In the middle of the night, little Henry woke up from a nightmare, in his dream he saw a man standing in the corner of his room, it was dark so he isn't able to see who it was. The man was abnormally tall, has old-wrinkled skin, his eye socket was empty, it was just a deep dark large hole and through the holes maggots are moving around, eating his flesh that is already black like a rotten one, and his mouth was stitched and red liquid like blood was dripping through the stitches. Little Henry isn't sure if it was just a dream, because the moment he opened his eyes, the man was sitting on top of him, though the creature has no eyes he could feel it, he could feel that the creature was staring at him, and slowly, in a very slow of motion the creature's lips who was stitched is being curved into a smile, it tilts its head and looks deeply to little Henry, the creature smile, even more, wider, wider and so much wider.
I could hear my classmate Jessica telling the class about the story of little Henry and the Man with no eyes. It's a popular story to this small town, even the kids who are aged six are aware of who is Little Henry and the Man at the corner of his room. Might wondering what happened to little Henry, well he was abducted by this man, tortured and starved, fortunately, the writer or who-the-hell-ever made up the story got pity on little Henry, at the end he escaped from the Man. It scares all the kids, in fact, the adults as well, because of the case of a missing kid who is also named Henry and the last person he is with was an old man who is tall and blinded.
My attention shifted to the window of our classroom, from where I am sitting I could see the outside of the school, the empty road, and an old musty shed. Heavy rain was pouring, but the thing that got my attention was the old man who is standing in the waiting shed, he was wearing a formal suit with a yellow tie. I was looking at him, and he is doing the same thing. It was weird, I felt weird. I couldn't tell if he was looking at me, but I could feel that he is. I am calm not when a wide smile appeared on his lips.
"Lorelei Crimson?" I heard Mrs. Fuertes' calling my name, it made me look at her. Worry was written all over her face which just made me so confused because she normally gives her students a disgusted look. "Can I borrow your minute? To the principal's office, please."
I let out a breath and nodded. We're walking in the hallway, heading to the office. Mrs. Fuertes' was saying something, a bunch of things actually, but her voice seemed to be muffled to my ears. I'm thinking about a lot of stuff, first was my parents who are already falling apart, the second was my grades who are also already falling apart, and thirdly myself who has already fallen apart. I wish I could have courage like other kids, I wish I was smart and brave, witty and fantastic, these words are compliments to my ears, and my parents always give this compliment to my cousins who live in the city.
We both entered inside the principal's office, the face of Mrs. Carlos greeted us with her cold presence.
"You'll be expelled from this school, the faculties, as well as the other kids, have already decided to kick you out. I do not want to be rude, sweetie, but you know I hate making a long discussion." She sighed as if I am taking all of her time. "Just...Just bring your parents here, do you get me? You may now leave." She rolled her eyes and massaged her temples.
I left her office and did what she told me. Over the phone, I told my mother everything and she isn't shocked nor worried about me being expelled, why? because this isn't the first time, not even the second time... this is my seventh time. Most of the kids, no—all of them think I am crazy, that I am nuts just like my older sister, my parents are also starting to think that I am insane, that something's wrong with my head, that I have to be charged on a mental facility for the better just like what they did to my older sister.
"I won't be home today, sweetheart. Don't stress about it too much, we'll make things work out." She said, and I ended the line before she says I love you. She always does this, she always makes things work out and it sucks because it doesn't always work out. Her ways of fixing every mess are just so disgusting, she pays the school, she pays the teacher, she compliments them, gives them luxurious gifts and a lot of shits just to make them like me, just to make them give me high grades. Money in exchange for straight A's and B's is just so disgusting.
I didn't come back to the class, well I did— to grab my backpack, but soon after, I left the school by climbing to the high steel gates. The rain is pouring heavily on me, it makes my vision blurry. I could feel the coldness as well as the wetness because of the rain. I crossed the road, headed to the waiting shed, it was too late when I realized that the old man was also there. I could hear my heartbeat racing at an abnormal pace, it feels like my heart was going to explode in my chest because the man somehow makes me feel so much nervous. I moved a little away from the man, aside from he is creepy I also could smell something that is rotting and I'm pretty it was him, who is rotting... The unpleasant smell was like a corpse of something—more like someone.
"Cutting classes, huh? Kids these days' unbelievable." He spoke. I can hear the heavy raindrop on the pavement as well as his raspy-oldie voice. It gives me creeps, he gives me creeps. I am shakingly raised my gaze at him, he was also looking at me with a wide, so much wide smile. I could see his yellowish teeth, I bet he hasn't used a toothbrush for years. I just realized that his pupils and iris were discolored, it was greyish almost turning into white and his sclera wasn't white at all, it was yellowish and something is moving inside, it looks like a long string that are moving at a rapid pace. "You're a good girl, aren't you?"
I took a step back, but I know it is too late because the syringe with a red liquid is already on my neck, penetrated. He leaned on my face, only inches are making us apart. His breath was disgusting, it smells like rotting fruit, more like rotting flesh. "Say bye-bye."
"Is she new?"
"Isn't obvious, Trev? And can you please lock the door? Once Clifford finds out that there's a new girl, she'll be in trouble."
I could hear voices, it came from two kids, clearly feminine and masculine voices exchanging conversation. I can feel that my head was spinning but it stopped after minutes, the moment I could feel that my head seemed to be fine again, I opened my eyes and two redheads greeted me 'good evening, new girl'. I scoffed, thinking the two redhead kids are just nothing but part of my dream or probably part of my hallucination. I always see things—and they could be one of the things. Not until a coldness hugs my body. My eyes went wide open, I stood up in a panic. Two kids are probably aged six or seven, both redheads, have freckles, and have the same height.
"Calm down, he's not going back unless you wanted him." The girl said who is wearing a pink summer dress, it has stains, a dark red stain, it was blood. She seemed to notice that I am staring at her clothing, it made her laugh, she laughed with embarrassment mixing with it. "It's normal in here. Don't be scared, the blood wasn't mine."
Wasn't hers? Mighty heavens, please wake me up. I kept on chanting and wishing myself to wake up, but I know this isn't a dream nor part of my hallucination.
"Where...Where am I?" I ask with confusion and fear.
"Oh, I'll tell you everything, but don't panic because everyone's already asleep, you don't want them to wake up and see you." She laughs in a weird, creepy way. "My name's Rossi, it was pronounced like 'rah-see', and this is my twin brother, Trevino. There are more kids, but you cannot show up to them, not for now, because we are in the middle of your Ritual. Anyways, back from your question. This place has no name, no location, this is called nowhere, and thirty kids live in here, forcedly of course, and you are the extra one."
My ritual? This place has no name, no location, and called nowhere? This is driving me nuts, she is driving me nuts.
"You're the extra one so keep in mind that everyone's your enemy. I and Rossi might be your friend but outside, there's nothing like a friendship." Rossi's twin brother, Trevino, said without giving any expression. His voice is just blank and flat, he is lifeless.
I sat down on the wooden dusty floor and hugged my knees as fear starts to consume me. I can remember everything. The old man, the injection, his eyes, his smile, the road, the house, my mom...
My mom was there, she was talking to the old man with a smile on her face. I could remember that before I lose my consciousness, she and I made eye contact and she didn't bother to give a **** about me—about her daughter!
"She sold me out..." Fear was visible to my voice but anger is what I could feel more.
Rossi sat down beside me and rested her head on my shoulder. "It's going to be fine."
But it's not. She sold me; my mother sold me to a weird, creepy old man. Why did she do that? She's not short when it comes to money, unless she wanted to get rid of me, just like what she did to my older sister. Fucking woman, hope she dies.
"Let's give it a rest—" a loud thud was heard outside that made Rossi and Trevino jump in fear. Trevino was standing, looking directly to the wooden door. His body was trembling and sweating.
"What was that?" I ask out of curiosity.
"Probably the kids, but I hope not him."
Who is him? The old man? He is just an old man; his wrinkled balls cannot take a kick from thirty—well thirty-one kids.
They seem scared, Rossi was on my side holding on the sleeves of my uniform, while Trevino was just standing and staring at the door. "Hey," I called him, it made him look in my direction, I was stilled when I saw tears streaming down from his eyes. I told him to sit down on my side, he did what I said without any hesitation. Rossi was holding tight on my arm while her twin was just sitting on my side, still looking at the door. "Give it a rest,"
"I cannot."
"You must, for your sister. Alright?" I gave him a small smile, assuring him that it was going to be alright even though it is not going to be unless the three of us gets out of this place. This is shit, excuse my language but this is shit, completely shit. We're kidnapped, I was sold out.
Trevino rested his head on my shoulder, I could still feel him trembling in fear, I guess he is thinking that our kidnapper will enter or something. "It's going to be alright..." I whispered as tears streamed down my face. Who knows what will happen to us after we woke up? And who knows if there is still a chance for us to wake up.
The sunrise up, it shined through the old shattered window of the room. The two kids are still sleeping on my side, they are heavily asleep, and I do not want to wake them up because they seemed drained. Rossi and Trevino, are physically unhealthy, their arms and legs are malnourished, through the skin their bones could be seen. I want to get out of this place, I want to get them out of this place, I maybe do not have a home since my mother became a bitch, I still have a father, I just hope... I just really hope he is looking for his youngest.
"Is...Is it morning?" Rossi woke up, she got up and stretched her body. The more I stare at her, the more I feel responsible. I'm the oldest, they are probably six or seven, they could be eight, and I am fourteen. "Trev, wake up. He's coming." Rossi said it in a whispering tone. It made me swallow my saliva. Who the hell is coming? The kidnapper? The old man?
Trevino woke up immediately when his twin, Rossi, slapped his cheek that is still puffy—at least his cheek isn't malnourished as his arms and legs. "Dinner time." He murmured as he stretches his arms.
"Dinner time? But it's morning." I got up and look at both of them. There's no more fear in their eyes they are both smiling sweetly. Trevino walked over the door and unlocked it, he opened it without fear and I could see his eyes shining probably in joy or something connected with happiness. Rossi took my hand; they both lead me out of the room. And I was in a shock to see a narrow hallway, there are five more doors and wooden stairs way upstairs and downstairs, it means one thing, this place could be huge—enough for thirty—thirty-one children to fit in. Trevino knocked on all the doors with a huge smile on his face, as if we aren't kidnapped, as if everything's fine, as if this place is home. Every door opened and other children that are around ten to eleven of age walked out of the room and greeted both Rossi and Trevino.
"I thought they aren't supposed to see me?" I asked Rossi in a low tone of voice.
"Oh, your ritual has ended," Rossi explained. She let my hand go to talk with the other kids, they are having a conversation, a serious conversation.
"You are new?" I got stilled when I heard a voice behind me, it was too late when I realized someone's standing behind me. I got trembled, in shock but mostly in fear, I turned around and meets his oceanic eyes. He is inches taller than me. Making me think that he is just around my age, and he seemed more mature than the rest of us—than me. "You're new, how come? Are you the thirty-first?"
"No, she is not the extra one anymore." Rossi came up to answer, after it she grabs my hand and dragged me away from the boy with blue eyes. Is he a danger? Is he the Clifford? I heard it, the time I woke up. Rossi said I'll be in danger once Clifford knows that there's a new girl. "Stay away from him, just stay with the kids." She said, and it is more like a warning to my ears. All of us headed downstairs, it was a long stairway. There are portraits—portraits of the kids hanging on the wall. It was weird, definitely weird, and just gives me creeps. We headed downstairs, to the kitchen, it was musty and the smell—it smells like something is rotting.
"Rossi—" I got cut off when I noticed how her eyes starting to get filled with fear. She was stilled and looking over something, I traced where she was looking at, I soon realized that we shouldn't have left our rooms. He was there, on the long wooden table, sitting on a wooden chair that is placed in the center. On the table, there are plates for thirty—no for thirty-one children. I swallowed hard as I felt his gaze was on me. He is a creep.
"Come on, come to Papa and eat."
Rossi and Trevino, as well as the other kids immediately did what he said. They went over to the table and sat down on their chairs. But I seemed glued on where I am standing, I could not move, I don't want to. This is hell, this is shit, I want to get out of this place, this is isn't my home and the dish that is prepared on the table isn't food at all. It was—it was a corpse of rotting animal... of a rotting head of a dog. The dog's eyes are popped out of its socket and its tongue was cut off and served to the one kid.
"You're the new girl, aren't you, my sweet? You don't want papa to get mad, do you?" he chuckles, the chuckled of a demon. "Please, sit with us and join us. It's already dinner, you're probably starving, my poor child."
My eyes went to find Rossi and Trevino, but my eyes landed on the boy who has blue eyes. He was looking at me. "Seat down." He mouthed as he continues eating with his hands.
I shakily nodded and sat down next to Trevino. On my plate, there is a dish—a slice of raw meat from the dog—it's the ear part, it has no fur but it has yellowish and like a slimy texture dripping out of it—it is a yeast discharge or probably something like that. There are white worms, like maggots, swarming inside and out of the meat. I looked at the other kids, they are swallowing the meat and doesn't bother to remove the maggots.
"Just swallow it," Trevino whispered.
But I don't want to. What will happen if I do not?
"What is wrong with the food? Don't you like it? my other children like it, you're being disrespectful, kids these days have to learn a lesson." The old man—our kidnapper slammed his hands on the table making all of us startled with fear. I could feel that the other kids are looking in my direction, they are probably hoping I'll eat what-the-hell-ever is on my plate, because probably if I do not do something bad, something terrible, something like shit will happen in all of us.
I opened my mouth; my hands were trembling as I put the whole meat on my mouth. I could feel the slimy, awful taste, it was so disgusting because aside from the unpleasant taste something is moving, the maggots.
"Swallow it," Trevino whispered, I did what he said I swallowed it but I feel like throwing it up, vomiting it, spitting it out of my mouth. "Don't do it, he'll get mad. Just bear it," he whispered again, giving me a warning not to throw it up.
"How's the taste?" the old man asks with amusement written all over his eyes. "It's probably good, I cannot taste it 'cause I don't have a tongue." He laughs as he shoved the dog's meat inside his mouth.
I put my hands on my stomach, it was already aching, I am throwing up. Did he just say he doesn't have a tongue? How does that happen? He can still talk clearly...
"Fuck—" My mouth opened without a warning and threw up the whole meat I just swallowed. I threw up again, and again, 'til everything I ate came out from my mouth. My stomach is swirling, and I could still taste everything, the dog's flesh, the maggots, the last thing I ate yesterday, and the blood.
"How dare you to spit it out!" I got frozen when he yelled. I remembered what Trevino told me, he warned me not to spit it out because it will make him mad. "Ungrateful kid, I cannot believe you!" He yelled; it made my tears fall from my eyes. "But..." I heard his letting out a deep breath as if he is trying to calm himself. "I'll let you get away from this since you are the newest. But you must know that I hate ungrateful kids."
I wiped my lips using the back of my hand. He is just an old man, why can't we just fight him? Yes, right, why can't we?
"Fucking bastard."
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