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Taekook: Cursed Omega

Werewolves nature!

The world of werewolves was different than that of normal human beings.. there are ranks, and each one of these ranks held great importance
Werewolves were unique.. now they were different from normal wolves who were shorter and no where near stronger than them.. these wolves were pure animals, they could be used as pets like puppies but the werewolves would never ever do that.. because it would be a shame, a disgust, an insult to their own kind..
That brings us to who truly werewolves are.. they are part human and part wolves..
The wolf part, takes shelter in the human body and have their respective maturity level to show themselves and unite with the human forms..
The human is mainly a bearer of these werewolves.. and not all humans are gifted with it.. a few multitudes of chosen ones have the ability to be part human and part wolf..and they are then called werewolves
Both human and wolf have different personalities.. the human is more like a natural life abiding by the laws of nature.. they breath, eat, cloth and feel exactly like how a normal human should.. but their wolf forms, they were different and behaved just like animals.. the wolf sides, had a stronger ability, strong sense of surroundings and scent, strong desire for nature especially green and thick forests.. but the wolf sides had to depend on the human ones to let them be out in their natural forms and kiss the nature.. as it is said, the wolf is merely residing or making his or her home inside a human body so they have to follow what the humans say and feel.. but it’s not like their human sides disrespect them or hate them, it is the opposite actually.. every human who is part wolf, adores and hugs their animal side with open arms.. they’re stronger than the normal humans and that’s what makes them always respect their wolf sides..
There are four types of werewolves.. and they all four are very important essence to build a home.. each depends on the other and they together form the strong concretes of a house.. and in this case, they four form the true community of their werewolves kind
The top of the chains.. are ALPHAS..
ALPHAS… can be best defined as the roof of the house.. they are meant to be strong to withhold every little and chaotic storm.. their nature makes them born with mighty senses, wisdoms, talents, strengths, knowledges, persistency and ability to rule their kind.. their nature is of kings like.. their strength is admirable and always feared upon.. their voice thick and heavy, making everyone bow before them instantly.. their masculinity makes them like a protective shield for their kinds.. their eyes could send fear and justice to both right and wrong.. and an alpha’s word is never ignored by any of their kinds.. no matter what clan, an alpha is the true ruler.. their nature demands from them to never cry before their lower ranks, to never weaken before them, to never give up or escape from their responsibilities.. to never ever leave their clans in danger..die or fight, that’s their motto.. but there are different kinds of alphas too.. a true blood has red and grey mixture as their eye colour, the red being like egg shells and the grey being their yolk on their orbs.. then there is a a pure blood who has deep golden eyes, and finally a normal alpha who has burgundy shade as eyes..the alphas are the ones who responsible to ensure the peaceful and shielded momentum of their kinds..
Then comes the DELTAS.. the second strongest kind.. they are best describable as the right pillars of a house..
Although, deltas are not stronger than the alphas, but they hold great strength against the betas and omegas.. not only that, the deltas are more like warriors, ready to fight for their kings who are alphas.. the deltas can only bow before the alphas, while they can command any beta or omega.. some of the most amazing qualities of a delta is that they are content, patient, caring, knight, skilled as if it was in their nature to be born as soldiers.. and hence, they’re the ones who guard their kinds at the borders as per the commands of their alphas.. either be arrow, gun, knives or hammers, they have the ability to learn these weapons quickly even when they’re just little babies.. so when they grow up, they’re just like true warriors, shedding their blood and sweat for their kinds.. one thing is common between them and their alpha kinds, they don’t shed their tears easily.. but they do show emotions of happiness, joy, sadness, fear and can cry better than alphas..they’re expressive but not to an extant like betas and omegas.. deltas have green eyes in their wolf forms.. they don’t have true blood or pure blood in their rank..
Then comes the third strongest of their kinds - BETAS
BETAS are best described as the left pillar of a house.. they only bow before an alpha or a delta.. they are more on the advising panels.. their minds are skilled and develops with time.. their hands are skilled with those of labourers, ready to bear every strong concrete to build a beautiful community for their kind.. scientists, businessmen, social workers, doctors, cops, they protect the city like warriors from the home ground, it means from within.. so when a beta is born, there is always this sense of desire inside their hearts to build and provide for their clans.. they believe they’re vowed to listen to their kings and develop their clans from within.. betas have orange eyes when they take their true wolf forms.. just like deltas, they don’t have true blood or pure blood in their kind..
Then comes the last of them all.. “OMEGAS”
Omegas are the fourth and the lowest rank of the werewolves kind.. they’re more fragile, innocent and gifted with the ability to give birth.. they are the offspring provider.. exactly like the soil who bears seed and gives forth multitudes of beautiful and vibrant plants.. they’re the most sensitive, weakest, but also they are the most desired as mates because they can breed and expand the other kinds household.. omegas can be easily tamed if a werewolf uses his or her rank voice.. omegas either be a man or a woman, they are all feminine.. they always have to follow the commands of their higher ranks.. the alphas, they fear the most until if they mated or marked by them.. the same goes with betas or deltas but mostly they really feel submissive, weak or fear when alphas are around them since the latters have strong scent that can make anyone hazy… and the omegas being very delicate and hyper sensitive, can’t find themselves with steady hearts or minds when alphas are around.. the omegas are mostly found inside the corners of their houses, because if they aren’t marked or rejected they are despised and easily taken advantage of.. but if they are marked omegas, then they are respected but not allowed to mingle in their higher ranks business or duties.. they are taught things like cooking, tailoring, or painting or house keeping, everything that is required to make a beautiful home.. their scent is the most alluring, making anyone lu$t for them which also makes them in danger the most especially if they are in heat or unmarked..
But there is something that omegas have and not anyone else.. as their ability is to bloom and give birth, they are best described as the ground of a house.. the roof, or the pillars either be right or left, won’t survive or hold strong if the ground beneath them isn’t there to hold them.. they are the firm rock on which pillars stay guarded and the roof stays strong above them all..
Omegas have two nature.. a pure blood omega, is rare and has purple eyes.. while a normal omega has light ocean eyes..there is no true blood in this rank
Only the omegas can give birth.. no delta or beta is gifted with this ability.. the alpha is like the head of the house, while the deltas and betas are the servant to guard the house, while the omega is who nurtures the house taking care of every rank..
An alpha can be a mate of any alpha, or other ranks.. same goes to all of the others as well.. but only an omega can give birth..
And hence, they all four form the perfect cornerstone of a house
Of a clan
Of a kind
Of werewolves nature

First Wolf!

The world of werewolves was weird and unlike how the stories were told.. what we have been listening since centuries, really never shed a real limelight.. to how did it all began.. the moon, the moon goddess, the mates, the bonds, the packs, they all had a significant meaning and a tale to tell.. but with time, their tales, have been modified like a new wind and spread like a fairy tale where a land of part human and part wolves live and mate and flourish.. with time the interpretations changed until the real story was never known..but that’s not how it began.. there has to be a source, how should one define one’s existence if there is no background or a real story.. nothing comes out like a poof, and yet everything that we all know is a mild fraction of the real truth.. the world of werewolves has a tale of sadness, a loyalty, a promise, embrace of love and so much more
They did praise the moon, but why did they do that? Was moon a real being like one of them or did moon the planet really did appear before them to cast their love on these creatures.. well, it’s a mystery to everyone who isn’t a werewolf.. but these werewolves they know the real story, they know the depth of heartbreak above love, the deep sacrifice and the great passion of love itself.. they know the pull and push of the true existence and their battle with desires..
The tale of moon, the one who werewolves worship oh so blindly and passionately, has one of the most heartbreaking story.. and no, the moon a planet didn’t just favoured these creatures.. the truth was far from it
The tale begins.. centuries and centuries ago.. a young boy, called as moon, born of humans, was roaming in the deep dangers of forest at past twilight
The boy turned 18 just that day, but his birthday wasn’t really going as memorable as it should.. the boy was suffering from a disease which had no cure, at least not at that time.. he barely had years left for himself.. he couldn’t even bring a smile on his face for witnessing another year of his life, because that simply meant, a year has lessen in his existence.. it saddened him and the darkness looked like a great comforter for his heart to cry.. so he roamed, just like a little lost baby.. the forest, deep, giant and bountiful, engulfed the boy from limp by limp to the point even his shadows were not visible
But the boy wasn’t aware that the night he chose to cry his agony away, and hide his pathetic sickness was also the night of blood moon.. he was just a baby, the tales never intrigued him but he have heard them like a myth.. that wolves liked the red shade of the moon and one must never wander in these nights as that will be a matter of life and death.. the boy was dying already, either in this night or a later one so he felt more courageous than scared
He walked into the forest, like a new born baby, wandering and learning about their existence.. at one point he reached in a meadow near a river.. his feet halted when he saw a black wolf, laid near the river beds lifeless.. it alarmed him, and instead of running away his heart took him to the creature.. a normal looking black wolf, an animal, was taking its last breath, his body looked paralysed as blood oozed out of its stomach nonstop
Their eyes met, the deep red hues of the wolf locked with the sweet baby blue of the boy.. they were unwavering, the wolf was taking its last breath while looking at the boy who probably would be the last human it would ever see.. but there was something in the eyes that made the boy weak and sad.. he looked at the blood moon, that was shining upon them as if casting a rose flower bed for both of them to die.. and that’s when the boy did the unthinkable.. he looked up, closed his eyes, joined his hands, and prayed to anyone who was supreme, who was powerful, who was the moderator of life and death..
And he spoke.. the most selfless words which melted the supreme above’s heart..
“I am dying soon, this wolf is taking its last breath.. please, help me save him.. even if that’s my last breath”.. “let me carry its soul, let me bear his life so that it can live with me”
And it happened, as if it was on the cue to take shape.. deep red fogs, hiding them like a blanket, lifting them in the air, uniting their souls.. the boy, a mere human, became the house of that dying wolf.. after few minutes, the boy landed on the green pastures, his soul suddenly heavy and great, but the body of the wolf had no live.. it saddened the boy’s heart, thinking that he couldn’t save it.. but a whisper in his ear, of gratitude by the wolf was heard.. and that’s how the first alpha was born
The alpha married a women when he grew up.. she gave birth, a part human and part wolf.. and that’s how they magnified, they multiplied..
They understand a lot about themselves with time.. for instance the first alpha felt the need to marry a certain woman, who was indeed a human, but he remembered his wolf calling her as mate.. and as their children grew up, from within, they were mating because their wolves would identify them as mates.. they also realised, a very different kind of strength, divided amongst them.. so they named their ranks and abilities which were showcased through their eyes.. alpha, delta, beta, omega..
They realised that when two alphas are mates, a pure blood with golden eyes is born.. they also realised, the omegas are the only to give birth.. and when two omegas mate, that’s when a pure blood omega is born.. the deltas and betas were seen as warriors and without the ability to bear offsprings but great strength than omegas..
The alphas had the greatest strength of them all.. the omegas were the weakest among them all.. so they named the normal ones as alphas with burgundy eyes born of alpha-omega, beta-omega, delta-omega.. while the normal weakest ones were named as omegas born of somewhat similar mate matches and so on..but for pure blood and true blood, the law of the werewolves have even modified and bowed against their own rules
But that’s not why they praised the moon.. and no, the moon aka planet, wasn’t the one whom they worshipped
It was a true blood

Moon And Phoenix

Centuries ago, once upon a time, a little baby was born in the thickness of the night in a small hut.. by this time, werewolves were segregated every where in many forests, making their own packs and governing them as per their likeness.. the baby in which pack, it was born was the generation of the first wolf.. a blood line.. the werewolves lived happily and at peace but they had no one to worship.. sure they loved the moon.. but they also didn’t hate the day.. but the night was their real friend, they loved to hunt, to let their wolves glisten under the moon and that was all it was.. they always respected the first wolf whose stories were spread every where but by this time each had their own interpretations but one thing was common was that a human was ready to bear the soul of wolves.. so they admired and respected the first wolf but was he worshipped like a supreme that was far fetched reality.. the first wolf only spread the words to always love their animal form and that’s how the humans who carried the wolves form inside them were always in love and awe of their animals.. the first wolf never asked to be worshipped and they obeyed
By this time, the nature of wolves was also evolving.. and they were more developing.. earlier, the age of the wolves to finally grow up and form their shapes was when a human turned at the age of 25 years but that lessened with time to 21 years of age and further it lessened to 18 years of age and it halted there
But one night.. a little boy changed everything for them..
A baby, fragile and wailing as the cold of the night hit his body even when he was in a hut surrounded by warmth of many wolves.. two being his own parents and mighty alphas.. yes, a boy for the first time was born of alphas who were indeed mates but they never expected that one of them will be able to bear children since only omegas were gifted with this particular ability.. the pack in which they lived was already thrilled and astonished to know two alpha mates could also bring a offspring into the world.. this was the new change that they experienced but that night when the little alpha, yes a little baby boy, was born they witnessed something really great
Why? Because the little alpha when opened his eyes before the elders of his kinds, his eyes showed his rank but it was different then them all.. a red and grey mixture of shade was witnessed in his eyes and he was an alpha but also really mighty and unique.. that night, the moon glittered with red and grey shade all over the world of the werewolves and that’s how they all knew this true blood was the chosen to be the strongest of them all
And that’s how they worshipped the strongest of them all.. they named him in the honour of the first wolf, moon..
Moon as he grey up, his wolf took shape at the age of 16 and he was united with the soul of his wolf at the age of merely 6.. naturally, before a wolf takes its shape out of a human’s body, they first unite with the soul of the humans.. and generally it happened at the age of 12.. the human and wolf first bonds with a soulful string and then they trust each other and finally flourish in their true forms..
But the true blood was changing all of that.. he was loved and adored… people from all corners of the world came to see him.. he was blessed with great strength and wisdom.. he had a careful gaze and he spoke like knowledgable honey..
But the true blood alpha, suffered in finding his mate.. usually, when werewolves turn at the age of 17, that’s when their mates are recognised… that’s when they feel the bond of their other half who will unite with them in body, mind and soul.. but the alpha struggled to find his mate even when he was 20 years of age..
But his suffering ended when he finally at the age of 22 found his mate.. a pure blood omega.. the first omega to be born of two omegas..
This omega was pure white as snow, brighter than the iris of sun and his eyes were shimmery like the gloss of ocean under the million of stars.. his posture feminine but he had resistance to disobey any beta or delta or a normal alpha’s command.. but the pure blood could easily be tamed by a pure blood and true blood..
But that never happened because the moment, moon found his mate, he marked him.. and he called him as his “Phoenix” meaning dark red..
The name suited the omega, who had fierce peacock eyes and a face to die for.. the Phoenix bowed to his alpha, moon..they looked like two perfect people, melting in each other’s soul..
They were seen as the superior of all the werewolves kind
The true blood moon was drunk and bottled in love for his omega, Phoenix
Their true and pure love was known by them all
But then why did moon reject his marked omega, Phoenix

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