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Episode 1

In the depths of the forest, a beautiful omega lives alone in a cabin. It is her final test, she must survive for a whole year to prove her strength and pedigree.

Sasi, 18 years old, is undergoing her coming-of-age trial. She must learn to sustain herself using her own means, hunting and living alone for a full year.

That morning, Sasi went out to hunt as usual. There were plenty of prey in the forest. Sasi is an excellent hunter. Her wolf, Regan, is beautiful but she only lets her out when they are deep in the forest to begin the hunt.

Throughout the day, she hunted and saved what she couldn't eat for later. Winter was approaching, and she needed to have stored food for intense snowfalls when she wouldn't be able to go hunting. She went straight to her small shed and left her day's catch there. She already had several prey preserved and soon they would freeze due to the snowfall.

While the beautiful omega went about her tasks, a pair of eyes as cold as steel observed her from the depths of the dense forest.

Sasi went into the cabin satisfied with her impeccable hunt and decided to rest. She had enough water and had made a homemade filter. Her small wood stove was ideal, and she had accumulated plenty of firewood. She had been there for 5 months, so she had everything she needed.

Later, when she was comfortably seated by the crackling fireplace and her food was ready, Sasi heard noises from the shed, causing her anger and making Rea restless in her mind. She felt anxious and expectant.

Sasi went out to see what was happening, as a large bear had been circling her shed for some time. But when she arrived, she didn't see anything suspicious, so she returned to the cabin. As she was entering, she caught a delightful scent of exotic woods. It was masculine yet sensual, leaving her petrified.

Inside, she saw a tall and strong man. It was obvious he was an Alpha, but not just any Alpha. His presence was imposing, and his temperament was rigorous.

Sasi noticed that he was injured, and it seemed he had bled a lot. He looked pale, his lips cracked from dryness.

"Who are you?" Sasi's sweet voice resonated in the cozy cabin. The man gazed at her with a furrowed brow, occasionally stumbling.

"Omega, clean my wound. It's a silver bullet," the man commanded tyrannically. He was handsome, with a muscular physique and towering height of 1.95 meters, making him appear god-like on Earth.

Sasi blushed upon hearing his voice, pleasantly deep and low, like the gurgling of a wild beast.

"Did you hear me, omega? I order you to heal me," the man looked at her more annoyed, he was an impressive and arrogant Alpha.

Sasi snapped out of her stupor and quickly closed the door. She went to fetch a first aid kit and some basic surgical instruments.

The man took off his shirt to be treated, exposing his excellent musculature, broad shoulders, and well-defined pectorals. His narrow waist and defined abs made Sasi even more nervous. Her cheeks flushed even more as the man looked at her with a complicated expression.

To him, the scent of that little omega was delicious. He was sure she was his Mate, but he didn't want to talk about it yet. He was an Alpha among Alphas, how could an insignificant omega be his Mate? There must be some mistake.

Episode 2

He cleaned the wound skillfully and quickly removed the bullet. It was lodged in his abdomen, but it didn't seem to have affected any vital organs, so it wasn't too difficult of a task. While she was working, the 27-year-old man discreetly smelled her beautiful hair. Her scent was intoxicating, but he kept his composure. He still didn't know what to do in this situation.

"What's your name, omega?" he spoke without any emotion.

"Sasi," she said, trying to maintain her composure. He makes her nervous, especially when he treats her this way. She is certain that he knows she is his mate, but it seems like he rejects her.

"What's your name, Alpha?" she asked timidly.

The man looked at her in a complicated way. He doesn't want to tell her anything about himself yet. If he decides to reject her, it's better for her not to know where to find him to beg him. For this Alpha, omegas are so inferior that they prefer to be lovers rather than Lunas. But he doesn't want to take any risks. He wants to heal and get away from her quickly.

"Just call me Alpha, you don't need to know my name," the man stood up clumsily, causing Sasi to fall on her butt.

The man saw the small, rustic bed she had made with logs and branches, and then noticed the furs she had. He threw a few furs on the floor and ordered without hesitation.

"You will sleep there, and I will take the bed. Get me some food." Sasi clenched her teeth. It was clear that this Alpha was a prejudiced jerk with omegas, but it was better for him to heal quickly and leave. If an idiot like him is her destiny, she would rather be alone.

Sasi went to the stove. She had cooked not long ago and the food was still warm. She served a plate for him and another for herself. It wasn't much, but it was enough for both of them.

The Alpha looked at his host's plate and felt like she had more food than him, so he decided to reprimand her.

"I am your superior, why are you giving me less food?" he frowned while Sasi looked at the plates bewildered. She didn't see how she had served herself more food, but this Alpha was being an idiot.

"Alpha, I think they're equal and also..." Sasi couldn't finish her sentence when a threatening growl echoed through the cabin.

"Are you calling me a liar? You're just an insignificant Omega, and you dare to contradict me?" The man was upset. Sasi was startled. How could this irrational and baseless wolf be her mate?

Sasi took a deep breath. She can't attract attention. She must maintain a low profile so that no one notices. He will be better in a couple of days and will leave. It's clear that he doesn't consider her worthy to be his mate, he treats her badly and insults her, so she wants him to go away.

"Alpha, I'm sorry. It won't happen again," Sasi served some of her food onto the man's plate to make him stop bothering her.

The Alpha smiled satisfactorily and ate as if he hadn't tasted food in days. Sasi, on the other hand, had lost her appetite. She didn't understand how this grumpy and arrogant wolf could be her mate (plus, he's so old), Sasi thought as she watched him devour the food.

The said Alpha is 27 years old and 9 years older than Sasi, but for her, it feels like an eternity.

The man stood up and went to bed. Sasi looked at him with a question mark in her mind and placed the furs near the fireplace, then she slept until the next day.

The next day, Sasi woke up early as always and saw that the man was still sleeping. He looked so handsome when he didn't open his mouth that Sasi would be happy if she had a mute mate.

Episode 3

Resigned to the fact that she would not have mate, Sasi went to prepare breakfast, and as she was serving food at her small table, the man woke up due to the smell. Seeing that her unwanted guest had awakened, Sasi rolled her eyes at him as he approached the table without a greeting or common courtesy. Sasi served herself her usual meal and gave him a little more so as not to offend him like the previous night.

The man noticed that his plate was superior to Omega's and felt satisfied, while Sasi mocked him internally (what an idiot), she thought without looking at him. However, she remembered that she wanted to get him out of her cabin as quickly as possible, so she brought up the topic of his wound.

"Alpha, I will change the bandage on your wound later. I want to see if it's healing," Sasi said. The man looked at her, wanting to respond, but he was petrified when he saw her eyes directly. Not only was that Omega beautiful and alluring, but her eyes were impressive and mystical, making his heart beat rapidly.

Sasi saw that the irritating man had frozen upon seeing her eyes, and she knew he hadn't noticed that the night before. On the other hand, the strong Alpha reproached himself for not having noticed anything. When he first saw her, it was dark and he couldn't see how incredibly exotic she was.

"Alpha?" Sasi looked at him intrigued since the man didn't come out of his stupor. So, she raised her arm and waved her hand in front of his eyes several times until he regained composure, snapping out of his trance.

"Alright, I understand," the Alpha was impressed but tried to restrain himself, although his wolf Zeus was more than happy. He could sense the presence of Regan, Sasi's she-wolf, and he was more than delighted.

Sasi nodded while continuing to eat absentmindedly, but she noticed the Alpha staring at her intensely, which made her a little nervous.

That day, Sasi spent her time cooking and attending to her unwelcome guest, who was a demanding machine but also ill-mannered and rude.

Sasi wanted to throw him out, but she didn't want him to realize her unusual nature. So, she simply lowered her head, obeyed, and hoped he would leave quickly to escape the misery of having an Omega as a Mate.

"Omega, I'm thirsty. Bring me water," Sasi clenched her teeth tightly. That idiot was exasperating her. But when she returned to her pile of furs where she was confined to sleep, she noticed something she hadn't expected.

In 15 days, her heat would arrive, but it seemed to be coming early. She had heard that when she found her Mate, her heat could come earlier – it was a physiological need to make the Mate mark their partner as quickly as possible. And Sasi felt that her biological clock had activated by smelling his scents during this time.

The beautiful Omega tried to calm down as she saw the fine drops of blood on her underwear. She only had a couple of days to get rid of that filthy wolf from the cabin.

Sasi was nervous. If she didn't get that Alpha male out of her cabin as quickly as possible, she could have serious problems.

The next day, Sasi woke up a bit later than usual, but her unwanted guest had already risen. When he saw her sleeping, he felt conflicted. That beautiful Omega was a temptation in his life like no other. He didn't want her because she was inferior, but he couldn't help but feel ecstatic in her presence and with her attentions. He would be happy if she served him every day of his life. However, when he realized what he was thinking, he scolded himself for such a stupid idea. He had to leave as soon as possible and forget that he had found his Mate.

Sasi stretched like a sleepy rabbit, causing the Alpha to lick his lips just by looking at her.

Sasi sensed his presence and quickly sat up. She blushed at the man's heated gaze, composed herself a bit, and decided to confront him about what was bothering her.

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