NovelToon NovelToon

Obsessed Stan (Taekook)

Man of My Dream!

Flashes of blue and white lights, in a stadium, blinded people inside.. screams, roars, cheers and even drums, you name it, that was all what engulfed the stadium.. it was huge, so huge, that 60 folds of thousands can fit in that space it offered.. and when you looked at it from afar, you would found these people, tiny like little stars.. and they just suddenly felt like little galaxies with blue and bright white lights bathing them as if they were getting sanctified
But it wasn’t the lights, that lifted the people in the stadium., or made them crazy as if they all were on steroids.. naah, the reality was far from it..
Because the effect casted on these people who were ready to rip themselves apart and scream on top of their lungs.. not minding even if they gotten mute - was an effect of just one man..
A man dressed in all white, looking like an Angel., tricking and hoodwinking these people as if it was just as easy as snapping his fingers in a second.. the man had a cocky grin, he knew what he was doing.. this is what he was made off, it was his inbuild talent - to trap people in love with him..
The man lifted the mood of the crowd and watched how they gasped and screamed even more louder if that was possible.. his bunny smile widening as his eyes winking at them all - and they all felt weak on their knees
What an effect, Jeon jungkook had.. it was astonishing honestly..
But in the crowd, there was a boy with fluffy hair scattering all over the place - which was an effect of dancing too much and screaming the same chant that the crowd did.. his wide almond eyes enacted every detailed lyrics that came out as an euphoric melody from Jungkook’s mouth.. the boy scrunched his nose as he blushed even when jungkook couldn’t see him properly.. heck, Jungkook was the tip of an heavenly mountain and the boy was little like the ants that wished to be on the mountain and taste the ethereal presence of jungkook.. but as it is said, he was an ant just like many other and he wouldn’t be mattered to Jungkook.. the superstar wouldn’t even know if such a boy with almond eyes and brown fluffy hair was madly in love with him.. because then again, who wasn’t in love with Jeon Jungkook.. all these ants gathered in the stadium, all had only one emotion - love for the superstar, Jeon jungkook
But tonight seems to be different for the ant, named Kim taehyung.. who was in the crowd, at the front row and swaying his hips and letting his body flow to Jungkook’s music and voice
It was indeed a different night
Because Tae gasped when suddenly his superstar kneeled near his side of the podium.. Tae could easily see the love of his life, winking and grinning at everyone whose his eyes bambi eyes met with
Tae held his breath as he watched Jungkook.. admiring the superstar, even vividly staring at every little change he made for this show.. Tae could recognise that jungkook had put on contact lenses, a yellowish glow hue in his orbs which only made jungkook ten times hotter and Tae wanted to m0an just by that sight..
But suddenly, the world stopped for Tae and the music died down because all he could see is Jungkook’s face which shifted towards him..
And halted
And locked eyes with Tae
Oh, tonight, the ant was seen by the heavenly jungkook..
Tae felt his body numb when jungkook winked at him..
And Tae swears his soul left his body when jungkook suddenly jumped out of the stage and walked straight at him..
Tae felt himself collapse if he hadn’t held the metal railing that separated the crowd from the stage, too tightly to the point his knuckles turned white
And everything happened like a flash.. in seconds, he was lifted from his place and the one that swoop him off his feet was none other than Jeon jungkook with an affectionate love in his eyes which made Tae croaked a gasp
And then the whole crowd felt silent.. as they watched Tae be swept off by jungkook and the cameras from all corners landed on them with a bright spot light showcasing exactly what was happening
And then Tae heard his superstar speak
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Doll, where have you been all my life until now..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
You’re so beautiful
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I am in love
Tae felt his throat dry and he swears his voice betrayed him in this moment.. his almond eyes blinked at jungkook as if he was a ghost.. a princely ghost though.. jungkook giggled and Tae felt his body only shiver by that soothing voice.. even Jungkook’s giggle were so musical.. so hot.. so tempting.. so sinful.. and so awesomely forbidden.. only few could hear it and Tae feels he is that special someone who was blessed to hear it
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Would you do the honour of being mine baby doll
And Tae wanted to nod frantically and scream on top of his lungs a million times “yes”
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
You will break my heart.. if you say no
But his body wasn’t his tonight.. in fact, his body was paralysed by the man who took him to heaven’s gates
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Is that a no.. (says sadly) I just thought we could be something beautiful.. have I told you.. your eyes they’re my favorite part about you right now
Oh god, Tae wanted to speak up.. so desperately.. he was screaming in his mind… cursing his body for being weak right now.. how pathetic is that..
The man of his dream was madly in love with him and Tae couldn’t even nod properly.. that’s madness and Tae was blinking as if he will die..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Words baby doll..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I need words
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I need to hear you..
And Tae did say something.. or more like something else spoke on behalf of him
Trring.. trring.. Trring.. Trring..
Tae frowned
And the noise only got louder
Trrring.. Trring.. Trring..
Tae groaned and tried to reach his hand at something and his eyes widened when his hand went past Jungkook’s body
Trring.. Trring.. Trring..
Tae pulled himself out and snapped at the noise angrily..
And that’s when he realised
He was sitting in his bedroom.. his sheets lazily covering his lower half.. the stadium, the crowd, his superstar - vanished the instant he opened his eyes
He frowned and groaned, face palming himself
But he could still feel his heartbeat at a speed of light, thumping against his chest - an effect that only his superstar could do to him
And that’s what made Tae scream in frustration.. because it was a fcking dream and not a reality
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung


It took a minute for Tae to get out of his dreamland.. he was still, breathing heavily and savouring the best moment he had in his dream where his superstar swept him off his feet and proposed to him, asking him to be his and oh gawd he wanted only to be his, Jeon Jungkook..
But sadly, he was in the comfort of his room and he had never hated his house so much in his life, than right now
He pouted and looked at his blanket which had his super star’s face Ofcorse because he felt protected and safe every time he felt jungkook around him even if it was just a picture or through the screen of his mobile phone or laptop or television..
Tae groaned and lazily stretched his both arms and laid on top of the blanket, hugging it and kissing his idol’s face
This is what reality was
This is how much close he could get to his idol.. in pictures and before the lenses of screens..
Not more and definitely and gratefully not less than that, which was saddening in its own way
He hugged Jungkook’s blanket tighter, as if he was trying to sniff the idol’s perfume and trying get back the dream to become a reality
But it wasn’t
And Tae made himself happy with just hugging the blanket
He was a fan obviously.. his room screamed about whose fan he was definitely
He was just like those pool of fans that had only one person in their mind, Jeon jungkook
But Tae would like to beg a difference
He wasn’t like any other normal fan.. nope, he separated himself from all of these idiots who would never get Jeon Jungkook ever in their life
Only Tae can get Jeon Jungkook
Only Tae will be that slave who will be the reason for Jeon Jungkook’s happiness..Tae was ready to be the slave of Jeon Jungkook..
Only Tae will be beside Jeon Jungkook and called as his..
Because he was of Jeon Jungkook
Even when Jeon Jungkook didn’t know him, he will ensure that his heart will beat only for the superstar
He sounds crazy right.. but he wasn’t
If anything he has been serious in his life than that would be only “Jeon Jungkook”
How couldn’t he..
He loves the superstar
And Tae would like to call himself as a true lover of Jeon jungkook
Because while people were crazy over Jeon Jungkook because of his success and his super hot body and his super handsome face
Tae was in love with him for many different reasons
Okay, the first three compliments were also one of those reasons why Tae was in love with Jeon Jungkook
But that was not just the only reasons
Tae felt he was connected to the superstar in many ways.. Tae felt like he was his soulmate.. Tae found Jungkook perfect.. so perfect that it felt like jungkook was a Prince Charming that children read in books.. but jungkook was a reality and even if Tae was nothing but a fan however yet his love was as serious as the reality that Jeon jungkook was real and amazing and oh so mesmerising
There was not a single flaw in Jungkook, for Kim taehyung
And he worshipped the superstar shamelessly
After hugging the blanket tightly and then admiring many posters of jungkook.. and Ofcorse kissing the many cooky plushies he had on his bed, Tae finally decided to do his morning routine
He needed to begin his day as he wasn’t rich like many other
He had a job to do that will help him in surviving
So Tae got down of the bed and walked down a stair which welcomed his small house with a kitchen, bathroom, desk attached and also a small space which can be called as living room..
It was a studio apartment.. not too big but sufficient enough for one person
And not to forget, that was the best he could afford.. the apartment wasn’t his obviously, because it was rented.. there wasn’t much furniture because Tae didn’t had much visitors or needed them for himself either.. he had all the basic necessities available in the house.. a cabinet full of ramen though, a fridge holding a carton of milk, juice box, some eggs and fruits.. also some kimchi from the store.. these all that he had because he was a worst cook too .. but could manage to make some eggs and ramen obviously
He wasn’t rich as typical as it may look
He had a job that helped him meet his required expenses
He used his hard earned money to pay his house rent, his utility bills, foods and obviously as expected things related to his superstar because his room was enough of an evidence to how much he was deeply hooked on Jeon Jungkook.. but ofcorse, he only bought things he could afford or saved extra for months to buy the expensive goodies of Jungkook
A hard life, maybe, but Jeon Jungkook was his salvation and his peace
Jeon jungkook was his night and shining armour for surviving in his misery..


Tae had a quick shower and with a hurried process of drying himself.. he slipped into whatever clothes his hands could grab on irrespective if they matched or looked trendy or not.. he has to wear an uniform in his work place anyways.. Tae didn’t have much clothes though, as for him having too much clothes was a waste of money when he could spend them in buying more stuffs about his idol.. so he only owned two trouser pants, four jeans, five baggy T-shirt and three shirts.. also he had a black coat just in case if there was any occasion.. he had a pair of fake puma sneakers, a pair of slippers that he bought from a cheap market and a shoes for necessary occasions, he bought after six months of saving
He walked out of his house with a sling bag hanging diagonally on his shoulders to waist.. he wore his sneakers and rushed out of his apartment.. ensuring three times that he has safely locked his door
Living alone had its own perks and one of them was this.. Tae ensured that everything in his house stayed safe so he didn’t mind checking his locks even five times before leaving the house.. he had contract with his land lord and if any damage to the property due to his carelessness will lead to him in bearing all the expenses which he can’t afford at all.. and also, Tae was always extra careful because he had his most precious possessions in the house and yes, it was all about Jeon jungkook and how much he loves him.. Tae would trade his soul just to have his idol related things with him..
Once having the confidence that his house was safe in his absence, Tae walked away from it and hopped on stairs.. he stayed at the top floor of a four-storey building.. his house was the only one at the top because it was a small space due to the structure of the building and only one studio could fit in.. the owner only got the studio apartment as a spare and he along with his family stayed two floors below it
Tae walked out of his building as normally like every day.. he took the path to the right and reached the main road.. he saw the bus he needed to catch, was nearing its stop, and that led him to have a long breathtaking and quick run..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Aaah.. stop.. stop.. ajhusshi stop
Tae ran and finally stepped inside the bus at the last second.. he breath frantically, tired from too much running when it was only few yards.. Tae swiped his bus card and finally grabbed a seat as he needed a lot of breath to catch up to.. luckily he found a seat
The bus ride to his work was only 20 minutes.. so Tae put those time to use as usual and what was best way to pass time than to listen his idol sing in his ear
Currently, Tae has been listening to Jungkook’s latest song euphoria on repeat.. he couldn’t stop listening to it, talking about it and even promoting to people who listened his idol for the first time.. he couldn’t stop feeling all those emotions that were filled in that song as if his idol spoke straight to his heart and Tae believed it did
Feeling content and fresh by just Jungkook’s voice.. Tae didn’t even realised when he reached near his work place.. he with a happy boxy smile bowed to the bus driver and left it..
The place were he worked was a cafe and restaurant.. Tae walked for two Minutes more since the cafe was in the far end of a left route that led to an open space in the ending
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Good morning work.. let’s make some people happy
Tae chimed as he looked at the cafe’s sign outside, he worked
He looked at his watch.. it was 10.30 am, he was on time and he had half an hour in hand before the cafe opens for everyone
So with an optimistic heart, Tae walked in the cafe.. he opened the door which had a soft bell at the top and made a sweet noise everytime a crack was made on the door..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Good morning hyungieee
Tae said it in his baby voice and the person who was busy inspecting the cups placed on the counters for display to ensure they were perfected, turned towards the boy when he greeted
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
Sweet baby.. you’re here (smiles fondly)
Seokjin smiled gently and Tae nodded his head immediately like a little teddy bear
Seokjin couldn’t help but walk towards Tae and ruffle his hair
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Hyungie.. I will have to make my hair again.. it takes time (pouts)
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
No matter how much you comb your hair.. they’re naturally messy
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Hyungie that’s not true (pouted)
Shouldn’t he like call you boss or something instead (peeks from behind the counter with a smirk at Tae)
Kim Seokjin was the owner of this cafe called as “Sparks”.. five years ago, with the help of his father’s savings Seokjin had opened a small cafe which m only serve ten peoples at a time but with increasing popularity they managed to expand and now even had a restaurant like environment.. the place was spacious and it was evident Seokjin had invested all his profits of initial years in it, just to make it look attractive..
Tae loved the cafe.. it had a nature vibe to it and the glass panels only intensified its beauty especially during winter when having a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and admiring the snow outside while sitting comfortably inside, would make you feel like warm marshmallow.. there were soft off white bulbs placed at every table and that was a showstopper for the place because it made you feel like you’re in a garden sipping coffee or eating food and the sun was right above you but only warmer
Tae has been working here since past three years and he loves the place.. partly because of his good boss and also partly because it had good vibe..
Tae only earned here $900 dollars but he was allowed to keep his tips which helped him in making some savings too
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Shouldn’t you be mopping toilets since it’s your task today (rolled his eyes)
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
Okay babies.. get back to work..
Rose wasn’t given a chance to dead pan on Tae after listening to seokjin’s strict bossy voice.. the same was the case with tae as well.. they both nodded and got back to work since they were going to open up soon
Rose is Tae’s coworkers.. he doesn’t have any close friends and hence she wasn’t one of them.. but rose was nearest to being called as friend.. hmmm, you can call it that rose is Tae’s office friend and that’s all about it.. they be professional and also good colleagues to each other, teasing and eating lunch together as well but after the work and in the open world there was no closeness with rose and Tae was completely fine by it.. he was too focused on Jeon Jungkook to really give time on making friends or have people around him
Tae and rose both took care of orders.. Tae took care of cashier three times a week and also handling counter orders but rose took care of taking orders from the table and serving them.. and they would switch their parts on alternate days
The cafe had four cooks, a guard apart from Tae, rose and jin
With the thoughts of his idol who instantly brightened his day even before it barely began, Tae started his work

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