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Wish I Could Meet You Sooner

Just A Normal Day In The Life Of Stella

"MOM! I'm late for school again, hurry up!!" I screamed as I rushed to pick up my bag and lunch box and ran towards the bus stop.

My days in high school have been quite monotonous. It's like there is nothing to do! All day same story! 'Eat, Sleep, repeat' has been my everyday regime.

Today I have an important mathematics exam and I studied sufficient enough for it but I'm still nervous.

I was able to make it on time and catch the bus. 

We played the song game in the bus . We divide ourselves in 4-5 groups and each contestant sings the first verse of a song  that begins on which the previous contestant's song selection ended. Bus rides were hence, fun and we'd exclaim "OH, NO!" in synchrony as soon as we reached the school.

I reached my class and walked till the last bench. Back benches were fun. Front ones are for geeks. I took my seat which was already left vacant for me.

"Okay class, you have one hour to finish up your test and then you can go back home" said Miss Izzie as she started distributing the question paper.

I heard Beth whispering behind me"Stella, Show me the whole goddamn answer sheet. I swear I know nothing!"

I chuckled and soon after one hour of utmost silence and scribbling in the class room, the paper ended.

Beth thanked me for saving her ass with the major portion of the paper or she would be smacked by her tuition teacher again.

I returned home to find my best friend Adam waiting for me near the elevator.

"So how did it go?" he asked

"Aced it!" I replied with an ear-to-ear smile.

It was always good talking to Adam. We talked all the time, discussing every detail of the day.

Adam bought me an ice cream and as we talked, he reminded me that he liked me more than just friends and wanted me to be his girlfriend and asked me to think about it again.

I have never been in a relationship before! Why does he keep saying that? I don't want to ruin my friendship with him but he is being more persistent these days. I like talking to him but I never thought of him in that way!

I have been ignoring his questions for about a month now. I went back to my home and we decided to meet in the evening.

Pretty boring already, huh?

I met Adam in the evening again still unsure how I would answer his 'be my girlfriend' questions.

Adam is standing there talking on the phone with HIS FRIEND and SHE'S A GIRL!

I am being supportive. Okay, he's just talking to a friend. But its been so long already and why is he smiling like that?

What the f*ck is this feeling? Is it jealousy?

Oh, hell nawww!! When did this happen?

F*ck, I'm officially ruined.



What do I do?

I can't stand seeing him blushing over the phone with someone else.

I stomped off in a huff, muttering under my breath hoping he would understand that something bothered me and went back home.

I went to my balcony and stood there, aloof, trying to understand what is wrong with me? He was my friend, right?

Why this uneasiness?

Why is it bothering me?

I stood there waiting for him to call me.

After 20 minutes he called.

I picked up and he asked Why did I rush away?

I don't know why but tear filled up my eyes and I told him "I couldn't see you talking for so long to some girl and you didn't even care about me. I'm not okay with you ignoring me and talking for an eternity to some random chick and blushing like Angelina Jolie called you cute!"

I could feel him smiling as he said. "Oh my god, Stella, You like me too!"

"Look, She's just a friend from hometown.We lived nearby and went to the same school until I moved in here. I got to know she moved here too and her new school is opposite mine.

You don't need to worry about her. It's just that we talked after so long and we had a lot to discuss about." he explained.

I believed him. Maybe because I wanted him to myself and was scared of losing him to someone else.I feared maybe it's too late.

Too late to validate my feelings.

And just like that we were in a relationship.

I was Adam's girlfriend. My best friend. My first relationship! What did I get myself into!?

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend

I won't lie, it was an extraordinary feeling.

We talked all the time. The calls used to end at 6 am in the morning. I don't know how we brought so much to talk about, everyday. Even when we both said absolutely nothing, it still felt good to have him on the other side.

Adam religiously picked me up from school and dropped me to my tuition classes everyday, even if it was really close to home.

I was spoiled by him, eating chocolates every other day. I blame him for growing fat. He made me laugh doing all the crazy things, with all his stupid jokes.

To someone who has never experienced love before, it was heavenly.

It felt like everyday my feelings towards Adam were increasing. And each day I just became more and more crazy about Adam.

Was I losing my mind? Probably yes!

Suddenly it felt like my boring days were now interesting.

What changed?

I was happier, merrier than I was ever before.

Waking up everyday with new zeal!

I loved spending time with Adam and would do anything for him.

I succumbed to this feeling and forgot the other pleasures of life, my duties, responsiblities.

"Stella, Do you wanna meet us at the new mall that opened a few days back? It would be fun" exclaimed Beth.

"Emm, Sorry Beth I had plans with Adam today. How about the coming weekend?" I replied.

I was never an extrovert, so I made less friends.

Beth and Stephanie were two closest friends I had and I spent the entire school time with them. Gossiping, Laughing, studying, bitching about the girls we didn't like. But I made no efforts after school. I liked spending the after school hours with Adam.

This is the Lesson 1 : *Never ghost out your friends and family just because you found someone else. Your family will love you and be there for you forever even if that person stays or not.*

I was a mediocre in studies and I found my self losing interest in studies.

I would say my priorities had changed.

I enjoyed the perks of relationship so studies felt boring. I would always procrastinate.

Lesson 2 :* Set your priorities straight.

Never fall off track from your focus, your dreams, your hobbies.

Pursue what you aspire regardless of any kind of hinderance in your life. Otherwise you would only blame yourself and repent later*.

Yet, I wasn't too pathetic in studies.

I passed highschool.

I had to go to college and for that I had to pass the entrance exams.

My mother was not fond of the idea of me and Adam together.

She couldn't find him sincere enough.

She said he would hurt me and be a hinderance to my dreams but I tried to explain her that I can love no one like Adam.

She disapproved.

I had to hide mine and Adam's relationship from her now.

**Lesson 3 **: *Children these days have life parents are completely unaware of.

Children get into stuff which might destroy their life.

Teenagers get into drugs, alcohol, smoke addiction parents are completely unaware of.

Parents should be a friend to their kids. Try to guide them and understand their situation instead of shutting them out.

Understand, you've been in this age too.

This is time the hormones shoot up to a whole new level. Guide them. Support them.

And be there with them when they need you the most.

Listen patiently to what they have to share.

Don't scold them harshly.

And Kids. Make a good relation with your parents and siblings.

Share with them. Don't be scared about the consequences hide stuff or it'll f*ck you up.

Try to make them understand.*

The heartbreak

Me and Adam witnessed each other growing up.

We were immature.

Our relationship gradually turned from innocent friendship to more intimate.

It was all new to me. Adam persuaded me and made me trust that he would always be with me. I believed everything he said.

Then with passing time, my love for him only got more stronger than ever.

Adam wouldn't treat me exactly the way you read in stories.The starting few months were absolutely adorable, when it was all new, all sparks and fireworks.

Then, with passing time, we just talked, met each other.

Soon it got baseless. Just a routine kind of thing.

I was too obsessed with him. He always had some or the other girl linked to him for which I got dramatically possessive. But I always gave him his space. Never meddled in between. Only when things went too over the bridge I would barge in and then, FIGHTS!

Lesson 4 : *Space is important in every relationship. They have a life too. Don't stick to your partner 24*7. But that doesn't mean you have to ignore the red signs.

If they are loyal and honest, You don't need to worry about them. They'll always make time for you, be there with you and choose you. Otherwise why all the pain?*

I moved house. Shifted to other city.

Long Distance. Things turned worse.

I don't know what it was but you can never clap with a single hand. Its both of their mistake, right?

It was Beth's birthday.

We were supposed to meet in a mall.

Beth was already there. She called me.

"Hey, where are you?" Beth asked worriedly.

"Home, getting ready, why? It's still early than we planned, right? I replied quickening up not expecting what she was about to ask.

"Where is Adam?" She asked in a tone I felt uneasy about.

"I don't know, home, maybe? We had a fight. I'm not talking to him these days! Why do you ask?" I questioned anxiously.

"What the hell is he doing on a date with some girl here? Both of them are blushing. I saw them holding hands!" She replied.

My heart sank.

I felt some physical pain in my chest, my stomach knotted and it felt like someone just punched me.

"WHAT!??" I exclaimed

"Are you sure it was Adam?" I asked as my heart dropped.

"Yes, absolutely!" She said

I immediately ended the call.

All these emotions rushed. I had no clue what the **** was happening.

I called Adam. " Where are you?"

"Out with friends" he lied.

"I saw you so don't try to cover it up." I said with tears filled up my eyes ready to flood out any second.

There was silence.

"Are you with Jessie?" I asked too scared to hear it.

"Yes" he replied and ended the call.

My heart broke into a million pieces.

I went to meet Beth but I could speak nothing. I ate nothing. She felt sorry for me.

I didn't like it. I tried not to spoil her birthday but I just couldn't talk much.

I went back I cried day and night. Locked up in a room.

Mom got upset. She didn't know I cried. I couldn't show her. She just saw me have loss of appetite and talk nothing.

She asked me what was wrong. I couldn't tell her. She didn't know I was still in relationship with him even though she asked me not to.

Why did it had to be this way?

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