NovelToon NovelToon

Creating My Otome Game

Episode 1

A world where Royalties and Supernaturals Exists.
Micheal Azur Halmech
Micheal Azur Halmech
I will protect you.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Haha, better not.
Ancient Dragon
Ancient Dragon
You are a Human, So stay by my side.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
I think thats a no.
Growen Twozdle
Growen Twozdle
By my powers... all you need is me.*stern*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*cross arms*
Arthur Henzler
Arthur Henzler
Lovely Golden Goose~ Be mine. *smile*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Samuelle Iseu
Samuelle Iseu
Become my Queen~ *grin*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
I have a d*ck! *points*
And a world where These royalties are not supposed to be obsessed with you.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
-days ago-
As creaking sounds were heard, moans everywhere and slaps.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
those annoying moaning sounds.
As jace thr*sts and sweats started to mix with the other.
m-more! *wraps their arms around jace's neck*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*clicks tongue then thr*st* 'tsk! Damn noisy...'
Nerves started to pop out of jace as he moves deeper.
Aaah~! *moans*
Youre so great in bed, Jace~ *smile*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*puffs a cigarette* fuu~
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Why dont you just be my partner? Jace? *hums*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*stands up*
Jace stands up from the bed as he puts his cigarette buds out.
Putting his clothes on and opening the door.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*sighs* i told you ... im not into that. *leaves*
Leaving the motel, Jace went back to his house and opens the door.
-Zzziiit- -zzziiit- the sound of buzzing.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
hm? *picks up his phone*
A notification pops out from jace's phone.
It seems to be a game app.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'later-' *opens the door then gets in*
Minutes later, as jace jumps from his bed, he gets his phone and looks at the app.
An otome game... Why the hell would an app suddenly pop out?
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Am i that lonely that even the app store wants me to start playing to liven up my life? *disbelief*
Even the App store felt sorry for you.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'How about we try it for dear app stores stake?'
*tap* as he tapped download.
one, two, three... *ting!*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*starts playing*
The story is about the MC being picked to give a certain prince a heir.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
But there seemed to be more about the MC...
Turns out the MC has this...hidden secret.
-any minutes later-
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
The mc took the unknown man's hands and now they cant run.
because they were tied up.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
YOU STUPID MF!! *grips the phone*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
It was a hella game.
Another minute later...
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
HMPH! *throws his phone*
The phone was thrown but yet Jace catched it before even landing it.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*catches it* i still havent paid this phone... *sighs in relief*
The phone was his everything lol.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
im going to delete the fvking game... *sighs*
And the game was deleted within a day.
*bzzzt* *bzzzt* the phone buzzes once again.
this time, its someone he knows.
"Jace, we have a drinking party tomorrow night. want to come?"
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
drinking party? *thinks*
"Tomorrow, at seven PM"
Jace has lived his life not having fun... maybe this is a sign for him to let a loose.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
For a change.
Yes, For a change.

Episode 2

The next day...
As Jace opened the door, he sees people chattering and holding beers.
HAHAHA! *laughs*
*cling!* the sounds of glasses meeting.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*looks around*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
There's more people than he expected.
Oh? AH! JAAAACE!!! *waves hands*
a man's voice echoed through the room as they waved their hands up.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*tilts up* 'oh'
Mich Carl
Mich Carl
HERE! HERE! *looks at Jace*
The loud voice of mich was embarrassing that even Jace sighed and wants to crawl in a hole.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Walking to the table where mich is.
Jace sits next to Mich as he tries to squeeze in.
Mich Carl
Mich Carl
You really came! *smile*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
You dont have to be so loud, you know? *sighs*
Mich Carl
Mich Carl
*dun* *dun* *dun* the sounds were loud.
Chattering and clicking bottles.
Everyone was having fun but Jace seems to be out of Place.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'Damn it Extroverts...'
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*stands up*
*clack* the table rattles as Jace stands up.
Mich Carl
Mich Carl
Eh? where are you going? *looks up*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Going for a quick smoke- i'll be back. *turns*
Mich Carl
Mich Carl
Oh ok!
As Jace walks away to the crowded place, he goes to the back alley.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*rampages through his pocket*
It was a bit dark and people from the bar dont usually go here.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*clicks the lighter on*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
As smoke comes out from Jace's mouth.
The smoke then disappears slowly...just like the goddamn smoke he is.
Footsteps walking forward to Jace.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Eh? *looks at them*
their Silhouettes were small.
Its not Mich since mich is a big guy.
*walks forward*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*puts down his smoke*
Jace puts out his smoke as he looks at the person walking towards him.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
It happened so fast, when he looked at the person, he sees himself being stabbed on the guts.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Gha- *Surprised*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'What the-!!!'
The feeling of pain, Jace's hand tries to reach out for the person.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Y-you... *grabs their head*
By removing their hood, Jace sees something he didnt expected.
If i cant have you then no one will... *grin*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
the knife deepens as Jace shouts from pain.
Its the same person from before! (Chapter 1)
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Y-you...shit head... *cough*
*pulls the knife out* tsk!
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*cough* *cough*
Blood spilled through the ground.
As jace's eyes started to slowly darkens.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'This is bad...' *touches his wound*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
falling to the ground, he glances up to the person infront of him.
Dont worry, Jace... I'll meet you to hell too- *smile*
And just like that, They sliced their own neck infront of Jace.
*plop* the sound of body going down.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'Stupid' *slowly closes eyes*
His energy then slowly goes down as he closes his eyes.
*weewoo* *weewoo* The sound of ambulance.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*opens eyes a little*
Mich Carl
Mich Carl
*worried* im sorry jace!
Mich was infront of Jace, his hands were full of Jace's blood.
Jace sighed and closes his eyes once again.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'Ah... too late...'
As the line of life straightens.... Jace's heartbeat stops.
Jace Sarin...died at the age of 24.

Episode 3

A faint voice...
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*Opens eyes*
Jace opens his eyes out all of a sudden.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
HUH?!? *looks around*
Jace sees himself lying on the grass, wearing an old fashioned clothes.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Eh?!? wasnt i stabbed?!? *looks at his stomach*
The stab was gone! and out of surprise, someone went to him.
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle was wearing the same clothing as Jace.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
wait- where am i?!? *touches himself*
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
Where ARE YOU? *rise brows*
Madelle kneels down to Jace as he pointed at jace's forehead.
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
Jace... *looks at jace*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Yeah? *looks at Madelle*
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
As the wind grew stronger, Madelle's beautiful brown eyes stared at Jace's blue eyes.
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
Did you sleep too much you suddenly forgot yourself?
Jace didnt talked back as they both looked at each other.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
*flicks jace's Forehead*
Madelle flicks his fingers at Jace's forehead.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
OW! *touches his forehead*
As he stands up and looks from afar.
Madelle reaches out his hands and looks at Jace.
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
Come on...let's go-
As Jace grabbed onto Madelle's hands.
He stood up and they started to make a move.
Going back to their house, they walked to the village.
There was so many unfamiliar places which Jace doesnt know.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'where...the fck am i?' *looks around*
as they walked and walked, they then stop at a medium sized House.
-Sarin's Baking-
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'sarin's...baking?' *dumbfounded*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
We're back! Ms. Sarin, Mr. Sarin! *shouts*
Being pulled by Madelle.
Madelle pushes the door as the bell rings and inside, there was full of bread.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*eyes widen* 'Woah-'
Ms. Sarin
Ms. Sarin
Madelle! Jace! *pops out*
Ms. Sarin
Ms. Sarin
Ms. Sarin then cames out as she hugged the two.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'Is this supposed to be my mom?' *looks at Ms. Sarin*
Mr. Sarin
Mr. Sarin
ah... Madelle... Jace... *smile*
Mr. Sarin
Mr. Sarin
Jace's face was blown off, he didnt expected this.
His parents were long dead and he knows this is not his parents.
As Madelle smiled, he bows down and lets go of jace's hand.
Madelle Vansgard
Madelle Vansgard
*lets go*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Looking at the place... it looks like those old japanese themed houses.
Ms. Sarin
Ms. Sarin
Jace, honey- Why dont you go upstairs? *smile*
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
Eh? why? *Questioned face*
Mr. Sarin
Mr. Sarin
Just go~ *pushes Jace*
As Mr. and Ms. Sarin pushes Jace to go... Jace just went to the flow.
*creak* *creak* sound noises of the creaking stairs.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'Where the hell is my room anyways?' *sweats*
As jace finally understood his situation... he notices how of an odd ball he is.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
I thought you stopped being mean to your characters... Author.
Nope. never.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*opens the door*
*creaaak* the door opens and it was the bathroom.
Jace opened every door, and finally... FINALLY.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
*opens the door*
A room tainted with brown and full of antique things.
Jace Sarin
Jace Sarin
'THIS IS MY ROOM!!' *confident*
Though he isnt too sure about that, he still went inside the room.
Ms. Sarin
Ms. Sarin
Do you think he saw it? *smiles*
Mr. Sarin
Mr. Sarin
I wonder too ... he seemed like he's not his usual self huh-
Ms. Sarin
Ms. Sarin
Indeed~ *nods* i mean... who would forget their own birthday?
Mr. and Ms. Sarin brought Jace a gift for his birthday.

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