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Pregnant At Seventeen Of Triplets

Episode 1: What? Pregnant?

What? Pregnant? No way… It is‟t possible. That was the first thought that went through my head. To be pregnant meant you had to have sex. I had never had sex. I looked at the doctor like she was some kind of moron. "Look, I can't be pregnant. I am a virgin." I laughed. The doctor looked at the test results again and then looked back at me with a mix of confusion and calm patience.



"Miss Smith, I know you are young and this is scary for you but please understand. Just because you say you aren't,  pregnant does‟t make it true. I check these results over and over again and they prove that you are about two months pregnant".



I stared at her, "Look doc but I am not three years old, and I am seventeen! I know where babies come from. I know that the stalk does‟t drop them off at mammy and daddy's doors. I have never, ever, ever had sex. I would remember something like that" The doctor swiveled around in her chair and looked at my face on. "Sweetheart, have you been to any parties or have you been out drinking with friends?



Because it is possible if you don‟t remember something it might have happened then." Amelia sat there looking at the doctor but only seeing a very distant memory. About two months ago her best friend had had a huge party and not many people remembered the next day.



Including Amelia. I could feel the room getting smaller, things were getting blurry and she could feel the perspiration on her skin. Oh, sweet mother; I was pregnant. "Um, wow", was all I said. Of all the things I had thought may have gone on that night, this was not one of them. This was as far away from all of them. I had had sex.



I haven‟t been a virgin for over two months and I didn't even know it. Well, not many people could say that, I thought. The look on the doctor‟s face was now one of understanding. She reached over and put her hand over Amelia‟s. "Ok, sweetie, you don‟t have to panic. There are options that you…."



"NO!" I yelled, cutting the doctor off. "No, I don‟t want to kill my baby. I screwed up, literally, not her" I finished quietly. The doctor looked at her with a fond smile. "Ok, then. I think that for the time being, you should stay home from school for a few days and think things through. You should let your parents know.



They have been through a pregnancy before and could help a lot" she replied. After getting a prescription for prenatal vitamins, a million pamphlets about teen parenthood and a medical certificate so she could stay home for a few days, I left the doctors and drove the long way home. How do I tell my parents, of all parents that I am pregnant? I thought…



well better take a long way home.




A few weeks later Amelia still had not told anybody. I was beginning to get used to all the morning sickness and had invested in a few new clothes that would hide my slowly emerging baby bump. It was all beginning to feel very real, and very scary. I was a seventeen-year-old student with a baby due in around thirty weeks or seven and a half months.



My entire savings account totaled $100, I had no idea who the father of my baby was and I had to name a baby!?! The name of my baby would be stuck with us both forever. What if I wanted to name it Gladiator or Lord forbid Bertha… because I was too doped up on the drugs?

Episode 2: Deal

No. this was too much for me to do alone. But it looked like I would be. Her parents were strict and her father could be abusive. Not scary abusive but she had a few scars and bruises from times when she had disappointed him. Her mom was violent, she was an amazing mom. The idea of her mom finding out how badly she had stuffed her life up was terrible. She needed her mom.



She decided to call Olivia. Olivia had been her friend now for five years. Not long by some standards but she was the best friend that she had. She found the phone in the kitchen and ran back into her room, locked the door and turned on the music so that her parents could‟t listen in if they were walking past. She quickly dialed the number before she chickened out.



All she could hear were the ringing of the phone, once, twice, three times… maybe she wasn't home, and she thought of hang up. "Hello Keller Residence, John talking" came the breathless voice. Amelia froze as she realized that John was there. He was Olivia‟s brother and had not been home in about five years.





When Olivia and John‟s parents had divorced Olivia had stayed with her mom while John and his father had left. While she wondered about why he was there and answering the phone she realized that she had not said a word.



"Hello? Hello? Prank calls are really stupid you know… Who the hell is it? Sandra? If it‟s you would you go the hell away please" He began to get angry as he finished talking and Amelia realized that she should say something?







"Um, no it‟s not Sandra" she replied meekly "Oh, then who are you and why didn't‟t you answer before" he retorted "Sorry I spaced! No need to go all freaky on me", cringing at the cutting tone of my voice. "Um look I am sorry. I am Olivia‟s friend. Amelia. Is she home?"



"Yeah, she is. I‟ll go get her for you…freak" He had muttered the last part so quietly that I was sure that it wasn't meant to be heard. What a complete jerk, I thought angrily. I heard the shuffling of the phone and murmured voices before Olivia answering in her usual perky voice.



"Hey, Olivia‟s it is Amelia" "Oh, hey there buster, what‟s going on? You pissed my brother of real good" she giggled, "what‟s your secret? I have never made him that angry"



"Shit, yeah sorry I didn't mean to do that" I mentally cringed. "Meh, no biggie. So what‟s up?" "Um ok. You know how you are like the best friend in the whole universe, right?"



"Wow, it sounds like you have screwed up if I have been promoted from best friend in the whole world to best friend in the entire universe" she giggled, sounding wary at the same time "Yeah I- I really ha- have this-is time. I am-am, uh, um…" I stammered "Wow Amelia, it can‟t be that bad honey. I am not going to judge I promise" "PREGNANT!" I shouted. "I am pregnant" I repeated more quietly, more calmly.



I was greeted by silence on the other end of the phone. "Well, not expecting that I guess" I tried to laugh it off like it was nothing but Olivia‟s silence was more disconcerting than anything that I thought that she could say.



"Do you want to come over Gee?" she asked using my old nickname. "I can bet you don‟t want your folks hearing this. It‟s only me and John here and he is heading out. I can get him to pick you up" "Yeah," I said relieved.



"That would be awesome. As long as you tell me why he is there in the first place" I laughed "Sure, as long as you tell me about this whole pregnancy thing" she replied, and I could hear her smiling. "Hey, just make sure that you don‟t piss him off again"



"Deal" I groaned as she hung up thinking about the awkward car ride to come. I spent the next few minutes getting my clothes on and detangling my hair. I had just put down the brush when I heard a car beep from outside. I looked out the window and saw probably a mirage.



It had to be the hottest guy I had ever seen. He had blonde hair and his shirt was clinging to his body in the wind... Oh, sweet mother, he had muscles!!!!! I wondered why he was parked outside my house. Maybe he was one of my sister‟s new boyfriends…



I think she was dating about three guys at the moment. Yeah, she was a skank. But I love her. I watched the guy for a few minutes before he threw his hands up in the air and muttered something. He walked to our front door. I heard my sister answer the door and then muted voices, before a knock at my door.



It opened before I had a chance to reply. There stood my sister with a curious look on her face and the blonde Lord. "Amelia? Ah, John‟s here to pick you up", Grace said, still obviously curious as to why the Lord… or John was here for me. I stared at him for a moment before I realized that he was scowling at me, obviously annoyed about something.



"If your Amelia you have two minutes to be down in the car. If you aren't you can walk to Olivia's house". With that, he turned and stalked out of the room, while I stood gawking with my mouth open. One…that was rude. Two… sweet mother of all that is sweet! John sure had changed since I last saw him.

Episode 3: You are a friend of O‟s

I felt a pillow hit my head and looked up to see my sister staring at me like I was mad. "Hell girl! Go! I wouldn't let that out of my sight ever" she partially screamed. I jumped off my bed and ran after him. Lord wouldn't it sucks if I had to walk I thought. No, my conscience said, it would suck to let him getaway. Lord, I was turning in to my sister, but worse.



"Pregnant teen lusting after man not fathering her child". I could see the headlines now… I got to the car just as he was turning it on and awkwardly jumped into the passenger seat of the low slung car.



The car ride over to Olivia‟s had to be the most awkward drive I have ever been on. I sat there waiting for John to say something but he said nothing. I knew from experience that the drive took about ten minutes so that means I had about five left. I could do this, I thought.



"SO, you're Amelia, huh?" he asked. Holy crap he is talking to me, I thought to panic. What to say to an amazingly hot guy who already hates you? "Yes" was my reply. Just yes. Hel, I had great conversations. I was just bloody brilliant. "You are a friend of O‟s. She mentioned you in some letters a while ago"





"Yeah, I guess. We have been friends for a while" I mumbled He laughed. I couldn't work out what was so funny so I turned to him and stared at him. He noticed my confused expression and tried to stop, but the corners of his mouth were still twitching.



"Sorry, O says you never shut up. Always talking, but you don't seem to be saying much" he laughed. I suppressed a smile and looked out my window. I watched as the houses went by in a blur. I thought it as a metaphor. I was seventeen and my life seemed to be over. It had gone by so fast, just like the houses we drove past.



Finally, we got to Olivia's and John‟s place. I saw Olivia herself sitting on the front porch waiting for me, her eyes lighting up when she saw up pull into the driveway. I hurried to get out of the car.






I looked at her like she was mad. Had she just screamed that out in the middle of her street? Kids from school lived around here. Then I remembered John was just behind me. I glanced back at him and saw the shocked look on his face, and then anger. I went to tell Olivia to shut up, but the words weren't coming.



I needed her help, definitely not her pity or anger or anything else. She was my only friend, an only true friend and she had just yelled the one thing I had trusted her with to the entire world. I stood there feeling hurt and embarrassed but much betrayed.



"Olivia, Shut up would you" came John‟s voice. I was still rooted to the ground, emotions swirling around me like crazy. I felt an arm snake around my shoulder; I looked up to see John.



"Geeze Sis would you like that if somebody, a friend, told that to the world?" he said angrily. He started to pull me towards the house and through the front door. He sat me on the couch and walked into another room. I was still semi-shocked but recovering nicely.



A minute later, John came back through with a glass of iced tea and a sandwich, placed it in front of me and sat down in a chair opposite me. I stared at the plate then at him with a "what the f**k" look on my face. Why was he being nice? I was expecting the name-calling and the degrading to come about now.



He was just sitting there with his eyes trained on me. "You should eat", he said quietly. I looked at the food again and back at him. "Why are you being so nice?" I asked. He went to open his mouth to talk when Olivia came running into the room, hurdling herself into my arms and apologizing.



I looked back at John only to see he had left during my distraction. Olivia dragged me up to her room with a determination that I will admit scared me. It has been ages since I have been up here and when she opened the door my mouth dropped open so far I was almost positive it was touching the floor. Olivia who had walked in first realized that I was still standing at the door and looked at me like I was crazy or overreacting.



But, hell, photos are covering every inch of the walls of hot guys. From celebrities too, Holy Cow, even guys from school! I always knew that there could be no way that Olivia was gay, only because she loved guys way too much, but this was just a little over the top…

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