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A Loving Father

Episode 1

In the house of jack lance.
Jack lance
Jack lance
Charles come down here now!
A long ten minutes later a boy comes down stairs barely 5 years old.
Charles lance
Charles lance
Ye-yeah dad?
Jack lance
Jack lance
I heard from your school you got into a fight is that true
Jack pulls out a seat and has Charles sit on it he scarcely sits down.
Charles lance
Charles lance
T-they started it first.
Jack frowns charles instantly became frightful.
Jack lance
Jack lance
That doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter who or what started it, it matters that you took the first punch not him and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Charles lance
Charles lance
But dad they started saying that mom abandoned me because she didn’t want me but I know that’s not true I know that I haven’t seen her face before but deep in my heart I know that she wanted me.
Jack lance
Jack lance
Well it better be deep down because maybe what the kids are saying are correct.
Charles looked down and tried as hard as he can to slam his fist loudly.
Charles lance
Charles lance
Your wrong, your wrong, your wrong my mommy wanted me!
Jack saw how upset he made Charles he sighed.
Jack lance
Jack lance
Hey maybe your right but until someone from your mother side tells me differently maybe just maybe I think the kids are correct because hell with all my recourses I can barely remember ever having met your mother.
Jack pats Charles head as a apology.
Charles lance
Charles lance
Maybe your right maybe mommy never wanted me but daddy.
Charles said he looked at jack frowning.
Charles lance
Charles lance
Do you want me?

Episode 2

Jack looked at Charles still shucken at the question Charles asked him.
Jack lance
Jack lance
Of course I want you yo-your my son I would never abandoned you!
Charles lance
Charles lance
You don’t even know if I am your son all you have is a letter saying I’m your son and when I was abandoned in your apartment when I was a baby.
Jack sighed shaking his head
Jack lance
Jack lance
I never wanted to say this or at least I wanted to wait until your birthday you know when I had taken you to the doctors to get some blood out and I asked for two blood two extra blood vile.
Charles jumped in remembrance nodding
Charles lance
Charles lance
Yeah of course Dad I had been knocked out for a whole day because of it what does this have to do with anything?
Jack lance
Jack lance
I took the two viles to a close friend of mine her name is doctor Hilary may she drew some of my blood and did a blood test now my friend is not only a doctor but she’s a smart one it took her only 1 or 2 hours to do a paternity now I wanted to wait but it’s up to you do you want to hear the results?
Charles looked at him confused jack then remembered he’s only in the first grade.
Jack lance
Jack lance
Short answer a paternity test is to check if we’re related so do you want to know?
Charles nodded excited
Jack lance
Jack lance
I know this probably won’t change if your mad at more or not but it’s worth a shot you are my real biological son and I am your biological father.
Charles smiled happily
Charles lance
Charles lance
It doesn’t change anything... it does change everything for me I found out I do actually have a real relative besides my mom and that’s you I’m so happy wait do grandma and grandpa know?
Jack smiled relief.
Jack lance
Jack lance
Yeah I found out a week after I found you in my home they did a test secretly only recently telling me and when I mean recent I mean recent.
Charles lance
Charles lance
Oh aww man well can we go to grandma and grandpa’s?
Jack hesitated but nodded knowing Charles loves his grandparents Charles ran upstairs happily.

Episode 3

Jack knocks on the door he waits 26 minutes before someone opens the door his sister in a black sleep wear opens the door his sister smiles when she saw her nephew.
Kylie lance
Kylie lance
Oh my favorite nephew is here oh and so is my brother.
She said she immediately hugged Charles he hugged back smiling jack rolled his eyes at the aunt and nephew love.
Kylie lance
Kylie lance
Don’t roll your eyes at me jack.. never mind what are you guys here for I mean I get why my favorite nephew but you well you promised to never come back here after the fight with Dad and Mom?
Jack lance
Jack lance
Kiley well here’s the truth Charles made a ruckus wanting to see mom and dad so that’s why I’m here.
Charles looked at him immediately he bloated his cheeks in a fit screaming in his head.
Kiley welcomed them both in jack followed kiley while Charles walked to the play room Kiley stopped jack understood that they were in there so jack entered the room but was surprised to see a few people completely random people at that.
Both his parents looked at the guest their then drifted their site to jack they instantly thought of a idea.
Kat lance
Kat lance
Mister Fukushima I would like to introduce you to someone this is my son the one I’ve been talking about jack lance.
Jack looked at a man who is Fukushima the old man had looked frail but seemed strong Fukushima stretched his hand towards jack, jack immediately shook his hand.
Kat lance
Kat lance
Now jack me and mister Fukushima have met in Tokyo japan he owns a pretty big business there me and mister Fukushima quickly realized we both need something and can you guess what that is.
Jack lance
Jack lance
You both require a heir for the companies and mom like I said the last few thousand times I’m not interested I’ve already discussed with dad that Charles when he’s older will be given smoke technology and lance pharmaceutical if you want I can explain the plans.
Kat lance
Kat lance
Young man if you think I’ll listen to a silly fixation of yours, your DEAD wrong i may love my grandson Charles but he’s illegitimate we want a legitimate child to have the companies.
Jack smiled a bit annoyed at what his mother said
Jack lance
Jack lance
I see how you said companies why did you say companies
Kat lance
Kat lance
Because Charles can’t and won’t be given either of smoke technology and lance pharmaceuticals.
Jack lance
Jack lance
You seem to think you have a matter on who inherits smoke tech, smoke tech belongs to my son and me only you have no say on who inherits the company!
Fukushima looked at both of them and jumped in
Fukushima Nobu
Fukushima Nobu
Now mr. jack what was your plan your mother may not be in to it but I might want to listen?
Jack smiled
Jack lance
Jack lance
Thank you the main plan was to fuse both smoke tech and lance pharmaceuticals it’s fused name being helix pharmaceuticals technology what I want to do is merge both tech and pharmaceuticals to make a whole new set of modern day medicine like a drug that could cure diabetes and stuff like that.
Fukushima Nobu
Fukushima Nobu
Wow such a good and expansive idea I know you guys are multi billions but you still need one more set of billions how about we make a deal.
Jack question if he should take his idea but he thought what could go wrong besides him losing his company and probably going to jail if it fails.
Jack lance
Jack lance
Oh why not sure can I hear your deal.

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