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Seduce The Villain's Father



I looked up at the man in front of me, my eyes open. I could see his neat eyebrows creeping up. His handsome face flashed a blank look.


I made a slip of tongue again. This mouth of mine! This damn mouth! I changed my words quickly.

" Majesty""..."

His Majesty who seemed offended did not even answer. Ah, it was wrong of me to keep turning a healthy, unmarried youngman into a father.

I smiled widely. No matter how beautiful this man is in this celestial world, smiling eyes are always considered beautiful.

I said with a big smile that cramped my face."Will you marry me?"

'Just marry me instead of the scary Lady Elard.'

Marriage. Huh?

With his cat-like, red-purple eyes and his shiny silver hair, the young emperor, Euredian Belgoth, immediately looked at me with an absurd face.


"Call me Yerenica."

This man with his absolute defensive iron wall would never do it though. Once again, I looked up at Euredian with my sparkling eyes.He looked a bit embarrassed now.

"I didn't kidnap you to marry you."

"I know that."

"But why?"

I pondered for a moment.Why?Well,Because if we get married,you'll get to live longer. But I can't say that. In the end, I just said something romantic.

"I fell in love with you the first time I met you."

"But I don't love you, princess.."


"And you know, I already have a fiancée.." I can barely smile after he finished these two sentences. Just keep calm.

"You said she wasn't your fiancée"

"Well, let's call her my future fiancée then."Look at this. I know for sure that he's lying!

I barely kept my smile without grinding my teeth.

"You're right. Let's say the future is unpredictable.Does Your Majesty love Lady Elard?"

"I can't really say I do..."

"Well,does that mean I have a chance?"

"Why should I give you a chance?" Euredian answered my defiant question lightly.

"Because you like me...?"

I blacked out at his expression. Euredian was laughing loudly. He was so handsome that it was easy enough to fall into frustration.

Again, he rejected me. I can't believe it's too fast!

"Well,I don't think so."

I've put aside my pride because I thought he was friendly, but after all, he's still a suspicious and tall-walled man.

I like you. I love you. Should there be more reasons?

You don't love her at all, what are you talking about? I quickly focused back and started to try to appeal to him.

"If you marry me, there will be a lot more to gain than marrying Lady Elard."

"For example?"

"I own a granary in the western valley of Lebovny. You know right? The western valley is the blessed land by the goddess!"

"If it's blessed, Belgoth is full of that."

"A-and! I'm the youngest princess of Lebovny. I have a lot of dowries, thanks to that I own a considerable amount of money..."

"Is the Lebovny Princess worried about Belgoth's treasury?"

I won't give up. How about this one?

"If you marry me, my father will open the Glucaman road!"

The reply was unexpected.

"Even if I don't marry the princess, I think the Glucaman Road will be opened soon."

The horse was bound to mute the honey. My country is a small and powerless kingdom. Which is sad, to say the least. If he knew I was doing this in order to save him, he'd accept our marriage instantly! But I can't spit it out. I screamed out to the gods.

If you marry Lady Elard, you will surely get a terrible ending! She's going to raise your son as the evil black wizard and you're going tobe murdered by him before you get past 40! I'm trying to save you here!

But if I get those words in public, I'll be treated like a crazy person or will be questioned about the source of this information. In the end, I used my last card. I really didn't want to use this!

"Don't you think I'm pretty?"

"Well,I don't know"

To say the least, I was speechless.

Right. Euredian Belgoth was clearly a cold-blooded man with not a trace of remorse. He's setting an iron wall as well. I was bitter. This isnthe first time my beauty isn't working!

Of course, it was not a new enlightenment. This man, even compared to Yerenica, was a good-looking man who would not lose to her.

"Oh. Will you be angry if I answer this? The Lebovny Princess who looks like a cat?" Euredian smiled.


"This is the first time I've been proposed to, so it's nice. But, I want you to know that I don't want to marry the princess. I don't want a marriage without love as a foundation."

I was so drained that I ended up nasal breathing.

'Hey! Earlier you said you didn't love Lady Elard!'

Euredian shrugged as he read my face like he found somethingfunny.On this windy day, there was a lot of bitterness.

"I'm trying to love her."


"As soon as the Glucaman Road opens, I'll send you back to Lebovny."

Oh, this iron wall can't be passed.

He says that he'll try to love that wicked woman just because he doesn't know anything about it yet. That woman will teach your son how to use black magic!

I feel frustrated to death. This isn't just to save the future of Euredian Belgoth, but to save my future too. I must stay close to him like a molasses as long as I'm in this body. I must change this world before the original timeline of the story starts.


I stepped back, swallowing tears of sorrow. First, Indeed to do something. My eyes flashed open.

Do you think I'll give up just because you put up a wall like that?Since I'm then captive of Belgoth, I'm surely going to seduce you!

Euredian went away from me with an amused look. Bad brat!

It has been a year since I fell into the world in the book.Well,about 20 years before the original story began.

My desperate attempt to save us both, the pitiful supporting roles, started off with the rejection of the "villain's father."

C1 - This Is What I Was Thinking

"What are you going to do about the name, sister?"

It was a warm, spring day as I looked at my sister across the tea table. She looks like a red rose with her braided curly red hair. She was beautiful and currently pregnant with only three months left.

My sister, Tezevia, seemed to be worried about my question. I held the cup tightly as my heart pounded.

"Do you think brother-in-law has already decided? If not, what did you choose?"


My sister seemed to be a little embarrassed and I somehow knew why.


I covered my twitching lips with the teacup. I already expected that name.

"Brisney...that's a pretty name." I couldn't stop my voice from shaking a little.

"Don't you think it sounds too much like a pet name?" Tezevia's cheeks turned red

like her hair.

"No, it's cute." I tried my best to answer.

It turned out just like the novel. This is the world of the novel 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' that I read before I died. Sitting across from me,

Tezevia, is pregnant with Brisney, the heroine of the novel.

The heroine of the novel is growing inside my sister's stomach. This can lead to many endless possibilities.

8 months ago, I became a supporting character in this world — this isn't just a dream but my reality. The

original story was like a poem that you'd try to write with it's first page¹ just around the corner.

An unpleasant tragedy took place before the main story progressed. It started with the young Emperor of Belgoth kidnapping my pregnant sister.

if this isn't clear it just means that they're close to the first event in the book.

A passage from the book flashed through my head.

[Silver hair that glowed faintly in the sun.]

My heart dropped suddenly as Tezevia opened her mouth soundlessly.

[A reddish-purple eye was glaring at her with great intensity]

'Scary...! No.'

I trembled as I recalled the scene that was written.

Belgoth empire is in the east of this continent. It was a country that held

wealth. In the middle of the continent is our little kingdom, Lebovny. A country that can be trampled by

the said empire. The Emperor of that great empire was the one who took my pregnant sister and kept her in Belgoth for ten years. Of course, he is an unlucky man and, in the end, died tragically at the hands of his own son.

When he died, I grabbed my cell phone and cried loudly! "It's still scary..."

Perhaps because he is now a mighty ruler of a great empire despite not being properly described in the

novel? Or maybe because I see them as real people now.

Anyway, the emperor of Belgoth kidnapping my sister was only the prelude to a long novel. It was also the beginning of the tragedy of the father and mother of the protagonists, the mother being my sister.


Yeah, I said it was a tragedy.

The novel 'Brisney Wants to be Happy', was a story of growth, sweet and sometimes sexy romance. The happiness of the main characters is the most important as it was built on the sacrifice of my generation. Basically, it's about

healing the protagonist's suffering through each other. None of the main characters' parents had lived a smooth life. It's not that they didn't live a smooth life...

"...Almost all of them are short-lived..."

Even if they survived, they are crippled or infected with a disease then die. Unhappy even after death. Isn't this going a little too far?

A stifled sigh came out of my mouth. The big problem is that this is already a year before the main characters of the novel are born. I am also the only person who knew all the contents of the story. If it wasn't me, who would save them?!

I made up my mind. I'll try to stop the tragedy of the novel from happening!

C2 - Plan 'A' is in Action

Plan A: Stop the invasion of Lebovny in Belgoth.

With that in mind, I started living in this world. "Yes, it's good to have a plan."

Although to implement the plan, I needed to know when Belgoth would invade Lebovny. It wasn't mentioned in the novel and there was no explanation on the reason either.

Well, 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' is a story about the main character, Brisney. Of course, the contents of the parents' generation appeared briefly in the first volume but it was not very detailed either. All I know is that the agreement between Lebovny and Belgoth had been broken for certain reasons which led to Belgoth's attack on

Lebovny's royal family. The only fact I know is that Tezevia was kidnapped as a hostage.

I didn't know anything else. Why? Because it wasn't said in the novel.

No matter how hard I pulled my hair, I only remember one sentence.

'Lebovny refused to follow the agreement and the emperor of Belgoth became angry.'

"So....What is it?...!" I dropped down in the chair. I was the reader, not the writer!

My escort knight, Fernandez, who saw me slouching on the chair looked at me apprehensively.

"What are you worried about, Princess? You don't look well..."

"Yes..." I looked gloomily at him.

"I'm worried about your right leg and left eye."


Fernandez made a strange face. I shook my head at him.

You don't understand. How could you understand? I know Fernandez

will get married this year and will have a son in winter. While my brother-in-law, Duke of Lebanon, will become crippled as he tries to rescue Tezevia. This man's future was a tragedy.

Fernandez Cardi. This man is the male protagonist's father. I wish I could tell both Fernandez and the Duke

of Lebanon to stay home and even think about going on a business trip.

I shook my head and thought again.

An agreement between Belgoth and Lebovny. What kind of treaty did Belgoth make that they ended up kicking Lebovny's ***?

I looked at Fernandez with determined gaze "Ferdi."

"Yes, princess."

"Have you heard any negotiations with Belgoth or something like that?"

"If it is a negotiation with the empire, perhaps the Glucaman Road Agreement?"

"The Glucaman Road Agreement?"

'Where did I hear that name before?'

"Yes. In exchange for our country opening the Glucaman Road, the treaty will provide us some of Azekien's

mana stone by the Belgoth Empire."


In the novel, the Glucaman Road Agreement was a treaty that was briefly mentioned when the kings discussed the international situation. I immediately stood up. I knew instantly that this was it!

Yes, in fact, a small kingdom like Lebovny can only have this kind treaty with Belgoth? After all, the eastern and western parts of the continent are Lebovny's only advantage and the Glucaman Road Agreement is profitable for Lebovny. Yet we broke it first? I frowned.

The audacity of this small-sized kingdom to break the treaty. My father, King of Lebovny, did he have a death wish or something?

Anyway, I thought about it. I clenched my fist and jumped out of my seat. That's it!

The only thing left is the broken agreement. I had to fix it.

"Princess? Where are you going?


Fernandez hurriedly called after me as I started to run with all my might, ignoring the pitiful call. I will apologize to Fernandez later. For now, I should be a hidden hero that saves this kingdom.

I went straight to the oval office. "Dad!"

"Oh, Yerenica." The king who looks a lot like me, greeted me with a smile.

"My daughter. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Father, the Glucaman

Agreement!" I say in a hurry. My father opened his eyes wide. It is quite cute when the king of a country whose small, round face looks all surprised.

"Father, father..."

"Mm-hmm, my daughter."

"Glucaman Agreement with Belgoth..."

"Mh-hmm..." And my father avoided my eyes. Huh?

"You don't have to know my daughter."


"My youngest daughter, you don't have to know the complicated international situation. It will only

hurt your head."

What nonsense! I managed to suppress my temper. Brisney is only three months away from being born. In the novel, Brisney said that she was born a few weeks earlier than her scheduled date, which is less than

two months away. The Imperial Army came before that. I am in a hurry to know so I pulled my father's arm.

"No way, dad. Are you thinking about something strange?"

"Mh-hmm? Something strange...Yerenica."

I saw it. I saw it. A cold sweat spilling over my father's forehead. I took a deep breath and shouted.


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