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The Return Of The God Level Assassin [BL]


LUO YAN fixed his necktie and looked at his reflection in the mirror. What stared back at him was a tall man in his early twenties with impeccably handsome features. He lifted the corner of his lips. It was just a simple smile but it completely changed his temperament. From a handsome boy-next-door to an elegant gentleman.

[You're really handsome, aren't you?]

He took his bag and looked around the four bedroom dormitory. This has been his home for the past four years. But he didn't have any attachment to it at all. For him, it was just a place to sleep.

All his other three room mates had already moved out after graduation. He was the only one still living here. There was a rule in the university that after you graduated, you should move out of the student dormitory. At most, you could only stay for three days. But Luo Yan requested if he could stay for at least ten days more. With his outstanding grades, add that to the warm and gentle temperament he'd been projecting for the past four years, coupled with his handsome appearance, his request was easily approved. Besides, there were still other students like him who were still staying at the dormitory.

But after today, he could finally move. The company he's going to work for provides housing for employees who needed it. He could only get the key to the apartment provided by the company today. So after his first day of work, he would be able to move out of here. He didn't have many things to pack up, only three boxes. That's the extent of his belongings. He already contacted a delivery service that would deliver his things to the apartment building's address.

Luo Yan put on his shoes and went out of the room.

As early as three months ago, before Luo Yan even graduated, he received an offer from a prestigious gaming company. That was not really a surprise since he graduated top of the class in their Computer Science Department. He didn't hesitate to accept. He loved playing games. He's also interested in designing one. So it's his goal to work in a gaming company. If he's going to work, he might as well do something that he loved to do.

He had been making concessions throughout his life. But now, graduating and having a job that could support him, he no longer had to do that.

Luo Yan was an orphan. His parents died in a car accident when he was four years old. They were just ordinary office workers, not from any big family. His memories of that time were already blurry. But he could still remember the warm laugh of his father and the loving embrace of his mother. They might have lived in a big house, but his parents loved him with all their hearts. After they died, everything changed for him.

Not one of his relatives wanted to take him in, some even fought who got to keep his parents meager belongings. At the end, Luo Yan was sent to an orphanage. The environment of the orphanage was not exactly bad, but it was not exactly good either. Everything was so new to him back then, everyday he was filled with grief, fear, and sadness. Because he was the new kid, almost everyone bullied him. Stealing his portion of food, even pushing their chores to him. He could only bow his head, let it go, and cry.

But soon, he learned that crying would not do him any good. So he learned to adapt. He learned to smile even though he didn't want to. He learned to praise others even though he didn't want to. He learned to act like a fool even though he didn't want to. His life in the orphanage became easier after that. Until he was adopted when he was ten.

Luo Yan sharply shook his head. He didn't want to remember that dark history.

Just three months after adoption, he was returned to a different orphanage. That time, Luo Yan made sure that he won't be adopted again. That was not very hard for him. He just made sure that everyone in the orphanae would like him. From the children up to the adults. Especially the director. The director was a middle aged woman with no husband and children. So it was easy for Luo Yan to get close to her. Soon, he became her nominal son.

He stayed at that orphanage until he reached eighteen. He took the college entrance examination and got a very good score. No, not just very good but one of the best. His score was actually one of the top ten best scores in the whole country. He chose to go to T University - the best university in the country. Because he knew that it would be easier for him to find a job if he graduated from there.

Luo Yan was not a genius. He just knew how to work hard. The good grades he got was the result of his hard work. Sometimes he would study until the sun came up. Because that's the only way he knew how to change his life. If he didn't work hard, then he would continue to stay at the bottom of society. Not having anything.

And now, everything paid off. Luo Yan was on his way on his first day of work. This was only the first step and he just knew that everything would be better after this.

He just walked out of the dormitory building when he heard a scream from above. Just as Luo Yan looked up, he saw a potted plant coming down on his direction at a very fast speed.

[Oh shit.]

That was his last thought before the potted plant crashed on his face and his vision turned dark.

Chapter 2 - WHO IS THIS FAIRY??

LUO YAN slowly opened his eyes. It felt like there's an elephant stepping on his eyelids. It was so heavy, he could barely open it. Then the first thing he saw was a white ceiling. The smell of strong disinfectants invaded his nostrils. In the silence, the only thing he could hear was the beeping sound of the machine beside his bed. It didn't take long for him to realize where he was.

A hospital room.

Why was he in a hospital? Then as if answering his question, memories just came crashing down inside his mind.

The first thing he remembered was happily going out of his college dormitory. It was his first day at his new job so he was pretty excited. He left early because he wanted to give a good impression to his superiors. But just as he was about to leave, a potted plant fell straight to his face.

Luo Yan really thought that that was his end. But seeing as he was able to wake up again, looked like he didn't die after all. Then how about his job? Did someone inform them of what happened to him? They wouldn't just fire him because of this, right? It was totally an accident. It was not even his fault. It was the fault of whoever stupid guy that dropped that potted plant. Luo Yan swore if he found out who that was, punching them was not even enough.

How long had he been here anyway?

Luo Yan tried to move but found that he couldn't. He started to panic. What if that potted plant actually hurt his brain and he somehow ended up paralyzed? No, wait. His hands and feet could still feel sensations. In fact, his whole body was actually quite in a lot of pain. Aside from that, he also felt very weak. Well, at least this meant that he wasn't paralyzed. But even so, Luo Yan didn't like this weakened state.

Then he heard the door opening. When he slowly turned his head, he saw a nurse coming in. The nurse's eyes turned as big as a saucer when she saw him. She immediately walked towards the phone attached to the wall. "Hello, yes, please call Dr. Han. The patient in the VIP room just woke up. No, I'm serious. Why would I even joke about that?"

VIP room? Why would he be put in the VIP room? Was the one who caused this accident actually a rich young master? He felt guilty, paid for Luo Yan's hopitalization, and put him into a VIP room? How generous. But come to think of it, that's definitely something he should do. He's the reason why he's in the hospital after all.

The nurse walked up to the side of his bed. "Do you feel any discomfort?" she asked kindly.

"J-just a--"

Luo Yan stopped. What's this? Why couldn't he speak properly? He wanted to try again but every vibration in his throat hurt like hell. It's like he hadn't use his vocal chords for quite a long time.

"It's okay. You don't have to force yourself. I'm sorry if big sister suddenly asked you a question. I'm sure you're pretty confused right now. But don't worry, your doctor will soon come and he will do a thorough check on you. Everything will be alright."

Okay. That's kind of creepy. Why was this nurse talking to him as if he's a child?

"But this is really a miracle. Your family will be very happy once they know you're awake."

His family? No, that's impossible. Those greedy bastards probably didn't even know that he's in the hospital.

"H-ho...w l-long... sl-slee... ping?"

"Oh, how long have you been asleep?" Luo Yan nodded. The nurse suddenly gazed at him pitifully. "It's been seven years, second young master Luo."

If Luo Yan could speak, he would have probably already shouted. Seven years? Seven freaking years?! He's been in a coma for that long? No wonder he felt so weak. No wonder he couldn't even speak. Then how about his job? He's probably been already fired long ago. What would happen now to his golden future?

He wanted to kill someone. Preferably the jerk who pushed that potted plant. Luo Yan didn't care if it was an accident or not. He didn't even care that he didn't shirk from his responsibility and put him in this VIP room. It's not enough. Seven years! He lost seven years of his life! Luo Yan would definitely bleed the bastard dry until he had no money left in his account. He would definitely get what he was owed.

Then Luo Yan suddenly remembered what the nurse called him. Second young master Luo. Why would she call him that? Add that to the other things she said and there's already a vague guess in his heart. But how could that be? This was not some novel. This was real life. But what if his guess was right?


"You want a mirror?"

Luo Yan nodded once again.

Although the nurse was a bit confused why this young master suddenly asked for a mirror, she still took the compact mirror she always carried from her pocket. She held it in front of the beautiful teenager.

Luo Yan eyes widened when he saw the reflection in the mirror. In the mirror was a teenager who looked about 14, 15 years old. He had long black hair that seemed soft to the touch, big peach blossom eyes surrounded by long eyelashes, a small upturned nose, lips that seemed pale but still had a pink tinge to it, not too mention, the overly white skin that seemed too delicate.

Who the hell was this fairy?!

Chapter 3 - A NEW LUO YAN

LUO YAN was in a daze. He didn't even notice when the doctor came in. A very big sign that he was still in shock. He just couldn't believe that there would come a time in his life that he would experience the famous 'rebirth'. He thought that could only happen in webnovels. Wait- what if he wasn't actually reborn but instead he actually crossed into some ********? And now he became some character in that ********. Maybe he even became a canon fodder!

No, crossing was a bit too extreme. He'd rather be reborn. At least he knew he was still in the same world. But how would he know if he really was still in the same world? Ah, right! In those novels weren't those people who'd undergone rebirth always tried to integrate their memories with the memories of the original owner of the body? So, he just needed to think of the memories of the original owner to know for sure if he was still in the same world.

Luo Yan closed his eyes and tried to think of the memory of the original. Minutes passed and all he got were fragmented scenes. Of a big house with a beautiful garden, of two boys pulling him to play, of a handsome man with a cold expression on his face but that expression immediately soften whenever he looked at him, and of a beautiful woman smiling gently at him. And then the last scene that etched on his mind was of that beautiful woman fractically hugging him and another child, as if trying to protect them from something.

And that's it. Nothing more.

Suddenly remembering that woman felt like his heart was being squeezed for no reason.

"Your vital signs seems to be all good, Young Master," the doctor said, taking his sthetoscope away from Luo Yan's pale and thin chest. "But I still need to do a full medical examination to make sure."

Luo Yan looked up dazedly at the kind-looking old doctor. Doctor Han sighed when he saw the beautiful teenager's confused look. No one expected this kid to wake up. Even he thought it would be impossible for him to wake up again. The damage to the teenager's brain was pretty big after all. The only reason why the teenager was still alive was because his family refused to pull off the plug for the machine supporting his life. And now it looked like it was the right decision.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. After you undergo physical therapy and given the right diet, you'll be just like any other 17 year old teenager," the doctor added, giving him a kind smile.

It would probably take months before Luo Yan could be on top shape and for this thin, pale, gaunt body of his to change. Wait- this body was 17? He totally thought it belonged to a 14 year old child. Well, now that he thought about it, according to that nurse, he'd been in a coma for seven years. It's only normal for his growth to be stunted.

But there's still one thing Luo Yan needed to be sure about.

"I'll contact your father. He will definitely be glad once he finds out that you're awake."

"Doc... tor..." Luo Yan called. "T-the president... se-seven years a-ago... who?"

"You're asking who the president was seven years ago?" Doctor Han clarified to make sure he understood the kid's question. Luo Yan nodded. Although confused by the teenager's question, the doctor still answered him.

When Luo Yan heard the name of the president, he breathed a sigh of relief. Because that was the name of the president before he was killed by that damn potted plot. Then that meant he did not cross to some other world. This was still the world he knew. He had been dead for seven years though. He wondered what happened to his original body. Did someone even bother to cremate him and bury him in a cemetary?

Luo Yan shook his head. No, he should not think about that anymore. That life of his already ended. He was given another beginning. Because now, it's official. He'd been reborn into a 17 year old young master with a face and body of a pretty shota.

He almost cringed. If he's going to be reborn, why couldn't the Lord God pick a manly young adult? Now, he's stuck with this body.

Luo Yan sighed. He shouldn't be picky. He'd survive this. Just like always. He'd be this new Luo Yan. He firmly decided, determination filling up his peach blossom eyes.

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