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Sleeping With The Obsessive President

Chapter 1 - A Party

Female Lead:
Name: Sofia Quinn Age: 17, turning 18 Occupation: Currently in full-time education Family Members: Peter Quinn(Older Brother) Hobbies: loves to travel and read
Male Lead:
Name: Jackson Winters Age: 21, about to turn 22 Occupation: President of Winter Technologies Family Members: ??? Hobbies: Sophia (wink, wink)
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I found myself staring at my reflection yet again.
I barely recognised myself in this cute white dress.
My brother had taken me shopping for this specific day. I should feel happy, but instead, wearing a dress this beautiful seems like a crime.
The dress sits upon my skin as soft as petals, its hue similar to one of a pure white lily.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Sophia, can I come in?
My older brother Peter walked inside, looking dashing in his suit and tie.
My older brother is all I have as family in this world.
Ever since our parents died in an accident, Peter has been looking after me.
He worked so hard to provide for me and afford my expensive tuitions fees.
Those responsibilities all fell upon him.
But slowly, he began to progress in the company that he was a part of and became one of their top consultants. All of the high-end firms that come to him for help.
On the way, he made some pretty powerful friends and connections, and one of those connections invited us both out to attend a party to widen his client base.
There was a spare invitation for Peter's girlfriend, but since he doesn't have one, he decided to bring me instead.
It was just an excuse for him to spoil me again.
Upon entering my room, he smiled as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
He looked at me with love and care, like he always did.
Our relationship as siblings has never been better. We are extremely close.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
I knew that this dress would suit you.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
You look so pretty.
You might think that he's the perfect big brother without flaws, but in reality... he has only one.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Now, remember what I told you.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
If any man tries to hit on you, what did I tell you to do?
I sighed.
Sophia Quinn
Sophia Quinn
Tell them that my brother is the most powerful man in the room and if he wants to keep any business deals and his two hands, that he should stay away.
Peter smiled and patted me on the head.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Good girl. That's it.
He's the most overprotective man when it comes to me and men.
He's been so overprotective that it is so notoriously known in school.
One time, a guy phoned my house asking me if I'd be willing to come to school early to meet them behind the school gym building.
But the call never reached me, and my brother went in my place, only to traumatise a young child.
I was 13 at the time, barely a teenager.
And thus sums up my romantic high school life. No confessions, and zero dating experience.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
You'll be fine. Normally I'd hate taking you to an event like this, but this will be the perfect chance to introduce you to my best friend.
Sophia Quinn
Sophia Quinn
Hm? Oh, Jackson Winters, was it?
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Yes, he was one of my first clients and he's a regular at my firm.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
He and I have formed a bond. He's the one who supplied the invitations to us.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Just think of him like another big brother, just like I do.
Well, if he's my brother's best friend, he must be a good guy.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Ah, before I forget... here!
He brushed my hair to the side with his fingers before I saw a glimmer of silver brush over my neck.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
My sparkling sister deserves a necklace just as bright as herself.
Just how much did he spend on this???
-End of Chapter 1-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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Chapter 2 - Socialising

I didn't dare ask how much the necklace around my neck was.
Peter kept on telling me not to worry about it, but I couldn't help but do exactly that.
He seemed strangely happy as well, like he was hiding some amazing news from me and was waiting until the opportune moment to share it.
Sophia Quinn
Sophia Quinn
Why do you seem so happy?
He smiled gently.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
I got to dress up my cute little sister. How could I be anything else but happy?
He's hiding something... and I'm going to find out what!
Peter parked the car just outside of the hotel that the event was being held in and made me slip my hand around his arm as he escorted me up the stairs to the entrance.
Peter took out the two envelopes, and the bouncer nodded, allowing us both in.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
There, we're inside of the hall now.
I ended up looking around and not recognising a soul.
As expected. I'm not rich or famous, so it's normal that I don't know anyone here.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Hmm... it seems like Jackson isn't here yet.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Why don't you go to the snack bar and get some food, okay?
Sophia Quinn
Sophia Quinn
Peter, I think that the food at events like this are more for decoration...
He smiled.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Good thing that you blend in with all of this finery, my dear little sister.
He's joking about again. That's what I've always loved about Peter. He knows when to lighten the atmosphere with laughter.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Anyway, I've got to find Jackson. Go on, have fun and remember-
I ran away before he had a chance to repeat his signature line and found myself at the buffet table.
I didn't recognise half of the food labelled "Aperitifs", but I immediately was drawn to the desserts.
Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, lemon, you name it, there was a flavour.
But I felt my mouth water as I saw the small platter of orange desserts and quickly stole a bitesize orange cheesecake.
It was divine.
The zest of the freshly picked orange and the juice throughout the coulis on top made me want another one and another one.
Sophia Quinn
Sophia Quinn
I wanted to eat another one, but I felt that it would be rude to monopolise all of the orange desserts, so I turned around and decided to search for my brother.
Hm? He's not here... perhaps he's down that corridor over there, where people seem to be walking down with great haste.
I slowly marched down, my black high heels clattering on the floor with my every movement.
As I approached the dimly lit corridor, I noticed that it seemed to be the way to the bathrooms.
As I was about to turn around, I bumped into the chest of a man and almost staggered and fell to the ground.
-End of Chapter 2-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~.
Who did she bump into? A. Jackson B. Peter C. Some random dude D. A pervert Put your answers in the comment section below.

Chapter 3 - Trouble

Guest A
Guest A
Oh, hello Missy!
I staggered back and immediately looked at them apologetically.
Sophia Quinn
Sophia Quinn
I'm sorry.
I then went to leave when one of the men smiled and grabbed my arm.
Guest B
Guest B
Hey, stay. We won't bite.
Guest A
Guest A
Are you here all alone? What firm are you from?
Guest B
Guest B
Some big shot's daughter maybe?
I suddenly became extremely scared.
Guest A
Guest A
Oh, what's this?
He touched my necklace and I stepped back. However, in the process, the man's finger pulled on the chain, ripping it from my neck.
Sophia Quinn
Sophia Quinn
My necklace!
The gift that my brother had given me was in the man's hand, and he smiled.
Guest A
Guest A
Oh, what a simple thing.
Guest B
Guest B
Here, come with us. My cousin owns a jewellery shop, he can repair the chain.
Sophia Quinn
Sophia Quinn
Just... give my necklace back, please.
Guest A
Guest A
No, it was my fault so I should repair it, as a good gentleman should.
Sophia Quinn
Sophia Quinn
Can you please give it back!
Guest B
Guest B
Oh, there's no need to raise your voice, sweetheart.
Guest A
Guest A
We're not bad guys here.
Guest A
Guest A
Hey, why don't we leave and go have your necklace repaired, okay?
I've never felt so weak and powerless in my life. Normally, I wouldn't hesitate to speak ill of them and grab my necklace back, but my actions reflect badly on Peter.
I can't offend these guys... yet I know that they are anything but nice.
What should I do?
Please, let me get my necklace back!
Guest A
Guest A
Come on, let's-
Suddenly, someone grabbed his arm and twisted it around, making him yelp and let go of the necklace reflexively.
The man slowly turned around and turned pale, as if he had seen his life flash before his eyes.
Jackson Winters
Jackson Winters
Scram. Before I break your arm.
I had never seen two guys run away as fast as I had in that moment.
I looked up to the man who had saved me and be gently knelt down and picked the necklace up.
Jackson Winters
Jackson Winters
The design of this necklace is quite plain, but the diamond steals the show, sparkling brighter than its casing.
Jackson Winters
Jackson Winters
It suits you.
There was a warmth in his brown hair. The hue altered as the strands curled and moved with every small movement that he made.
In his brown eyes was the warmth of an everlasting hearth, as if they were the wood that could burn with a golden flame.
The glasses that laid on the bridge of his nose added something to his face, a certain poise and maturity.
Jackson Winters
Jackson Winters
I would offer to put it back on you, but it appears to be a little broken.
I felt nervous at first. I half-expected him to tease me with it too. Instead, he gently reached out and took my hand, lifting it up before slowly placing the necklace into the palm of my hand.
Jackson Winters
Jackson Winters
Can I ask for your name?
My name?
That deep voice of his had a way of igniting my internal engine, as if it knew I wanted to answer him before I even had the chance to process.
I wanted to give it to him. He had a way of making me feel strangely at ease.
But giving your name out nonchalantly to strangers is dangerous, but he was nice enough to help me...
Jackson Winters
Jackson Winters
Sorry, that was rude. I should have introduced myself first. My name is-
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
-End of Chapter 3-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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