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Hidden Love | TAEKOOK


Note : Everything mentioned here is fictional. Nothing's related to or refering to anyone or anything in real life. It's purely fictional.

Muffled sound of crying heard behind the closed doors. Jungkook slowly opend the door. The room was too dark to see. Jungkook called out in confusion, "Tae are you in there?" the reply he got is the sound of sobbing.

He managed to turn the lights on. Regretted it the second he laid his eyes on the sobbing messed tae. Sitting at the floor laid his head on his knees which he pressed against his chest. The room was a mess, filled with broken piece of glasses, ripped papers, blinking night lamp on the floor. That was not the only things that was broken present in that room.

" Tae!!What happened?!Why are you on the floor crying?What's wrong baby? " Jungkook ran sitting in front of tae. Slowly placing his hands under his chin and raising him to look at him.

" What's wrong baby, why are you...", before he could even finished his words " Let's break this jungkook. It's not gonna work. I'm sorry...I'm really...really very sorry but...I don't want this anymore. " Jungkook eyes wide opened hearing Tae words, tears slowly filling his eyes.

" What are you talking about What... what do you mean let's break?" tears falling down his cheeks. It's like his world is breaking into pieces. He couldn't find what just happened it's all like a fade image in his mind and the voice of Taehyung is repeating again and again.

" Why now we were just fine don't we? why do you want to ..." he wishes to change back time even though he knows it's not possible.

" Just please...*sobs please don't ask me anything just I'm tired...I'm too tired of this shit. " tae said inbetween sobs.

" But you said we can work this through "

" I was wrong!! we know it's never gonna happen it never did and it never will. We should stop this before we get hurt. "

" Oh...think now we're not hurt " let's a sad smile with continuous tears falling down. " Do you have any idea how hurt I'm right now? Of course you do. And I know how hurt you are. " grabs Tae hands gently and looked at him in a pleading eyes. " Baby let's talk this over,ok? We promised we will stay together no matter what happens, right? "

Tae said nothing but mouthed a sorry and released the hold jungkook had on him. Just like that he took away everything he had.

Jungkook teared more looking down, eyes closed at the floor wishing that this is some nightmare which will end once he opens his eyes but it's not. Reality hits him real hard. Thinking why it has to be this hard. Why does he can't love the one he wants. Even though he has everything he just feels empty and lonely.

The one person who made him feel warm broke their hold and gave him the cold again. The one that once promised the entire world left him alone. If an year ago someone told jungkook, that he's gonna meet someone who would bring him happiness, make him feel warm and secured and becomes his everything he would just have laughed at them.

But here they are, their love was never shown out, only the darkness witnessed their love for eachother, and the same darkness is witnessing their break now.

That night two things happened, two lovely innocent hearts we're broken, the so called true love was killed by this judgemental cruel world. But one that no one knows is that there was a third, someone sacrificed his love for his loved one.

Chapter 1 : The Beginning

~An year ago


Loud foot steps was heard across hall way.

" Is he here? "

" Yes sir, he is in his practice now " Both were striking on their way to the practice room.

" What were you doing when he went out alone? Your are his manager, remember? "

" Sorry sir " the manager looked worried more than scared.

" I'm a goddamn CEO of BANGTAN ENTERTAINMENT I can't babysit all idols. God these young people these days are so frustrating " irritation was seen in his tone. They both reached the practice room. The manager opened the door for the CEO to enter. On seeing the CEO everyone freezed still.

" JEON JUNGKOOK!! " the CEO's voice blasted across the room. Everyone looked scared. Jungkook came walking towards the CEO with a sacred look on his face. " Yes sir...wha... "

" Are you out of your mind!! " he started shouting on jungkook's face " What were you thinking? I told you not to gain more attention, and yet you went out in public without your manager? You have any idea what you did!! "

jungkook lowered his head and his voice was just barely audible " I'm sorry Mr.Bang my mistake I won't do something like that again " the manager looked at him worried " Sorry sir, jungkook just went out to get some inspirations, it's the fans who started swarming in. I looked into it sir, turns out there are fans who would just sit and wait in the cafe at front all day to see their idols. It's them who started it sir. "

" We can't blame them... that's why I'm asking him to be careful, he's not a kid anymore. Just tell him to act like one. " The CEO fumed out of the room. Jungkook let out a breath he wasn't realised holding all this time.

" Sorry hyung I got you in trouble again. "

" Don't be. You know him. It's all right. Just be careful ok? Atleast tell me where you are going next time. We can't risk it, you are a top star now everyone's eyes on you. We need to be extra careful. Small mistake will ruin your reputation. "

" Sure hyung, I will, I'm sorry..." jungkook had great respect on his Hejin hyung, and Hejin loved jungkook like his own brother. He has been taking care of him since he joined the company. He was just 11 when he became a trainee. The company discovered him after he has been rejected in an audition for a reality show.

Though, he got rejected no one could deny his amazing voice. The CEO maybe a jerk but he has good eyes for talents. He brought jungkook in as a trainee. Trained him for almost 4 years. He got debuted for solo when he was 15. He started working since he was a kid. Growing under a spotlight maybe seem magical for the ones who look from the outside. But not for the one who's behind it.

He looks so bright to others but for him everything around him is dark. He used to spend most times staying in the company. Practicing, recording, or working on some new songs. That was his world. That was all his world. He never did what normal teens do. Hanging out with friends, going to a coffee shop, watching movies or playing games.

He never had time for all this because of his always packed busy schedule, he doesn't have a lot of friends too. After schedules are too tired for even to walk, sometimes it'll go on till 2 in the morning.

All his hardwork did paid him off. Right now, he was one of the most famous and handsome idol in Korea. He love his job more than a job it's his passion his dream. This is what he dreamt for all those years. All those blood, sweat, and tears brought him where he is now.

But, still sometimes he feels empty and even sometimes he would think how would it be if he was not famous, if he was not a singer. That question, sometimes scares him, because this is who he is, without all this he feels like nothing, if it was all gone he's afraid that he don't know who he is anymore.

But, there is someone who can make him feel complete and forget about all that bothers him. His existence is the only reason that keeps Jungkook together for all these years, even in his hard times he was there for him.

Jungkook finished his practice and went out to get some air. His face got bright like a sunshine when he save someone waving at him from the balcony. he went towards that person. The floor was pretty high and had a great view. Well, there was two great views, the city at the back and a boxy warm smile welcoming jungkook.

" Hey gukkie, is your practice over? "

" Yeah...just now. "

" It must be tiring, right? with the comeback and all "

" Yea...yea...right. What are you doing here don't you have practice too? "

" No... actually I'm off for a day "

" Wait, they're giving you a day off. They don't even let me go out for a few minutes. Not fair " jungkook made a pouty lips which made Taehyung laugh.

" Aw! you are so cute when you pout. " Taehyung turned his focus towards the city view again.

" Hyung, umm...are you free this Saturday? "

" Yea I guess, my MV shooting was almost over and my comeback is after two months. Why? What do you have in mind? "

" I was thinking about going somewhere. The first snow is near know somewhere like to Namsan Tower. They said it's a place that people liked to visit on the day of first snow so..." Taehyung just looked at him in silent " I mean you don't have to if you have work. I'm's just I'm not that close to anyone so... I thought maybe I'll go with you if that's ok... "

" Of course, I'll go with you pick me up in my dorm. " taehyung said with a big smile on his face. Jungkook never expected him to agree. His cheeks turned a shade of red. " Sure then...I'll see you on Saturday. I'll just...I'll just go back to practice. See ya. " Jungkook waved goodbye for which taehyung nodded his head fast with his big boxy smile. Jungkook was so whipped at the sight.

Taehyung was also an solo artist in the BANGTAN ENTERTAINMENT. He was already a trainee before Jungkook came. Debuted 2 years before Jungkook did. He was 15 too at that time, Jungkook was just a 13 year old trainee kid. Both were young and they felt comfortable around eachother. So, they became friends. They were very close even after debuted. They used to sneak out of their dorms. Going out for a late night snack. Being scolded by Mr.Bang for making mistakes. They were both basically crime partners.

Taehyung helped Jungkook a lot, took care of him, taught him how to behave, how to share, played games with him, made him feel comfortable and safe after coming far away from his parents in such young age.

Taehyung was also young at that time but he protected him like his big hyung. Jungkook has a special place in his heart for his Taehyungie. No one can ever take that place. Kind of a respect he had on him.

But, things got different when Jungkook turned 18, atleast for Jungkook. He started feeling something for his hyung. Something more than just between brothers. He started developing feelings for him. But, he never show that out. More than he want to, he's afraid of losing the bond he has now with his Taehyungie.

Everytime he talks to him he'll easily get shy. He's afraid that his hyung might see it and think he's weird or the worst he might hate him. Even though he knows that he'll never get him, everytime he'll just dream of hugging him, kissing him, being his boyfriend.

He was confused when he was young. Because, he thought it's weird for having feelings for someone of same gender. But, as he aged he understood his true feelings for his hyung.

Love is cruel isn't it? We fall for someone we can never have. It hurts real bad when we fall from a high but we want to do it anyways. No one escapes from it, no one can resist it. Jungkook is no exception. He's falling for someone who he shouldn't. Will he be pushed down or be held?

Chapter 2 : Namsan Date


Jungkook was turning and twirling before the mirror, getting ready for his date. It's just a hangout according to Taehyung but not for Jungkook. Wide smile on his face, satisfied with his look. Light brown neatly styled hair with some pink highlights, blue and white tie dye denim jacket left open over a white turtle neck sweater, hoops earrings.

After checking him out for a hundredth time, headed out of his room. His big smile caught his roommates attention.

" Mind telling us where you're going? " asked his roomate 1 who's laying down on his sofa, raised his head to get a better view of Jungkook.

" Are you going on a date or something? " he asked in a teasing tone, which made Jungkook cheek go rose red.

" Let me guess heading out with Taehyung. " his roomate 2 popped out of nowhere, to join in teasing him.

" I know why he's so cutely dressed " flopped back on his sofa.

" Ah...Hyungs why are you teasing me. " Jungkook made a pouty face which made both his hyungs laugh wide of his cuteness.

" No! he's right you are cute " his roommate 2 made a comment and laughed at his still pouting cute roomate.

" Alright...we won't make fun of you loose that pouty lips. So, where are you headed. " this time not so... teasing.

" I'm taking Taehyung hyungie to Namsan Tower. " Jungkook said shyly playing with the hem of his sweater. They said nothing more but a light giggles where heard. Jungkook's cheek turned bright red now.

" Hyungs!! "

" What, we said nothing "

" Yea...but let us know if you had your first kiss "

" Suga hyung!! " Jungkook's shyness is at it's peck thinking of what his Suga hyung said. Cupping his shy face with his hands. Both were laughing hard seeing the younger's reaction.

Jungkook share his dorm with his Suga hyung and Namjoon hyung. They both were the producers and songwriters of their company. They are young but they are the most brilliant and talented songwriters. Jungkook stayed with them since the beginning. He was basically their little baby. They never scolded him for anything but, they do advice him if he did something bad like his parents.

" Suga stop. See, he is like a tomato now " Suga laughed looking at Jungkook, yea... Namjoon was not wrong he is looking like a tomato.

" Alright have fun. Bye "

" Yea have fun and be careful "

" Ok hyungies, bye see ya. " after waving goodbyes to his hyungs he rushed out to his car.

[ Time Skip ]

Taehyung's dorm was not far away, they live in a same campus, just a few blocks away. Jungkook slowed his car seeing Taehyung waiting for him outside his dorm. Jungkook climbed down his car and stilled on seeing Taehyung walking towards him. He looked stunning, neatly styled silver hair, red buttoned up shirt with black pants that shaped his legs in a perfect way, drop down earrings made him look ethereal.

Jungkook was awed by his beauty.

" Hey! " Taehyung called out.

" Hey..." let out a breath that he wasn't realised holding so far. " Beautiful " Voice barely visible but still caught Taehyung's attention, for a moment he looked shy " Thanks, You too. Shall we? "

" Yeah " Jungkook opened the door for him. Soon, they traveled towards their destination for today's date or hangout like Taehyung refer.

~ Namsan Tower, Seoul

After getting tired of touring around some gift shops, museums and photo studios, they reached the revolving restaurant on the top floor, rotates at a rate of one revolution every 48 minutes. Reservation must be done atleast 2 days prior the date of visit. Thankfully Jungkook did it beforehand, basically he asked Taehyung after reservation. He was thankful that he accepted.

It was a classy french restaurant with round tables neatly arranged near the big tall glass walls, a perfect dating spot yet they refer this as a "hangout". They were guided by the staff to their reserved table. It had this perfect view of the city. Night Seoul is like heaven.

Jungkook pulled the chair for Taehyung to sit. Then he himself went to the opposite chair.

" Restaurant is so beautiful." Taehyung complimented admiring the view outside.

" Yea, I always wanted to come here. I'm so happy you came. " Taehyung gave him a sweet smile. They both checked out the menu and ordered steak along with red wine. They ate their food in comfortable silent, no words were exchanged but they both felt comfortable around eachother.

After finishing their dinner, they came out for a walk in the roof terrace where ' love locks ' can be found. Jungkook wanted one too. He wished to put a lock together with Taehyung, though he knows that's not gonna happen.

Suddenly, Taehyung stopped in his track and looked at Jungkook. Jungkook looked confused " What's wrong? "

" Let's put a lock together " just like that Taehyung shoot out the words. But, he doesn't know what that does to Jungkook. Jungkook was confused for a second, 'did I heard that right? How did he...did I said that out loud?' for a second he cursed himself.

Taehyung continued, " It seemed so cool. So, I thought I'll put it on with you. If you don't want to, it's ok. "

" No, I'm ok with it. " Jungkook replied without any delay.

" Then let's put it on, come on. " Taehyung became excited and dragged him towards it. Taehyung wrote something on the lock, then he and Jungkook locked it together. Only then Jungkook noticed the writing on the lock ' TAEKOOK '

" What's taekook " he asked Taehyung in confusion.

" Tae for Taehyung and kook for Jungkook. It's us. Taekook "

Taehyung may have just made it up. But, for Jungkook it meant a lot.

" Taekook " he repeated again. His face is a burning mess now with all the overwhelming shyness. Taehyung doesn't know how much power he have over Jungkook. The power of turning him into a tomato just like that without any effort.

They walked over to the edge towards the railing. The cool breeze made Taehyung to shiver a little. Jungkook noticed this and took his jacket to cover Taehyung.

" It's getting cold these days, you should wear something warmer " he said it in the most soft tone while covering Taehyung with his jacket. Taehyung mouthed a ' thankyou ' along with a warm smile. He pulled and enclosed the jacket close to his body. He turned his focus towards the city again. They stood there in silence before Taehyung starts speaking,

" Seeing the city from this high makes it look small, peaceful, safe. But, as we go near all we see is troubles, hate for each other, regrets. Wouldn't it be nice if we just stay far away. That way we can just stay safe and it makes life less difficult. " Jungkook turned and gave his full attention towards Taehyung as he speaks. " But still, we choose the hardest path anyways. Though, we have our regrets later, all we want to do now is to live in the moment and feel as warm as possible before it's taken away. "

Jungkook doesn't understand a single word but he nods anyways and turned towards the city.

They stood their in silence, enclosing the warmth. Who knows what future holds for them, right now all they want to do is to live in the moment. Feeling the warmth as much as possible before it turns cold.

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