NovelToon NovelToon

GhOsTeD LoVe~


"Always expect the unexpected but make sure that the unexpected never expects you."


»DAY 1

I just got home from school and I thought of eating dinner in a fast food chain. I just walk because it's near in our house. I arrive and immediately order something. I was about to sit when I noticed the guy sitting in a table and just looking outside as if staring into nothingness....So I decided to go to his seat and talk to him...

"Excuse me? Can I sit here?" *I a**sked*.

"Okay" he said.

I also noticed that he didn't order anything...

"Uhmm are you waiting for someone? Cuz I noticed that you didn't order anything yet."

"Huh? No one.... And I also really didn't order anything.." he replied.

"Oh I see.If you want you can order something and I'll pay for it." I smiled

"No I'm fine.. I'm still full..Thanks.." he replied while looking outside.

"Ah... Are you sure?"


"Well may I know your name?"

"Tyler... Tyler Williams.."

"I'm Clara hehe.. Nice to meet you! By the way why are you here?"


"Nothing...Just want some fresh air..." Tyler replied.

We just talk and after that I went home too since I still need to do my homeworks.

»DAY 2

I thought of coming back to the fast food chain I went yesterday. Hoping that I can see Tyler and It's good that he is there again in the place where we talk yesterday.

"Tyler! That's good you're here!" I feel excited tho.

"Why? Is there any problem?" he asked.

"Uhmm nothing hehe. You didn't order again? Don't tell me your still full?" I chuckled.


"Ehh? Nice! On a diet? You may lose weight if you don't eat."

"Or maybe not.."

"Are you sure you won't eat anything?" I asked again.

"I'm still full maybe later..."

"Okay as you said hehe."

A moment of silence and then later on my order also arrived.

"Well how are you Tyler?"

"I'm fine... "

"Can I ask a question?"

"Aren't you asking already?"


"Hehe..Tyler how old are you?"


"Ohh you're just 1 year older than me."

...A sudden silence again-...


"Are you studying?" I asked.


"Ah Okie. What are you busy with right now?"

"Work..." he answered.

"You're working? Woah! I also want to work but my parents don't want to they said I should finish my study first."


I just talk to him even if he talk less cuz it will be boring if we both stay quiet. We already talked a lot. He also mentioned about where he lives and how their life there. But I'm wondering how far their house here but he choose to work here instead. And again some questions pop up in my mind so I ask him again hope he won't get annoyed haha..

"How long have you been here?"

"1 year and 6 months.."

"Why did you choose to live here?"

"...."he smiled.

Like yesterday he didn't answer my question again.

"I guess I have to go now I still have something to do. Do you want to come with me?" I smiled.

"No but thanks."

"Are you sure?"


"So are you going to stay here for a while."


"Okay fine hehe..I'll go first! Bye...See you!!!

"Hmm take care.."

...>🥀To Be Continued🥀<...


Uhmmm clearing my throat**

*So hi guys I'm Ice and this is my first time to write a novel...Hope y'all will like this! Thank you! Peace out and Smile*~


"It might take a year, It might take a day. But what's meant to be will always find it's way."


»DAY 3

"Hey Clara let's hang out" Blake said.

"I pass for now. I still have something to do."

"Ah ok ok. Call me when you're free."

...I went home first to change my clothes before going to Tyler in the fast food chain. He is there again and just staring outside....


...He smiled at me and again stare into nothingness....

"You really love this place aren't you? I'm going to order something and join me okay?"

"No thanks" he said.


"I'm still full..."

"Just eat a little. Look at you, you're already looking pale."

...He didn't answer. Maybe he got offended to what I said....

"Sorry... " feeling guilty.


"Don't worry you're still handsome even if you look a little bit pale hehe."

"It's normal... "

"Hey Tyler join me it's embarrassing if people see me eating while you're just staring."

"Hmm I'll join you next time..." he replied.

"Join me now!"


...I didn't force him anymore and I just let it go....

...Clara's POV...

...I go to the fast food chain almost everyday just to see Tyler. Of all the men I've met, he's the only one who's different. Tyler is just simple and he doesn't look like a playboy....


»DAY 4

...I decided to do my homework in the fast food chain so I can have a reason to be there....

"Hi Tyler!"

"You're here again?" he asked.

"Hmm yeah. You don't want? And also I'm going to do my homework here."

"Why here?" he asked me again.

"It's noisy in our house. "

"Isn't it more noisy here because there are so many people and noisy cars?"

"Alas, my mother's voice is even louder than that." I sighed.

...While eating I'm doing my homework. It's really noisy here but I just make an excuse to see him. hehe....

"Huff- Finally it's done! I told yah I can focus more here. You're so quiet. Don't you know how to speak? hehe."

[Tyler: Your just talkative....]

"What to talk?" he asked.

"Whatever you want. Think of any topic cuz the person you're talking to will be bored if you just keep quiet."

"I don't have anyone to talk to.....Only you."

My face turned red at what he said.

"I.... am I the only one you can talk? You don't have anyone to talk?"

"No one...."

"For real? You're handsome that I can't believe that no one wants to talk to you." I chuckled.

"I'm already handsome in your eyes?"

"Ohh don't assume even if I said your handsome that doesn't mean I like you. Don't even think of that." I unknowingly panicked.

"I didn't think of that..." *serious look*

"A..ahh y.. you didn't hehe.."

...I was a little embarrassed by what he said so I change the topic....

"Why see you away from your parents?"

...And again no response....

"Hello! Did you hear me? Why you didn't-" I got interrupted by the waitress.

"Excuse me Ma'am...Ma'am are you still waiting for someone? 'cause we're already about to close..." she asked politely.

"Ah is that so? Come on Tyler, let's go home together." I looked at him.

"You go first...."


"I said you go first..."

"Why they are going to close what are you still waiting for?" I asked.

"J.... just go..."

"Oh okie then I'll go first. Take care!" I smiled and wave at him.

"You too Clara..."

...Tyler's POV...

...Clara..... She is so cute haha... How I wish I can talk to her everyday.......


Hi guys! Thanks for all your support!

Btw what do you think about Tyler?

Comment down ur answer.

Stay tuned bye and smile~ 😉


Hi peeps I'm back not front jk.. Its been months do you still remember this story? Anyway I'm getting bored day by day so i decided to continue this story if im not lazy. "-"


...~Back to the Story~...


>at the fastfood chain<

"Why are you always here? Don't you wanna go in other fast food chain?" I asked.


"And also why do you always sit here? what's so special on this seat?"

"Nothing". he replied.

"Ahh why don't you try other places? Why don't you join me?"


"Let's go to mall."

...Luckily he agreed so we go for a ride...

...and directly go to the mall...

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know."

"Ha? You can do a lot of things here. There's a lot of restaurant here that you might like and we can try."

"Don't bother."


...I dont really know why he only like...

...that fastfood chain. What so special about that place?...

"Lets play something?"

...Clara's POV...

...We went to the arcade and tried a lot of games and i fell like im getting back to...

...the old times when i was still a kid....

...I noticed that I was laughing too...

...loud that people keep staring at me...

...and looks at me in a weird way but i just ignored them....

"Why those people look at me like that?"

"You laugh too loud." he said

"Eh sorry hehe..Soooo Is it fun??"


"Are you sure? I think I'm just the only one who played here while your just watching me." raised one eyebrow.

"Hey I did cheer you but seems like you don't want."

"It's much better if you played with me.Your just smiling at the corner maybe because of the pretty girls beside you." I mumbled.

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing nothing. I said let's just go home since you don't also want to eat here."

"Because I already eat before we go here"

"Sus! stoopid reasons. By the way where are you going after this?" I asked.

"That Fastfood Chain."

"Ha? again? Why there?"

"Cuz I want there."

"Just what so special about that place?"

"I said nothing"

...Clara's POV...

...It's just weird because I always saw...

...him in that place and sometime...

...staring in to nothing and not...

...eating anything I accompanied...

...him again in that place and...

...said goodbye....

"Take care Tyler."

"You too Clara."

...Clara's POV...

...Hmm.. What if his seeing a girl here......

...Tsk so what! Wait but he said I'm...

...the only one he talks to.Gosh!...

...What's this feeling?!?...

...Whatever I know that he will...

...just do nothing there.....

...•••••To be continued•••••...

Hey! Thats all for today Iguess I'm too lazy to wrote a long chapter. And Btw guys I also don't know when I will update maybe next month again hahahaha jk.

Peace out and smile~

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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