NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1

My name is Jasmine, I am 17 years old and I am the only child in my family, my father has already passed away few years back, I lived with my mom, since we have a big house my mom and dad has rise some of poor kids from the street, mostly at the age 5 - 9, we have lived with 8 orphanage kids.

After my dad passed away 2 years ago, my mom rise them alone, so I used my time to help her taking care of those orphanage kids.

Around my home are places for rich people, most of them has a big house, but we have never seen those riches people by ourselves, since they were never came out from their house without their car.

There is a big park in this place that is opened for people and kids for playing and have some toys in the park,

we have a permission from the owner to use the park and it is my duty to bring the kids to play on this park.

After I am back to school, I will bring my orphanages kids just for play or do some exercises.

As usual today I bring the kids to the park, but now I just watching them playing, because tomorrow I will have an exam.

I sit and read my school book under the trees, sometimes I look at the kids, it was already a year I often visited the park, this is very beautiful and fresh park, we can see the flowers and trees with kids playing around.

I watched around and saw the kids with smile. How many rich people lives in this neighborhood? so many big house around here, especially that big house.

My eyes amaze with the biggest house next to the park. the house has high fence, but still some of the roof can be seeing from outside. the fence has unique design there are some holes with beautiful carving and some of it  cover by plants.

When I turning my eyes, suddenly I feel something is watching us from one of hole in that house fence, I felt like a saw eyes behind the hole.

I turn back my eyes and it was gone. Am I just hallucination?.., I feel weird, may be this time just bring back the kids home. Came on kids we are going back, let's continue next time.

Our home is not far From the park it is only 10 minutes by walking. I don't know why I feel my heart beating so fast, is it

something wrong at home? come on kids we walk faster.

We arrived at home, and I saw an expensive car park in front of our home. I run into the house, mom...!, I yelled.

in the living room I saw mom with tears and In front of her there is a man with age around 40 with 2 big men standing besides him.

Mom What happened? I run into her, standing besides her and stare at him.

The man stand up and said, I give you 1 week.

then he walk out the door..

Our nightmare days....

They are leaving the house. I sit next to mom and hold her hands. Mom..what happened? who are those guys, why are you crying.

Mom stroking my long hair and trying to give me her smile. it's nothing Jasmine, it's knew this house was bought by your dad long time ago, and he trusted your uncle to keep the certificate of this house to him. I don't know why suddenly he used it as a guarantee of his debt to those people, and they said it's already 6 months that he was not paid his debt.

So now they wanted to take our home?, i can't hold my sadness and angger. why uncle doing this to us, why he doesn't care about what will happened to us?.

Mom doesn't say a word, she just hug me and tries to hold her tears. calm down my baby girl, we have 7 days to find a way..don't let the kids hear what happened ok?, mom whispered to me.

But suddenly we heard the sobs of the kids behind the door. I open the door and saw in their eyes, sadness and frightening,

because this is the only home for them, me and mom.

I hug them in my arms, please don't cry, I will more sad if you all are crying like this..

In the next day..

Six days, we don't have much time to pay of my uncle's debt.

500millions where can I find such a huge amount.

I am walking after school with an empty mind. Even though I am working, it is impossible to earn money with those amount in 6 days.

Ah..what will happened with me, mom and kids, i am staring at the sky, it feels free if I can fly in the sky...

I am continuing my walk and decided to go to the park and calm my mind.

I am sitting under the big tree and lean my body into it. If dad still here, he will not allowed uncle to do this, he will protecting us.

My tears down again, I close my mouth with hands so no one hear me crying.

I can't imagine mom should leave the house that she has lived for years, and have our memories with dad.

Dad always wished to make our house more like orphanage foundation, and he wants mom and me to continue his wishes.

I don't know how long I have been sitting in the park, I just realize it's already getting dark. I must hurry to go home, mom and kids will worry about me.

I run to my home, and see mom standing in front of the doors.

Jasmine..why are you late?  it's already dark, we are worrying about you.., I was called school, they said you already gone home.

I am sorry mom, it's nothing, I just read books in park, nothing to worry. I give her smile, kiss her cheek and hug her.

she bring me in and give me a water, the kids bring my bag to my room!!


Episode 2

Strange people with the offering

I go to my room, after taken a sower I lie down my body into bed, mom come to my room and sit next to my bed.

Jasmine don't think too much, think only your study, let me find out the solution for this matter, I also still looking for your uncle, he seems gone somewhere and no body knows.

Yes mom, I will tried to focus on my study, you also need to rest, I saw you look very tired.

mom nodded her head with smile.

Suddenly all the kids come to my room.

Rio the biggest kids talk represent other kids, Mom and big sister, we also want to help you to pay the debt, but we only have these amount. We earned the money from some work after school, it's only small money but we will keep earn the money to help you.

Other kids support his words by nodding their head. some of them have have tears in their eyes. I know they were worried so much.

Mom can't hold her tears, she hug all the kids.

I am sorry that all of you have to heard all of this things and I am still looking for the solution of this matter, please be patient, don't do any works, you are all still young.

I know mom already tried to earned from the bank, but the process also not a simple and need some times to have the approval from the bank.

I know mom also don't know where she can has those money in short time.

Days already passed, mom still didn't has the money,  and my uncle also seems to be disappeared no where.

To keep my mind calm, every day after school I was going to the park, only for reading a books, or watching flower and some beautiful views, or just be quite.

But sometimes when I remembered the problem I always down some tears, it become a  nightmare for me.

Today is the sixth day, yesterday those people already warned us to prepared our movement and emptying the house by tomorrow.

I lean my body on the tree, I feel so tired because of the crying and the unsolved problem, I just hopping this is only a nightmare dream and when I wakeup those problem will be gone.

I was fall asleep in a hour, I wake up because of Rio's voice, he is calling my name for few times.

Big sister...big sister wake up, you need to go home now, those people are in our house now.

Rio Run into me with pale face because of he is using his energy to run and find me. his eyes looked panic and scared.

What!! they have already came? but it still the sixth day.

I take my bag, hold Rio's hand and run to the house.

I saw an expensive car parked in my home yard, I speed up my foot steps, my head full of bad things happened at home. I was thinking my mom being dragged out from home by big men and kids are being kicked out by them.

Mom....!, I run into the house.

I saw mom sit next to a man, but he is different from the previous people. it seems his age only around 28-30.

Mom who is this? is he one of the debt man?, I asked.

I saw my mom seems confuse to unswer my question. Jasmine this guy is..., mom seems can't continue his words and just looking at this man, hoping him to explain who he is by him self.

And it works, it seems he understand the sign of mom's eyes, he stand up from his sit and give me his hand with smile.

Hallo..this must be miss Jasmine, let me introduce myself, I am Roni, my master was asking me to give you an offering related to your debt problem.

I shake his hand, please sit down Mr. Roni, you said an offering to solved our debt problem? is it true? can it be solved in a day?, I asked.

Mr. Roni nodded his head and sit in front of me.

Never mind Jasmine, I already said no to him about their offering, he just want to go back now, no need to talk it again, said mom.

Wait mom, but I wanna hear his offering, why were you rejected?, I asked.

It was because he..., mom is not continuing his words, she just stare at to man, while the man looks happy when I said I wanna hear his offering.

Miss Jasmine I am glad that you wanna hear the offering. My master somehow knows this house has a problem with huge debt, and he is willing to help you to pay all the debt with some conditions, he said.

Mom that is great, if someone want to help us, I hug mom happily.

Tell me what are the conditions?, I asked.

No Jasmine, I have told him we will not accept his master's Conditions, please do not tell her sir, mom asked him to not speak again.

No mom, I wanna hear it, this is the only chance we have, come-on sir continue your words, I said.

Ok miss Jasmine, here are the Conditions, my master will pay all your debt but in return you need to stay at my master's house for 8 years, but during the period if master wants you to return to your home you can back to your home, and also during the period if you want to visit your family as long as my master give you the permission you can visit them.

No Other Choices...

What? why? What was your master thinking? what did he think am I?

somekind of goods?.

Mom why is there someone like this?, i start to cry.

Mom hug me, it's ok Jasmine, I told you, I have rejected the offering. I also didn't want you to be treated like goods with him.

Calm down miss Jasmine, we will not force you or your mother, but if you change your mind this is my business card, you can contact me anytime.

I better go now, thank you for your time.

Mr. Roni stand up from his sit and mom take him out of the house.

Slowly I stand up from my seat and take the business card, I feel like want to tearing up the card, but I am not able to do that.

I put the card on my pocket.

Kids I want to have a rest now, please don't bother me.

OK big sister..have a good rest.

I kiss all the kids head and walk to my room.

I lay down my body in bed, I take the business card from my pocket and staring the business card in my hand.

I am wondering who is his master, why he wants me to leave in his house, is he kind of creepy man who  likes to play with young woman? or is he somekind of crazy psycho man? what he want me to do in his house?,

Oh how my god... it is freaking me out just to think about this master. I take the pillow and grab it tightly.

Wait... if he wants me to stay at his house, means that he already seen me before or he already knew about me?.

what !!! no way, I never go anywhere how come he knew me?, aaarrggghh so many questions in my head.

I sit down in my bed, I look out of the windows, I saw the kids are playing in the yard, and mom sitting in front of the house watching them, some time she is smiling, sometimes her eyes looks so empty.

I grab my head, what should I do, tomorrow is the last day that we need to pay for all uncle's debt, seems mom still don't have to money to pay.

Is this the only choice I have?, I am staring at the business card.

should I sacrifice my school?, should I sacrifice my life?. I can't hold my tears.

I look at dad and mom picture, they were all smilling at me. I knew they will do anything for my happiness why I still doubt to do something for them, this is to fulfill my dad wishes and my mom and kids happiness, so I should do something for them.

I can't just think about my happiness, I should not be selfished, I also haven't hear what are the items and the things in his Conditions.

Mom, dad, kids don't worry I will do anything for you!!.

I take my phone and start to call!!

................................ ❤Continue ❤

Episode 3

The Conditions..

I wake up in the morning and heard some noices, it came from the living room.

I get out from my room in hurry. I saw mom and kids packing some stuff.

Oh Jasmine you already woke up, help us packing our stuff, just the important stuff, the people who want to take our home will coming soon.

I start to help her packing. Where are we going mom?.

Don't worry Jasmine, temporary we will rent a house until we have other solution, I have saving some money to rent a house for all of us.

Mom smile at me, I think she tried to make me confortable, but I know she is as worried as I am. are coming..., Kanna one of the kids running from the yard, she hold my hand with fear.

Calm down Kanna no need to worry, they won't hurt you, sister will protect you..

She nodded her head and she take of her hand slowly. Mom hurry to go outside of the house and I follow her from the back.

Sir, we still don't have the money to pay the debt, can you think it offer to take this house from us? where we can live if you take this house?.

Mom Still trying to have a mirracle that they would change they mind.

Ma'am, why don't you let us in and we can talk in the house, the man said with smile.

Mom take them to the living room and let them sit in sofa.

it's like this ma'am, we are coming to tell you that we will not take the house from you again. The man start talking.

Mom seems doesn's believe what she just heard.

What? is it true sir that you will not take our house and will not bothering us again?.

Yes ma'am, the debt was already beeing paid by someone, ohh that is the person who paid the debt. the man is pointing to the door.

Someone entering the door and it was Mr.Roni.

Good morning everyone.., he said.

Mom looks very surprise, and she stand up from the chair. You..., why were you paid the debt, I already rejected your Master's offered.

Mom calm down, please sit down mom.

I slowly pulling  down mom to her chair.

Please have a sit Mr. Roni.., I said.

I grab mom's hands, mom...

I have accepted the offering, and I agreed with what ever the Conditions are.

I looked down my face, I can't see my mom's eyes.

What? no Jasmine, I will not allow you to do that. mom hold my hands tightly.

it's OK mom, I already decided, this is my final decision, I am willing to do their conditions, I don't want anything happen to you and kids.

No Jasmine, I will not allow you to sacrifice your youth and your future.., mom start to cry.

Mr. Roni speak softly, ma'am you don't have to worry, even miss Jasmine will not stay here, my master will allow her to continue her study and also he will take care of the financial of her study until university, and don't worry we also will fulfill her daily needs.

Is it true Mr.Roni? I still can continue my study and he will take care of my needs?. there is a feeling of relief when I heard his explanations.

Of course miss Jasmine, and please just call  me Roni.

This is the contract agreement that you and your mom need to sign off. Roni gives some documents to me. it's about some conditions, I just need to sign in.

Jasmine please think it offer..., mom still trying to prevent me sign in the document.

it's OK mom, this is not only for you and kids, it is also for me, they said they will take care of my study and my needs.

Don't worry mom I can take care of myself, just sign it, I will not blame you for signing this document, it is my fate and I am willing to do it.

Mom look at me with tears, she is nodding her head and slowly start to sign the documents.

Roni, can I have the copies? I want to read all the conditions and what are my obligations, because it will take times to read them all now.

Of course miss Jasmine, these already made into two documents, one is for you.

After all signed by me and mom, Roni give me one document, and the other one he put it on his bag.

OK miss Jasmine and ma'am, I need to go now, I will pick you up this afternoon at 4PM, please be ready at that time.

Ha? is it need to be that fast? I was thinking it can be tomorrow?, I said.

Roni smile at me, yes miss Jasmine, master said should be this afternoon, I take my leave now, thank you.

Roni walk into outside the house.

Ma'am we also take our leave now sorry to bother you.., the man and his bodyguard also walk out from  the house.

Only me and mom still sitting in the living room quietly.

The kids approaching me, they are all hug me and cry.

Big sister don't go.., who will help mom taking care all of us, who will take us to the park and playing with us, who will assist us in study.., please don't go big sister.. I am not going far from you, I still can visit you all and play together, and don't forget I have this.., I show my phone to the kids.

You can call me or I can call you all if you missed me or I missed you.., and you need to keep me a promise   that you will take care of mom and help her with her home works OK..?.

Kids nodded their heads.

Mom hug me tightly she can't hold her tears.

Mom I am OK, please do not think that I can't take care of my self, I am already 17 years old, you can trust me to handle this, I will still have my future, so you don't need to worry mom, don't be sad ok?.

mom nodded slowly. I will need to start packing my things, I also want to read this contract document from Roni, I will be in my room, you guys can unpacking the stuff that you have packed this morning.

I need to bring, after almost all complete I lay down my body to the bed to have some rest and read the contract document.

let me see what are the conditions writing on this contract document.

Where ever I go I need to have his master's permission.

I can't visit mom without his permission? this is crazy.

What ever the master said I need to obey him.

They will take me to school and pick me up from school.., what is this?, I can't go any where? and this conditions will not end until the contract ended or he is willing to ended this contract, how crazy this person is, hopefully he will not do anything worse to me, God please help me to face this.

........................................Continue 🌸

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