NovelToon NovelToon

Just Because I Am A Girl


Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
why you guys always ignore me 😭
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
why 😭
you are just a girl ❄️😐
you are burden on us ❄️😡
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
unknown 2
unknown 2
i always feel disgusting to call you my daughter 😡
unknown 2
unknown 2
why the hell i give birth to a girl 😡
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
please don't say like that . i will be a good girl 😭
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
the girl was crying miserably . but those persons heart didn't change
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
you know you just need to do house work 😐❄️
and who the hell say that you can study 😐❄️
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
unknown 2
unknown 2
you are a girl . so you just need to learn every home chores 😐❄️
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
but i want to go to outside like brothers😔
you are just a burden . so don't take yourself as a queen 😐❄️😡
unknown 2
unknown 2
just do the work we are saying 😡❄️
don't try to compare yourself with your brothers ❄️😐
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
b..but why. i am also your child 😢
unknown 2
unknown 2
you are just a mistake 😡❄️
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
did you hear that 😡. just a mistake 😡❄️
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
now clean the whole house . otherwise there is no food for you 😡❄️
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
why the hell i need to see her everyday 😡❄️🙄
unknown 2
unknown 2
me too 😡❄️🙄
disgusting 😡
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 2
(also left)
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
(look at them while going)
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
why are you guys doing this to me 😢
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
i am also your child like brothers 😢.
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
why you don't let me study like brothers 😢
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
are you really my parents 😢
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
you guys call me disgusting just because
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
just because i am a girl 😢
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
(wipe her tears)
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
but now this girl will show you . what a girl can do .🙂
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
and that time you guys must be asking me for forgiveness . but there is no forgiveness for you 🙂
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
their will only be hater . because it's only the things which you give me 😐❄️
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
Lucia Jones/ fl/ Ice Queen/LJ/death
(left from there)
little devil author
little devil author
hope you guys like this story 🙂

Chapter 1

at hospital
A man is shouting loudly
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
where is the doctor 😡. my wife in so much pain. where the hell is the doctor 🗣️
nurses: oh god she is in so much pain. please put her on bed🙂
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
(put his wife on bad)
doctor : take her to opration room. fast 😐
nurses take her to opration room.
doctors was doing their work . while Steffen was walking here and there in tension.
while a little guy was sitting on bench.
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
Dad why mom shouting so much. like she is in so much pain 😢
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
(goes to his son)
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
(pat on his head) baby it's happen with every mother . don't worry it will only for some time ☺️
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
Dad when will be my siblings going to come out from mom tummy. 🥺. i want to play with them 🥺
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
they will be in some time. after that you can play as much you wants with your baby brothers ☺️
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
but dad it can be sisters too 🥺
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
NEVER 😡 (say in loud and angry voice)
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(get scared by his suddenly change in behaviour)
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
There will not going to be any sister. Because I don't want any girl as my child. girls are only burden on family. they only know to cry😡. They can't even take care of themselves . they only increase our work 😡. so i only want boys. because boys are strong. they can take care of themselves. and they make us feel proud ☺️
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
never say that you want a sister 😡
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(mumble) but i want a little cute sister. i want to play with my little sister 😔. i want to protect her 🥺. but why dad hate girls so much 🥺.
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(pray in mind) hey god please give me a little sister 🥺. don't worry i will save her from dad ☺️. i hope mom will like my sister . not like dad🥺
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(he spoke in low voice because of that his dad wasn't able to hear him)
after some time
doctor come out of the ward
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
doctor how is my children and wife 😟(ask in worried voice)
doctor: they are fine☺️
they were talking when one two nurses come while talking children
nurses: congratulations mr. Jones . your wife gave birth to one baby boy and one baby girl 😀
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
(he just goes to nurse and pick up the baby boy and leave to his wife while leaving the baby girl in nurse hands)
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
* i get a baby sister 😀☺️*
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
* thank you god for hearing my prayer ☺️🙏*
nurse : mr. Jones forget her daughter . he just pick his son😕
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(hear their voice)
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(goes to nurse)
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
sister can i see my baby sis 🥺
nurse : sure dear 😊 (she bend down and show him the baby girl)
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
wow my baby sis is so cute 🥰
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(look at nurse) can i touch her🥺
nurse: you can dear ☺️
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(touch baby girl cheeks gently)
baby girl : (smile)
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
wow she smile at me v🥰😀
nurse: because she likes you so much ☺️
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(he was going to take his hands from her)
baby girl : (hold his one finger in her hand)
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
wow she holds my finger 😀
nurse : because she likes his brother so much ☺️
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
really 😀. my baby sis likes me 🥺
nurse : yes dear ☺️
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
yey 😀
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
nurses : wow so cute 😳🥰
other side
little devil author
little devil author
hope you guys like my story ☺️
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author

Chapter 2

other side
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
(goes to his wife and kiss on her forehead ) thanks for giving me a beautiful boy ☺️
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
give him to me ☺️
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
(give the child to her)
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
wow my son is looking so cute 🥰
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
honey look his face is like you ☺️
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
yeah honey . and look his nose is like you ☺️
after 15 minutes
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
(suddenly remember something)
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
honey where is our second baby boy 😕
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
(suddenly his aura change) honey don't take that creature name .😡
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
why honey what happened 😕
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
it's not a boy . it's a girl . 😡
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
what 😡
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
honey why don't we leave her here 😡
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
i want to do this too honey. but we can't do it .as you know everyone in hospital know this .it will affect my image 😡
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
so honey why don't we put her at the house we brought some time ago. it's just front of our house . we can put any nanny for her . by this our image will not affect .😕
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
nice idea honey . by this we don't need to see that unwanted creature 😡😀
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
then which nanny will be choose for her 😕
Coraline Jones/ fl
Coraline Jones/ fl' mom
why don't we choose your nanny . she is family trusted you know for saving our family reputation she will not tell this to anyone 😕
Steffen Jones/ fl
Steffen Jones/ fl' dad
great idea honey 😀
but they don't know someone hear their every talk
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(looking at them with full haters ) 😡
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
* how you that mom 😢. i thought atleast you will accept my baby sis and give her the love she needs.but you are also like dad😡😢. i feel ashamed to call you guys my parents 😡. how can you guys think to leave her alone in a empty house with some maids 😡. i always thought you guys as my hero 😢. but now i get to see your true face. you guys are really disgusting 😡. what if you can't take care of my baby sis 😢. i will take care of her .i will give her every happiness of the world 😊😢. she has her brother for her😊😢.*
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(look at baby)
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
don't worry my princess. your brother will take care of you😊.you don't need anyone . you have your brother . i will always give you everything you needed 😊(kiss on her forehead)
baby : smile ☺️
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
wow my princess is looking beautiful . ☺️
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
let's go sit outside .and wait for these people (say with hatred )
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(go and sit on the bench which was outside the ward)
little devil author
little devil author
let me tell you how he reached there
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
i should go and show my baby sis to mom😀
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
mom will be happy after seeing her 😀☺️
(as he was going to open the door he heard them talking about her sister. after that he stop there and listened to their talk.
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
(sitting while the baby is in his arms)
little devil author
little devil author
(guys he is 6 years old )
Aaron Jones / fl
Aaron Jones / fl' big brother
* i always used to think that my father is the most caring person . and my mother is the most loving person who love me so much. they always used to talk with my every friend . they even compliment their sisters for being cute/beautiful. but when i look at them just now i only can see hatred for girls. like they were just pretending infront of everyone. they just like boys. for them girls are burden. they think girls only create problems . they don't know how blessed they are after getting my baby princess ☺️. but i think they don't deserve the blessings of having my baby princess 😡. i feel ashamed to calling them my parents 😡. i feel disgusting seeing them 😡. i just hate both of them 😡.i will always save my baby princess from them 😡. i will not let even their shadow on my baby 😡. *
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
hope you guys like this story
little devil author
little devil author
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little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author
little devil author

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