NovelToon NovelToon

Professor Jeon (JJK)

Chapter 1


"Shit shit, I'm going to be late, today. That's for sure." said Y/n while running. She kept on watching her wrist watch while running. Today she got her periods, due to which she had to buy pads, as she was out of it. Due to which she got late for school. She was literally sweating, as the stomach cramps and now running didn't helped much. Soon she reached to her school campus. 

She relieved a sigh when she found the door gate open. She sneaked inside and ran inside the building. She looked at her wrist watch while running, due to which she bumps into a stone wall, correction, stone back. She fell straight on the butt, making her yelp in pain. 

"Ouch." She rubbed her butt, and snapped at the person, with out looking at him. 

"Damn, can't you watch where you're going." That is when she looked up and stared at the person. She gasped in total awe. He was damn hot, greek god like sculptured body, face. That small nose, and damn his pink lips, were perfectly complimenting his skin. Y/n gulped in utter shock. 

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't see you." He raised his one brow, like before some minutes she was shouting at him and now, literally drooling over him. But he smirked nevertheless. With that he grabbed his hand bag and stood up. He didn't helped Y/n, which made her widen her mouth. He went away from there, without giving her a second glance. 

"Asshole." Y/n cursed him and stood up on her own. She looked at her wrist watch and gasped. Damn she was definitely going to get punished. She immediately ran to her class. She opened the door and was utterly happy to see that no teacher was present.

"Looks, like Mr. Lee is late today." she happily chirped and went to her seat. There sat her bestie, Karina. Y/n sat beside her and hit her on her head. Karina pouted and rubbed her head. 

"Yaah, Why didn't you waited for me?" 

"I thought I'll get late because of you, so I left. Sorry." said Karina while pouting. Y/n scoffed but forgive her anyway. They are childhood, besties and no one can separate them. Y/n smiled and hugged her. 

"Do not dare to leave me again." 

"Ok." Karina giggled and hugged her back. Soon the door opened revealing Principle, Kim. Children greeted them. He entered inside and stood infront of all of them. 

"Due to some, Family problem. Mr. Lee wouldn't be able to come for school. So in place of him. You all will be taught from a new teacher. Mr. Jeon." The moment he finished a tall man entered inside. Y/n's eyes widen upon noticing him. He was the same guy, with whom she bumped. She immediately grabbed her Book and hid her face. 

With that she slowly went under the table. Karina got confused upon seeing her. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Shhh, just pretend that I'm not here. I'll tell you later." 

"Umm ok." But poor to her luck, Mr. Kim had already noticed her.

"Y/F/N, what the hell are you doing under the table." Y/n widen her eyes, upon hearing her name. She gulped and came out. She stood up and gave her sheepish smile. 

"I-I actually. My pencil fell, so, I was just taking it." she said, while laughing nervously. Upon noticing her Jungkook grinned. Y/n noticed him and felt herself, looking down. She was embarrassed. 

"Ok, you can sit now." Y/n nodded her head and sat. Mr. Kim turned towards Jungkook and signaled him to introduce himself. Jungkook came forward. 

"Good morning students, I'm Jeon Jungkook and I'm 28 years old. From now one I'll be your biology teacher, until Mr. Lee comes back." he said, girls, started drooling over him. They all were blushing. While some guys felt envious of him, and others also felt attracted towards him. Jungkook's aura was pulling them towards him, but for Y/n he was dangerous. She had this feeling that he was danger. 

"Now, I shall leave. You may continue." said Mr. Kim while walking out. Jungkook kept his hand bag on the table and instructed the students to take out their books. They all took out their book. With that he started teaching. For all the time, his eyes were on Y/n, but she kept looking on her book. 

Jungkook doesn't know why, but he felt attracted towards her. He got infuriated by her looks. She was definitely a beautiful girl, he have ever seen in his life. She wasn't like those girls, who have makeup on, 24/7. But she was a natural beauty. He shook his head, to get away from these thoughts and focused on his class. 

Soon the class got over and he went out, but not before stealing a glance of Y/n. On the other hand Karina elbowed her and asked why she behaved like that. Y/n sighed and told her everything that happened with her in the hallway. 

"You gotta be kidding me. You literally snapped at a Teacher. Woah." 

"Please Karina its not funny." she said while rolling her eyes, after noticing her laughing at her stupidity. 

"But I must say, our new teacher, Mr. Jeon is freaking hot." Y/n looked at her with the corner of her eyes. She huffed. 

"I don't think so, I mean yeah he is hot, but I get bad vibes from him." 

"Gosh, when will you grow up." Karina giggled, Y/n pouted and hit her on her head. But soon she also started laughing with her. 

Chapter 2


After their classes it was time for Lunch. Y/n and Karina went out, in the cafeteria. Y/n was in a hurry, not for food, but to have a look of someone. Karina hurried and booked the seat for her. Y/n smiled at her and sat there, it was the best place to stare at her crush, Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung is a smart kid, who is also the school captain. Many girls die for him, but he had never accepted their proposal. Y/n being the scaredy cat, never proposed him, in fear of getting rejected. For her, it was enough, just to stare at him daily, after all why would a guy like him, want someone like her. She isn't that good in studies, but she got certain interest in singing and reading books.

Karina stood up to fetch food for them. On the other hand Y/n sat there and stared at her love. She smiled seeing him. Soon, Karina came and sat beside her.

"For how long are you gonna just stare at him??"

 "Unless I die." Karina rolled her eyes upon hearing her.

"Gosh girl, you really need to confess your feelings to him, then only you can know, if he likes you or not." Y/n shook her head and looked at her. She smiled, slightly.

"Just look at me, Do you think any guy would fall for me. Hell I doesn't even fall for myself, then why would someone else love me. Now just shut up and let me stare at him."

"Ok, ok but atleast have your meal." Y/n nodded and started eating while staring at him. She was dreaming of being with him, She had even dreamt of having kids, living in Seoul, and blah blah. She literally have got a list.

Soon the lunch time, got over and it was time for their rest of the classes. Y/n was seated on her seat and looking at the board in a bored manner. It was history class, and hell she hated it so much. She was continuously yawning.

Unknown to someone's eyes who was looking at her, she giggled while talking to Karina. Jungkook was standing out of the class, staring at her, away from everyone's eyes. He was just passing by, but unknown to his own knowledge he stopped in mid and started staring at her.

'Damn why this girl make me feel like something that I've never felt before, is it lust or something more??'

Soon the classes got over and it was time to go back home. Y/n and Karina were coming out of school while laughing and giggling. Y/n wasn't looking at her front and suddenly got hit by someone. She apologized, without looking at the person.

"I'm sorry." but soon her eyes widen in surprise when she heard the person's voice. She immediately looked up, to only find her crush, Kim Taehyung. She was out struck with his beauty, and thus was unable to say anything. Karina stood there in awkwardness. She elbowed her, getting her out of her trance.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I wasn't looking." Taehyung smiled at her and went away. Y/n was about to faint, but Karina held her.

"Pinch me."


"Pinch me stupid." said Y/n, which made Karina to pinch her, really hard.

"Arrggghh aish, girl. Who told you to pinch me that hard." Suddenly her eyes widen in realization. Did she really got bumped into him??

"Am I dreaming me??"

"No idiot, he did talked with you." Y/n screamed in happiness, making everyone to look at her in weird manner. But Y/n being Y/n ignored everyone and jumped in happiness. Karina shook her head seeing her like this.

Soon after coming back to reality, she stopped jumping and smiled dreamingly.

"Ohh my god, he bumped into me, he talked with me, what if next day he asked me out and next, aishhh." she shouted while dreaming. Karina looked at her with her disgusted face.

"Damn girl, he only talked with you, don't get too high hopes. Now I'm going. I'll see you tomorrow." With that Karina and Y/n parted their ways, as their house are opposite to each other. Y/n was walking on the street while smiling to herself, when suddenly she felt water droplets falling on her. She looked up.

"Hell, the weather broadcast didn't informed us about the rain." she squeaked and started running to her house. But her house is really far from her school. She was running, while covering her head, with her bag. Suddenly she heard the car's honk. She first ignored it, but decided to turn around, when the honk got regular.

She gasped in shock, when she saw Mr. Jeon.

"Its raining too heavily. I can drop you, come inside. You might catch cold." he said. But Y/n shook her head, how can she go with some stranger, though he was her teacher, but she cannot trust him, just like that.

"No, no I can go by my own. You don't need to worry, sir."

"Aish, its ok. You'll get wet. Come I'll drop you. I'm going in the same direction." Y/n looked around and decided to go with him. She nodded her head and went inside. She sat beside him. Jungkook smiled and started the engine. Y/n sat there awkwardly staring out of the window.

Jungkook time to time kept stealing glance of her, from the corner of his eyes. His eyes, went down to her thighs, which were partially visible. He squirmed in his seat, feeling uncomfortable. He felt himself getting harder.

He tried focusing on the front, but his eyes wouldn't cooperate with him. It kept stealing glance of her soft, smooth thighs. His eyes also lingered on her wet shirt. The shirt was white, and now wet due to which her black bra was partially visible to his predatory eyes. He licked his lips, and turned his back attention on the road.

'**** this girl, is playing with my sanity. I'm loosing it.'

"Turn to the left please." she instructed him. Jungkook furrowed his brow, it was the same direction to his house as well.

"Yeah, please stop, right there." she told him to stop infront of a house coloured with purple. She smiled at him and came out of the car. She thanked him for the help and went inside her house. Jungkook kept staring at her, until she was gone. He started the engine and drove two blocks away from her house. She doesn't live that far away from his house.

He furrowed his brows, that why didn't he ever noticed her before. But who cares, now he know. He smirked thinking about her.

"What the hell you doing with me, Y/n. You're playing with my sanity." 

Chapter 3


Even though I was in my home, working on my files, but still my thoughts were lingering on, her. I don't know why, I kept thinking about her. Those luscious lips, doe eyes, and her, heart-shaped lips, with heart shaped face, is a cherry on top. She's called perfection.

'Aish just stop it.'

I hit my head, being frustrated. Damn feels like I need fresh air. I came out of my house and went in the garden area. It was already night and stars were shining on the sky. I don't know why but I looked at the direction where her house is. Suddenly I felt myself walking towards it. I stood infront of her house and went to the backside. I looked up and found her room's window. I looked around and found a blossom tree. I smirked and climbed on it, without being noticed.

From there I looked inside her room, there she was doing her homework. Aww so, cute of her, studying. I then saw her standing up and going inside the bathroom. But suddenly she came out and opened her drawal. From there she took out a pad. Ohh so, my baby is in her periods. Wait did I just said My baby. Well, its true though.

I smirked thinking about it. Soon she came out wearing her night dress. Damn those shorts were looking super sexy on her. I could literally see her smooth, legs. Her teddy tank top was also making her look even more cute and hot at the same time. I could literally feel myself getting harder, by looking at her assets. I immediately went down the tree and walked back to my house.

Feels like I need a warm shower. I came inside my room and stripped. I then stood under the shower. I kept my hand on the glass, while keeping my head low. Water flashed down my back.

"****." I cursed, feeling myself getting harder. I shouldn't be thinking about her. She's my student and I'm her teacher. She's a child infront of me. Arrrggghh still its not changing anything. I want her. I want to embrace her, I want to kiss those pouty lips, of her. I want to ravish her all night. I punched the glass, being frustrated. How can this girl, play with my sanity?? I just met her yesterday and here I'm getting obsessed with her.

In the morning I dressed myself up and went out of the house, after having my breakfast. I went to my car, and unlocked it. I sat inside and started the engine. I passed from her house and saw, that she was also coming out of her house. Suddenly I thought about something.

I grinned upon thinking about it. Soon I came in the school and went to the corridor. I looked around and grinned upon finding her locker. I looked around and found the corridor empty. I opened her locker from the spare key, that I just had stolen from the office. I then kept the paper bag, inside along with sweets. I'm sure she will be happy after seeing it.

Soon I felt that students started coming. I immediately ran away from there, and hid behind the pillar. Its the best place, to stare at her. From here nobody will notice me. Soon after sometimes I saw her coming towards her locker. She was looking around, as if looking for somebody. Seems like she's finding her friend with whom I saw her yesterday.

She then opened the locker and gasped upon seeing inside. I knew it she would be surprised and happy.

'Who had kept this stuff inside my locker. Also how did that person knew I was in my periods, that he/she kept pads, tampon and cups, packet inside, with chocolates and a bottle filled with warm rose water. There was also a paper, which read, that you must drink this water during mensuration, to decrease the pain and cramps. I shivered upon reading it. Who must have kept it here, because Karina doesn't know about my periods, as I didn't told her this time, then who must be it. I felt chills around my body.'

I smirked upon seeing her reaction. I'm sure she must have loved this sweet act of mine. I just cannot let myself, known to her, atleast not now. But soon princess, soon you'll know about your secret admirer.

With that I went to my class. First period was in class B, which I don't like much. There is this girl, Sofie, who looks at me, as if I'm her meal. Huh fucking *****, who does she think of herself. I hate girls, who are ready to throw themselves. I'm already taken. Also I've now my baby, Y/n.

After taking my class in B, I went to my baby's class. I entered inside and saw her chatting with her friend. Her smile is killing me. She's a killing machine. Like her charm kills me. I felt myself smiling, upon seeing her. I cleared my throat and composed myself.

"Hmm so, today we're going to study about Cells." I started the chapter. I saw her taking out her book and looked direct at me. I felt myself getting fluttered, but ofcourse I'm a teacher and number of eyes, will be on me, like duh. 

I was teaching the class, but my eyes, kept on lingering on her. There were many times, when I made eye contact with her. Ahh I'm feeling so happy, today. I'm a teacher so nobody will find it suspicious that why was I making eye contact with her. After class I went out, but not before stealing a glance of her. 

It was now lunch time and I had my duty in the cafeteria area, to just look at the children and make sure that nobody is fight or doing something, wrong. I stood near the desk, while having my tea. Soon Y/n also came with her friend. I saw her running to a certain table. Why is she so, crazy for that table?? Hmm?? 

She sat on the chair and her friend went to grab food for them. I was looking at her, and saw her smiling. I-Is she smiling at me? But I looked closely and found her looking at someone else. I also looked at the direction and felt myself boiling with anger. Why is she staring at that guy?? He seems senior to her. But whatever or whoever he is, I don't like the fact that she was staring at him. 

Soon after lunch time, it was time for P.E. It was my free time, so I was roaming around. On the way I saw Y/n running out of the washroom. Seems like she went there to change her pad. Being a professor of Biology, you know many stuffs about human, mainly women, in my case. She then ran inside the changing room. Ohh so, my baby is getting late for P.E class. I stalked her and went inside as well. I hid behind a locker and stared at her. She opened her shirt, revealing herself only in her black bra. Damn, **** I'm feeling myself getting harder. 

She then stripped of her skirt and wore her pants. Her smooth legs, would look so perfect around my torso. I unintentionally moaned, while thinking about her, seeking her attention. She looked around in alert mode. Aww did I scared my baby?? 

She shrugged her shoulder and wore her clothes. She tied her hairs in a ponytail and went out. I smirked upon seeing her disappearing figure. 

"You'll be mine, babydoll. Soon."

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