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A Girl From Paris

Chapter 1

Kristen - Hey guys wanna come to my house we can study and have some fun.

Junice – Study and fun!!!!! It's impossible. We can either have fun or study.

Andrew – Junice is right !!!!  Let’s study instead, we always have fun and we need to study too

Lacy – I agree too!!! We don’t have to always study. It's boring. Don't be such a mood killer Andrew...

Junice – Lacy you look a bit tired today. Did anything happen??

Lacy – No, I am fine...

Andrew – Lacy did anything happen in the school today.??

Lacy – Yeah, studies.

Andrew -Lacy you know I am not asking that tell me what happened to you.

Junice – Did that idiot Aron bully you again ???? We didn’t go to school today only you went so

tell me the truth

Lacy – It's nothing, maybe I am too tired…..

Kristain – Stop lying Lacy!!! We know you too well, now tell us.

Junice – Guys(Telling the other two boys) Let me ask her personally. Maybe something must have

happened which she can’t share with you guys.

Kistain and Andrew – Yeah go ahead…

Junice – Lacy I need to discuss something very important with you ….Please come outside.

Lacy – Okk

{Lacy and Junice  in the garden}

Junice – We know each for a long time and I know something is wrong with you, which you are not saying. Please tell me if I can help you somehow.

Lacy – Actually in the games class today I was in the class as I was not feeling well and Aron and his friends also came there. They took my bag and I couldn’t snatch it. They saw my album and saw that I didn’t have parents and they are missing so he started making fun of them. I got really angry and ...

Junice – And ???????????? What, say it.

Lacy – And after that, he pushed me I got hurt so in return I punched him hard and he fell, his friends tried to stop me and you know I have learned boxing so all the 3 of them are in hospital now. I may be suspended...But it's fine at least they won't bully us again…..

Junice – Dude seriously…..You did a great job and about the suspension don’t worry. If you get suspended we all will get it.

{Junice going inside and telling them everything }

Both Andrew and Kristian were proud of her and couldn’t stop laughing.

{Next Day in school}

Class Teacher –Lacy you know what you did for that you need to get suspended.

Principle -  Lacy I never expected this from you. You need to get suspended for what you did !!!

Junice – But she did not do anything wrong. Aron bullied her and said bad words to her about her parents. But no

one care to ask why she did it.

Principle- But that doesn’t mean you can beat anyone. She could have complained and what he said was just a joke...

Andrew – Sir I think you didn’t hear her clearly or you only care and trust Aron as he is from a rich family. If so, then why don’t we call the board meeting and see the CCTV footage of the class then everything will be clear.

Principle – Fine then let's do that...

Chapter 2

[Board meeting]

Teacher 1 – We saw the footage and I don’t think Lacy did something wrong, I also saw that their Class teacher was standing outside but she didn’t stop them so she must be suspended because if she had stopped them then this thing wouldn’t have happened.

Teacher 2 – Well I agree with her point.

Principle – I am sorry teachers I didn’t check thoroughly. Please forgive me. I am also ordering that Miss Lisa(Class Teacher) is going to be suspended from her work and she doesn’t have to come work here again.

Class Teacher – But Sir……

Principle – You don’t have any right to speak so it will be better if you don't create a scene here !!!! I am also giving Lacy a chance so the next time something like this happens then you must be careful and escape, you don’t have to hurt the person in front of you badly that he ends up in the hospital. I am also suspending Aron from school. After this incident, many students complained about him.

[Board meeting ended]

Lacy – Thank you so much, guys !!! You saved me.

Junice – It's our duty to save each other. Also if we won't save you then who do you think will come to save you huh?!?

Andrew and Kristain – Off course

Andrew – Guys you remember right today we have to go to a party!!

Kristain – Of course !! How can we forget that..Be ready at 6 pm I will pick you guys up.

Junice – Okk

Lacy – Is it necessary for me to go there??

Kristain – Yeah and this time no excuses. This may be the last time we will go out together. The board exams are coming close so we need to study and prepare for them...

Junice – Yes !!! Then finally we will be going to college.

Lacy – Fine then I will come

Kristain –Okkk.Let's meet at 6 then. Ok??

Okk [Other’s responded]

At 6 pm

Kristian, Junice, and Andrew arrived.

Junice – Where is Lacy?

Lacy – Here….

Kristain – You are looking so pretty!!

Andrew-  She always looks pretty

Lacy – Thanks

Junice – Lacy you look different …Everybody at the party is going to fall for you for sure.

Lacy – But it's all thanks to you, Andrew.

Junice – Huh??

Lacy – Yes , actually he bought me this dress for the party.

Kristain – You never gave me anything...

Junice- Neither me. You unfair man

[Lacy blushes]

Andrew – Let's go, or else we will be late for the party

{All had a lot of fun at the party }

1 month of seriousness no fun and enjoyment.

The boards are here so the students are studying so that they all can go to a good college.

The exams are going to start the next day.

After the exams

[Kristian's house]

Kristian's father– Kristain your mother won’t be able to pay for the dream college you want to go to. So your mother asked me to take you with me. So, you are coming with me to America.

Kristian – Dad I have friends here !!!

Kristian’s father– It's your choice, dream, or your friends. You can get more friends but you won't get this opportunity like this again.

Kristian's - Dad, but I don't wanna go.

Kristian's father - You have to know, I want my son to be successful and not some poor worker. See, either you come with me or I am going to stop paying for your mother's medical bill and I don't mind destroying your friends either.

[ He was a rich and powerful businessman of Country A]

Kristian – Okk dad …. I am ready to go with you.

Kristian's father- Good

[ Andrew’s house]

Andrew’s mother –I have a piece of good news...

Andrew – Really!! What !!!

Andrew’s mother –You got the scholarship ….. So you can go to France for further studies.

Andrew – Mom, is this supposed to be good news.

Andrew’s mother –Of course ...You can complete your dreams...

Andrew - Mom I don't wanna leave my friends

Andrew’s mother- You don't wanna leave your friends or that Lacy

Andrew- MOM!!

Andrew’s mother- You are going that's it

Andrew – Mom I can meet my friends before going.Right??

Andrew’s mother –Yes...Don't take too much time though...

[ Junice’s House]

Junice’s parents– Surprise !!!! Dear, you got your admission to your dream college

Junice – Really

Junice’s parents– Yeah

Junice – I am so happy. But mom and dad for that I need to go to Florida. Right??

Junice’s parents– We know it’s a tough decision but at some point in life, you have to get separated from them.

Junice – Do I have time to meet them?

Junice’s parents– Yes dear.

Junice – Okk then I will go and give them this news...

[ Kristian calls for a group meeting ]

Everyone shared their happiness.

At that moment everyone was shocked that the 3 of them are leaving at the same time in three different places. That day Lacy didn’t speak a word and left.

Junice – That means we all are going to be separated.

Andrew – It seems like…..

Kristian – But I guess it's for our good and no matter how far and what we become we will always be a family. I can promise that I will

come here to visit everyone. What about you Lacy??

Junice – Wait !! Where is Lacy??

Andrew – She was there with us right??

Kristian – Yeah I saw her... But where is she now?

Junice – Let's go to her house and see

[ Everyone went to her house ]

Junice – Guys !! I found a letter.

Andrew – It's Lacy’s!!

Junice – Let me read it.

 It says “I am sorry guys I am leaving without a word. I heard about your colleges and I am so glad that you all can complete your dreams. All of you were very happy so, I left without any word. The matter is that yesterday my grandma passed away suddenly. You all must be angry that I didn’t tell you that’s because I didn’t want to ruin your mood. But before dying my grandma said that my parents will come to find me here. They came at night, It was hard to believe but I guess it was worth it. My father is a businessman. He runs a famous fashion designing company. They have many enemies so they kept me with grandma and yesterday they came to take me but I wanted to see you guys for the last time so, I came back and wrote this letter to you guys cause I knew you will come to find me. Don’t worry after I am settled I will find you guys and meet you all”- Lacy

Andrew – She left.. without any words.

Junice – She must be so hurt and confused now. She thought her parents hated her and didn't want her, for 16 yrs she lived without them and now everything changed for her in a night. She keeps her promises so I know she will contact us

Kristian – We can’t do anything now ...

Andrew - I think we should be happy for her...We all should go back. We need to pack our stuff too.

Chapter 3

We know that Lacy left without a word and left a letter for her friends. Now they are trying to accept the situation. Everyone’s dates are coming to leave their places and go to complete their dreams.

A few years passed, and everyone was busy with their graduation. They still had no clue about Lacy.

One day Junice was going to her college as usual while looking out of the bus she saw Lacy. Couldn’t believe her eyes but it was her. Junice was living in Paris now and she didn’t think that she will meet Lacy there by any chance.

[Whatsapp Group Conversation]

Junice- Guys!!

Kristian – What? Don’t tell me anything stupid I am very stressed right now.

Andrew- Kristian say something new you are always stressed.

Junice-God !!!Shut up!!!

Kristain- Fine say it

Junice- I saw Lacy today………

Andrew –What! Stop joking …I am not in the mood of joking about this matter.

Junice- Do you really think I am joking?

Kristian –Where? Did you go talk to her?

Junice- I couldn’t….I was on the bus and she was in the car….So I couldn’t catch up. I will try to find her. Let's wish we can find her.

Andrew –I don't think we should disturb her anymore. So many years have passed and she didn't even bother to text us or send a letter to us where on the other hand we are dying to meet her...

Kristian-I know you are mad at her but she must have a reason. We all have our holidays so why not visit Paris and find her together

Junice- Wait what? You all are not joking right.

Kristian – Of course. We need to find her. We are best friends we can't just leave her.

Andrew-Okk fine...I will join you too

Junice- It seems like someone has grown up and the other one is just stuck in past..

Kristain- Yh!!

[Later at night ]

Kristian – Andrew when are you going, which date. I was hoping to go on the same date.

Andrew- I was going to ask that too. Let's ask Junice. We need her help there indeed.

Kristain-Yh… So what did she say?

Andrew – She is online but she is not replying.

Kristain- Why? I guess maybe she is doing her assignments

Andrew- She will see our messages. Good night dude…

Kristain- Good night.

[ Junice went to a party that night ]

Junice’s friend-Hey !! I have a friend who is very cool and talented. She is a famous model and a fashion designer.

Junice - Woah! She must be very famous as you are saying.

 Junice’s friend- Of course !! She is a pretty, good actress and model. Except that she is very good in business and is very good in boxing too..

Junice - Name..

Junice’s friend-Lacy

Junice – Wait what??

Junice’s friend-Why are you so shocked??

Junice- Oh no!Nothing I thought I may know her. When is she coming?

Junice’s friend –Any moment now

Lacy- Heyy!!!!!

Junice- Lacy …..

Lacy-Junice…..Not expected to see you here?

Junice- Yh!!

Lacy- Junice,I was thinking I could talk to you for a moment alone….

Junice’s friend-It seems like you two are very class

Lacy – We are indeed close. We are best friends..

Junice’s friend-Then I will leave, both of you can talk ..

Lacy - Thank you

Junice- Lacy, where were you?? You left without a meeting. I was so worried about you actually everyone was very worried for you. I saw you in the morning I texted  Andrew and Kristain that I saw you, they told

that they are going to be here to help me to find you.

Lacy – I was under extreme pressure and heartbroken.I thought my parents hated me and suddenly they took me with them . They said they will take me back with them. I got the DNA tests too I am really their daughter.

Janice- You must have gone through a lot. But I am so happy to see you here

Lacy- Me too...Uhm Junice

Junice - Yh

Lacy- Don't tell Kristian and Andrew about it, please..I mean don't even tell them that you met me again

Junice - What? Why?

Lacy- I can't tell you that now but it will be better for you all to stay away from me ...

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