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Red Overpowered (English)


Don't you find red to be a magnificent color?

It is the warmest color in the chromatic spectrum, to which we have attributed many meanings and associations over the centuries.

It is said to symbolize strength, energy, honor, the color of the passionate. It evokes both positive and negative feelings. It can signify love as well as hate, or courage as well as danger and rebellion. It represents warmth like the fire that burns and ravages, but also the one that warms. Power and royalty, a color many great kings have worn.

In religion and elsewhere, it also illustrates the forbidden, as in the Garden of Eden wasn't it a red apple that Adam and Eve bit into? Thus rebelling against God and incurring His wrath.

But ultimately, it embodies what lies deep within us, we who are made of flesh and blood. For it is the color that flows in our veins, each of these veins being like the long red thread of fate. It is this color that also best represents war, as it is the one that stains and saturates the ground when corpses pile up.

For all these reasons, red is a color that does not leave one indifferent and symbolizes all that is best in man as well as the worst.

Thus, if your eyes or soul are animated by this color, you might be called a demon. But remember, demons were once angels.

Logan is an orphan born with a genetic anomaly that turns his eyes red. Taken in by a caring family, his life will be turned upside down. And he'll be called upon to discover a new world invoked by this one. As a hero? Certainly not, he'll be going his own way from now on.

Read the early chapters on my Patreon:\_ctr

Don't you think red is a wonderful color?

It's the warmest color in the chromatic spectrum, and over the centuries we've given it many meanings and associations.

It's said to symbolize strength, energy, honor, the color of passion. That it animates both positive and negative feelings. It can signify love as well as hate, courage as well as danger and revolt. Heat as the fire that burns and ravages, but also warms. Power and royalty, a color worn by many great kings.

In religion and elsewhere, it also illustrates the forbidden, for in the Garden of Eden, wasn't it a red apple that Adam and Eve bit into? They rebelled against God and earned his wrath.

But in the end, it embodies what's deep down inside us too, we who are made of flesh and blood. For it's the color that runs through our veins, each of which is like the long red thread of destiny. It's also the color that best represents war, because it's the color that stains and gorges the ground as corpses pile up.

For all these reasons, red is a color that leaves no one indifferent, symbolizing all that is best in man and all that is worst.

So if your eyes or your soul are animated by this color, you could be called a demon. But remember that demons were once angels.

1/An end for a beginning

It was on a beautiful night, cradled by the stars and a full moon, that a family celebrated a joyous event. A pretty cake sat on a table, lit by candles casting a warm yellow light.

"Happy birthday, Logan!" said a woman with beautiful brown hair as the young boy blew out the candles.

"Thank you, mom, dad, and you, big sister!" the young boy joyfully thanked.

This boy had lovely caramel skin and beautiful, silky black hair with a very distinctive trait. His eyes bore a color no one else had, making him a unique child with magnificent red irises. As he savored the cake made by his mother, crumbs stuck to his cheeks. But this sweet family moment was not over yet, as a young girl with beautiful, long black hair brought over a mysterious box.

"We have a nice little gift for you." she said, placing the box on the table and gently wiping the cake crumbs from his face.

Before him now was a pretty box with a ribbon and little holes. Impatient and curious, he opened the box. What he found inside made him smile with happiness, as inside was a lovely little creature sleeping. It was a tiny cat with snow-white fur, its eyes closed, sleeping peacefully.

"I bought it for you, with help from mom and dad." the young woman tenderly declared.

"You're the best, thank you!" he said, hugging them tightly.

Then he gently took the cat out of the box and lifted it into the air. At that moment, the cat gently opened its eyes, Logan's happy face reflected in its own.

"I'll call you Shiro, because you have a pretty white coat."

Thus ended that beautiful birthday evening for the young child, filled with love and happiness and a new family member.

Shiro and the boy then began spending all their time together as if they were brothers. They played together, slept together, ate together; these two were inseparable. When Logan did his homework and wasn't playing with him, Shiro would rub against him or jump on the table to lie down without disturbing him. He always paused to tenderly pet him. His sister would occasionally check if he needed help, but it was always unnecessary, as Logan had no difficulties. He was a true little genius, skilled in all subjects, especially in math and sports, so much so that his sister Saori would even sigh, wishing she could help him a little.

"It's really vexing, you know, you never need help. How am I supposed to play my role as a big sister?" she sighed.

"You're already doing wonderfully, big sister. Don't be so vexed, and it lets me show off to mom and dad." he laughed, teasing her.

"You little smart aleck." she declared, ruffling his hair.

And they would often bicker, laugh, and talk for hours about everything and nothing, and each of these moments was a true blessing. After all, it hadn't always been this way.

POV Logan

Every moment spent with my family was pure happiness, as things hadn't always been this way. The truth is that my mother, father, and big sister are not my blood relatives; I've been an orphan since birth. I was abandoned on the platform of a station before being taken in by a pastor, the only thing left with me being a sheet with my name on it. So, I spent my life in an orphanage, and it wasn't always easy. I was born with a very rare physical peculiarity: red eyes. Apparently, this was due to a genetic modification, and I never understood why it deterred people from adopting me. I constantly asked myself the same question:

"Are red eyes really that ugly?"

My eyes later earned me a nickname among the other orphans: the demon. Everyone knows children can be very mean, and of course, this never ceased to hurt me.

"I don't want to play with you; your eyes scare me."

"Go play elsewhere, demon."

"I'm sure you'll grow horns and a tail."

Such words made me start to hate my unique eyes; I wished I could tear them out to stop enduring what the other children put me through. But it wasn't just them; it was also the parents who came to adopt a child. They always gave me looks mixed with several emotions: surprise, interest, fear, disgust, and many others.

"Oh, I would never adopt that child; his eyes are disgusting."

"He scares me; let's choose one with normal eyes."

"He looks like a little devil."

Adults too behaved like children, never considering that their words could hurt me. I often stopped eating and sleeping and cried in every corner of the orphanage where no one would see me. But the pastor who took me in always found me and lifted my spirits. He often repeated this phrase:

"You know, Logan, the Lord doesn't give us trials we can't bear. Otherwise, how would He be a benevolent father? Believe me, one day, you will find a family and accept yourself." He said, stroking my head.

And his comforting and hopeful words turned out to be true when I turned eight.

"Oh, mom, look at him; he's so beautiful." said a young girl cheerfully.

"What's your name?"

"Lo...Logan." I replied, a bit surprised.

And it was normal, as no parent had ever addressed me in such a jovial and kind manner.

"Oh, he's shy too." added a man, smiling.

"So?" the enthusiastic girl asked, looking at her mother.

"He's a handsome little boy; we'll adopt him." she replied, looking at me.

"Very well, come this way to sign the papers." the pastor agreed, giving me a smile.

They quickly signed the papers, and then it was already time to leave, everything having been resolved too fast. It all seemed too sudden and unreal, after all, who would want to adopt a demon like me with such abhorrent eyes? I think I had been so hurt by all those words, sharp as daggers, that I ended up believing them and demeaning myself. A question then nagged at me so much that it burned my lips:

"Does it not bother or disgust you, my red eyes?"

When I finally asked the question, I was hanging on their lips, my heart beating, waiting for their answer, and finally, they smiled at me.

"Why would it bother us? You are a very handsome boy, and you're going to be part of our family now." the mother declared softly.

Then Saori, who would become my big sister, came close to me, got down to my level, and said:

"I think your eyes are beautiful."

My heart clenched, it clenched so hard it hurt, but strangely, this pain was also pleasant. Tears flowed on their own, and I felt a gentle warmth caress my cheek as Saori tenderly touched my face. Until then, I had only received mockery, disgust, and silly nicknames. Even if it might seem childish, it always hurt me, but that day, I had finally found a family.

"Thank you!" I said, my eyes moist.

I then wiped away my tears, said goodbye to the sisters and the pastor, took Saori's hand, and joined my new family.


I gradually adapted to my new family, and like any normal child, it was time for me to go to school. I was apprehensive about being around classmates, again because of my eyes. My sister Saori dropped me off at the gate and noticed my evident stress.

"What are you afraid of, little brother?"

"My eyes."

"I've already told you, they're beautiful." Saori said.

"Yes, but not everyone thinks that way; some people are mean and like to hurt others."

Saori seemed surprised by my comment but quickly responded with a smile.

"Little brother, it's true that not everyone is kind in this world. You'll probably face more mockery or strange looks. But the most important thing is that you accept yourself and your differences." she said, smiling.

"And if I can't?"

"Can you be strong for me then?"


"Go on then." she gently pushed me toward the entrance.

Once inside, I walked through the school corridors before reaching the classroom where the teacher was apparently waiting for me.

"Logan, right? All your classmates are inside. Go in and introduce yourself."

"Yes, sir."

The teacher opened the door to the classroom, which fell silent as everyone stopped talking.

"Today, you have a new classmate, so be nice to him." the teacher announced.

With a knot in my stomach, I timidly entered and introduced myself in front of all the students, my heart beating faster than usual.

"My name is Logan, I'm 8 years old, thank you for having me."

There were whispers around the room before the teacher pointed out my seat:

"Go sit next to Ambre." he said, cutting off the conversations.

I headed to my seat with my head down, sat down, and immediately heard a voice:

"Hey, do you want to eat with me at recess?" said a young girl sitting to my right.

I looked up, and our eyes met a beautiful girl with a surprised expression.

"You... You have red eyes..."

I instinctively turned away.

"You know, I think that's cool."

Surprised, I looked up again, my face turning noticeably red.

"Tha... Thank you."

"I'm Maïli." she said, smiling.

"Open page 1 of your textbook." the teacher instructed as we continued talking.

"You didn’t answer me." Maïli said.

"Yes, I'd like to eat with you at recess." I replied happily.

Thus, a new life began for me, and the years started to fly by. I was far from imagining what awaited me.

6 years later.

I had made a small circle of friends in primary and middle school, including my best friend Maïli, a cheerful and friendly girl. My mother and father traveled a lot for business, as they owned a pharmaceutical company, and we lacked nothing. They were currently in America and had been away for 5 days; they should return tomorrow night, they said. In the meantime, Saori was taking care of me, taking days off work as usual.

Saori had moved out a few years ago to become independent; she was now 26. Our parents were successful entrepreneurs with a company worth millions, but Saori wasn't interested in the business; she wanted to earn and build her life without anyone's help. However, we remained close, and she often visited, warmly greeted by Shiro.

She was working in personal care, supervising the elderly and sick. True to her nature, Saori was a caring person who had always taken care of me and was now caring for others, feeling fulfilled. My parents were proud of her, regardless of the path she chose.

While we were playing on our console, the house phone rang. Saori stood up to answer it while I tried to cheat to beat her at the game. A piercing scream alerted me, and I saw Saori collapse to the floor in tears. I rushed to her.

"Big sister, are you okay?"

She looked into my eyes, and I could tell it was serious.

"Listen, Mom and Dad had an accident... They're dead..."

It took a few seconds for me to understand before I broke down in tears and collapsed too. Saori and I held each other tightly, crying to try and alleviate the pain.

Their plane had crashed due to an engine problem, and their bodies were recovered by rescue teams.

After the funeral, filled with tears and grief, we thought the worst was over. But it was just the beginning. The company our parents built was taken over by the board of directors, who argued that Saori hadn't contributed to the business as she pursued her own life. All their accounts were frozen without valid reason. Saori sued, but despite everything being in our favor, we lost the case.

As a result, we were evicted from our luxury home, and I had to move into Saori's small apartment. At first, everything was fine, but I was about to enter a prestigious high school, and the cost was high. Saori insisted I continue, so she took multiple jobs, damaging her health. She became overworked and even...

One day, I came home early from school and saw several shoes at the door. Hearing strange noises, I headed to Saori's room, horrified. I found her lying on the bed, used by men, including a former school friend. Enraged, I yelled at them to leave.

"Come on, Logan, join in; she's not your real sister anyway." laughed my classmate Shawn.

I punched him, making him fall, but the men then pushed and beat me. Saori intervened, pleading for them to stop as I was being assaulted.

After they left, I looked at Saori with disgust and left her there, covering herself with a sheet. Turning away from her that day was one of my biggest mistakes.

The next day, I found Saori's body hanging from the ceiling.

"Saori... No... What have I done..."

After a while, I took down her lifeless body and held her, crying as the sun illuminated her now pale face. Her warmth, which had comforted me so many times, was gone. That day, I learned that the worst can always get worse.

At her grave, I vowed to become better and help those in need, promising never to look away again.

"I promise, big sister!"

4 years later.

The years passed, and I managed on my own during my high school years. Saori had saved money for my university and paid for my entire last year of high school. I became more isolated, focusing on my studies and working part-time to pay the rent. Maïli offered to let me live with her and her parents, but I didn't want to impose. Returning home one day, I found an eviction notice for three months of unpaid rent. I fed Shiro the last of the fresh milk and a half-empty can of sardines.

"It's good, right, Shiro?" I said, petting him as he drank his milk.

After showering and a quick snack, I left for work.

"Logan, go set up your register; you're a bit late," my boss said.


"It's fine, just hurry up." She replied kindly.

I worked the night shift until midnight, then came home to study math and work on theses to earn money. Another sleepless night passed.

After showering and having breakfast, I left for school, Shiro rubbing against me as usual.

"See you tonight, buddy."

At school, Maïli waited for me in the back of the classroom.

"I can tell you had another sleepless night." she scolded.

"It's nothing, don't worry."

"Stop, you're ruining your health. Come live with me!" she insisted.

"No, but thank you." I replied.

"You're so stubborn. When you're out on the street, you'll have no choice but to accept." she said half-jokingly.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." I said, smiling.

As we talked, the class became noisy, but then a violent wind shattered the windows, causing panic among the students.

A bright white orb appeared in the center of the class, growing rapidly and engulfing several students whose screams vanished. The orb soon covered the entire room, and Maïli and I held hands, bracing ourselves. We were eventually consumed by the unknown light, holding hands.

2/ The invocation

POV Logan

My eyes had become blind, the only distinguishable thing being that blinding white light, but I was reassured when I could still feel Maïli's hand gripping mine. At least she was with me, and that was the most important thing. Then slowly, the light began to fade as I regained consciousness. When the light had completely dissipated, I was taken by surprise because the scenery had completely changed. Now, I was in an immense and magnificent room, resplendent in beautiful white, with walls covered in black and gold tapestries. But what surprised me the most and also made me a little afraid were the people who were watching us, frozen like statues.

There were many men in black armor, all standing with weapons in hand, and closer to us, there were others in robes with staffs in their hands. But among them, there was a man with great presence who was staring at us from a throne as if we were ants. He had long hair, a mustache, and a beard, giving him great charisma, dressed in white and black clothing with gold adornments. One of his adornments formed a raven, and his golden crown also had a raven's head at its tip. If I had to compare him to someone I had seen in my life, his face would resemble that of Clovis I, King of the Franks, a French king.

Then the person to his right, a slim man dressed in black and purple robes, spoke:

"The summoning was a success, my king." he said, bowing deeply.

"Well done, Moïse." he replied with a smile.

His gaze, which had briefly turned to the man on his right, returned to us, observing us for a few brief seconds before speaking:

"Welcome, heroes from another world. I imagine you must be bewildered by the events. But we will explain. I am the King of the Kingdom of Sigma, and if you are here today, it is because we need your help."

The students began to talk among themselves, expressing different emotions:

"Is this for real? We've been summoned to another world!" exclaimed a bewildered young man.

"I want to go home." complained another.

"I'm scared. What's happening?"

The King, hearing some of them, responded in a courteous and straightforward manner:

"Unfortunately, young people, we cannot send you back home because, regrettably, it is impossible to return summoned individuals." He admitted with a sorry expression.

I let go of Maïli's hand, anger surging within me, unable to accept such a situation. This guy was telling us that he knew very well that he couldn't send us back home. Yet he chose to bring us here, knowing there was no return ticket, and thus, he played with our lives as he pleased.

"Hey, tell me, aren't you messing with us a bit?" I exclaimed, looking at him.

"How dare you speak to the King like that!" Moïse exclaimed indignantly.

The guards in the room immediately pointed their weapons at us.

"Logan, be quiet!" pleaded one of the panicked students.

But I had nothing to do with that particular student; I responded sharply, "Shut up, Shawn. This jerk dared to play with our lives."

"If you're not happy, I can still beat you up!" he retorted angrily.

"You've been tormenting me for four years, but I don't remember ever bowing my head to you, you scumbag!"

"Your slut of a sister did when she was sucking my dick."

"I'm going to kill you!" I yelled in rage, approaching him.

"Don't make me laugh, orphan," he said mockingly, ready to fight.

Suddenly, a pressure crushed us, immediately ending our conflict, causing all the students in the room to collapse or fall to the ground. Our bodies felt heavy as if we were carrying gigantic stones on our shoulders, and our breathing became difficult and suffocating.

"I kindly ask you to listen to me." the King declared firmly.

I looked that bastard in the eyes, and the pressure increased in return as the King's gaze became more severe.

"My patience has limits, young men." the King said.

My head became heavier as if it were about to explode, blood started to flow from my nose, and I had to lower my head to avoid losing consciousness.

"Are you now willing to listen?" the King asked.

Some groaned in approval, and the pressure disappeared. Some looked at me with disdain, holding me responsible for what had just happened, which also urged me not to repeat it. The King calmly continued speaking:

"Some time ago, dungeons began to appear in our vast lands, and the appearance of these dungeons dangerously increased monster activity. We tragically lost one of our regions during a massive monster attack. Before we could react and exterminate all the monsters, we lost an astronomical number of soldiers. Many of our dear citizens, my subjects, were killed and horribly devoured. That's why we need you to clear these dungeons and eradicate the monsters because they threaten our kingdom. That is the reason for your summons here today. We need your help."

"And how are we supposed to fight these monsters?" a timid brunette named Emma asked fearfully.

"People summoned from another world are endowed with many exceptional abilities, as well as professions and titles," the King explained.

"And what are they?" Shawn asked with interest.

"First, say 'status,' and they should appear before you," the King instructed.

With such a simple explanation, everyone's voices resonated at the same time. Everyone played along except for me, and at the same time, a crystal ball was brought to us by the man named Moïse.

"I ask each of you to place your hand on it one by one so that we can also see it." Moïse said.

Shawn stepped forward with a smile on his face, strangely self-assured, and placed his hand on it. A card then appeared projected by the ball. The projected information caused a lot of excitement in the room.


Name: Shawn

Race: Human / Age: 19 years

Profession: Hero / 1

90 / 40 / 35 / 35 / 40 / 25 / 20 / 20 / 35


Mana Source / Regeneration

Holy Sword / Heroic Boost / Miracle Strike

Water / Fire / Light

"Incredible, three legendary abilities! Not to mention mastery of three elements!" Moïse exclaimed joyfully.

"And all the other skills and attributes. He is truly worthy of being a hero." added the King with a big smile.

Everyone then hurried to place their hands on the ball, out of curiosity, interest, and also to receive praise.

Name: Emma

Race: Human / Age: 19 years

Profession: Saint Priestess / 1

50 / 80 / 20 / 25 / 23 / 15 / 20 / 30 / 20


Purification / Healing / Advanced Healing

Forbidden to Die / Angelic Grace / Reset

Lightning / Light / Water

"Oh my god! She's extraordinary too!" (King)

"The church will be very pleased with this news." (Moïse)

Name: Maël

Race: Human / Age: 19 years

Profession: Mage / 1

40 / 45 / 15 / 25 / 19 / 11 / 20 / 25 / 18


Fire Resistance / Water Resistance / Earth Resistance


Fire / Water / Earth

Name: Méverick

Race: Human / Age: 18 years

Profession: Grand Warrior / 1

70 / 30 / 27 / 30 / 29 / 19 / 17 / 20 / 30


Pain Resistance / Tough Skin / Herculean Strength



Name: Maïli

Race: Human / Age: 19 years

Profession: Paladin / 1

100 / 40 / 35 / 35 / 30 / 25 / 28 / 29 / 35


Beast Tamer

Dual Sword / Shield of Life

Wind / Fire

"Wow, the Paladin has higher stats." (Emma)

"Yes, but he clearly has fewer skills, right?" (Méverick)

There were 20 of us in the class, and people continued to display their status, with a variety of professions such as Magic Knight, Lancer, Gray Mage, Magic Swordsman, Barbarian, Witch, Tracker, Blue Mage, Soldier, Archer, Grand Healer, Grand Blacksmith, Grand Alchemist.

While everyone was caught up in the general excitement, I discreetly decided to check my status.

"What? What does this mean?" I thought as I looked at my status.

As I was caught in my surprise and reflection, the king's voice rang out, and all eyes turned to me. People were curious and interested to see what my status would reveal. Most of them had received very good professions and abilities, so I reluctantly placed my hand on the ball.

Name: Logan

Race: Human / Age: 18 years

Profession: Commoner / 1

10 / 0 / 5 / 8 / 8 / 9 / 7 / 9 / 8





Laughter began to fill the room, from the king's followers and some of my classmates, while Maïli looked at me with concern.

"Ah, even here you remain a loser!" Shawn taunted.

"Leave him alone, Shawn!" Maïli defended me.

"We have to admit, it's not glorious." Méverick remarked.

Mockery abounded, and the king finally resumed speaking:

"All of you who have been summoned will be taken care of by the kingdom. You will be trained, housed, and generously paid. You will represent the new strength, the new hope of our kingdom." (King)

"Where's the exit?" (Logan)

My voice cut through, and everyone turned to look at me. The king gazed at me attentively before speaking again.

"It is true that, given your status, you will not be able to help us in any way. In other words, you are useless." (King)

He snapped his fingers, and a guard stepped forward with a pouch in hand, as if it had been prepared.

"Here is compensation for the inconvenience." (King)

A sound of a slap resonated, and the bag of coins flew into the air, releasing the coins that scattered on the floor, each coin making a sound.

"I don't want your money! Just get me back to the exit." (Logan)

"You! You still lack respect for the king!" Moïse exclaimed angrily.

"Let the guards escort him to the exit as he requests." (King)

As I was being escorted, still very angry, I spoke one last time.

"I'm going to destroy all of you one by one!" (Logan)

"I'd like to see how." (Shawn)

"You should have accepted that money." (Méverick)

"True ingrate." (Maël)

"Don't come back crying to us for help." Added a young man named Jay.

Logan was taken by the guards to the exit, while the king remained frozen for a moment.

"My king? My king?" Moïse asked perplexedly.

"Moïse, didn't that boy's eyes just turn red a moment ago?" (King)

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