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UMA, THE ALPHA MOON. Escaping From Alpha 2

Episode 1

The murder of Ulmer, his father, was not a mere coincidence. They had been attacked before, sporadically, but the method was the same. Their hearts were ripped out and set on fire separately. He recognized his father by his golden fang and the family crest on his ring. The body was completely charred. It was difficult to erase that image from his mind. It was not a robbery; that ring was worth a fortune. It had been in the family for centuries, passed down to the firstborns. He would have preferred receiving it from his father's hands, not in a bag as police evidence.

Everyone had already left, but he remained by his father's grave. He couldn't believe he would never see him again, never engage in those endless conversations or ride horses together across their vast lands. He still couldn't process what had happened.

His inconsolable mother, his two younger brothers still in their teens, and his youngest sister who was only five years old, they were all shattered. He didn't shed a single tear; he couldn't afford that luxury. He had to be strong for them and for the pack.

His father had been a hundred and fifty years old and had traveled all over the world in search of a mate. He found his mother just a few kilometers away from their territory, when he returned after ten years of exploring the world and visiting other packs, already losing hope. Coincidence or destiny... Jade was in the same bar, traveling with a friend in the opposite direction. Within two days, she was already introduced as the pack's Luna.

His mother was perfect, calm, sweet, obedient; she never questioned any decision. She dedicated herself entirely to the household and their children. Despite being fifty years old, his mother appeared much younger.

He inherited his mother's green eyes framed by thick lashes. He inherited his father's physique, tall and muscular; they looked like siblings. They also shared a fully tattooed arm with the history of their clan. The only difference was their characters. Ulmer had a strong character but was quite flexible and accommodating. Onyx, on the other hand, was anxious, irritable, stubborn, and a perfectionist. His character was infernal.

Now it would be even worse. He was the alpha of this pack and must command respect. His pack was large and prosperous with well-defined ranks. His father also liked order and discipline. Since childhood, his father prepared him to become the alpha; it was his rightful inheritance.

His father's wish was to absorb Boris's pack, a poor alpha fallen from grace. They would be doing them a favor by accepting them, and those lands would provide room for expansion towards the thermal springs and hills.

He bid farewell to his father and went to talk to Boris. He rode his horse towards those lands; the distance was short, he could even walk and reach it in a few minutes. He saw Boris sitting on the doorstep of his house.

Boris - Hello Onyx, I'm sorry about your father...

Onyx - Thank you, Boris, I know you feel it too.

Boris - He was a great man and a great alpha...

Onyx - Boris, I want to propose a deal: you sell me your lands, and all of you will be welcomed into my pack. You will be safe there. What do you say?

Boris - I will think about it... and let you know...

Onyx - Send me a message with your answer.

He rode back to his pack at full speed, while a thoughtful Boris began to feel afraid. Rock, his beta, was listening...

Rock - What are you thinking, Boris?

Boris - At this point, I mistrust even my own shadow.

Rock - Do you think he killed Ulmer?

Boris - I don't know what to think. He just buried his father and already wants to engage in real estate transactions... tell me that's not strange...

Rock - It is... but I don't believe he would kill his own father... What will you do?

Boris - I know I haven't been the best alpha since... she... passed away. I turned to alcohol to numb the pain of losing my Luna. I'm a mess, but I love you all... and you have been great friends and support... I have to do what's best for you.

Rock - I know, that's why we haven't abandoned you. Why don't you reach out to the Wolf pack, integrate into their society, and ask for help?

Boris - I've already considered it. I'll go personally to talk to them as soon as possible.

Rock - I'll arrange the tickets for you...

Boris - When do you think I can leave?

Rock- By tomorrow at the latest.

Boris- They say Henry Wolf is the best alpha and that his moon is magical... Do you believe that?

Rock- I would have to see it to believe it...

Boris- When I come back, I'll tell you everything... Oh, and they say they are multimillionaires, they have more money than they can count, and they help all the packs in their association.

Rock- That would interest me more, if they can invest to improve this, it would be great.

Boris- If they can fix the mess I left behind, I'll believe all of that ha ha ha.

Marcus- Uma... I don't think you'll be able to participate in the training anymore.

Uma- What happened, Grandpa?

Marcus- Everyone complains about your roughness... they end up very injured... I'm losing students...

Uma- They're just soft, the next generation of warriors will be lousy.

Marcus- Whatever... no one wants to fight you.

Uma- I fight against five or six. What more advantage do they want?

Emily- Marcus, you have become too soft with your students.

Uma- Have you seen Aunt Em? They're kicking out their best warrior, and even my own grandfather, now I'll only call Soromir "grandpa"... Goodbye Marcus.

Emily- Come on Uma, come with your favorite aunt.

Uma- Let's go Aunt Em, this training camp sucks.

Marcus- Uma, don't be mad at me, please.

Uma- My grandma Kate will be the one mad at you when she finds out what you did to me.

Marcus- Don't tell her, Uma...come here, let's negotiate.

They leave, aunt and niece embracing.

Uma- Those cowards will pay, Aunt Em.

Henry- Uma, to my office.

Emily- See you later...

Uma- I'm here, father.

Henry- I know you must be angry about the training.

Uma- Very angry.

Henry- You have to understand that you possess abilities that others don't. You're the best and you know it, but your classmates are afraid of you, and it's nothing personal.

Uma- It feels very personal to me.

Henry- The difference between you and them is huge. It's like me fighting against an eleven-year-old child, do you understand?

Uma- No.

Henry- You're too smart. You're also very stubborn and spoiled, your will won't always be done. At some point in your life, you will encounter someone more stubborn and capricious than you. You have to learn to compromise, my daughter.

Uma- Ha ha ha, I would really love to meet someone worse than me, I would thoroughly enjoy bending them to my will.

Henry- You seem more like Em and Ray's daughter than ours.

Uma- Great alpha, I'm leaving. I still have things to do in this pack. Like accusing my grandma Kate...

Episode 2

A week ago, Boris, the alpha of the Shadow Moon pack, arrived in Blackwolf, requesting to join the Confederation of United Packs, which was led by Henry Wolf, the alpha of alphas, the supreme alpha. Boris' pack was located to the north, beyond the hills. It was a cold and inhospitable place. Soromir used to say that those packs were too wild to understand the concept of integrating into a confederation. The winters were too harsh, even for the wolves. There were only a few independent packs residing in that area.

Boris' urgency was due to the need for protection for his pack. They were being attacked on the outskirts, and recently their nearest neighbor, Ulmer, the alpha of the "All the Moons" pack, had been killed. Boris felt endangered. He had no offspring, and his mate had passed away years ago. The few warriors he had left had migrated to the new alpha, Onyx, the son of the late Ulmer. Onyx had offered them better opportunities, and Boris couldn't blame them. His pack was in utter chaos.

Onyx also offered to buy Boris' lands, and in return, Boris' pack would be welcomed into Onyx's pack. But Boris didn't want that. He had let his pack down too much. He had wanted to overcome the difficulties and improve his own situation. Boris brought the deeds of his lands and handed them over to Henry. He needed protection and advice. He also provided a will in which he left everything to Henry Wolf. He felt death looming over him. He knew he hadn't been a good alpha. His alcohol problems had kept him detached from reality, and he hadn't cared for his people. He knew who Henry was as soon as he started talking to him, and if anything were to happen to him, at least his people would be protected.

Boris' beta called Henry with the bad news: Boris had been killed on his way back to his pack. It was a shame. He wasn't a bad man, and now his people would be left unprotected.

Soromir - You need to send a representative to see what's happening and take charge.

Henry - Obelix and Charly are far away and busy with too much work. Ray won't want to go. The company has urgent projects.

Sam - Someone has to go.

Uma - I'll go.

Henry - What? No, daughter, there's no way you're going there. We don't know if you're in danger.

Uma - The same danger as my brothers.

Henry - It's different...

Emily - Why is it different?

Uma - Because I'm a woman, Aunt Em... just because of that.

Henry - It's not about that... I'm afraid for you.

Sam - Aren't you afraid for your other children?

Henry - You should support me, Sam...

Sam - I'm just telling you the truth. It seems like being a woman is being considered inferior...

Henry - The only truth is that I'm afraid something might happen to her. I don't want my little girl to get hurt.

Soromir - Uma is not only skilled in combat, I would dare say she's the best.

Emily - She's also excellent in administration, accounting, and systems. There's no area that she doesn't know how to handle.

Sam - She has worked in every sector of the pack. I think she's the only one who knows everything here.

Henry - You guys are my enemy... I'm the alpha, but I don't decide anything...

Uma - Please, Daddy, I beg you...

Henry - Promise me that at the slightest sense of danger, you'll return...

Uma - Nothing will happen to me. Isn't that right, Grandpa?

Soromir - Nothing will happen to you, my beautiful girl.

Henry - We need to prepare the legal documents and everything else.

Soromir - The best option is to transfer the ownership to her instead of just granting her power of attorney. Sometimes, people take advantage of legal loopholes to evade the law and exert pressure. With just power of attorney, she won't be able to make any decisions, even if it's total power. Include her title as the alpha of the pack.

Henry - You're right. If there are any problems, it's best for her to be recognized as the owner of the lands and as the alpha.

Uma - I'll leave you all now, my grandmothers are waiting for me to bake... goodbye...

Uma was twenty-two years old. She looked very much like her mother, even more beautiful, but her hair was not as black. It was a dark brown, and she inherited her mother's violet eyes, a smaller and upturned nose. When Sam got pregnant with Uma, she was at her peak, and this was genetically inherited by her daughter.

Her brothers Obelix and Charly, were like their father, tall and muscular, driving young females from all packs crazy. None of them had a mate yet, neither did Uma, nor did she want one. Uma was happy. From what they knew, the pack was a disaster, and she was thrilled to start fresh and see the pack grow, to witness its achievements. She had many plans, she would make it succeed at all costs. She was packing her bags and all her belongings to permanently reside there.

The drunken Boris had been murdered... She didn't know what situation it left him in. According to the ancient treaties, if an alpha, without a moon and without offspring, died, the nearest pack could absorb them as their own and inherit their lands. She would wait a few days to speak with Rock, to offer him the transfer to his pack. She hoped there wouldn't be any last-minute surprises. Now she was going to the city with some of her warriors and the ones who had arrived from Shadow Moon, to a men's bar with strippers and women to have fun. The perfect way to end a disgusting week.

After her father's murder, she had to handle the legal aspect. He had named her as the sole heir, knowing that she would do the right thing, protect her family and her pack. They had to transfer the accounts to her name, the lands, the properties, and the businesses. Their good fortune was owed to her great-grandfather. He had bought some fractions of land for cultivation, but he never got to plant anything. They were on top of an oil well, and since they didn't have money for machinery or the knowledge for such a business, he sold them to the highest bidder. With a tenth of the total amount, he bought the land where the pack settled, and he invested the rest, gradually growing his capital. He offered lupine families he knew to form a pack, and that's how it grew. Some left, and others arrived. The most important thing was that they had food, shelter, and protection. Each one had a role within the pack and received a salary. In a few years, he would train his brothers in case something happened to him. Onix had no intention of traveling the world to find his mate or giving up his nights at the bar to dedicate his attention to a single female. Therefore, he would not have offspring. As a last resort, he would choose an omega to have two or three children with him. Simple as that.

Episode 3

Onyx headed to talk to Rock, wanting to arrange the transfer of the pack since no one had declared themselves alpha. If someone had, Onyx would challenge them; those lands would be his, no matter what.

Onyx: Hey... You... call Rock... Hurry up, I don't have all day.

Sun: I'll call him, alpha...

The frightened omega ran off; they were very afraid of the new alpha of all the moons.

Onyx impatiently waited until he saw the beta approaching slowly.

Rock: Hi Onyx, what brings you here?

Onyx: I came to ask you to talk to your people. Organize the pack for the transfer to all the moons. I want them in my pack this week.

Rock: I don't think it's possible.

Onyx: Why?

Rock: These days... the new alpha is arriving.

Onyx: I don't understand. Boris didn't have any offspring, and I don't think anyone here can assume the position.

Rock: Boris joined the Confederation led by Henry Wolf, and they will send the new alpha.

Onyx: Is this a damn joke? Damn it! Who the hell is the new alpha?

Rock: I don't know; they will let me know when they're arriving.

Onyx: Well, let that idiot know that I'll buy the lands from him, and if he doesn't want to, I'll challenge him, and he'll return to his pack in a coffin.

Rock: Well Onyx, see you soon then...

He left in a fury.

Onyx: Damn you, Boris, disgusting drunkard. You went under the skirts of the Wolf, you damn son of a bitch. If you hadn't died, I would kill you with my own hands.

There was no need to get like this. When the stupid new alpha comes, he'll run away when he sees the mess. He doesn't even have warriors; they all left with him... he'll flee in terror when they attack at night.

Upon reaching his pack, Onyx dismounted his violent Quarter horse, a gift from his father. They practically gave it to him because it couldn't be trained, no one in this world could ride it except him. It took him a lot of effort to tame it, but after much struggle, he managed to assert dominance, and his character taught him who was in charge. He handed the reins to an omega and entered the mansion.

His teenage siblings were in the living room playing video games. He hated those foolish things, but he didn't say anything. He preferred them distracted; they were already suffering too much with their father's death and their mother's depression, locked in her room day and night.

He went upstairs to see his mother and found her crying, just like every day since his father's murder.

Onyx: Mom, you need to get better. Ruby needs you.

Jade: Even if I wanted to, I can't... I wish you understood my pain...

Onyx: Ruby is five years old; she needs her mother. You're abandoning her...

Onyx: Losing your mate is like dying in life... don't you have any will to live?

Onyx: You need to put in a little effort. Are you making me force you to eat?

Jade: I can't even swallow; it makes me sick. I'm sorry, this is stronger than me, I can't handle it.

Onyx: You need to try harder!!!

Jade: Don't yell at me! I don't feel well...

She leaves slamming the door.

His little sister is with some nannies; their mother isn't fit to be with her. He doesn't know what he will do with his mother; it seems like she's going crazy.

His beta awaits him in the backyard, the new beta being his most trusted friend. When an alpha assumes leadership, a new beta also takes their place, and the previous one retires... to rest or pursue other activities.

Alex: Did you go to Shadow Moon?

Onyx: Yes. And guess what happened?

Alex: What happened?

Onyx: That good-for-nothing Boris was in the Confederation, and they're sending a new alpha.

Alex: Easy. If he doesn't sell, challenge him to a duel.

Onyx: Yes, I know, I'll do that. But it bothers me that things are deviating from the original plan. You know my patience is nonexistent.

Alex: Do you know who it is? Or what their name is?

Onyx: I don't know who they are or what their name is; Rock doesn't know either.

Alex: When do they arrive?

Onyx: I only know it's in these days.

Alex: You'll have to wait.

Onyx: You say it as if it were easy for me.

Uma: Grandpa, I'm so excited.

Soromir: You know you'll be the first alpha, right?

Uma: Hasn't there been a female alpha before?

Soromir: Never in the history of our race. You're the first.

Uma: You'll be proud of me, grandpa. I'll work and take that place forward.

Soromir - You don't need to do anything, I'm always proud of you, go make amends with Marcus...

Uma - I'm going now, but before I leave, I want to reconcile with him.

Soromir - If you need anything, just call me and I'll come to help you. If you need more money, let me know and I'll transfer it to you.

Uma - Dad has made a deposit into my account, it's a lot of money, I don't think I'll even use half of it. But I know I can count on you, grandpa. I'm going to see my other grandparents.

Sam - Daughter, I need to talk to you about something...

Uma - Yes, mom... What do you need?

Sam - You have to hide your magical abilities, here everyone knows who you are, but in that place, the packs... they're not so familiar with these things, and they might find it difficult to understand who you are.

Uma - I won't use it, I don't need to...

Uma - If you find yourself in danger... you won't have any other option but to use it, but as you know, in other activities, you can do without it.

Uma - I won't use magic in front of the savages.

Sam - Don't call them that...

Uma - Soromir told me they were savages and ignorant.

Sam - Your grandfather visited that area about four hundred years ago... haha... I suppose things must have changed.

Uma - I hope they walk on two legs.

Sam - You're just like Em. Oh goddess moon!

The smallest of the Wolf family heads towards her grandparents' mansion.

Uma - Granmaaaa!

Kate - I'm in the kitchen, sweetheart...

Uma - Hi, I'm doing the farewell tour.

Kate - My dear, I'm going to miss you so much...

Uma - I'll come often, grandma... and I'll call you frequently.

Kate - I wish you wouldn't go...

Uma - Did you know that I'll be the first alpha in our race's history?

Kate - I'm very proud of you.

Marcus - I'm proud of you too.

Uma - Grandpa... give me a hug, I'm almost forgiving you for what you did to me.

Marcus - You know I would never do anything to harm you, but you understand that no one else has the level you have, you're the best warrior I've had in my entire life.

Uma - Thank you grandpa, I understand, my thoughts are starting to clear up.

Kate - When are you leaving?

Uma - Tomorrow morning.

Marcus - And what time will you arrive at the pack?

Uma - I think before noon. Dad will talk to the beta so he can pick me up at the airport.

Kate - Take warm clothes, the area is very cold, even though it's still summer there, their summer is our autumn and their autumn... is a harsh winter.

Uma - I'm taking a lot of warm clothes, lots of clothes, lots of shoes... and if I'm missing anything, I'll buy it there.

Kate - Marcus, our granddaughter will be the first alpha in history.

Marcus - I know, Soromir keeps boasting about it to everyone.

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