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After The Ending : When The Villain Loves

•~Episode 1~•

• There's a person I love dearly. I can do almost anything for him. But there's a problem between us. What could it be, if you ask may ask.................Hmm???♡•
• He is a character from a fantasy novel. Of all novels I read, he is my favorite character from the Novel "Rewrite The Stars". Oneday, I opened my eyes and–•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Uh? I........?《LOOK•AROUND》
• Guess what I I found myself in my most favourite novel, on my 24th birthday –!!!!•
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
.....My lady, finally you've woken up! It's quite late~!
[•"A woman in black and white..??"•] •–《Host's•Thoughts》–•
• A maid??? Full of confusion, I instantly replied to her with a startled tone—:
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
[ Milady? Me- ] Uh, Y-Yes..?! 《STARE•AT•HER》
《SFX : ??? 》
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Is there something wrong?
• I took a deep breath and reassured myself this isn't a dream. It's somewhere unknown. With a poker face, I spoke—:
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Can I ask you something...?《POLITE•TONE》
《SFX: HE•~•HE•~•HE~! 》
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
[ Why Milady is being so formal with a mere servant like me? ] Please, do ask—!
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
.....Hm. [ Now is my chance.]
• I gulped down with my nervousness as I was determined to let go my confusions. so with a poker face I blurt out that—:
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Who am I again........?《SWEAT•SWEAT》
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Eh? ((( ¿○_○?)))
•She wore a confused face..... •
•Before I could say anything she started freaking out in her ways exclaiming that‐:
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
《SFX : STORM• OFF—!!!》
• The maid started to get out of the room shouting loudly and I could only shout back after her to stop her–!!!!!!!!!!!!! :
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart

•~Episode 2~•

•The maid started to get out of the room and I shouted back to stop her with—!!!•
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
• The maid had ran down the staircases of the second floor, almost wobbling in panic and was about to SHOUT OUT.•
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
—Mngh.....—?!!《G A S P》 [ Milady! What are you—!]
•I immediately persuaded her and shut her up putting something in her mouth–! :
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Please be quiet. I don't prefer noise.《SHUT•HER•UP》
《SFX : @$%#%@$—!!! 》
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
BDa wmongh, hneedehghs to woo—! [ T/N : But Milady, the Duke needs to know—! ]
• I understood what was agitating her...•
• The original owner has been replaced by me. She's not coming back. I pity the owner, but I got to feign memory loss to survive here. I continued softly next—:
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
I know you're shocked but It's not like I don't want to recall- I just can't seem to get it.
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
..........!? 《PITI•FULL》 [ Milady........!!! (🥺🥺🥺) ]
•I let her mouth go & looked at her. I took a deep breath & spoke with a soft tone.•
•Hoping she'd understand my point.•
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Forgive me....for making you uncomfortable, Milady........!《SAD•EYES》
• Shockingly, a few drop of tears rolled down her cheeks. Oh my, did I went far? •
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
I don't want you worried so much..... Please try to understand my situations.
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
I—I will do.....! 《WIPE•OFF》
• She guided me back to bedroom. I'm not actually her "Milady" but there's no harm in knowing~ That's how the real self of mine is, It likes to meet people.•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
......Would you please tell me who I'm? Leave no details without any hesitation.
• The best work would be knowing about this new—"Me". The maid looked honest.
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
[I will! ]....Milady is Yvonne Eckart, the Duke Claynore Eckart's one & only daughter.
• [ Description (by Lottie) ] •
(•) Lady Yvonne's mother Ianthe Eckart died by an accident. Milady has an older brother, Master Lavrov Eckart. She is cold & doesn't get along with Duke.(•)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Milady is to get engaged with the Count's 2nd son, Fabricio Demichelis in a week.....! <<<End Info>>>
• Her good expression slowly turned pale narrating the negative info part. It seems I became an extra with no mention in the novel. I still don't have Yvonne's memory.•
•I hope It would slowly pass into me...•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
[ Let's lighten the mood-] What's your name, hmm?
• Her gaze turned pitiful at me, with a weak tone she spoke to me —:
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
L-Lottie, Milady. I'm your personal maid. 《PITIFUL•EYES》
• Now what's the thing left to ask...??? I will go with my feign of memory loss.•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
...Oh, I see. Rely the message of my sudden memory lose but calmly, Lottie.
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Sure, Milady. 《NOD•NOD》
•The wind blew and my hair started to shuffle up, with a good mood I thanked Lottie from the bottom of my heart—:
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Okay, Thank you.
•She only stared at me with surprise. I wonder could be that Yvonne was very cold with anyone?? —:
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
[ Milady thanked me? She feels different as if She's a different person....] ......!!
• She's kinda funny, pfft pfft. I just feel like teasing her. I flicked on her forehead then she snapped out afterwards—:
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Uh oh!!!?!《DIDN'T•EXPECT》
•I giggled. I guess, my real life naughty habits has not changed and it will never. I waved at her and cheerfully said—:
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Where's your mind? Show me the way, I need to wash up.
🎶🐥🐥🐥....🐥🐥🐥....🐥🐥🐥.... 🎶
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
• I tried to joke around but it Lottie immediately ran and jumped outside. •
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
• In the end, I was left behind........•
• It made me wonder if the novel setting is like that or that the characters don't know how to joke and are worked up?•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
I guess, I'll have to wait for her return. Oh well~(😅)

•~Episode 3~•

• I finished with the wash up. A few maids joined to serve me breakfast. Original Yvonne usually eats indoors.•
• Until now the news of my memory loss her spread. The maids were feeding me as they considered me "Yet to recover" —:
Christa [Maid]
Christa [Maid]
Milady, Open Your Mouth~ Say "Ahhh".《SPOON•POKE》
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Lottie, what year is it? How old am I?《NOM•NOM》
• I took a few bite but my heart was about meeting my bias. Christa replied—:
Christa [Maid]
Christa [Maid]
...It is 7431- year, Elmiere. You turned 19 Yesterday, Milady.
•I tilted my head and decided to eat. That piece of information wasn't helpful. Why do I feel worried about some reason~??•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
....Last bite.《NOM•NOM》 [ Maybe, I'm too excited......! ]
•Actually, what I feared became true.•
• Lottie came back to me after half an hour and she was brushing my hair, telling me about what I liked-disliked in the past. Suddenly, I just asked her—:
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Is there any news about the empire? Any hot topics??
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Yes, a month ago the sole heir of Grand Duke Laurent was handed back and—
•< NEWS : The Traitor Under Treatment>•
•Grandduke's Sucessor Fabian Laurent was caught on the murderer spot and he confessed to kill Harshel Rustchiel. The traitor took Leuka drug and lost senses.•
• He was under treatment in imperial prison however for Grandduke's oath, he's sent back to Grandduchy............! • [ INFO END ]
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
What a terrible man isn't he? The empress favoured him but, he killed her uncle.....!
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
......Come again~????《CLENCH•SKIRT》
• Did I....hear it right~? Fabian Laurent is under treatment after taking Leuka–??•
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
....Grand Prince is a horrible person as he murder -------
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Leave Me Alone Now, Lottie.《DARK•TWITCH》
• A sigh of remorse, and dissatisfaction crossed my face and it darkened. I knew what was actually going on. Lottie came closer, with a troubled face —:
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
You told me to Leave? Is there anything wrong, Milady.....?? [ She looks very]
• Wrong~? Everything went wrong.•
•I got on the bed and laid down on my stomach. All I wanted was to be alone.•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Just a minor headache. I'll take a nap. You can leave.
[•"...Should I go fetch medicines then? Yet why do I feel I should let her be?"•] •–《Lottie's•Thoughts》–•
Lottie (Personal Maid)
Lottie (Personal Maid)
....Um, okay. Since Milady says so. I'll come back later.
•—< DOOR SHUT >—•
• I was dancing alone daydreaming I'd go to my baby and have a happy with him ending but, I just realized I entered the novel "After The Ending". All bad luck.•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
<Fabian Laurent> Second ML & future villain of the novel has already perished....!
• [ Plotline : Rewrite The Stars ]•
•Daughter of the late Marquis, Brizney Rustchiel the female lead is loved by Rias- the crown prince and Fabian- the grand Prince ; they are in a love triangle.•
• Fabian was Rias's best friend from childhood yet two men competed for her love. After waves of difficulties, Brizney chose Rias over Fabian and got married.•
•Fabian accepted the fact & stayed as a good friend. But in reality, he couldn't accept anything. He became the Villain and betrayed them by planning treason. He was the root of their unhappiness....•
•Here where it stings the most....!•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
Rias Brizney hated him, but Fabian had the most cruel ending a villain can have!
• [ Fabian Laurent's Ending ] : Fabian was almost successful at overthrowing Rias with all sorts of plots if only he hadn't killed Brizney's relative, Priest Harshel.•
• Fabian was captured and beaten up by Rias. Brizney's forced him to drink a type of lethal poison, he lost his eyesight, hearing ability and speaking ability.....!•
•He was thrown to a living hell by being Blind, Deaf and dumb. They didn't punish him physically but let him be, as penalty.•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
...A person who can't see, hear or talk leads a life of misery. How'd he live....?
• He would die and nobody would know.•
• My beloved Fabian already had his ending. Oh my-! There's no way to save him–This is where my existence comes.•
• Thank Goodness. I used to be a surgical doctor and had doctor parents (Ophthalmologist & gynecologist). I've practice and have performed operations.•
Yvonne Eckart
Yvonne Eckart
I WON'T let my Bias die. I'll do anything to save him.
•–「Because I'm a Doctor from 2066」–•

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