Love Online!
Welcome to my new story 😊
Zara (FL)
I'm the main character of the story.
Zara (FL)
Quite a unique and beautiful name, isn't it? Well, thank my parents for that
Zara (FL)
Let me give a short intro about myself, I’m currently 21 year old, reading in university named Shine university and talking about my nature…well, I’m kind of introvert and social outcast. I prefer living in home rather than meeting and hanging out with others.
Zara (FL)
As for living, I currently live in my apartment all alone and supported by my parents, well they are rich but are always busy with their works and live in different city. I have been living all alone since 18 as my parents wanted me to be independent and hence here I am, they are open minded and let me do anything I want since I turned 18.
Zara (FL)
Ok, so enough talking about me, now I’m getting late for college. I have to go!
I reached my college. On my way, two people surrounded me by keeping their hands on either side of my shoulder.
Those two were my best friends Mishti and Nagma
Zara (FL)
Quite well. What would happen in a day? 😅
Well, don’t you get quiet bored at home Zara? You live alone, only have few friends, and rarely chat or talk with anyone.
Zara (FL)
I do. But that’s my life, what else can I do?
Both replied in sync. Here they go again...
Zara (FL)
Aish, if you both have bf that doesn’t mean you’ll bluff about it in front of me. 😒
Come on, we aren’t bluffing, but trust me it’s good to have a bf. It’s our age of dating and he’ll be like a companion to you and your time will pass quickly while talking with him or being with him.
Yeah, my current bf is so nice to me, he gives me gifts, talks with me everyday and we go on dates too. Whenever I feel bored I call him. 😊
Same here, my current bf is caring too. 😁
Zara (FL)
Ok I understood, but your case is different.
Zara (FL)
Mishti, it’s your 4th bf since we joined college and Nagma, it’s your 3rd , you both have got experience in dating so you can handle any type of guy.
Zara (FL)
While it will be my 1st bf and I don’t have any experience to handle guys as I rarely talk with them. That’s the reason I’m hesitating.
Zara (FL)
And besides, I have very high expectations on my bf. 😌
Zara, when I first started dating, even I was nervous and I too had very high expectations. But by time I realised that when you start to love someone or get attracted, you will have expectations, but by time you’ll learn to adjust with them. And although I broke up with my first bf, but he made me comfortable and was friendly. And with that I could date further guys.
And my dating experience taught me that maybe we won’t find the guys we expect for but when you love someone, he’ll be perfect in your eyes. You’ll start to neglect his faults and appreciate every little detail he does for you. You’ll have someone to rely on. And it’s not like we can share everything with our parents, even with friends we hesitate to share somethings but we can tell all that to our loved one when we start to trust them.
Zara (FL)
You’re right though, but…I’ll just wait until I find my bf.
Uff, that’s the thing girl, bf won’t come walking to you, you have to start dating.
Zara (FL)
Aish, please Mishti, let me be. It’ll take time for me to get in a relationship because, I wouldn’t only want dating, but a lifetime commitment, I want my bf to be my husband. That’s why I haven’t got in any relationship yet. Once I find a good guy, I’ll date him for sure.
Hmm…are you seeing that Mishti, madam wants a lifetime commitment…marriage and all ha! 😏
Zara (FL)
😣 Stop teasing me. Let’s go now.
I dragged them to our classroom.
As Mishti and Nagma said, all the years of dating experience have given them a great idea about love and guys. But I’m totally inexperienced and I only want one commitment in my life, that’s why I’m single till now.
But sometimes I do wonder if I would be dating guys, I won’t feel single in front of others as most of the students of my college date one or the other.
But then, I console myself by thinking that my love will be better that every guy of the college atleast and I would bluff so much in front of other girls who sometimes have mocked me because of being single, I would make them so jealous.
I was smiling at those evil and childish thoughts in my room when I got a message.
N͜͡e͜͡w͜͡ C͜͡h͜͡a͜͡r͜͡a͜͡c͜͡t͜͡e͜͡r͜͡s͜͡ U͜͡n͜͡l͜͡o͜͡c͜͡k͜͡e͜͡d͜͡🔓
Name- Zara
Age- 21 Years
Nature- Beautiful, sweet, smart, sassy, kind
Hobbies- Playing Online Games
Likes- Staying at home, food, sleep, dramas 😆
Status- Single
"Naturally Introverted, Selectively Extroverted"
FL's Best Friend
Name- Mishti
Age- 21 Years
Nature- Beautiful, Cute, childish, lovely, stylish
Hobbies- To look beautiful
Likes- Makeup, beautiful clothing, party, handsome guys 😜
Status- In Relationship
"Handsome Guys are my weakness"
FL's Best Friend
Name- Nagma
Age- 21 Years
Nature- Beautiful, wise, intelligent, savage, kind and caring
Hobbies- Reading Novels
Likes- Party, outing, food
Status- In Relationship
"Do no harm, Take no sh!t"
Thats it for the episode
As the story proceeds, new characters will be unlocked
Hope you liked the episode
Thanks for reading 😉
I turned on my phone and smiled looking at the notification
I quickly logged in to my ID which was @star_fighter and opened the chat box
📲 Princess! Are you free now? I have an interesting story to share which happened with me today!
Now you must be wondering who sent me the message?
Actually…he’s my online friend. Yeah I know I said at the start that I’m introvert, but I wasn’t the one who started chatting with him, neither did he…uh, let me tell the whole story so you would understand.
It was when I was 18 year old. I had this cool game called ‘War Legends’
To brief about this game, it’s like an online multiplayer game, where two teams play again each other. The teams can be made by random selection of players online over the world, or you can play with friends too. And the game consist of 2v2 where 2 players will be in a team, or 3v3 or 4v4 or 5v5. You can talk with your teammates during the game.
The gaming control is of medium level, that means you would need practice to play, it isn’t easy. And the number of girl players are also quite less as compared to guys, especially in my college rarely any girl know about it, what to say they have interest in makeup and all not games.
But for me Star Legends was like a drug that time, I was addicted to it and also was a pro level player. I was among the top 50 best players over the world, cool isn’t it?
So, like every other day, I was playing alone as usual when I was paired with a group of people. Actually I was playing 4v4 so yeah…
At first, I kept on playing for a while with them with my mic off. Then, I just turned the mic on out of curiosity but didn’t speak anything and kept on playing.
After I turned on the mic, I noticed that all three of them were talking over the mic while playing basically 2 of them were talking the most, the other one was silent most of the time, but I could easily guess that three of them were guys, maybe around my age and they all were friends by the way they talked.
Their talks were kinda funny, so I kept my mic on for listening to them without speaking anything. I still remember how their talk was…
Unknown 1
Yah, shorty! Why are you roaming around me? Go to other side and cover!
Unknown 2
Why are you telling me? Other side has enemies, I’ll get caught. You go there!
Unknown 1
I knew you feared cockroaches and lizard, but you’re coward in game too 😆
I controlled my laugh too, and continued playing.
Unknown 2
Yah! Why are you talking so much! Play quietly like Zain na. 🙄
Oh…so the one who is quite, his name is Zain…I concluded that, but I still hadn’t heard his voice, only these two were talking.
While these two were talking while playing, the screen showed 5 consecutive kills! It’s shown when you kill 5 bots together and is a rare skill.
Unknown 1
As expected from Zain, the champion player! Good job bro! 😉
Omg! He is champion player. Actually the players who are among the top 20 are termed as champion players, damn! He’s even more skilled than me.
But I wasn’t less than him, I too killed 3 bots in consecutive and screen showed that.
Unknown 2
Wow, another consecutive kill! This other player is skilled too
Unknown 1
Check the rank. He’s among top 50!
Unknown 2
Zain, you got a competitor!
Unknown 1
With Zain and this player, we can easily win the game. We don’t need to play much. 😌
I felt proud by listening their praises about me but unfortunately they were thinking I’m a boy, but…whatever!
The game lasted for a while and at the end only one bot was left which was killed by…guess who?
Ofcourse by me! And with that we won the game and I was the MVP as I killed the last enemy followed by that Zain guy…
MVP- Most Valued Player (The one who either gets the most kills or has the best performance among the teammates)
I was very excited but in that excitement I spoke up...
...while my mic was still on.
Sh!t, why did I spoke loudly!
Hearing my voice all three became quite, maybe they were shocked because the top player whom they thought was a guy turned out to be a girl. And most embarrasing was for me as now they knew I was hearing their talks and insulting eachother all the while.
Unknown 1
You…you are a girl? 😧
N͜͡e͜͡w͜͡ C͜͡h͜͡a͜͡r͜͡a͜͡c͜͡t͜͡e͜͡r͜͡s͜͡ U͜͡n͜͡l͜͡o͜͡c͜͡k͜͡e͜͡d͜͡ 🔓
Name- @red_dawn
About- Gaming ID of ML
Role- Top level Marksman
Achievements- Champion Player(among Top 20) Rank-12, has been MVP in 2/3rd of the total games played, Sucess rate- 89%
Name- @star_fighter
About- Gaming ID of FL
Role- One of the best Fighter
Achievements- Among Top 50, Rank- 41, MVP in most of the games played, Sucess rate- 70%
Sucess rate is calculated by the number of wins a person has achieved out of total games played
I'll be assuming that you know some basics about these kinds of games. Even if you don't, it's ok as I'll be giving some information about it
Actually even I don't know much about these types of games, I had learnt about it from c-dramas and some are my own ideas 😅
Anyways, there isn't any specific need to have knowledge, just remember whose gaming ID is which one
Hope you liked the episode
Thanks for reading 😉
Unknown 1
You…you are a girl? 😧
Unknown 2
Did you…listen to all the talks of us? 😨
The other one asked in shock.
Umm…a little bit? 😅
I’m sure he must be embarrassed as I came to know he was afraid of cockroaches and lizard. Poor him.
But in all the silence a voice spoke for the first time all the while
He said in his deep and calm voice which created shivers down my spine as I heard. I always had an attraction for deep voices and his voice…it was as if RJ was speaking.
Unknown 1
So, you finally spoke after knowing that she’s a girl huh? 🤨
One of the guys teased him.
Even I blushed, don’t know for what reason.
Tsk, you focus on your skills first. I can’t carry you both in the game forever. 😒
My, his voice is so charming, I wondered how he would look like in real life
Unknown 2
Got a girl, so now forgot your bro like friends. B@stard! 🤧
The other one spoke in complain.
And miss, don’t mind them, they are my friends, and as you have heard them talking, you must have known how they are.
He spoke to me. Omg, my heart beat increased that time, how can it be possible when I have only heard his voice.
I just replied that as I didn’t know what else to speak.
Are you willing to play another game with us?
Don’t get me wrong, these two just goof around the game. So I wanted to team up with someone skilled.
So, will you? It will be 2v2.
Omg, he’s asking me to play with him together…only two of us?
Who will refuse such a good opportunity to play with a champion player? It’s once in a million opportunity!
I agreed and we played another round 2v2 and another one 4v4 and continued with other 2-3 turns. And like that I became familiar with them. They added me as friend in the game and in some while we used to play.
And with time I became familiar with Zain… I told him my name too.
And as the time passed, we started chatting in the game. Actually War Legends gives you a feature where it provides a Chat box where the persons that are added as friends can chat with eachother even when they aren't playing the game.
One benefit is that, only the gaming ID of the person would be visible while chatting not any other details not even pic, so it's safer and since it was my first time chatting with a stranger online, I had to be careful
And since then, we have been chatting in the game and haven't shared any other personal information about eachother like Picture, Phone number or anything
Actually there was a reason why we didn't share any personal info. If I remember, it was because of the rules I made while we started chatting for the first time. The rules that would make me comfortable while chatting and he had to follow them.
The rules were-
1. We won't share any pic of each other
2. No sharing of phone number or any other profile info
3. We would respect each other's privacy
I told him all these rules when we first started chatting and he obeyed me even without asking anything, you see how well mannered he is.
But now I somehow regret that I made these rules, because it has been 3 years since we are online friends, we share all our daily life activities and habits everything, but we don’t even know what the other look like.
I have been wanting to see how he looks like but can’t because it was I who made the rules, now if I break them, it would be wrong…neither did he ever asked me to share my pic in these years, I am pissed off that he’s still following the rules but at the same time happy too, because he respects me.
And well, I guess you would have got the hint…if not, then let me tell you…
Actually all these years chatting with him I have got so comfortable that I share every little thing with him that I don’t even share with my friends or family and it’s quite hard to share things especially for an introvert like me, so you can imagine how important he has become in my life and same goes with him, he also tells me every little thing.
And in all these years, my feelings for him have changed, maybe for him I’m a mere online friend but for me…he has become more than Friend…someone whom I have started loving.
Although I don’t know how he looks or how he’s like, but I don’t care, I have started loving him and I can’t stop that, and in these years chatting with him have made me realise that he’s a good, decent and well mannered person.
I don’t care if we can never meet, I’ll still love him.
Thinking of that, if we ever cross paths, then too we won’t recognise eachother. I chuckled thinking that.
Why aren’t you replying? Are you busy?
Again it was his text. I took my phone and replied him.
Hope you liked the episode
Thanks for reading 😉
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