i born on 1 nov 2007 at the day the doctor said my mother is in very critical condition and only one person can be save me or my mother the whole family started crying😐 as that moment was heartbreaking and they have to choose one the baby or mother they choosed mother and inside praying that we both can be save , at that day my dad was in abroad for some problems they can't come to my place but they was in touch with us whole time seeing us and praying for us after then the surgery completed doctor came outta room , my family was a bit scared to listen their heartbeat was so fast --‐----‐‐‐
The doctor gave a happy newz that both baby and mother was saved they had tears of joy and very happy, but we have to stay in hospital for some 15 days mah aunt took care of us while grandma gone home
------- after 15 days
we came back to home they welcomed us after then my grandma started doing her shitty plans to throw my mom out of the house after as soon as I'm 3 years old 🙂 , she told lies to my dad that my mother ain't take good care of me , she beats me sometimes and blah blah blah
after 4 years ...... .... ....... .....
after 4 years my father came back and now my grandma plans starts 🙂 she started brain washing me towards my mother like provoking me towards her -_- **** i was too innocent to understand all her plans and doing she done so many bad things just to separate my mom and dad what next huh she succeed doing that 🙂
My mom and dad got divorced 💔🗿 , my grandma ruined my childhood 🙂👌🏻
🙂👌🏻well done grandma ...... after then my dad took me wid him and after get provoke he seprated me from mom and i lived 2 years at my grandma house without meeting my mum a single time😿😿
Here her torture starts .......
🗿👌🏻 she pretends to be very nice with me when my dad was at home after my dad gone to abroad she don't give me food and when she want to give me food she gimme waste left overs in fridge 🗿 if i don't do any household chores she will hit me wid wooden scales and steel scales i never get proper care their and my life messed up totally and spoiled🙂
one day my friend who live nearby took me to a park for some enjoyment as he knows that how i got treated all day i gone with him by over come my fear , i reached the park i thought god gave me a moment now to live my life happily i played with him and gone in different rides , swings and then we sat on a bench together talking about each other favorite things and some topics we are chatting on to pass our time oh no- its gonna be sunset soon 🙂 grandma will be furious .....I'm scared T-T
continue later~ UwU
it was late ........
i told him lets go home he said okey lets go , we start walking .... while going home we met some thiefs ......um i was so scared and he was too but we were smart too so we succeed and escaped it was now late night , time was around 10pm '-' I'm so scared to go to home ...... i knocked the door ......um i was still scared that my body was shivering..... um i gather courage and knocked again a voice came that who is there on the door , i said grandma um its me ... she came and opened the door
Awkward silence..........
she let me in and then throw me in a room.... in was crying badly but after throwing me in room she was gone suddenly there was silence ...... she came after 5 mins while having a rod with her .....
omg 🙂 is she gonna hit me again ? ........
🙂👌🏻 somehow i was lucky and a guest came in the house that time .... guess who is it 😄
I listen the guest voice and push my grandma and ran out the room and hugged the guest :) it was my great grandma who is totally different from my grandma ^-^ i knew it god is great and he will protect me and good newz was that my great grandma will live with us for 1 month and I'll enjoy till then hehe ^^ i was happy cuz she the only one who loves me very much in whole family and can't see me hurt or sad .....
the great thing that:) if she saw someone hurt me she give him / her punishment no matter who the person is how big or small he or she is ^^ imma so lucky too to have a great grandma like dis hehe ^^
..... then while hugging her i got a evil plan *evil laughs* 😈😈😈
now you are done grandma😈👌🏻
so here my plan starts ......
i cried while hugging her and she got upset and making me stop crying and i was continuously crying T-T *sob - sob* and while showing my scars
when she saw the scars she was like wtf who did it and was like *-_-* and i saw at grandma while she asking who did it cuz i know grandma is scared of great grandma *evil laughs* i laughed at grandma she was like this annoying brat and i was like now you are done ( ab to tu gayi samjh) hehe😈😈👌🏻
After this my great grandma stand up while making me sit on chair and i was still crying and shivering T-T *sob- sob* and my grandma was hella shivering*-* and great grandma was like
great grandma :- chod diya jaye ~(should i spare u)
grandma :- yes yes
great grandma :- ya mar diya jaye ~.(or let u die)
grandma ;- o mori maiyannn (noiiiiii)
😈👌🏻 i be like do whatever u want just don't spare her
😈👌🏻 my grandma ki fat ke 16 ( so scared)
😄 my great grandma scold her and insulted her and hit her and slap her and i felt so good in a long time yar then i went to sleep wid mah grandma
*goes into room and sleep* *khurrr khurrr khurrr*
don't mind my kharatas ~😗😉😂
continue later ~ bui bui my lobs
its a beautiful morning ~ hehe XD
my great grandma comes ~
*knock the door* good morning my dear now wake up and get ready
*opens the door*
grandma :- *shocks* wow u r awake and already ready
inner me :- *how not i wake up early its in my habbit if i not wake up till 7am i earlier i got beaten up by grandma (๑ -﹏-`๑)*
great grandma :- *pats my head* come my dear now lets breakfast together
me :- yes great grandma I'm coming hehe (๑òᆺó๑)
*enters living room*
grandma sitting and watching T.V
suddenly i got a plan *evil laughs* bwahahah ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(ʃƪ `∇´)ab to tu gayi dadi (now u r done grandma )
*i moves toward t.v remote*
*grandma grabs it first and glares at me*
😌👌🏻 what she thinks m i gonna fear now huh
we both like
grandma :- kya kar lenge (what u will do)
me:- bohot kuch karlenge ( i can do very much)
grandma:- nahi , kya kar lenge ( no , say what ya do)
me:- bohot kuch kar lenge ( can do very much 😒)
grandma :- karke bataiya ( do then)
me :- maidan me aaiye ( sure )
grandma :- ab bataiya ( ye show)
me :- *smirks* 😏😏 great grandmaaaaaaaa *boo hoooo* T-T comeee hereeee
grandma ki fat ke 16😏👌🏻 ( she scared huhu 😈)
😈*looks at grandma* tu to gayi budiya ( u r doomed)
*great grandma enters living room*
yes my dear *looks at me* 🙂
great grandma:- who tf make u cried
me :- g-g-g- g- *boo- hoooo* T-T
great grandma *death glared at grandma*
inner me - 😒badi ayi thi mujhe satane ab bhugat
grandma - m-m-m mom i-i *puts remote beside me and pretend like she got a call*
😌🤣pov ( she was that scared that when she act like she got call her phone was in my hand and she made her hands like her phone) lmao
great grandma - u bit**
grandma - mom m ur daughter
great grandma - so what she is my great grand
inner me - *why my grandma is isn't like my great grandma 💔*
maybe 🙂my destiny or i deserves this ........welp nvm
aish *my tummy roars*
great grandma to grandma
now get lost from here nd don't bother my dear -_-
*grandma brings me breakfast*
*eats* *cry without tears* after a very long time I'm eating a delicious breakfast and eating peacefully T-T 🙂 💔 I-I
after eating breakfast ~
my great grandma and me walking in garden ~
after so long walking peacefully without any fear i
living happily 🙂 suddenly a thought came in my mind
🙂great grandma is here only for a month what after it , 🙂 is my life will be like before after the month , a miserable life with fear nd like really 🙂 i wish time stop here only i don't want this time to pass fast 🙂 oh god freeze this time here only or do a miracle in this 1 month i know god is great you will do something i believe 😊.
*great grandma suddenly falls down*
*shocked dunno wut to do*
*tooks her to hospital*
*doctors say*
bye guys continue later ( 。•̀ᴗ-)--☆
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