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Their Hedonistic Omega [Jimin × BTS]

Their Omega 1

Hi guys˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
this is my another story... hope you guys like this story also...
it was a dark and Jittery night for everyone. the moon wasn't showing itself because of the fear it had of the cloud. the dominance of clouds made the moon hide in the darkness.
Hoots of the owls could only be heard. the rustling sound of stray cats and dogs were echoed all over the street. there was none in the street. who knew where were the people?
Katydids, crickets, and cicadas were making sounds to find their fated pair. even insects were trying to find their fated pairs. but here one soul was wandering in the abandoned valley while adjusting his black leather jacket. he had some ulterior motive in his mind.
as soon as his footsteps appeared, those stray cats and dogs were frightened by his presence and made their way towards the dark. he was holding a dagger that was shining because of the dim light coming from the street light. his hand started to swirl the dagger and play with it.
he walked towards the base... it was literally looked like an army base. but it wasn't. it was an illegal base. none knew this base since it was located near the river. and who dared to question them after being approved by the government.
before coming inside the base, he threw some balls like things in all directions. it was almost thirty or forty balls... the ticking sound echoed when that ball was thrown away by him.
that person sneaked in while playing with his dagger. he easily got in without any hindrance. he looked so professional. his eyes filled with vengeance. when we took our decision while we are angry, it may go wrong.
that person sneaked inside the base as well the laboratory. he looked through the glass barrier. some hooded scientists were researching something. everyone was busy doing their work. he clenched his fist against the glass barrier. some of the scientists were checking the patients... you can say... volunteers... or... forced to be a volunteer... it was clearly unknown. perhaps they were doing something illicit things.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
I am going to end this thing here today. none going to suffer because of these inhuman monsters.
that person had tattoos all over his body. his face was well covered with a thin layer of fabric which could prevent his identity. he had an eyebrow piercing as well as an ear piercing. he looked like a total freak. who was he? what was happening here? why was he here? did he have any motive for this lab? no one can single out the reason for his arrival.
he was wearing one pendant which shone under the light. the pendant looked like it was made up of a silver and gold mixture and in that one cufflink was attached. that cufflink's other pair wasn't with him. he took his pendant in his hand and looked at it. there was an unknown reaction on his face as if he was missing someone.
he gritted his teeth in anger. he was outraged just by seeing them. he was in the main system room which was controlling all the processes.
he stood in front of one computer and started to access it. what was he doing? could anyone guess it? Was he hacking? maybe... but altering some data would end up as a big impediment to everyone in this lab.
that person smirked. it filled with pure evil.
that place filled with irritating scents of Alphas who were working as well suffering under the influence of drugs. who could tolerate when they were treating them as their human volunteers for those undeveloped as well harmful drugs
his face changed. his eyebrows narrowed by the reflex reaction. he just wanted to leave that place before he could be exposed.
unfortunately, something happened before he could predict the next moment. someone broke into the main control room. when he saw that person, He was shocked as hell. who was that person? maybe he knew that person. who knew? The word came out of his mouth without his senses.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
Al... Alpha...
he was unheard of by anyone since he just mumbled his words out. soon he got hold of himself and pulled himself to face the reality. facing reality is crueller than anything else.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
look who we have here? A guest... no... maybe I can say... our enemy... who is going to eradicate our plan... or... can I say... Silver Scorpius... or... my dear Omega...
His words startled him. how did he know? Although his face was covered, he already recognised his identity. but how? The pool of questions was hitting his head. his heart was hurting like hell.
He smirked. That guy with a tattoo was still processing the situation. what was happening here? why did the guy with the tattoo call him Alpha while that person who entered inside the main control room called him omega... and why did he think of Alpha's scent? what was those terms... alpha? omega... was it new? hell no... it wasn't new...
it was a parallel world where everyone was categorised as Alpha, Omega and Beta...
Alpha... they were dominant as well as ruthless. they were ruling the world. they were famous for their ruthless actions. some of the leading modern life while others were leading modern as well as holding a position as head Alpha of their pack.
pack... when one alpha... one omega... one beta joined together form a pack. one pack containing many persons. it depends on their acceptance. while Omega who was physically weak known for their fragile condition. they were always protected by their pack but unfortunately, the world changed and humans also changed. their view towards omega also changed. they were just a childbearing machine for Alpha
On the other hand, Beta who was just like a human didn't have any impact on society. they were unaffected by anything.
Finger snapping sound made that tattoo guy come back to his senses.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
Miss me...?
he asked, A evil grin plastered on his lips. looking at that tattoo guy, he approached him.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
how... how come it... it's you... how... how did you know my identity?
his words shuttered. he stumbled back but got hold of him while balancing himself on the table which was near to him.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
whoa... how breathtaking your identity was? a perfect assassin, the one who had all of Alpha's fear, the one who was always amazing this world with his assassination techniques and the one who was famous for his poisoning method was none other than a weak omega...
his words were piercing him like a needle.
That guy approached that tattooed guy and took off the fabric that covered his face and hid his identity.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
what a killing beauty you are Jimin?
he breathed out his words.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
there were no words from that tattooed guy. he stood there blankly.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
why are you surprised, My dear wife? are you wondering why am I here? right...
that person got close to that tattooed guy. that guy shivered. he expected something but what happened here was something.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
let me get to the point. after all, you aren't going to be alive after a few minutes. this is my territory, Jimin... I knew that you are the best assassin from the start.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
I approached you because you are our test animal... you can say... you are our experiment... but unfortunately, you became an assassin and started to dig into our information
his words were like a thorn for Jimin. he couldn't digest the fact that his enemy was his husband and his mate. he clenched his chest.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
at first, we planned to kidnap you but because of their failure, we couldn't. but fortunately, you fell into my hands as soon as you had your heat as well as your mating with someone else. it became easy for me to deceive you that I helped you.
When he said, Jimin was shocked. he looked at him with widened eyes.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
what... what are you saying? you aren't the one with who I spend my night five years ago.
Jimin's words cracked as hell. he couldn't believe the fact that he had been deceived by his love. Jimin clenched his pendent.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
then... this cufflink...
he expected a heartwarming answer from yong but what he said gave unbearable pain.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
who knows... you had it with you
he ignored his love. everything shattered. his heart... his love for him. his trust... everything... it was gone just like that.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
just... why... why did you do this to me? you didn't even know me... then... why did you make me like this?
pearls pooled up in his eyes. those pearls started to pour from his eyes. he could not accept the truth, instead he wanted to run away from reality.
hope you guys like this start ヾ(^-^)ノ
I just tried it. see you in next chapter (。>‿‿<。 )

Their Omega 2

Jimin could think he would become like this. his lovely days with his alpha were gone just like that. He wiped his tears, showing his strength. he wanted to be strong until he knew everything that was planned by his husband.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
then... why the hell did you help me after my parents' death? was everything you showed me fake? did you fake your love?
he wanted to know the reason. reason for everything. but that poor soul didn't know he was playing from the start.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
how couldn't I? I wanted your attention so I killed them and took your attention as well. that's simple.
when he said, Jimin's heart was shattered into pieces. He stumbled back. he was facing betrayal which was crueller than anything.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
awww.... look at your silvery eyes... you look sexy when you cry... I just wanted to taste those tears... but unfortunately, I don't want a dirty omega... who spread his legs for someone else.
He was piercing Jimin with his words. yeah... he was right... he was dirty... dirtied by someone who they didn't know. that person was mysterious. only that unpaired cufflink was the evidence of that person's existence. he clenched his fist.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
(he is right... after my first time, he didn't even try to touch me... even when I was in heat... he just marked me and left me in my nest... I thought... he needed some time... but I didn't think he... he disgusted with me. )
Yong walked toward Jimin and whispered something that made Jimin back to the earth. It was utterly shocking for him. while speaking, Yong looked through the glass barrier and grinned a little.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
you know what Jimin... your bastard son was helping us a lot even though he didn't make it up to our earth. he gave us a 90 percent successful drug.
Jimin looked at Yong with disbelief eyes. his pupil dilated in shock.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
what... what son... did... didn't I have a miscarriage because of the accident? why... why are you referring my... my child?
he trembled. his hand automatically went to his belly. he caressed his belly.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
who said you had a miscarriage? we made it and took your so-called child. I didn't even know who is his father? whatever... I don't care about it... but let me tell you... apart from your so-called child, you are more suitable than him.
he laughed with an evil grin plastered on his lips. Jimin was still in a daze. When he was pregnant with a child after what happened that night and two months later. he met an accident. the doctor said, he had a miscarriage but the truth was they were planned. everything was planned from the start.
his first time, his parents' death, his miscarriage... everything was planned by his so-called husband. betrayed by his husband... Jimin was totally broken.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
why... just why...
he asked with a little whimper. although he was an assassin before he was a son, he was an omega who longed for the love, apart from that he was a mother who lost his child. he wanted to know why... since he didn't even know him, why did he make his life miserable?
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
you are asking me why... then let me show you something...
Yong closed his eyes and opened. When Jimin saw that he was utterly shocked.
his one eye was black, while his other one was violet in colour. he was looking like a hybrid of some other species.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
How... how come you have violet.... violet eyes...
He didn't even believe his eyes.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
Because of that damn bitch who gave birth to me... she was just a mere citizen of that place. Because of that bitch, my gene was miscoded and I was deformed because of her.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
I need to encode the DNA that was already miscoded. that's why I searched for the shits who were like you. but unfortunately, I didn't find anyone. but when I found you, I was super happy you know...
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
but damn you fucker... you already had someone's scent on you. someone already marked you temporarily. you know how much I hated you when you had that smell. I literally wanted to kill you.
he said creepily.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
Jimin raised his hand. Yong laughed mischievously.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
why are you always making a wrong move baby?
Yong released his pheromones as Jimin got on his knees. he started to breathe heavily. his body heated up. his body shivered. he could feel his blood flow rate... it was increasing as hell.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
how did you forget, Jimin?.. this is your heat cycle time? how can you be so careless my baby?..
it's true... Jimin got his heat. Yong caressed Jimin's cheeks as Jimin slapped his hand and yanked his head away.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
stay away from me...
Jimin groaned as Yong laughed his lung out.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
you are in a dangerous condition. but showing me your stubbornness... how bold of you, My omega...
his Alpha voice made Jimin shiver. he was marked by Yong. of course, he would react to his voice. Jimin tried to get hold of himself. he didn't want to lose to him. he wanted to take revenge for his parents' death as well as his child's death.
Jimin grinned a little, making Yong all confused. why was he grinning all of sudden? what happened to him? he was in heat yet acting almighty. Yong was irritated. How could a mete weak omega grin at him in his miserable condition? It was literally mocking for him. Jimin touched the wrong point on Yong, That was his Ego.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
just wait and see... I will make you my experimental object.
Yong turned and was about to leave. but he suddenly felt pain in his heart. something happened? what was that? he turned and looked at Jimin who was on his knees, holding his chest with one hand while his other hand was balancing him by holding the table which was near to him. Breathing heavily, panting, trembling. Which feels so terrible for Jimin
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
I, Park Jimin reject you, Kwon Ji-Yong as my Mate
he said. as soon as his words come from his mouth. both suffered eternal pain. when they reject their mate, they would feel extreme pain. it was unbearable. How could not it be? The path the couple walkthrough, the feelings they shared everything become pointless once the partner rejected them. It was not obvious for Jimin to reject him as a mate Since there were no memories and happiness with Yong, barely he remembered the few dinners with his husband.
Yong was not Jimin's fated mate, Still, he was mate for him and marked him. Since he marked the younger, he only could accept him as a mate.
They were on the floor. without wasting time, Jimin flung some needles toward Yong. as soon as The needles penetrate his body, he felt unbearable pain as well as he felt numb all over his body.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
what the hell did you do to me?
Yong groaned before pointing his gun toward Jimin. Jimin didn't hesitate in his movement.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
and you forget that I am good at poisoning. even if you wanted me to submit it to you. it won't happen. after all, you aren't my fated mate.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
just experience what my parents and my son experienced.
Jimin smiled painfully. Although he said sarcastically, his heart hurt. he lived in fake life the whole time. he could understand the sequences of incidents.
His first time with some unknown person, his parents' accident, His company was handled by Yong... his miscarriage... everything... those painful memories, flashed in his mind, making him more miserable.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
you bastard...
Yong shoots at Jimin, the bullet Peirce his heart as well as his body. He fell to the ground.
Kwon Ji-yong
Kwon Ji-yong
damn it... I should leave this place as soon as possible. I had to check what kind of poison he put it in that needle.
Yong tried to move. but he couldn't. Jimin just attacked his vital point. he couldn't even lift his leg.
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
(sorry mom... sorry dad... I couldn't protect you well... sorry baby... I am a bad mom... I wanted to give you my all love... but I became the reason for your death... it's my fault... I believed the wrong person.)
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
(if there is a second life, I will definitely protect you all. )
Silver Scorpius
Silver Scorpius
(But finally, I can take my revenge)
Jimin smiled before closing his eyes. he became lifeless. his body started to get cold. the lysosomes started their works. they started to engulf his cells, making him stiff.
his one hand was holding the cufflink pendent tightly while his other hand was holding his belly. he missed something important in this life.
Yong was crawling towards the door. he didn't know the fact that he was also going to die.
While outside of the base, someone with large armed men was rushing that base. youngers were followed him obediently. he was like a king. behind him, Five members were walking as well.
before that could go in, that place was demolished by the little balls which were thrown by Jimin. that man as well as his men were thrown away by that blast. all were startled. that base was destroyed as if there was nothing in that place. everything became dust in the blink of an eye.
those guys rushed in but were stopped by their bodyguards. for their safety, they were stopped by them. after that incident, someone called the police as well as the fire service.
they couldn't identify the bodies, since many of the people died in this blast. those boys searched for someone. soon one sparkling thing caught their attention. it was then cufflink Jimin wore. they slowly went there and took the skeleton which was almost fully burned by the fire. that fire engulfed him already.
it was none other than Jimin's body. those boys' eyes were wet with tears. that person took that cufflink in his hand. he clenched his fist.
Mysterious men
Mysterious men
sorry... we came late...
they apologised to him at the same time. who are they? why did they come here? why did they apologise to him? who are they to him?
there was no answer. no one knew who are they?
hope you guys liked this chapter, see you in next chapter (〃∀〃)ゞ
bye bye

Their Omega 3

It was dark. Every place filled with the darkness which we always feared of. Or should I say it was unpleasant to be in the dark.
Someone was falling in the void. It was endless. No one knew where is the end.
It was feeling like the thousands of glasses shattered and falling on him. He tried to open his eyes. But he couldn't. It was deep as well as eerie.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
(where am i? Why am I feeling like I was falling from the height? Didn't I die already? What was happening here? Why can't I open my eyes?)
Soon he started to lose his consciousness.
The rustling sound... Music sound... Sounds were filled the place. It looked like a party hall. Everyone was dancing with their partners. Enjoying the party... It was someone's birthday party.
Jimin slowly opened his eyes, finding himself on the comfy bed. There was some mild smell lingering in his nose. He tried to be in his consciousness but he couldn't. He felt weak.
He heard someone's speaking sound. He tried to recognize those voice but he failed utterly.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
(where am I? Why am I feeling familiar with this place? Who are those guys talking?)
He opened his eyes and found few men in front of him. They were lusting over them. Their eyes were already fucking Jimin. He felt disgusted. He felt familiar with this scene.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
(wait... This... Scene... Wasn't it happened on my 18th birthday? Why am I here? Didn't I die already?)
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
(it's my birthday party but this party became my nightmare. I lost everything in this night. I don't wanna happen this again.)
Jimin was confused by sudden scene. But he was determined to not let the past repeat. He tried to get up. He felt numb all over his body.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
(f_ck... It's my first heat... What should I do now? Before I could become their prey, I have to leave this place)
He got up from the bed. He slowly approached those men while they were busy on discussing with their men who were waiting to taste him.
He woke up already... Let's enjoy our night... He smells good... I can't wait to see his moan.
One person licked his lips. Jimin glanced away with disgust. They started approach him. When one of that men tried to touch him, Jimin tossed and grabbed his hand. He was indeed strong even though he was in his heat.
No one knew anything about Jimin. Even he also didn't know about himself fully. Before they could process something, he twisted his hand and punched him hard.
That person groaned hard and fell on the floor. Jimin stumbled back because of the force he used on that person.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Darn it... I have to leave from here first
He mumbled before started to punch another person. He knocked down all the men and came out of that room while balancing himself on the wall.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Huff... Huff
He started to breath heavily. It was getting hard for him to move. His body started to release pheromones. All the Alphas presented there sniffed his pheromone and were tempted by that.
Which omega is in heat? His smell is tempting... I wanna taste him..
Everyone presented there was affected by his pheromone. Jimin was walking while stumbling.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
I can't anymore
He stumbled and fell. But he didn't land on the floor instead he was balanced by someone. He tilted his head to see that person. That person's face eclipsed under the light.
Little one... Don't you think you run into the danger yourself
That person's voice was soothing for his restless heart. It clearly showed that that person was Alpha. He sniffed that person's shirt. He felt calm all of sudden.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Take me away from this place
He pleaded to that person before losing his conscious. That person looked at Jimin who was in his embrace without consciousness. That person lifted Jimin in bridal style. That person took him to VIP room.
While putting Jimin on the bed, that mysterious person stumbled and fell on Jimin.
Because of sudden heaviness on him, Jimin regained his consciousness. That person was trying to get up from Jimin. He seemed to bit affected by Jimin's pheromone. He was sure that that person was Alpha but didn't affected by his pheromone Jimin was confused.
That person got but again stumbled, was about to fell on Jimin again but what happened next was shocked that person. Jimin put his left feet on that person's chest, making him gasp in surprise.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Stay away from me
He said sternly although he was in heat. Any omega who was in heat always needed Alpha's attention and also wanted them to mark them but he was different. He defended himself before he could go out of control.
That person grinned before getting away from Jimin.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Give me your suit Mister...
Jimin demanded.
Jung Hoseok
Jung Hoseok
That person said.
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Jimin looked at Hoseok with confusion.
Jung Hoseok
Jung Hoseok
Jung Hoseok... This is my name... I am not someone ...
He pointed out his words as Jimin scoffed. Little did he know he was also the person who is going to change his life. Hoseok took off his coat and threw it on jimin. Jimin sniffed his coat. He felt calm.
Jung Hoseok
Jung Hoseok
( seems like he was comfortable with this suit... But this coat contain mixed smell right... It wasn't even my coat...)
Hoseok lost in thinking, forgetting about the little creature who was still in front of him. When he slipped his gaze from the wall to Jimin, Jimin was in his deep slumber.
He chuckled.
Jung Hoseok
Jung Hoseok
Don't you aware of the situation, little one... What if I do something unspeakable to you... Why are you so comfortable around me...
Hoseok chuckled and sat beside Jimin and caressed his cheek. It was the first time he was feeling different being around with this little flower who was sleeping soundly even if he was in his heat.
Jung Hoseok
Jung Hoseok
His pheromone smells different ... But I feel like it wasn't his original self...
He said admiring that little one.
support my story (〃゚3゚〃)

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