In this world there are 4 distinct powers and some little house that still have power from the "Great Era Of Destruction". Once the 4 powers had a war and it was a war for all pesants and noble to atend with no exception.Only the best of the best could participate .
Peng Continent:Father-Emperor Ionis-van-crown and his army of black knights.
Cross of Goblem:Price Lancelot and his black pearl army of magic mage
Merchant of War Faction:Lord Jomba and his 10 Gods.
Black forest -Ghost king(1man army)
This war got on a massive scale no human could survive this.Only after 10 years of bloodshed this war concluded.
Now with all party that participated are at loss after a 10 year of bloodshead this war remains as a reminder to dumb people that tried to get theyr hand on some knowledge of " Great era of destruction".After that a new power emerged "Academy of heaven".For all the people that perished in this war "Academy of heaven" gathered all knowledge of "Great era of destruction" under 1 roof .And this is where we are now Academy of heaven.
Main Characthers:Decan Lios(descendant of Ionis)(teacher Art of magic)
Lancelot III rd (descendant of Lancelot 1st)Cross of Goblem )(Art of war)
Merchant of war and Black forest descendant's :Prince Elio and Princess Alexandra(joined in marriage before war end )
Next Chapter's:
Exam entery,4 power's at war (10th year) History of Academy of Heaven (short) and First day of a pesant
Chapter 1 Exam entery
In academy of heaven there are 10 rules that are the basic to enetery.
1.All participants need to be 16 years or less
2.All participants need to pass all test of academy in theyr home to be selected in participants for 1st year.
3.Pesants need to sing a salvary cruse befor enetery.
4.All people are considered "dead" once they pass the 1test.
If a participant pays a 100 million fine they can get help from a upper clasmate.
6.All fights that happen in school,are free of rule .
Once a participant pass the 1 test they will get a "dead tag" with all of theyr past and a soul fragment from a ancestor.(pesants will get a random soul fragment from void (2nd test)
8 All participants that get to 2nd test Void of Skull must have iron will or they are going to die and never reincarnate.(your own risk).
If a slave is caught during 2 and 3rd test cheating they will get theyr soul shattread :( (pesant )
10 .The last test is a magic test all participants need to cast 1 magic or more .(the person with the most number of cast's is the winner).
Magic Grimoire:
Wind: Low spell power ,Mid power,Expert,5 Circle.
Fire:Low spell,Mid,Expert
Earth:Elder ,Guardian,Diety
Water:1 tier,2nd tier,3rd tier
Chaos:Wind-Fire-nature-water(5circle enchant)(This kind of art\grimoire is avable only in Academy of heaven and 2 old power house under Chaos House)
Great era of Destruction this was a blood shed page of history, every one that got involved got hooked in a bloodbath for a pice of power. In this era pesants, noble, arch-priest's fought for power this was only the start. After a long period of 'false peace' all country started to see a new chance to fight with weak enemy and so borders become only a name. Every country sought something, power, resources, man power, divine artifacts, knowledge and something that was under a long history of lies.' The answer' this was a very old artifact from a Celestial . This artifact was divided on a lot of piece for safety. BUT GREEDLY HUMANS tried to make again that artifact. From history there was a page were this artifact used to be called 'LAST HOPE' and so people tought that it was a war wepon. The war got harder and harder only 4 power's left, Peng, Cross of goblem, Merchant of war and black forest. This country fought and fought until there was nothing left........ but there was hope to end this era :year 99 Cross Goblem year 97 Peng Year 1 Black forest and year 8 Merchant of war (different time and different 'mesurement').
After this long war and this mouch bloodshed there is finally a country that gives up Merchant of war:
Lord Jomba: - For all of you that wants this pice of cra*p take it.
Ionis :-Il take that
Ghost :Il take that no a chance.
After lord Jomba passed his part of artifct to heaven fate his country got more and more free and after 8 years this country is on peace. Large amount soil that once was in custody of Magic Empire is now free for householding and cereal growth. So once Jomba took care of land and his remaing peoaple green grass and lots of fruits began to rise like war never existed. OTHER COUNTRY'S, now that Merchant of war gived his piece we need to decide what to do.
Scout to Ionis:I'm back
Your majesty merchant of war began a new system of growth, finance and 'magic art'.
Tell me what i'm not sure what are you telling me.
Jomba took a hand of people, retreted all his troops and wepons back to capital of Merchant of war. I don't want to butt in but he is no longer doing war. He took a pice of barren land from that old empire of magic. Now he's growing crops, sheeps and cows.
Meanwhile in merchant of war capital.
Jomba is doing the last statue for lost peoaple in war. There are 10 statues one for each year last one has not yet been named.
Jomba:To all soliders, now that we are no longer in posesion of that cra*p throw your armor grab a pice of ruce(meat with black rice) and sleep my soliders. This statues is the proof that I Jomba gived up on that. I will name that Heaven Will.
After a long long Summit that took place in Black forest since all 3 country got eye's of Jomba piece a 'Treat of Harm is signed by all 3 powers'. With this treat all 3 country disbanding all armed force and making a new place to place all piece of artifct. This place is called Academy of Heaven.
So this is where we meet our main characther
Attention to all man, women and child today is the great day of empire. 1 st test of academy of heaven will start soon.
-Mom, mom.... Mom where are you.
-(droll, droll)
-Mom, mom.. where are you
-Christian your mom is well, outside.
-Dear boy you know that your father is well.. (knock, knock)
-Who is there?
-Empire Just Guard
-Open or i'm using teleport.
-Yes Mr empire Just Guard.
-I'm here to give you something... Fffrom a emipre just guard what do you have for me?
-Today Is the day of empire and also the day of war peace so at Academy H. will start a new selection for freshman. This year freshman will accept pesants and all kind of beeings.
-Since war end the power of empire has fallen now Academy H. will grow a new generation of skilled 'students'.
-This year tax is 250 piece of fine for pesants (sweat gold or 2500 old copper coins)
-Good luck in 10 days we will wait at Academy H for fist test.
-Kid i'm sorry we can't send you to A. O. H. (this will be the acronim for Academy of heaven from now on).
-Grandfather why, your mom is payed with 1 copper \day we have a total of 1250 old copper coins but this is all we have no more no less.
-Grandfather I can work tooi can chop wood, clean dust, and spy i can earn my money.
-Kid you are almost 16 what i can tell you is that you don't need to work enjoy your childhood.
-No i want to go at academy.
-Kid you have no strenght, your magic is 1 out of 10 and you have no iron will.
-If i'm not going now next year wil be too late..
(knok, knok)
-Who' s there.?!
-It's me dad your daughter Mary.
-Your son wants to go To AOH... i told him that we don't have eneught money. BUT...
-Is like you... At that time with Elio
-Dad let me speak with Oli...
Oli.. Oli.. Oli
-Mom, mom you'r home?
-Yes just got back.
-I know what your Grandfather said but let's try our best to get you in AOH even for a bit.
-You know better that every other people that is imposible to get that amount of money in 10 days.
-I'm going to speak with Lancelot...
-Mary don't do that.
-Is the only person that i have i need to flufil his wish even with a hard price.
-Mary don't do that.
-I'm going to Lancelot don't stop me.
Later that day....
Front of king Meri palace
One guard spots a little women that tried to sneak in castle.
-King Meri guard : a little women with black hair and a burn marck or left arm wanted to steal from your turf majesty
King Meri:Don't kill her live her for 5 days on dungeon if she can still get out after that i'll listen to what she has to say.
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