This poems might be silly but it was memorable for me knowing that it is may first time creating a flower backdraft for my knees birthday and even though this happened it was still memorable.
You can comment about the poem and I will reflect to it but make sure it was acceptable and no curses or foul words because I can understand easily if you want something to be correct but I am sensitive when it comes to the words that is highly sexual, violent and unrespectful.
I highly appreciate your comments and support. I hope you all love my works but af course I will appreciate your corrections abiut the mispelled words and to any wrong grammar.
I will make sure that I will do all my best, thank you!!
...Poems First Entry ...
I woke up because of those noisy sounds
I was force to stand and wear my top
Running outside to see whose out
Cousin of mine giving me some craft
Running again while holding those craft
I see mom fixing our wet top
I run faster as much as I could
Resulting to an accident that is not good
My foot slipped and I couldn't stop
Mother scream as high as a flying dove
Bruised to my elbow down to my knee
I feel embarassed even only mom can see me
What are your thoughts about my poem?
Please comment, vote and support me 😊✌💕
...My friends and I scheduled a bomb meet...
...We are almost complete but not because "A" is not here...
...Movie marathon, gossip and a food to eat...
...Flooded with fun and funny pics...
...Missing my friends for almost a year...
...No face-to-face classes only virtual meet...
...Jokee and teasing that I missed to hear...
...Only defeaning silence, a chat and google meet...
...Charlene's hungry tummy every morning...
...Keneth's sleeping time while lesson is still on going...
...Mia's bag full of sweet yummy treats...
...Joan's beautiful hand writing skills...
...Daniela's funny laugh that are fun to watched...
...Keeshan's curses qnd cutest blushed...
...Erica and Tin's liptint and powder schedule...
...These are things I treasure and make my heart full...
...Maybe for some people this are just petty things...
...But No this only means that we are still human beings...
...Judguming and gossiping someone is our past time...
...But we see to it we arr not spitting fake one...
...The introduction for my friends is now end...
...How about you my curious fallower and guest?...
...Create similar one that describe your bestfriends...
...May this thing made it to a trend...
Hello! here is my second entry of my poem hope you all like it 😊.
My friends and I are buddies we are still close up to college. How about you my dear reader? Do you missed your highschool friends?? Any characteristics that you find interesting? Funny days and barkada trips? Celebrations? Embarassing moments and sad days????
You can share your thoughts about my works but please bear in mind to be kind enough and avoid using foul words or curses cause I am not fun of it.
Try to create one and share it to the comment section, feel free to share your work and let others read and appreciate it.
Creativeness and imagination will create a wonderfull work. You can produce anything you imagine as long as it makes you express your feelings.
...Readers be mindfull with your words...
...Support and love also hate is accepted to world...
...But please don't create trouble and hurt others too...
...Just comment but no foul words and even curses too...
You can comment about the poem and I will reflect to it but make sure it was acceptable and no curses or foul words because I can understand easily if you want something to be correct but I am sensitive when it comes to the words that is highly sexual, violent and unrespectful.
I highly appreciate your comments and support. I hope you all love my works but af course I will appreciate your corrections abiut the mispelled words and to any wrong grammar.
I will make sure that I will do all my best, thank you!!
Every time I look around everything changes
I am always facing hard challenges
Maybe it only try to know my strenght and weaknessess
Eventually I will shine like the sun on my own brightness
I heard people chatting and screaming
Party among adults and children are playing
I am inside my house and likes reading
I got stuck and never know what's life outside this building
Trying to blend and talk to people is not easy as I think
Overthinking and nervousness is always comes to me
I never stutter but I always felt out of breath
Cold sweat is present whenever I talk to them
...Try to create one and share it to the comment section, feel free to share your work and let others read and appreciate it....
...Creativeness and imagination will create a wonderfull work. You can produce anything you imagine as long as it makes you express your feelings....
...Readers be mindfull with your words...
...Support and love also hate is accepted to world...
...But please don't create trouble and hurt others too. Just comment but no foul words and even curses too....
You can comment about the poem and I will reflect to it but make sure it was acceptable and no curses or foul words because I can understand easily if you want something to be correct but I am sensitive when it comes to the words that is highly sexual, violent and unrespectful.
I highly appreciate your comments and support. I hope you all love my works but af course I will appreciate your corrections abiut the mispelled words and to any wrong grammar.
I will make sure that I will do all my best, thank you!!
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