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Sweet Revenge


Drake Elliott couldn’t wait to kick his feet up, pop the cap on a longneck, and curl up with his fiancée. Ten gruelling days on the road and he’d managed to rearrange his schedule so he could surprise Cassidy by being home in time for their anniversary. They’d been together for one year, the happiest year of his life, and he intended to surprise her with the platinum and diamond bracelet tucked inside his suit pocket. Sneaking into their luxury penthouse, he heard music coming from the master bedroom. He made his way down the hall and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his lover writhing beneath… his identical twin brother, Lee. “You son of a bitch!” he shouted. Cassidy squealed and jumped off the bed just as Drake lunged at his brother. “You couldn’t stand the fact I cut you off. You had to get back at me by sleeping with my woman?” “Oh my God,” Cassidy said, running to the bathroom. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”

“Get dressed and get out,” Drake shouted, grabbing his brother by the hair. He wanted to knee him in the face so he wouldn’t forget what he had done when he looked at his reflection in the mirror the next morning, but Drake knew he was probably too high to even feel the impact. “I don’t ever wanna see your face again,” he said, bouncing his head off the wood and iron headboard. “Don’t ask me for money. Don’t come crying to me about rehab.” He stalked toward the door. “You’re dead to me.” He clenched his hands in tight fists as he walked in to the living room to pour himself a drink. Filling the crystal highball half full, he brought it to his lips. His hand trembled and the liquid sloshed over the edge of the glass, leaving a trail on his white Armani dress shirt, but he didn’t care about the shirt or the stain. He couldn’t get the image of the woman he’d given his heart to crying out in pleasure as his brother drove in to her relentlessly. Leaning over the windowsill, his stomach cramped, making him feel sick. He didn’t even turn around when the door slammed behind him. He knew it was Lee running out like the coward he was so he wouldn’t have to face the consequences of his actions.

Their parents died in a plane crash when they were seventeen. His father owned a small aircraft and often took his wife on impromptu trips, but when they set out on a weekend trip to Las Vegas, no one would've guessed they’d never make it home. The investigation deduced there had been an engine malfunction and the pilot couldn’t have done anything to prevent the crash. The only solace Drake found in the dismal situation was knowing his parents hadn’t suffered, and they’d gone out together, the way they would have wanted to. His parents were high school sweethearts who’d been in love long before people suspected they knew what love was, and Drake’s father often told him that if something happened to his wife, he would never be able to go on without her. The twins moved in with their maternal grandparents. Drake turned to music to drown his sorrows while his brother turned to cocaine. That decision marked the beginning of the end of the relationship that had been a lifeline for both of them. Drake spent the last twenty years with one goal in mind: to become the most sought-after record producer in Nashville, rich and powerful beyond his wildest dreams. Lee’s goal had been to seek and find the next high. They’d both achieved their goals the hard way. Cassidy walked out of the bedroom, her face streaked with make-up, her hair tousled, looking utterly miserable. “Drake, I—” He held his hand. “Just answer one question. Have you been using again?” She didn’t have to respond. He could see it in her eyes. When he spotted her performing at Jimmy’s bar eighteen months ago, he’d fallen in love with her at first sight, but it didn’t take long for him to realize she and his brother had more in common than he would've liked. He set her up in the best rehab facility, introduced her to the major players in Nashville, and gave her the best clothes and jewelry his hard-earned money could buy. Evidently, it hadn’t been enough incentive for her to stay clean. “I can’t even stand to look at you,” he said, throwing back the rest of his drink. “Just get out.” “Please…” She was sobbing. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even know—” He held his hand up. “I don’t want to hear it. I gave you everything and you repay me by screwing my own brother?” He knew that was a visual he’d never get out of his head. Drake knew Lee was angry when he told him he wouldn’t continue to support his lifestyle, but he’d foolishly believed there was still an ounce of humanity left in him. He never thought he would try to hurt him using the one and only thing he knew would bring Drake to his knees. Cassidy. He’d fallen for her fast and hard in spite of the warning bells going off in his head. Friends warned him, family members chastised him, but he didn’t care. He loved her. He was determined to help her get her life on track. She had one of the most incredible voices he’d ever heard and he knew with his help she could become a superstar. She was so close, and one unforgiveable mistake with a worthless piece of garbage like his brother derailed all of their plans for the future.

“You’d best go back to Georgia, ’cause I can promise you’ve worked your last day in this city.” He poured another drink as she sank down on the sofa. She was wearing a short, black silk bathrobe that under different circumstances would’ve turned him on. He knew there was no way he would ever be able to touch her again without remembering his brother’s filthy hands branding her. “Please don’t do this,” she whispered, doubling over as though she couldn’t endure the pain another second. “I love you.” He threw the glass against the wall, sending chards of crystal careening in every direction. “You have the nerve to talk to me about love? You don’t know the meaning of the word.” He was shaking, the rage seeping into every pore. For a man who prided himself on being in control, he was losing it. He couldn’t even trust himself to be in the same room with her any more. “Where are you going?” she asked, when he started walking down the hall toward the master bedroom. He pulled the largest suitcase he owned out of the closet and tossed it open on the floor. Pulling her clothes from hangers, he began throwing them in randomly. “This is a hell of a lot more than the rags you came with, and more than you deserve. I should throw you out on your *** with the clothes on your back.” “Please,” she pleaded, dropping to her knees beside the suitcase. “Don’t do this. Katie came over and…” She sobbed. “I… didn’t know… I missed you…” She was hysterical, trying to talk through her tears. “You missed me?” he shouted, kicking the suitcase. “You show me you miss me by banging my brother?” When she dropped her head and continued crying, he slammed his open hand against the wall. “I should’ve known your sister had something to do with this.” He started throwing designer shoes and boots into the suitcase, not caring where they landed. “She came here with stuff…” She wiped at the tears sliding down her cheeks. “I told her we should flush it, that I didn’t wanna go there again...” “But you did. I should’ve known you weren’t strong enough to resist the temptation.” He reached in to his pocket and tossed the long, velvet jewelry box at her. “What’s this?” she asked, her hands trembling. “It’s an anniversary gift. Why don’t you sell it so you can buy more drugs?” He’d had it custom made for her and he knew he’d never be able to look at it again without wanting to wretch. “It’ll never happen again, I swear,” she said, staggering to her feet. “I don’t want that life anymore,” she said, taking an unsteady step toward him. “I want you. I love you.” “Shut the hell up,” he said, grabbing her arms. “I’ve listened to your lies long enough. I must’ve been out of my mind to believe you could change.” “I have changed, Drake.” She braced her hands on his bulging biceps. “I changed because you believed I could be a better person. I wanted to make you proud.” He couldn’t deny she had been working hard the past year and making her music a priority. They’d been working on her demo, and he was confident he could call in some favors and get her the record deal she’d been dreaming of, but in a matter of hours, she managed obliterate any chance she’d ever had of making her dreams come true. When he spread the word about her, there wasn’t a label in the world that would be willing to take a chance on her. It may seem spiteful, but he needed revenge, and it seemed that was the only way he could get it. “Tell me something,” he said, letting his hands falls to his sides when he realized how deep his fingers were digging in to her skin. “Was this the plan all along? Use me to get your record deal, and then when you could support yourself, you’d cast me aside like I meant nothing to you?” She reached up to touch his face, but he seized her wrist before she could make contact. “I swear I never meant to hurt you.” She released a shaky sigh. “But this is what I do, it’s who I am. I hurt everything and everyone who’s ever loved me. Music is the only thing I’ve ever been good at, the only thing that ever set me apart from the rest of the losers shooting up and drinking their lives away on the street.” He knew she hadn’t had it easy growing up. Her father left when she was a toddler and she hadn’t seen him since. Her mother was a raging alcoholic who moved from one man to the next and she and her younger sister, Katie, were left home alone to fend for themselves. They got mixed up with the wrong crowd, a bunch of misfit kids who had no one at home waiting on them, so they took to the streets, looking for anything to dull the pain of a loveless childhood. Drake would’ve done anything to make her feel worthy, but he knew he couldn’t love her enough to heal her past. Her demons would always come back to haunt her and they would destroy him in the process if he let them. He’d worked too hard to let anyone drag him down. “I guess you want this back,” she said, sliding the four-carat diamond engagement ring he’d given her just last month off her finger. “I don’t want that back. Sell it. Buy a bus ticket back home.”

“This is my home,” she said, lifting her chin defiantly. “I’m not leaving Nashville. I may have had a setback tonight, but I’m gonna prove to you that you weren’t wrong to believe in me. I can make it in this business. I know I can.” He stared at her in disbelief. It must be the drugs wreaking havoc with her mind. She was smarter than to believe he’d just let her walk away without answering for the pain she’d caused him. “You can’t seriously think you stand a chance of making it here after what you did to me?” “I know you’re angry,” she said, wringing her hands. “But maybe we could talk again tomorrow, when you’ve had a chance to cool off?” Drake took a step back, not trusting himself within a few feet of her. He had never touched a woman in anger, no matter how much he’d felt it was justified, and he wouldn’t start now. It would be hard enough to face himself in the mirror tomorrow morning knowing he’d given his heart to a woman who had stomped all over it without a second thought. What kind of fool did that make him? “I plan to forget I ever met you.” He walked back to the living room, and a few minutes later, he heard the sound of her wheeling the suitcase over the hardwood floor. “Um, about the car…”

He’d bought her a BMW for her last birthday because the car she’d driven to town looked like rust was the only thing holding it together.

“Take it,” he said, clasping his hands behind his back. He knew she didn’t deserve it, but he didn’t want any reminders of her crowding his home or parking garage. “I’ll have the rest of your stuff boxed up and delivered to the storage room at my studio. Make sure you arrange to pick it up when I’m not there.” “I wish…” she whispered. He held his hand up to silence her. “Save it for someone who’s stupid enough to believe your lies. I’m not that guy anymore.” *** Cassidy drove around aimlessly before pulling into the nearly deserted parking lot of a Motel 6. She had forty-three dollars in her wallet and the credit cards Drake had ordered in her name, but she knew she could never use those again. How could I have been so stupid? She gripped the steering wheel before leaning her head against it. Drake had been the first and only man to see any potential in her. He made her believe in herself when she’d been ready to give up hope. And she’d repaid him by sleeping with his brother. Granted, she hadn’t known it was Lee until Drake came barging in to the room, but that was no excuse. If she hadn’t been under the influence when Lee slipped in bed beside her, she would’ve surely spotted the subtle differences between the two men. They were identical twins, but a woman who’d been sleeping with one of the brothers for the past year should be able to tell them apart. Shouldn’t she? Looking up at the neon sign with two bulbs burnt out, she knew she couldn’t spend her last few dollars on this dive if she planned to eat tomorrow. Every dollar she’d earned had gone toward paying for her baby sister’s latest stint in rehab. She wanted to believe this time would be different, and because Drake loved her, he let her hold on to that fantasy. He’d even offered to pay for Katie’s care, but he’d already done too much for her. She was determined to help her sister on her own. It’s true what they said... No good deed goes unpunished. Knowing there was only one person she could turn to at this hour, she pulled out of the parking lot and took the short-cut to her drummer’s apartment. They had dated for a short time when she came to town, but that ended as soon as she met Drake. Vinnie and her other band mates were the only friends she had in this city, and since the other two men were married, she didn’t think their wives would appreciate the intrusion at this hour. She knew she should call Vin first, but she’d left her cell phone at Drake’s and she didn’t feel like stopping at a pay phone outside some dingy truck stop or gas station. Thankfully, it was a low-budget building without security and people were free to come and go as they pleased. After hauling her huge suitcase up two flights of stairs, she was exhausted by the time she reached Vinnie’s door. Knocking softly so she wouldn’t disturb the creepy middleaged man next door who always propositioned her, she held her breath, praying her friend was home.

He peeked his head out the door. “Cass, what the hell…?” His eyes fell to the suitcase. “You and the old man get into it?” “You could say that.” She tried to swallow the emotion welling up in her throat. “I just need a place to crash tonight. I’ll figure out what I’m gonna do tomorrow.” “I’d love to help ya out hon, but—” Fear began to set in when she realized the one person she thought she could count on to keep a roof over her head for one night wasn’t going to help her. “It’s okay,” she said, holding her hand up to silence him. She may not have much else, but she still had her pride. “You don’t owe me an explanation.” The effects of the drugs were wearing off and the panic was starting to set in. She was homeless, without a job, a family she could count on, or a friend in the world willing or able to help her. Her worst fear was coming true. She was turning in to her mother. “It’s just that I hooked up with Justine earlier.” A slow grin spread across his face. “She’s waitin’ for me to come back to bed as we speak.” She knew her friend had been trying to get back together with his ex-girlfriend for months. At least someone’s love life was on the right track. “I’m happy for you, Vin.” She gripped the handle on her suitcase. “I’ll just catch up with you tomorrow.” “Hey,” he said when she started walking toward the back staircase. “Your rich boyfriend didn’t just throw you out on the street without any money though, right?” He chuckled. “Use one of those platinum cards burnin’ up your wallet and get a swanky room somewhere. Spa treatment and all. It’ll serve him right.” Cassidy forced a smile. The last thing she wanted was Vinnie’s pity. “Yeah, sure. Go on back to your girlfriend.” “I think I will.” She waited until she heard his door closing before she sank to the floor and buried her head in her hands. The tears were scalding her cheeks as the severity of the situation began to settle over her. She could’ve tried telling Drake the truth about what happened, but there was no guarantee he would have believed her. Even if he did, he’d be out for blood. Either he’d kill his own brother or her sister and wind up in jail. No, telling him the truth wasn’t an option.

chapter one

One Year Later

“It’s sad to see, man. I’m tellin’ ya, she needs someone to give her a break. I don’t know how much longer she can go on like this.” J.T. McCall, the owner of Jimmy’s Bar, had been a friend of Drake’s for too many years for him to brush off his concerns, but his ex-fiancée was the last person he wanted to talk about, especially since his conscience told him he was the reason she’d hit rock bottom. “She using again?” Drake almost wished she was. That would mean she was the one responsible for her decline instead of him. “No, man, she’s clean.” Drake brought the vodka to his lips, pausing before he tasted it. “How do you know that?” J.T. smirked. “You’re talkin’ to a guy who’s been around the block a time or two, my friend. Trust me, I know when someone’s messed up on that stuff, and she isn’t. Well, she’s messed up, but it ain’t because of that shit.” Taking a deep swallow of his drink, he asked the question that had been haunting him for the past year. “She tell you why we ended it?” When Drake told him it was over, J.T. had stopped him before he could give him the dirty details. He said he considered both of them friends and he refused to put himself in the middle of their war. Drake admired his friend’s integrity, but the rest of his friends had formed a solid line behind him, shunning Cassidy at every opportunity. She’d been blacklisted from every decent bar, club, and studio in the city. None of the A-list managers would get behind her, and the rumor mill informed him that she didn’t have the money to finish the demo they’d started together. “No, she hasn’t said a word to me about you.” Drake threw the rest of his drink back. He shouldn’t care, but he did. Too damn much. He hadn’t been able to forget what she didn’t seem to want to remember.

“If you wanna talk, I’m willin’ to listen,” J.T. said, raising his beer bottle. Drake narrowed his dark eyes. “Why all of a sudden are you willin’ to listen? Last I heard, you didn’t wanna get involved.” “Man, this isn’t healthy for either one of you. I can tell this is eatin’ you up inside and Cassidy has just shut down, like she’s givin’ up hope.” Drake told himself he didn’t have an ounce of compassion for the woman who’d betrayed him, but the pain in his chest told him otherwise. “Maybe you should encourage her to move on, J.T. You say she’s your friend. Tell her it’s just not gonna happen for her. She should go back home, get a job, learn a trade…” He reached for the bottle of vodka J.T. left on the bar and refilled his glass. “Hell, I don’t care what she does, but this city, my city, isn’t big enough for both of us. I want her gone.” “You sure about that?” J.T. asked, raising an eyebrow. “Of course I’m sure.” He tipped his glass back a second time, but like so many other nights, it did little to dull the constant pain of living with the knowledge that he’d been so wrong about the one and only woman he’d ever trusted with his heart. “That look on your face tells me otherwise. You can lie to me, but don’t lie to yourself.” Drake wasn’t used to people calling him out, trying to force him to face feelings he’d rather bury than analyze. “Tell me somethin’. How would you feel if you caught Nikki in bed with Ty?” The shock that registered on his friend’s face was a small measure of satisfaction, especially since it came at the cost of his pride. It stung, knowing he hadn’t been man enough to keep Cassidy satisfied. He’d been trying to disprove that theory with every gorgeous woman who crossed his path in the year since he kicked Cassidy out of his home… to no avail. It didn’t matter if dozens of women were lining up for a night in his bed. The one woman he’d wanted had chosen his brother instead. “So, that’s what happened?” J.T. asked, leaning over the bar. They weren’t open for the evening crowd yet, but a few of his employees were milling about and he was obviously trying to be discreet. “Man, it’s no wonder you’ve been messed up. That must’ve hurt like hell.” “Only when I let myself think about it,” he said, reaching for the bottle. “She made her choice, so don’t expect me to feel sorry for her, J.T. If she’s hit rock bottom, she put herself there.” “You have every right to feel the way you do, and I’m not sayin’ what she did was right…”J.T. held his hand up when Drake glared at him. “Obviously, she was in the wrong. They both were, but you can’t deny the girl can sing, man.” Drake shrugged. “So can a lot of other pretty girls. You watch those singing competitions, don’t you?” “Yeah, but we both know that girl has somethin’ special. I’ve been doin’ this a long time, seen a lot of acts pass through this bar, but few people are as committed as she is.” “She needs to be committed if you ask me,” Drake muttered. J.T. chuckled. “I’m serious. She’s got that fire in her eyes. The same fire Nik had when I met her.” He grinned. “Nik was just a little bit younger than Cassidy when we met. Hotter than hell, with this fire in her eyes that turned me on…” He shook his hand in the air as a salacious grin spread over his face. “Man, that little girl brought this cowboy to his knees.” Drake couldn’t help but smile at J.T.’s account. They’d met long after he and Nikki became a couple and he’d never thought to ask the story of how they met. “You knew she was the one right away, huh?” “I was afraid she might be.” J.T. laughed. “She was too damn young when we met, barely legal, but man, I wanted her in a big way. Her daddy bein’ the almighty Luc Spencer made it tough to get within ten feet of her, so I knew I had to wait it out. See where we ended up.” Drake glanced at the gold wedding band on his friend’s left hand. “Looks like y’all ended up exactly where you were supposed to.” “I think so.” J.T. reached for the vodka bottle despite Drake’s scowl. “This ain’t gonna solve your problems. Neither will runnin’ and hidin’. She’s still gonna be there when you close your eyes tonight.” That statement was truer than Drake’s pride would ever allow him to admit. “Trust me, I’m gonna have some hot little blonde in my bed before the night’s out. Cassidy will be the last thing on my mind.”


It killed Cassidy to hear Drake utter those words, but she was determined she wouldn’t let him see he still had the power to hurt her. Like a vulture, he’d move in for the kill if he sensed weakness. He may have broken her spirit and stolen her hope, but she wasn’t down for the count… yet. “Sounds like some things never change, J.T.” She glanced at her friend, the only man who’d stood by her when the rest of the town rallied around the almighty Drake Elliott and branded her a ***** not worthy of their time. Drake spun around, barely sparing her a glance before he turned his attention back to J.T. “I’ve heard that saying about the cat dragging in their kill, but I never thought I’d get to see it firsthand.” She squared her shoulders and tried to blink back the hot sting of tears clouding her vision. She wasn’t wearing the designer clothing he’d encouraged her to buy on his dime while they were together, but she’d just washed the jeans and white T-shirt at the center that morning. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, her face scrubbed free of make-up, but she held her head high, determined to act as though his insult hadn’t hit its mark. She moved in to his line of vision, vowing to stand her ground. “Some of us don’t need fivehundred-dollar jeans to feel worthy.” He smirked as he looked her up and down. “Probably a good thing since you can’t afford them anymore. How does it feel not having a sugar daddy to support you anymore?” Her face flamed as she looked from the man she’d once loved to J.T. Knowing his opinion of her couldn’t get any lower, she decided to fan the flames. “How do you know my current boyfriend couldn’t buy and sell you?” When she saw the fury in his eyes, she almost backed down. “Who the hell is it?” he asked, his eyes raking over her the way they once had in the heat of a passionate moment. “He can’t be paying for it if you’re dressing like that.” Without considering the consequences, she struck him hard and fast, the echo ringing out through the near-empty bar. Her first instinct was to step back, out of his reach, but she knew that’s what he expected her to do, so she stood her ground, daring to look him in the eye. “Hey, hey,” J.T. said, holding his hand up. “I’m gonna have to draw the line at physical contact, you two. If you can’t play nice, one of you will have to leave.” Cassidy knew Drake Elliot would never be escorted from a bar in this city, so she conceded. Lowering her voice, she asked, “You get high on bullying people, don’t you?” As though he’d never felt the impact of her hand on his face mere moments before, he threw his head back and laughed. “Honey, I don’t know a damn thing about getting high. That’s your deal, not mine.” He looked up and down her bare arms, even though he knew damn well she’d never shot up before or during their time together. “If you’re looking for tracks, you won’t find any.” “Don’t act like you wouldn’t stoop so low. An addict is an addict.” She didn’t know why his words came as such a shock to her. He’d gone to great lengths to ruin her life, why wouldn’t he enjoy spewing his venom the first time their paths crossed? “I haven’t used in…” He raised an eyebrow. “Since the night I caught you in bed with my brother?” She shot a quick look at J.T., who pretended to be wiping down the bar with a damp rag. “Yeah, your secret’s out, sugar. Even J.T. knows about it now. I was just asking him how he would’ve felt walking in on Nikki banging Ty. Of course, we all know she’s too classy to ever do a thing like that, don’t we?” “God, I hate you,” she whispered, turning on her heel and running toward the back of the bar. She should’ve known she couldn’t gain the upper hand in a battle of will or wits with that man. He was too smart, too powerful, too wealthy, and obviously he’d added cruelty to his repertoire. He’s a hateful, spiteful, bitter, vindictive excuse for a human being. Leaning against the closed door of her small dressing room, she let her eyes drift closed as she took deep, cleansing breaths. At moments like this, she would’ve turned to the pills that always allowed her to escape when the pain was too intense: her mother’s drinking, the sexual abuse, feeling so scared and alone… Cassidy turned the lock and sank down on the old leather chair as her legs threatened to give way. She’d come too far to risk another setback now. She told herself Drake’s opinion of her didn’t matter, but she knew she was lying to herself. Every day for the past year she’d refused to give up on her dream of becoming a singer because she was determined to prove to him that she could make it without him. Her hands trembled as she picked up the phone and dialed her friend. For the past several months, Cassidy had been the one lending support to recovering addicts at the center. It had been a long time since she’d had to ask Phil to guide her through the dark valley of temptation.

Breathing a sigh of relief when he picked up the phone, she said, “Hey, Phil, it’s me. You got a minute?” “Cassidy? Honey, you don’t sound so good. What is it? What’s wrong?” Like the older brother she’d never had to protect her from the darkness, Phil was always there with a shoulder to lean on, a bed to sleep in, or a few dollars to buy a hot meal after a gig. She didn’t know how she would’ve gotten through this past year without him. “I just saw Drake at Jimmy’s.” She pulled her legs up, resting her chin on her knees. “I tried to stand up to him…” She squeezed her eyes shut as she re-played the ugly scene in her mind. “But I just made a fool of myself.” “What happened? What did he say?” That’s why she loved Phil so much. He was fiercely protective of the people he loved and wouldn’t allow anyone to get close enough to hurt them. He was like a protective uncle to those living at the center, helping them to move through their drug addiction the same way she had, one day at a time. “He said I looked terrible…” She sniffled, reaching for tissue. Damn him for making her feel like less than nothing when she’d just started believing she might be worth something again. “He’s an idiot. Who the hell cares what he thinks?” The Drake she remembered, the man who’d loved her with his whole heart would never have hurt her that way. He’d made her believe that she was special, beautiful, and capable of accomplishing any goal she set. No matter how high the bar, he always encouraged her to raise it because he believed she could do anything. “I care.” She caught a tear trickling down her face with the edge of her tissue. “I know it sounds stupid, but I had this fantasy of what would happen when I finally saw him again.” “Tell me about it.” Phil always encouraged the residents of the shelter to talk about their feelings. He said burying them is what prompted them to turn to drugs in the first place. “I imagined I might run in to him at some awards show.” She felt a little silly sharing the fantasy with him, especially since it couldn’t be any further from her current reality, but her days of blocking her feelings with drugs were over. “I’d be performing or maybe I’d be a presenter.” She smiled as she imagined the glittery dress, designer shoes and expensive jewelry adorning her tanned and toned body. “I’d be nominated for an award… naturally.” She heard the smile in Phil’s voice when he said, “Naturally. Go on.” “My hair and make-up would be professionally done. I’d look fabulous, maybe on the arm of some A-list actor or platinum-selling artist…” It was hard not to get caught up in the daydream. The vision seemed almost real to her, she’d thought about it so many times. Visualization and affirmation had become a big part of her daily routine. They helped her stay positive in spite of the fact she had no money, no home to call her own, no family, and only a few close friends to support her through the daily trials of being a recovering drug addict and wannabe musician in a city where it seemed everyone shared the same dream. “You’ve got my attention.”

She knew Phil wouldn’t think it was silly. He was the one who’d introduced her to visualizations and affirmations, claiming her mind had the power to help her overcome her addiction. The last time she’d given up drugs it had been for Drake because she wanted a future with him. One night with her sister had set her back, almost stealing her will to go on without Drake there to give her a reason to fight the exhausting battle again, but with Phil’s help, she’d come to realize she was fighting this battle for herself because she was worth it. To hell with what Drake Elliott thinks of me. “You still there?” Phil asked. When she realized she’d allowed her mind to wander to a place she tried to avoid going, she said. “Yeah, I’m still here.” Determined to refocus on her vision, she said, “Where was I? That’s right, at the awards ceremony. In my vision, he takes one look at me and realizes I’ve made it without him.” “And how does that make you feel?” he asked quietly. “It makes me feel good, proud, strong.” “In your vision…” He paused. “Does Drake want you back?” She knew she should say no, but lying to herself or Phil wasn’t an option anymore. Her life was all about facing the harsh realities now. “Yes.” “You know you can’t heal your life for him, Cassidy. This journey is about you.” “I know.” She scraped her nails over her scalp. “But letting go of him has been even harder than letting go of the drugs. It’s like he’s a part of me.” “I can understand that. I feel the same way about my wife, but the difference is that she’s always been there to love and support me during the ups and downs. When she should have thrown me out on the street, she didn’t. She put up with me through the withdrawals, cried with me and held me through the nights I wanted to shoot up even more than I wanted her by my side.” Cassidy had never had that with Drake. He sent her away to a posh rehab clinic thousands of miles away, and when she returned, she wanted him to believe that she was “cured.” Little did either of them know that she was always just one high away from the house of cards tumbling down around her. “You have to remember that you’re rebuilding your life for you, Cassidy. Not for Drake. You made a mistake, you had a setback, and he couldn’t get past that.” “Would you have been able to get past it?” she asked. “If you walked in and found your wife in bed with your brother, could you forgive her?” It seemed like an unforgiveable sin to Cassidy, even though there were extenuating circumstances Drake would never know about. “I don’t know.” He sighed. “It’s not for me to say whether Drake should or shouldn’t have forgiven you. And it’s not for you to say. He’s the only one who could have made that decision and he did.” “I know.” “Do you need me to come?”

She knew he was asking whether she felt tempted to stray into the darkness of her addiction again. “No, I’ll be fine.” She took a deep breath and forced a smile. “I just needed to vent a little. Thanks for listening, Phil.” “I’ll always be here for you. You know that.”

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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