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My Ugly Bride

Chapter 1

...AUTHOR P.O.V....

Y/n giggled while playing with flowers. She scattered the fallen petals of the flowers and started making a flower crown. She was about to end making it, when her older sister, Yuxi came calling for her. Y/n turned around and smiled at her sister, But Yuxi gave her disgusted look at her. But Y/n didn't mind her, as she thinks that its her way of showing love. Although she is rude with her, but she still loves her.

"Lets go appa is calling for you." Y/n excitedly stood up, after hearing her. Its the first time when her appa was looking for her, or else he is really rude with her. He hates Y/n just because she isn't beautiful like Yuxi. Y/n isn't pale like others, which made him hate her, same goes for Yuxi. Only her Grandpa and eomma, loves and cares for her a lot.

Y/n excitedly ran back to her home. There she saw her appa, eomma and Yuxi with suitcase. She furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Are we going somewhere appa?"

" Yes, except you." her appa hissed in anger. The moment he looks at her, he feels like strangling her till death. He feels like Y/n is a curse. She is black, with made him hate her a lot.

"Why not me?? I also want to go." Y/n said innocently. She pouted her lips as if she was about to cry. Eomma immediately ran towards her and consoled her.

"We're going to Daegu for some business, baby. But unfortunately we can't take you with us. But don't worry Your Grandpa will take care of you. And you're going to Seoul with him. Aren't you happy?? Seoul was your dream place wasn't it?"

"Yes its my dream place, but I love you all and will miss you."

"Its not like we're dying." eye rolled Yuxi after commenting. Y/n widen her eyes.

"No no I never meant that." she said while looking down.

"Ok enough, we're leaving now. And you. You also get ready to leave with Grandpa." hissed his appa and grabbed the suitcase. Y/n hugged her eomma and bid her bye. She was about to go for her appa as well, but he ignored her and went out. Yuxi also did the same.

"Bye eomma, appa, Unnie. I'll miss you all." she waved, while smiling trying to hide her tears. She didn't wanted her parents and unnie to feel like she was crying. She didn't wanted to trouble them.

"Get ready child. We're leaving as well." said her grandpa. Y/n nodded her head and went inside her small room. She took out her suitcase and started filling it with her belonging. She doesn't possess much, so she was fast.

After packing their stuff they both went to the Station. After placing their bags above them, they sat on their seats. Y/n was looking out of the train. The retrieving trees, fields. She'll surely miss her hometown, Busan.

"Where are we going to stay Grandpa?" she asked excitedly.

"We're going to be living in a mansion. Not just a mansion, but a place." he said, making her excited.

"Wow, I'm excited. But how are we going to afford, that much." she said, as they aren't that rich. Her family is just a poor villagers, who are struggling to survive.

"We're going to work as maids and gardener in their, sweetie."

" You mean, we'll have to work. So you mean in exchange for living there, we'll work."

"Yes, my child. But yeah, remember this to never anger out masters. They are really rich people. So, I want you to be away from all kind of trouble."

"Ok, I will."

"Pinky promise." his grandpa, extended his pinky finger, while flashing his sweet smile. Y/n giggled and joined her pinky finger with his. Its their sweet way of talking.

"Pinky promise."

After some hours they reached to the station. They both grabbed their bags and came out. Y/n was all astonished to see cars, big buildings around her. It was so beautiful and new for her. Her grandpa, stopped a cab and they both sat inside.

After sometimes, the cab stopped infront of a big palace like mansion. Y/n mouth was hung low, seeing at it. It was as if a maze. She was now feeling so small infront of it. She felt scared to be around new people.

"Lets go." she nodded her followed her grandpa. They both came inside to be only welcomed by the maids. Y/n mouthed wow, seeing the interior. It was so beautiful.

"Wait here master will be coming soon." said one of the maid.

Soon they both could heard footsteps. Y/n turned to the direction and saw an elderly man, coming down stairs. He surely was looking almost 50 but his Physic was muscular. He looked so sophisticated and dominant. He had a dark aura around him. Mr. Kim looked at them, then his eyes landed on Y/n, which made him disgusted.

'Is she the girl whom lee sold to us to work as maid. God at least he should have chosen someone beautiful. She's not even beautiful. And is it her real skin, how can it be tan. Now I know why his dad sold her to us. As who would want to have a dirt like her in their live.'

"So, you're the new maid and you must be the new Gardener. Good. One of the maid will show you both your room. Get dressed in uniform and get into your work. I hate people who doesn't work perfectly. So I would like you both to be perfect." with that he went out for his office.

The maid who told them to wait came again and escorted them to their rooms. It was back side of house. Y/n's room was not that far from her grandpa. She immediately settled her things and got freshen up. After that she wore her uniform, which the maid gave her. She then as order went to the kitchen. There she found a girl, probably in her 20s working with the dishes.

"Hello, unnie." she said, which made her turn around.

"Gosh you scared me. Well, who you must be."

"I'm Y/n. I'm the new maid."

"Ohh I'm Lia. Wait le me go through your work list." She cleaned her hand and took out her working phone out of the apron's pocket.

"Ok so according to this you have to clean the 4 th floor. All the room should be cleaned, no dust should be seen. Or else you'll be punished." said Lia. Y/n nodded her head. Lia showed her where the stairs were. Y/n thanked her and took her equipment that she need. She went upstairs.

"Hmm so, from which room should I start. Mhh I think that one. That one looks really big, so It would be difficult for me to clean." with that she walked to the room. She knocked on it but no one opened it.

"Seems like no one is inside." With that she twisted the knock and opened the door. But the thing that was inside made her shocked.


Chapter 2


Y/n was utterly shocked after looking at the scene. There was this man whose ***** back was facing her and he was literally jumping on a ***** woman. Y/n was scared and confused after looking at it. She ran after screaming like a bull. Her scream made Taehyung turn around. He saw a girls back that was running away from there.

'Who the **** was that and dared to destroy my moment. I need to teach a good lesson, whoever she was.'

Y/n came down and leaned on the pillar. She was scared.

'What was that thing?? What if it was the monster about you eomma, told me once. Was he killing that girl and then sucking off her blood??? Oh my god, I need to be careful, what if that monster came in my room as well.'

She was breathing like crazy, when suddenly Lia came and kept her hand on her shoulder, making her scream.

"God, girl why you screaming like a banshee?? Why you look so pale??"

"I-I when I went upstairs t-to clean the rooms then I saw ***** man who looked like he was killing a woman, who was also *****." she said being all horrified. Lia looked at her with confusion.

'Does she really not know what they were doing??? Gosh seems like she's really innocent.'

"U-Uhh just ignore it, you might be hallucinating now, go do your work."

"B-But I really saw some------."

"No more words should be coming out of your mouth, no go and do you work." Y/n pouted and nodded her head. She was about to turn around and walked back to the stairs when she heard a loud shouting sound.

"Where is that girl??" shouted Taehyung while coming downstairs.

"Who was that girl, who was in my room, few minutes ago??" he shouted at all of the maids. Y/n understood that he was asking about her. So she walked forward, keeping her head low.

"T-That was me."

"What?? Look up." she did as she was told and the moment when she looked at him with her doe innocent orbs, Taehyung looked at her with disgust.

"Gosh, what the hell are you?? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror. So ugly. Do you even bath??"

"Yes I do bath daily." she said confidently.

"Then why the **** is your skin so tan. God, who the hell gave you job in Kim mansion. People like you aren't allowed in here. What is your name??"

"I-I'm Y/F/N."

"Ohh so you're the one who have been sold to us as a slave. I'm sure your family also doesn't want a dirt like you in their life." he spatted, Y/n flinched hearing him. How can someone speak so much venom out of them. She shook her head.

"No my appa is a good man, he can never sell me as a slave."

"Dream as long as you want, ugly villager, but that what is true. Your father sold you to us, as a slave. But hell I should talk to dad and kick you out if this mansion. An ugly duckling like you doesn't deserve here, hell people like you shouldn't be even alive. Why don't you die, villager. I'm sure the the earth would be even more cleaner and hygienic. And yeah dare not to come near me or my room ever again." spatted Taehyung hearing the quarrel, Mrs. Kim Jisso and Jennie also came out of their rooms.

"What is the matter bro?" asked Jennie.

"Nothing just this ugly villager ruined my day. Uggh I'll have to bath in holy water." with that he went away. Mrs. Kim kept on shouting at him to ask for forgiveness from Y/n, but he as always ignored her and went back inside his room. Y/n wasn't sad upon hearing him call her names and literally told her to die, as all her life she have heard these comments about her, but what mostly hurt her was her appa selling her to them. It broke her heart. Why doesn't her appa love her???

The girl who was also the maid of this house came of if his room, while smirking. Jennie glared ta her. She's a big slut, always sleeping around with numerous men. Jennie hates these kinds of people. Mrs. Kim, Jisso and Jennie walked to the crying girl.

"Hey, everything is fine, Now stop crying baby." said Jisso. Mrs. Kim signaled Lia to bring water for her. She then made her drink it.

"Shh now stop crying and tell us what did that jerk told you." said Jennie.

"H-H-He said that my appa sold me here as a slave." said Y/n while sobbing. Mrs. kim and Jisso looked at each other, as they know it is true. Mr. Lee his father had a depth on him, so in exchange of money he told them to give them their younger daughter as slave. Surely Mrs. kim, Jisso and Jennie was against it, but in this family no one listen to women. Its a male dominant house.

"No baby, he didn't sold you to us, now stop crying." consoled Jisso, but Y/n wouldn't stop sobbing. Then Jennie came with a plan.

"Hey, why don't we all talk in the garden area, as you know I don't have any friend except Jisso, so would you mind becoming one??' asked Jennie while pouting cutely at Y/n. Y/n looked at her with her big doe eyes, and wiped away her tears.

"I-I'll be your friend."

"Hey, about me then??" asked Jisso, while pouting as well.

"And about me." said Mrs. Kim. Y/n smiled at them all, with they all went out in the garden area and sat under the sun.

"So, tell me something about you baby, like how old are you what is your name??" said Jisso.

"My name is Y/F/N and I'm 17 years old."

"Ommo you're a baby." said Jennie. Y/n pouted by being called a baby.

"Well, hello My name is Mrs. Kim Jiwoo, and about my age, I would like to keep it a secret." said Mrs. Kim while laughing which made everyone laugh.

"I'm Kim Jisso, and my age is 25, and my husband name is Kim Seokjin, who is also son of Mrs. Kim and I'm her daughter in law." said Jisso while hugging Mrs. Kim lovingly.

"I'm Kim opps, I mean Min Jennie. And my husband is Min Yoongi." said Jennie while laughing. Y/n looked at her with furrowed brows.

"If you're min then why are you here in kim mansion??" she asked innocently. Jennie smiled and pinched her chubby cheeks.

"Its because I love living here with my mom. And about my husband he's always out for business, so I love living here, as I'm left all alone in Min Mansion." Y/n mouthed ohh after hearing her.

"Tell me something about your hometown Y/n." said Mrs. Kim.

"Well, I'm from Busan. I live in a small village, which isn't that far from Seoul. And I love my eomma, appa, unnie and Grandpa. But Appa and unnie hates me, because I'm not beautiful. But eomma and Grandpa loves me a lot." she said while showing her cute smile. Mrs. Kim, Jennie and Jisso felt bad hearing her, she couldn't understand that why would lee, hate his own daughter. How would have Y/n been living??

Suddenly Y/n jumped and face palmed herself.

"Oh my I totally forgot that I've to do my work. I'll talk with you all later. Byee."

Byee." with that y/n went back inside house and got engaged with her work.

Chapter 3


Y/n came back inside and started doing her work. She her equipment and went upstairs to clean the rooms. She this time, knocked on the door, and when she didn't heard any answer than opened the door. She pocked her head inside the room and looked around. And to her luck it was empty. She smiled to herself and immediately went inside. She grabbed the vaccum cleaner and started cleaning the room. She cleaned the floor, settled the bed, cleaned the bathroom, throwed the dirt in the dustbin, and all done. She was done.

She came out of Taehyung's room and went to the other room, and cleaned them as well. After cleaning it was already noon, she was now feeling hungry. She came down the stairs and went inside the kitchen.

"I cleaned the room." she informed Lia. Lia smiled at her and motioned her to sit on the chair.

"Eat first, then you can continue with your work." she than served her really delicious food, which she had never eaten. Y/n thanked her and the god for the food and started ate it.

Meanwhile Taehyung came in his office, where Tzuyu, welcome him. She was his personal assistant.

"Good Morning, boss." Taehyung nodded his head and took his coffee form her hand. With that he went inside his office. Tzuyu followed him inside.

"Today you don't have any meeting with anyone boss." she informed. Taehyung raised his bow and looked at her. He kept his index finger on his chin and thought about something.

"Hmm, if that's so then I would like to go out." with that he stood up and grabbed his phone. But Tzuyu had something else to tell him.

"Umm, boss?"

"What?" he turned around and looked at her.

"W-Would you like to go out with me?" she shyly said. Tzuyu had always had a crush on him, the day she came in the office, she fell for his charm. He was a really sophisticated man, with his own charisma. Taehyung looked at her for a minute.


"Pardon." Tzuyu looked at her with sad and confused look. Then Taehyung showed his hand showing that he was already engaged. Tzuyu's eyes widen looking at it. Why didn't she knew about it??

"You, see this. I already belong to someone else."

"I-I'm sorry, about it Boss." Tzuyu bowed, hiding her teary eyes. Taehyung signaled her to get out, which she gladly did. Taehyung rolled his eyes looking at her.

'Huh, who does she think that I'll go out with her?? I already have such a beautiful fiance to love.'

With that he called his fiance Irene.


"Hey, baby. How are you?"

"I'm fine, How are you Tae?"

"I'm good as always." he said making her giggle.

"Well, I was thinking would you like going out with me, as today I really don't have any meetings."

"That would be fantastic, as I'm free as well."

"Ok than I'm coming to pick you up, be ready by half and hour."

"Ok, love you."

"Love you too."

With that he hung the call and went out. Irene's house was exactly 30 minutes away from his office. He sat in his car and drove off to her house. Soon he reached there and called her.

"I'm here, baby."

"I'm coming." with that she came out, looking sexy as always. Taehyung smiled and waved at her. She smiled and sat beside him. They kissed and hugged each other.

"So, where are we going?" she asked.

"To your favourite, restaurant." Irene smiled. With that he started the engine and drove off. They reached to the restaurant and came out of the car. They went inside. But they were unaware of the paparazzi, who was taking their pics secretively.

The manager bowed at them and took them to the V.I.P. area. Taehyung helped Irene like a gentleman and then he also sat opposite to her. They ordered their food, and started talking about random stuff.

"I'm damn excited to get married with you." confessed Taehyung while smiling. Irene laughed. Taehyung held her hand in his and looked into her eyes.

"Tell me baby, how much do you love me?"

"Umm I love you more than anything else." confessed Irene while laughing.

"What about you?" she asked.

"I love you so damn much that you can't even imagine." he confessed making her giggle. Soon the food arrived and they started eating while talking and enjoying their moment. After getting done, they came out and went inside the car. Taehyung dropped her back to her house and sat back. He was about to drive back to his office, when he heard his phone ring.

It was his dad, Mr. Kim.


"I want to have a talk with you, come home."

"Ok." With that he hung the call and drove to his home. He came their and went to his dad's room. He knocked.

"Come in." He entered inside. Mr. Kim motioned him to sit. He sat opposite to him and looked at him with furrowed brows. He was confused that what is the matter, that his dad called him.

"What did you wanted to talk about dad?"

"Did you really talked abruptly with that lee's daughter." Taehyung made a disgusted face.

"Really?? This is what you wanted to talk about?"

"Yes." he sternly said, making him flinch, and drop his cool act.

"Do you even know, what maids are talking about?? They were calling you names that how rude are you, to talk so abruptly with that child. Do you even know how much this can effect or reputation?? I've worked night and day for Kim's corporation, and would not like you to let it down. So, from next time behave like a gentleman. You are way better than that village girl. You have your own class, so better show it as well. And stop acting like a brat." he shouted.

"Yes, dad." Taehyung obediently said. He loves his dad, and thus can do anything for him. He loves him even more than his mom. Afterall this is what his dad had taught him that, woman's are nothing but a producing machine and a doll, to sit beside you. Its you who have to show her place and control her. Which is why he doesn't respect his mother, sister, Jennie or any other girl. Not even irene.

He's just making a facade infront of her, after all Irene is a daughter of a rich man, who can benefit them. Also Irene is a really beautiful model, which is also the reason why he want her. He like beautiful thing and always go for it. But that doesn't mean he is loyal to her. He always cheats on her back. He would **** numerous girls behind her back. As irene refused to be intimate with him. According to her she wants to get intimate only after marriage, which is why he sometimes get frustrated with her pure girl behavior.

"Now you can, go and do not forget what I said."

"Yes, dad." with that he went out. He was heaving with anger. Just because of that mere village girl, his dad shouted at him. It gives him even more reasons to hate her.

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