who is the closest Laurent to Seth Garcia?
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
Velicia Laurent doesn't seem to be the type to expose such thing. She's just another puppet of Damon Laurent.
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
You met her?
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
During the time a banquet was held in the royal palace, I took a glance at her. She looks distant and indifferent, giving out a cold vibe to warn people not to be close to her.
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
We both know Seth Garcia is not capable of doing such thing. Even if it is not Velicia, there is indeed someone from inside who is willing to give out the secret.
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Anyway, help the Garcia's childe in solving this matter.
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
Father, I think we should focus more on Flora. This could be hand over to Captain Lain.
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
No. We must distract the Laurent as much as possible to ensure Florentia's safe return.
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Frederick Martinez (Duke Martinez)
Do as I say, I'll handle the rest.
Asten Martinez
Asten Martinez
If you wish me to, I'll obey your words.

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