Welcome Back, Kanami Aikawaー
White letters appear in the darkness, as dark as the lake at night.
Before I can finish reading the message, it disappears. Then emotionlessly I shelved it.
In my hazy consciousness, I’m trying to wake my senses.
The pain hurts my conscience. At the same time, I feel uncomfortable, like something is stuck in my throat.
I can’t take it anymore, so I open my eyes.
As I open my eyes, I can’t see clearly. Everything is blurry. But after a while, I can see a black wall. And when I get my vision back, I realize it’s not a black wall, it’s a ceiling.
I get up and look around.
I lay against the corridor’s wall. Even if there is no light, the stone lit a little bit. Thanks for that, now I can look around.
There’s a small altar in the corner of the corridor. I look at it carefully, noticing that the altar can collapse anytime.
At the altar, there are remains of two candles, already covered with moss. Animal skin is offered there, and an old-fashioned looking arrow pierced the animal’s skin.
「What the hell is this…?」
As I am surprised by my surroundings , I can’t help but say that.
「I don’t understand」 「I have a bad feeling about this …」
My heart is beating fast, panicking, I jump back.
I don’t even understand my own words, the language that I just spoke, what kind of language? I don’t understand my situation now.
There is no warm bed here, no sunlight in the morning that flows through the curtain, no noisy alarm clock, and no electricity. Only dirty and cold stones that lit a little bit. And the smell is so bad, it hurts my nose.
This is so bad and not normal.
Until my nausea gets better, I will rest a little bit. And then, I’ll decide what to do next. However, a roaring sound from the distance won’t let me rest.
That roar doesn’t even give me time to think why all of this is happening.
The kind of roar with the intent to kill.
「A howling? Wait…wait..wait a minute」
I don’t know what’s happening. I can’t even understand my own words!
I swung around in confusion, and start running further from the roar.
I run through the corridor. It’s so unreal. The dim light makes me sick. I took turns many times my way, but the scenery won’t change. It makes me impatient. Where is this going to end?
As I run, I hear something bad. Seems like I stepped on something hard, so I look down.
An insect, its fists are like clenching, it was crushed.
I scream at the terrible view.
I like insects. But, in the city where I live, there is no insect this big. I’m already used to that kind of life.
A half-dead insect cries “Kikiki”. Desperately looking for help.
I’m awed. Surprised and scared at the same time. I turn my eyes to the next corner.
From the corner, a – human size- insect shows its face and glares at me.
A size beyond my common sense. It moves its square-built hands and feet. Just like an insect, it makes an unpleasant sound like “Gichigichi”. A stag beetle is nearby. Two kinds of insects. Draining my sanity.
I can’t say anything anymore. Come to think of it, probably it was attacked by the monster.
I turn my back, running away as fast as I can.
I continue running. Not looking back and not even thinking. Just following my instinct to run away further from the monster.
I continue running until I’m out of breath, forcing me to slow down. As I try to catch my breath, I hear the roar.
The angry voice of the beast.
This time, it’s closer than before. This is stupid, I have returned to my starting point!
Feels like my blood is being drained and I can feel my body stiffen.
But, as I get closer to the angry voice, I can hear other voices as well.
Voices of humans, talking about something.
I cannot hear the contents.
I begin walking towards the voices. It’s like I’m drawn into the light.
In this kind of madness, I need to find someone.
As I get closer, I can hear the human voices clearly, but the beast also makes a loud noise.
「Keep your distance! Keep your distance! Give me time!」
A man giving the command to his nearby companions.
It’s like a scene from a fairy tale. First of all, his clothes are so uncommon.
Leather armor and wooden bow, which can only be seen at a museum.
One person swinging a rusted iron sword. Another person throws a fireball from a wooden staff, without anything mechanical involved.
Those -without common sense- people, are fighting against a huge wolf, in the middle of the corridor. This wolf length is approximately 3 meters.
But I don’t have any courage to jump into the fight. I can only look from afar.
「Hold it out!!! I can handle it if you buy me some time!」
The man – I think he’s the leader- is giving instructions to the long sword soldier.
I watch them. The long sword soldier is trying to bring down the wolf. The hurting wolf -reacting to the soldier- with a magnificent speed, throw the long sword soldier deeper into the corridor. The soldier was blown away and splashes like a water balloon.
The wolf has its eyes now fixed to the woman with the staff. They notice that and change the battle formation to protect her.
「Regroup preparations! Retract to a vacant place!」
With that, a large movement is carried out to go away from the wolf.
As a result, a battlefield approaches me. It was a good opportunity and dangerous at the same time
I’m confused and scared.
Probably I would have hidden if I’m in the right state of mind. But I’m not.
As I watch them, amazed, my eyes meet with the man with the sword. The leader.
「Whaa!? You, Who are you!?」
He shouts at me. I can tell from his face that he is clearly surprised. I pull myself together and ask for help.
「I’m lost, please help me!」
I move slowly towards him.
Stuttering words come from my mouth, but still I expect his reaction.
「Help you? You, are you stupid?」
ーI believed he would help meー, but his reaction is as cold as an ice blade.
He doesn’t give me any direct answer. His reaction is like an answer from my ーtoo muchー ask for help.
If I’m in my right mind, I might notice.
From the situation, the clothes, weapons, beast, and the danger they fought, finally I realize. They have no time to help and they don’t have such kindness.
But in this situation, I don’t have the mind to understand what’s happening now.
「This is a Labyrinth, and furthermore, this is 『The outside area of management territory』」 「 You should’ve prepared your resolution KID!!! 」
His words pierce me, as cold as a blade. And then a cold blade pierces through me, this time, it’s literally.
My thigh, I can feel the burning sensation from the blade’s cut.
「U, Uaaaaa!!!」
I cry and fall on my back.
「A soloist here! All members withdraw!」
He commands someone near him.
I can’t understand the words. No, I don’t want to understand it.
The woman with staff watches me while other members walk pass by her. They don’t say a thing.
The soldier who was blown off previously watches me too. All the members pass me by.
As expected, the huge wolf ーwhich is previously running after them- now preys on me.
I jump to dodge the wolf, out of fear, I step back. However, I fall down awkwardly because an acute pain ran through my thigh that has been cut before.
The wolf approaches me, who is the closest one from all of them.
The ferocious eyes of a huge wolf and a sharp tooth, I can imagine my miserable death.
My thought are overflowing. My hate towards them is boiling. After all that I experienced in my life, is this the end? Andー
【Skill 『???』is activated】
Stabilizing my mind from feelings gets confusion point +1.00
ーUnidentified 『Indication』is floating on the edge of my view.
I don’t have time to understand what『Indication』is. But, contrary to my heart, my brain cools off rapidly.
The overflowing hatred and feelings begin to calm. Now I can concentrate and I can think clearly to prepare what’s best for now.
I stand with my ーstill fineー foot, not the injured one.
At the same time, the wolf attacks me. I jump to its side.
I’m not quick enough to evade the wolf. My upper right arm is torn by the wolf’s nail.
I can feel the crucifying pain but I don’t have time to think about it.
At that moment, I hear a voice coming from the safety zone. There are people who have survived.
「OK! Close the path from here! Shoot it!」
Chills run into my body.
The enemy is not only the wolf. Those human beings are my enemies as well.
And now, with my clear mind, I now know the answer.
ーThose fellows! Used me as a decoy and ran away.
As I feel that something is off, I look behind, thunder flame is approaching.
The wolf notices too. However, it is too late. The wolf -which is very determined to bite me- cannot evade it.
And I don’t have any skill to escape from the thunder flame.
The thunder flame splits open, surrounding me and explode all over.
I protect my head with both hands. And lay as close as possible to the ground.
A bomb blast behind me and threw me away.
The flame burns my body. It feels like the fire skins my whole body.
I keep encouraging myself, making the cut on my thighs as a reminder. Trying to calm the hatred and vexation.
After I extinguish the fire, I open my eyes slowly and watch my surrounding.
The flame that burned the whole area is now disappearing in an instant like magic.
And then, from the direction where those human beings ran away, there is a wall of flame.
「Ah, Ah, I s e eー」
So that is what they’re after huh? But, I can’t speak. My words tremble from my burnt throat. But, my eyes are still working normally.
In the corridor, the path to escape is burned down. Only the huge wolf and I who remain.
We both stand up.
However, I’m already too weak.
Because of that the huge wolf flew toward me. And furthermore I’m burned from the flame, I suffered a lot of injuries.
Even though the wolf’s breath is now shortened, its eyes still shine brightly.
It still has its fighting spirit. It makes me think「This damn wolf. Even though I’m badly injured… 」
Both of us are getting ready.
Its movement still looks good.
The long sword falls behind me. Probably, it was used by the previous soldier. If I make a surprise attack, probably it will increase my chance of surviving.
I turn my back from the wolf and run as fast as I can.
I see the wolf is going to jump after me.
Crucifying pain runs on my left thigh. Danger alerts ringing in my brain noisily.
I’m still running Even though my legs feel heavy. I can’t predict when the wolf will get near me.
I pick up the long sword as fast as I can, I turned around and cut it down.
The long sword is so heavy. I can’t support it even with both hands. With all the power that I have left, I put my bet in this attempted attack.
With a vivid dull sound, the long sword is buried under the neck of the wolf.
「I, I did itーah, ugh!」
I’m pleased with my successful attack attempt. The wolf lets the long sword cut into its neck and bent over me.
I can barely avoid its tusk and nails. But I can’t avoid its -3 meters more- body.
It’s unbelievably heavy and I have to support it with my whole body. It stomach contents flow out from its mouth.
Even though his neck is about to detach, it’s still trying to eat and kill me. It opens its mouth and tries to swallow my head. I pull my consciousness to go away. I twist my body and make a deeper cut.
「Damnn Youー!!」
I intend to throw its 3 meters body from mine. But when I look at my hand, I realize I don’t have such power.
However, a few gaps are available between the wolf and me. I get away from under the wolf quickly.
I don’t have the sword anymore. It stuck in its neck. I watch the wolf from the distance. It looks like its still want to chase me. But its body doesn’t move anymore.
The wolf was tattered. It suffers a great deal of burned. And it bleeds so much.
However, I cannot be careless.
I continue observing the wolf from afar.
Its right eye was burnt and destroyed. A bow and arrow pierce a hind leg deeply. The long sword where I buried, slashed until its trachea. Its Respiratory sound plays the sound that sounds like the flute.
I speak unconsciously.
The wolf drags it’s seriously wounded body and steps towards me.
I continue moving inside its blind spot, where its eyes burnt so that I’m sure it won’t see me.
Soon as I do that, the wolf falls down.
Blood piles up like a pond to the ground, and its breathing is slowing. At the same moment, its body lit into an emerald-green color.
A clang-clang sound, from the long sword and the arrow -which stuck inside the wolf fall- fell to the ground.
I see.
It vanishes.
The body doesn’t stay. It vanishes like an illusion.
As it body vanished, a green emerald stone rolls from it.
And, the 『Indication』is reflected calmly in my retina.
【Title 『The beginning of Shinsui』is in possession】
STR gets revision of +0.10――
After I defeated the wolf, carefully, I look around my surrounding.
In this surreal situation, normally I should be really confused. But strangely I’m calm. I feel like I can ignore the confusion and I can move my body as usual without hesitation.
I pick up the items that the wolf dropped from the previous fight.
From the corpses body, that the wolf killed, seems like there are lots of things that I can use. I don’t feel guilty at all. I can say this is necessary, however, my senses are paralyzed. I have to live without overthinking.
From the corpse, I can get supplies that I need in order to survive or live here.
I wear the accessories that I take.
Wearing leather gloves and put on an overcoat and hang a leather bag on my waist. I Put a Strange form knife on my jeans’ belt and I hold a -one hand- sword on my hand.
I just steal anything that I can take.
And last, I look at the place where the wolf disappeared.
The long sword that I used for the previous fight lay there.
I want to bring the long sword, but it is impossible to carry along. It weights approximately twice from the single handed sword. The one that catches my interest is the green stone.
In the corpse body, there are so many green stones.
Judging from my situation now, I’m afraid the green stones will only slowing me down and puts me in danger because of its weight. I don’t want to carry useless things.
But the color of this stone is the same like the stone that the wolf dropped.
I’m guessing and pretty certain that there are remaining monster bodies which killed here and has the same stone.
I feel sympathize towards humans that died here.
I picked up the stone and put it into my pocket.
「Then, What should I do now?」
I do what I can.
Even if some kind of monstrous creatures appears, I have to deal with it.
The choices are「Wait here」or 「get going」
The cut on my thigh is lighter than I thought. Probably I can pull my body. However, it’s still annoying to walk with this leg even though the bleeding has been stopped.
If I move, the bleeding will only get worse, and I’m certain that I’ll lose my energy.
The point is, if I lost my energy here, I will be in danger. This is certainly very risky.
At the same time, waiting here any longer will be as terrible as well.
That was a very terrible experience. Waiting for someone to rescue me, just like I did before.
They heart were already rotten. So rot that they can hurt people who is asking for their help.
I doubt if I wait here, somebody will come to rescue me.
Therefore, I decided 『Get going』
「Shall I use this sword as a walking stick?…」
I check the sword out and feel its sensation.
It’s not really suitable to use as a walking stick.
「I hope there is something better than this one…」
Whilst saying that I look around again…andー
The 『Indication』is reflected in the midair, in front my eyes.
「Eh, Whaーt is this?」
I’m confused. This makes no sense. And a dry laugh comes out from my throat.
As I look at the sword in my hand, I can see The「Indication」from the distance. It’s totally stuck inside my retina, like some kind of dust. Even if I move, this view of 「Indication」won’t get out.
I’m sure This is showing「Indication」
「This is like, haーhahahahaー!」
ーThis is like a game.
It’s the only way to picture about this current state.
A fantasy. A labyrinth. A monster. A huge insect. A huge wolf. An Adventurer. A Sword. A Bow and Arrow. The flame of a magician. A jewel. The message after the battle. 「Indication」 of An item.
Those usually appear in the game.
Before, it feels like I’m hallucinating. All of this are just illusion.
But now, after I’m fully aware that I’m not hallucinating, I think it’s kind of fun.
After I calm myself down, I will find a way to escape. This is more than just a dream.
「Well if that’s the case, Show 「Indication」about me」
I speak clearly. First of all, I’m going to try this.
Name: Kanami Aikawa HP4/51 MP72/72 Class:ー
Level 1
Str1.11 Vit1.03 Dex1.01 Agi2.02 Int4.00……――
「…This is hard to understand. is there any easier way for me to understand?」
(This is shown in The Japanese language) 【Status】
Name: Kanami Aikawa HP4/51 MP72/72 Class:ー Level 1
Strength1.11 Physical Strength1.03 Dext1.01 Speed2.02 Wisdom4.00 Magic Power2.00 Quality7.00 Confusion1.01 Bleeding0.52 Experience 805/100
Single handed Iron sword, Clothe of the underworld, mantle of Elfen, Leather bag, Boots of the underworld, throwing knife with a cursed mark.
「Ah, It becomes Japanese」
I muttered to response the 「Indication」changes.
I’m bad when it comes to English. It’s important for me to understand the words. I begin to read 「Status」in Japanese. There is something I’m worried about 『【Item】Empty』. Come to think of it, I don’t have anything with me.
「Mmm…. But I’m carrying dried meat and water bag with me…」
Nevertheless, it shows out like this.
I confirm it many times, but, after all, it seems like I have nothing.
「But, the main point is I don’t really have any clue here, like, how do I play the game…」
I wonder are there any important requirements?
This is a game-like condition that won’t work out if I don’t meet the requirements.
「I wonder, are the equipment’s give any effect? And do I have to meet any certain requirements to wear them? 」
Still, that doesn’t mean I should wear all of them, right?
「Is there any explanation how much my bag can carry?」
I check the equipment on my body again. Well, this is sure like a game.
I try and try putting stuffs into my bag and my empty pocket. I try several ways, putting them in and out. But nothing happens.
Go in! Go in! Go in! Go in!
I shed my eyes toward the dried meat while praying to God. Honestly, I’m half joking. But it seems to work!
The air above swirling and swallow the dried meat.
I pulled my hand quickly.
It was a scary.
「Ok, Show the 『Belonging』」
Dried meat
「Hahaha… Mmm. Like in the game」
I’m happy but scared at the same time.
I now understand the rule of『Belonging』
I have to have the intention to put in mid-air, and it was swallowed and stored somewhere.
「Well this is convenient…」
I begin to find another thing on the dead body again. There are still some stuffs left.
I try to find another rule of『Belonging』 while throwing things at mid-air to store them.
By the way, human corpses and small insects can’t be stored.
I don’t understand the reason, but I think it’s just the term.
Dried meat, Water bag, Hemostatic, Numbness needle, Antidote, Rasp, Longsword, Leather bag, Leather gloves, Leather boots, Cloth, Iron knife, Wooden bow, Unmarked arrow, Lighter, Smartphone, Pebble, Branch, Tenth magic stone, Ninth magic stone.
By the way, lighter and smartphone are inside my jeans. I check, probably I can call someone with my phone, but as expected, it won’t connect.
This is an old smartphone, and probably it’s damaged because of some shocks. But I’m still lucky, the light and the clock still function properly.
「I put in various things… I’m glad that it writes the name of things that I don’t know. If this is a game, it just dropped its difficulty level. But no, I’m saved, thanks for that… 」
My face become relax when I realize the flour thing is actually an『Antidote』.
「Wellー Let’s try another thingー」
Just when I want to try it, the beast’s roar echoed in the corridor.
「ーCk, Let’s put it down, for now,」
I’m too busy with many things, that I forgot I’m still in danger. I begin to walk, getting away from the roar.
With a sword as my walking stick and The “Hemostatic” (after I wash my wound with water, I plastered it because I don’t know how to use it), I walk away.
I walk through the corridor and I feel my body is getting lighter.
I confirm my 『Status』, My HP was self-healed.
I feel the crisis time in my life goes away, and I slow down a little bit.
I still want to try many things but it’s impossible to stop now. I walk while murmuring and thinking about this words.
「Status, Help, Map, Save, Log, Chat, Logout, Login, Skillーー」
I try to show another 「Indication」that might help me. But the most That I’m hoping for 「Help」 is not working. And the other is 『Log』 and 『Chat』 is not working as well.
The only thing that works is 『Skill』ー
Inherited Skills: Sword skill1.01 Freezing Magic2.00 Acquired Skills: Dimension Magic5:00
『???』 of two is showed. It seems like the inventor of this system doesn’t want to show what kind of skill are they.
And I am surprised that 『Magic』 is lined in
Since when I become a magician. When I say a word 『Magic』 it follows my command and shows 『Indication』.
Freezing Magic: Freeze 1.00 Ice1.00 Dimension Magic: Dimension1.00
However, there are three magics that can save me. I want to jump in joy because now I can use magic. I don’t know how or since when I can use magic. Then I try to test it out. In a game, it’s common to find some first skills.
ーIf I think that this is a game…but…
Just thinking about it is driving me crazy. So I stop thinking and try to test it out.
The best I can do is to try it out.
「Mmmmm, GO!!! Freezing magic《ICE》!」
As I yell, I hold up over my one’s hand. I expect something, like an ice stone blow off from my hand.
After I chant the magic, I sense something coming out from my hand to attack. I feel cold on my palm and feel that something unknown is gathering.
It’s gathering butーit’s surely too slow.
Probably it takes some time to gather moisture in the air and make tons of molecular dynamics produce the ice.
However, after approximately 10 seconds, the ice actually comes out. Of course, the chanting time is not yet included in that 10 seconds. Doesn’t matter how you look at it, I don’t find this is useful to attack something.
「EhーIs it only just like this?」
What on earth is this magic? Urgghhh….
Is this some kind of daily life magic? Because my expectation is to use this to attack large insect and animal. Well, I feel sorry for myself.
Well after this much of effort, I took out cloth from my 『Belonging』 and I tear out the cloth. I made an Ice pack from it. But threw it away immediately after hitting the burnt wound because it hurts.
Freezing magic 《Ice》. Frankly say, it is useless.
Next, I try testing 《Freeze》 However, in the end, the result is just the same. It’s just -daily magic- level. It only makes temperature around me drop slowly.
Then, I’m troubled about the last magic 《Dimension》. If I’m not mistaken, the meaning of Dimension is the measurement from the perspective of a point in Dimension. I don’t have any confidence in this skill. I suppose I can accelerate it like I did with Freezing magic.
Perhaps a warp will appear and I might escape from this labyrinth, but it is hard to think that there were such magic to escape from this situation.
Then, I decided to hold myself from using it. After all, I don’t know what kind of effect it will bring and will it be dangerous or not.
I’m scared if I make a mistake a black hole will appear.
I imagine myself using different magic, trying to test them.
「Recovery Magic, White Magic, Obtaining Magic, New of the new magic, First aid treatment, Burn, Healー」
Unfortunately, it won’t work.
I want recovery magic but such thing doesn’t seem available for me somehow
But on the way, Some『Indication』attracts my attention.
【Skills point】
Sword skill1.01 Freezing Magic2.00 Dimension Magic5.00 Current available point is 0
Zero huh?
Probably it will increase as the same time as my level.
【Level Up Menu】
When I think about the level, suddenly it appears.
Requirements fulfilled.
However, I don’t feel good about this 「Requirements fulfilled」.
It’s not an automatic level up. It’s a manual one.
Then, first of all, I try to look for a method to do manual level up.
「If I could, Manual Level up, pleasーouch!」
Suddenly, I yell. My right arm feels like it was burned.
Reflex, I look at it. My upper arm was cut and bleeding.
「From, Whereー?」
Something is moving in the corner as I look around.
An object bouncing with high speed. It floats around in mid-air like a basketball, it’s buzzing. I look at it carefully, that distortion is an Insect getting closer.
Immediately I change my way of thinking
I think about my everyday life. I use to play games too.
And since this place can’t be defined with common sense too,
I aim and swing my sword to that bouncing object. However, it dodges.
After it dodged, I begin to run immediately. I take distance out of the 『Distortion』 returning to my previous way, the one where I came before.
I failed at my attempted attack. I decided not to do anything impossible anymore.
Returning to my previous path. I can hear the insect buzzing. Thanks to that, I can predict the distance between me and the insect.
It’s chasing me from behind.
So, the only thing left is time. I can throw something at it, to buy me some time.
I’m planning my strategy to fight the insect. Probably it’ll be useless since I tried this in some game before. But I think it’ll worth a try.
The 『Distortion』 is getting closer, I pulled out a leather bag from 『Belonging』 and throw out all the contents to the insect.
It disturbs the insect a little bit.
My strategy seems effective.
It was a creature with a feather. I think it reacts poorly towards the water. So I choose to attack with water. Because like in the game, the insect sure will have a weak point. With water, its speed will slow down too.
After making sure of it, I chant my magic.
「Freezing Magic《Freeze》」
This magic can only drop the temperature slowly but, there is a chance this can weaken the creature. Will be best if I can kill it from the distance, using this magic.
「……I doubt this magic can even freeze it, but I hope at least can slow the creature down」
It weakens.
It’s going to fly towards me, to stop me, but it can’t reach me.
I still pay attention to it, just to make sure not to miss anything. Till the last, I can’t drop my guard down.
【Monster】Dark Ring Fly: Rank 2
As I still looking at the insect, the I 『Indication』 pop out.
The Information of 『Indication』 is pop out at the direction of the Distortion.
ーThis is bad.
I’m afraid this Dark Ring Fly make his -ultra speed fly, then disappear- as a weapon against me. But thanks to 『Indication』 it helps me locate the insect.
I think it can’t attack anymore. The dark ring fly’s movement become slower as time passes. I’m sure it must be exhausted because of my magic. I knock it down with my sword.
The Dark Ring Fly fell into the ground, perished with light, and only a dark transparent stone was left.
By the way, the dark transparent stone is『Tenth magic stone』 according to 『Indication』. From my experience before, I can say the Dark Ring Fly is a low-class monster.
「Was it a waste that I used my tools and MP for a rank 2 monster?」
MP left 68. The MP is still left, but I don’t know what will happen if I waste it again.
I go through the path that I originally planned to go. Walking through the corridor that I haven’t stepped on.
I continue thinking about the leveling system.
Even though I have tried many ways, trial and error. Still I stuck at level 1. Haven’t leveled up yet.
I think there’re some special requirements that have to be fulfilled in order to level up. I feel irritated, my experience already above the level up standard.
And I think back about the previous battle.
A surprise attack from a monster that can hardly seen. If that monster is not a level 2 monster, I might have died.
I better try many things from 『Indication』 to save my life. But I get absolutely nothing from it.
As I walk, I hear sound from further.
The sound comes from the Huge Insect which I encountered before.
【Monster】Ripper Beadle: Rank 3
I can expect its weapon just from its name. But I better keep still. I keep my body half-bent so I can respond if something happens.
Ripper Beadle Notices me. I gradually step back.
I don’t how dangerous Rank 3 is.
Suddenly, Ripper Beadle rushes and the place become jam packed. However, its speed is nothing compares to the huge wolf. I swing my sword towards it.
The sound of Irons clashing is echoing.
I expect that I cut its weak point. However, it’s not. It’s very solid. I yell「HAHH!」, no meaning, just that so I look cool.
The movement is not a problem. Compare to that huge wolf and Dark Ring Fly, the huge insect is slow. I take out a tool from the 『Belonging』 to carry out my other plan.
Ripper beadle repeating its dash.
Though it is not so hot, sweat is dripping from my body. I am out of breath unnaturally.
My hands and feet are heavy like lead, the view on my mind as If I was out of the sea.
All of the symptoms is due the『Poison』.
When I began to use《Dimension》and approximately 15 minutes passed from the fight with a rank 1 monster was occurred.
It was me who avoid all the monsters, but I was discovered by a monster which did not move accidentally either. The slightly bigger frog which does not move an inch under the debris which I will not understand if I do not use《Dimension》. It was a rank 1 and as I saw it was a sleepy monster.
Because the name was big frog and simplicity, I thought that experience level was possible without danger, and I smashed a frog with the sword.
Big frog itself died by the single blow, but the body fluid has attached to my body. My body is tattered, and the one which is important here is that my body has wounded everywhere.
The body fluid of the big frog gets into my wounded body and I fall into《State: Poisoned》
After I confirmed about my state according to the Status, immediately I take out an antidote from the belonging.
However, the poison is not cured.
I confirmed the details of the remaining antidote and noticed the situation.
ーA general antidote. Detoxification succeeds with 5% of probability for the poison cure except that mixed a poisonous attack of “Bee Poison”.
Seems like the antidote have a various type.
In other words, according to『Indication』the antidote only have 5% of probability to cure the poison.
I decided to use up all antidotes as I don’t mind with 5%.
「The antidote is no left……… Noooooo, oh crap, fucking crap…!」
The margin time that thanks to《Dimension》is no left anymore.
I’m sweating a lot and I’m losing my physical strength.
I made 《 ice 》 and put in my mouth, and there was not an effect which restores my HP although I supply with water.
I confirmed my status once again without standing.
Name: Aikawa Kanami HP17/51 MP61/72 class:ー Level 1
strength 1.11 physical strength 1.03 ability 1.01 speed 2.02 wisdom 4.00 magical power 2.01 quality 7.00 state: Confusion 1.09 bleeding 0.21 poison 1.00
ーSelf-Restored HP is 17 until 30 in 1:00 period.
My life is being reduced by poison in 1 every several minutes, for a feeling of irritation as well as my condition.
My breath is in confusion, and my consciousness becomes dim.
If I let this situation as for now I will die.
I look for the solution by thinking with my head.
I have several as for the plan, but their success probability is low.
I review my choice and decided a plan. I just use more《Dimension》at the expense of my remaining MP.
「ーDimension Magic 《Dimension》!」
I learned by trying it several times. This is kind of many cameras with remote control runs through a corridor as for it.
I just concentrate on a thing leading for a solution while the labyrinth is filled with characteristic monsters.
In the area where a perception range spread through to 50 times, I find the area with the big difference to a corridor.
The corridor was maintained. The floor is leveled and is coated with a mineral. A light was installed every uniformity interval and was like a totally artificial way.
Around the area, I widen my sense more.
And in a maintained path, I found several human beings walk on the way.
Therefore, I break off《 Dimension 》once.
My remaining MP is only one digit left.
Name: Kanami Aikawa HP16/51 MP9/72 class:ー
「Ukhhh! Haaahh………pant-pant………!」
I found a person.
Besides, I don’t expect to find a trouble if I pass with a person.
I remembered about the content of the previous conversation when I was attacked. 「Labyrinth, and more this place is 『The outside of management territory』ー」that’s what he said. So in other words, the path that I had been walking until now is 『The outside of management territory』so the fight naturally will occur. But the path which I found just now is 『The inside of management territory』that was maintained, so the fight does not occur over there. I think the possibility is to be high enough. I don’t have any choice but to bet on it.
「With minimum《Dimension》I walk toward the maintained path…!」
I rely only on to that direction.
I stop to confirm my losing HP and continue looking for a person.
The antidote that I found is from the corpse body.
Even I receive it or I have to steal it, nothing will not begin if I don’t meet with any person.
I moved my foot while letting eyes become bloodshot not to part with consciousness.
Fortunately, I arrived at maintained path straight without meeting with a monster. However, I don’t immediately to call out for a person.
I observe the maintained path carefully and watch the state of human beings from the shade by using《Dimension》.
I don’t want the same thing happening again.
At first, I eavesdrop on a conversation of man group of 3 whom near the area by using 《Dimension》which using my last MP. With this, the remaining MP is 4.
「HayーToday how about let’s advance to the seventh floor?」
「That sounds great. Recently my body is in good condition as well. I think it will be profitable if we just advance until that way」
「I do agree with you as well. It is about time we should explore more and widening the hunting areaー」
Men’s talk willingly while walking the way.
I understand that exploring labyrinth can gain a profit according to their conversation.
I don’t see them as a respectable person. If it is in my world, they give the air appearance to an aggressive look in them.
It will be hard for me to speak with them.
I desire to talk one on one. I prefer a person who is younger, a woman, a good-natured person is also good.
But, that just too much, it will be nothing if I’m dead now.
The current situation of my HP is decreasing.
I will use the last MP in the critical situation even I scared myself (not until zero but I will save my MP until 1) by using《Dimension》.
In approximately 200 meters from here, I found 4 groups of people. If say in game-like words is 4 party.
The first party is, that 3 man before. Next is mixed men and woman as 5 people in the party. And, the silver armored body of 4. The last is 2 girls in the party.
Without hesitation, I go straight for that 2 girls as in 1 party.
Their looks are calm and gentle. I hope they would willing to help me.
But, I have to past of 2 parties who are a group of mixed man and woman and a group of silver armor.
I let out a breath and wait for time to pass.
And I continue to hide until the 2 girls who looks like to be the safest appear, but…
「Oiiiー. The person who is hiding over there, you should come out now」
I was noticed by silver armored group plainly.
The mixed group of man and woman didn’t notice me, but the silver armored group noticed me who was in the blind spot.
I was called out to, and my heart feels like to pops. However, they are my second priority.
So I gather a courage to make a conversation with them.
I put a one hand sword in the shade and appear to the maintained path carefully.
「Fumu, is he only a theft?」
A tall man is asking.
Looks like the silver armored four people is rich people, unlike the human beings who I met so far.
If I take a look, only 1 girl is among the group. She looks like close to my age and her body as well. And, she is so beautiful. A face which looks like a doll, and shining white silver long hair caught my eyes immediately.
Then I meet her eyes with my eyes. She is taking my interest with the nonsense of reality in her body.
I decided to call out to the other man. I have my eyes on the man who is the tallest and seems to be respectful.
「I’m not a theft. I have been wounded, So I was taking a rest.」
「If you say that you should have been rest in the correct way. not telling lies」
The man is declining me. I feel a little anger from his voice.
Somehow beside the maintained way, there is another place which is suitable to take a rest. I put a caution on caution, but the situation has become turned the opposite of what I’m hoping for.
I was wrong from the start.
「I have the reason to not take the rest in correct place. I don’t have any malicious intent. Please believe me!」
Well, his reaction reacted to my lies.
So he is just angry because of my lie. That’s what I thought after I have glanced my eyes with him.
「Fumu. It is certainly impossible if you ambush us by yourself」
To hear my desperate voice, the man softened his faces.
The other man has also.
「Just a kid with himself. What can he do? That’s not a problem」
「I think he is lost kid in this labyrinth. Otherwise, he was just a baggage carrier which his party is annihilated 」
Men interpreting it conveniently without permission.
In the first place, I did not seem to be considered a great menace with the looks of me who was tattered.
I’m watching the situation so that a thing does not become worse as possible.
「It not wise to be afraid of a kid. That’s against out chivalry」
「Shut up you Hein. You should pay attention more. I just carry out my duty to make confirmation. How about it, my enthusiasm for work?」
A little air which clowned comes out.
I heard a word 『Chivalry』, these people might be considered as a good-natured person. I suggest I can judge by their outfit. It might be now to go now than nothing.
I make up my mind and I’m going to talk about my poisoned body.
「Mmmm, The fact isー」
「ーYou, Looks like you are interesting one」
However, the girl interrupted me.
The beautiful girl stood near me as soon she interrupted me.
And I was caught by her golden eyes. She is so beautiful and she look at me carefully.
Her companion was surprised her sudden action then they called out to her.
「Eh…Milady, Is there any problem…?」
「Ah…My bad. There is no a problem」
The girl still approaches me while saying so.
I wanted to raise a loud voice. I wanted to shout to not approach me.
However, my throat dries and sticks, so the words won’t let out.
「WaーWait seconds. Milady please refrain the contact with him!」
One of the men raises a voice.
「Just a little it will be no a problem. Because nothing will happen if I just touch him. Let me talk a bit with him」
「Is that so? but…」
The argument was cut off by the girl, looks like the men understand for her worlds.
The girl who made them shut up, approaches me to the distance that her face and my face is being close together.
「You are really interestingー」
The girl is whisperings which only me be able to hear her.
「ーInteresting. Enviable. I really, I really, envy you」
Only in the whisper.
Her low voice made my back chill.
The girl drops her beautiful eyebrows. I understand she seriously envies me with a wistful expression.
There is nobody except me who understand. The other 3 men are just watching over us.
「Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent, Excellentー」
The girl continues whispering me as if she is cursing me.
I have no left option but to endure it, and she continues muttering with her pretty lips.
「Is there anything wrong with you Milady? Or what are you looking at?」
One man asked her impatiently.
Taking to respond him, the face of the girl became straight. Instantly her jealousy until a while ago fades away and became such as a doll which expressionless.
And the girl turned toward her companion and makes a smile.
「Yup, it is as you said」
She turned herself innocent even though she just cursed me a while ago.
「I see. So do he has interesting skill?」
「No, It’s not like that. But he is suffering due the poison in him. And I intend to give him a treatment with recovery magic」
To think I didn’t even talk, I leaked out a words 「Eh?」
As if it a lucky day, and like my blood started rotating in my body which was frozen before.
「Ah, I see. It was such a thing」
「Then, The really gentle me will help you…」
Then the girl turned back toward me, and she started to chant a magic.
(TL: This is kind of hard for me to translate the chanting, so I just let it be like it was) 「『Naderu Youkou ni Utae』, 『Suku Mizu wa Haboroshi ni, Kaerazu no chi』, 『Ten to Chi wo Kazase』ー」
Snow-white light overflows from the hand of the girl, then the light wrapping my body.
Thanks to it, my pain is lessened. I watch my own body be lightened as if it was a lie.
I’m only watching her magic wrapping me. Well, there is no reason to resist since I knew this is a recovery magic.
「ー《Full Cure》. Yup, It’s done.」
Then the girl made a smile to me.
There is no feeling of the jealousy again in her smile.
And the girl is muttering 「Let’s see」while checking about my condition again.
「Uhmmー Ehhh…Ohhh… Looks like that『Confusion』of your status is not a bad status. Really interesting. Ah, because it was already late to treat your burnt wound so it will be traced like that」
The girl nods as having admired. And. to suddenly she said 『Confusion』.
I confirm my status.
Name: Kanami Aikawa HP51/51 MP1/72 class: ー Level 1
strength 1.12 physical strength 1.03 Dex1.02 speed 2.02 wisdom 4.00 magical power 2.01 quality 7.00 state: Confusion 1.00 – –
『Bleeding』and 『Poisoned』is gone but 『Confusion』is remaining.
Is the girl could see 『Indication』also?
It may not be the same thing, but at least, it was already lessened to 『Confusion』.
Then I only hear her laughs thinly with a cheeky manner.
「Let’s meet again, Kanami Aikawa. Ah, by the way, remember my name is Las Tiara」
「Milady, was there anything?」
After the confirming the recovery magic is done, the men are approaching.
「No, there is nothing. Oh, I feel good after helping someone. Well then, there is no time left let’s go」
Las Tiara, the girl who gave her name with honorific leave me as if there is no longer worth to talk. Then I speak at once.
「Th, Thank you very much…」
「That’s fine, Someday I will have you to pay me back」
Las Tiara makes a smile as such a carnivorous animal.
Of course, only I can see it.
「Let’s meet again boy! Take care」
「Straight to go back」
The other man is smiling as to respond. Well, unlike Las Tiara I don’t feel any insanity from them. They smile as if they accomplished for having protected a weak thing.
Well, as soon as possible I decide to move away from Las Tiara.
「Yes, You saved me. Well then, let’s meet again」
As I said so, I advance to the opposite direction where they are going to the maintained path. The man makes sure while waving their hand without question. Well, perhaps the exit is this way then.
I float a fake smile and leave the silvered armor group.
Honestly, I just wanted to escape from Las Tiara.
Even though we are separating away, the girl still looking only at me. Even after parted, the chill on my back still won’t go away.
I think it’s better for me to take quick steps.
But still after we meet, they are good people.
Even so, the thought of a trauma that my first encounter with a human is I was considered to be a decoy and my foot was cut is still strong. But, mainly thanks to Las Tiara my uneasiness became lessened.
I walk heading to Correct Path which according to their story.
I pass the duo woman party but I didn’t need to be called out to them in particular.
If I don’t mistake, I certain the way of exit is here. But I’m feeling lost somehow.
I pass many various parties in the way.
By passing them I evaluated them as well with my eyes, I’m glad the problem does not occur.
And, finally after went through of correct path I arrived at the exit.
「I did it…I did it…!」
It as if my eyes was burned by the sunlight, the wind is blowing gently, and a good smell unlike inside the labyrinth.
I realized it when I reached the outside.
When I expressed my joy, the man who fixed his position nearly called out to me.
「Oiーoiー, You are too exaggerating」
The man laughed friendly. But, I stiff my body after I saw he is hanging a sword on his waist.
I don’t feel any hostility from the man. He is very likely to be a guard who is standing in front of the exit. Appropriate for his clothes is formal.
I drop my thought and control my feelings. And I started to make a conversation with the man slowly.
「Yea, Because I did work hard…」
I choose harmless words and look for the situation.
「Certainly, by judging your clothes I’m surely you were having a hard time huhー Well, you can use the water over there」
The man says so and points out the water with his thumb.
「Thank you very much. You are very kind, I will go」
I lowered my head while being delighted in my heart.
「No problem, because this is my job as well」
I begin to walk to the direction where the man points out.
Even he said that this was his duty and I don’t know how he do in the public, but still I was helped.
I walked to some extent and I found a well.
I was discouraged by the different which I imagined it is modern. But still this helps me.
It did not take me time to do since the well is the same as in my world.
I supply the water to the empty leather bag which was inside my『Belonging』. Next, I wash my clothes. Just by wiping the mud to some extent, the clothes became clean. I confused whenever I should wash the knife as well or not, since it is smelly I rinsed it in the water.
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