"Take this bag,and dont stop anywhere if someone ask who are you then sayyou're a student ,okay" a woman's voice ,her face was hidden behind the mask and she was guiding the innocent youths about transporting the illegal drugs.
"honey, are u done?" a man's voice came from her behind "you can go now " he command the youths and look behind to see her husbands face which is also hidden behind the mask. she nodded her head as yes and walked out of the room with him.
they both made their way toward a big hall it was dark and filled with aesthetics.
Sound of footsteps was echoing around the hall and there was silhoutte of man was standing at the peek of the stairs.they both came near the silhouette with fear in their eyes."master" they both spoke catching his attention.he turned around and smirk looking at the fear in their eyes."how can we holy us by doing your favour"? they both spoke bowing their head at 90°.
"lee jaehyeon and lee chaewon you both **have done alot to me and now you have to complete a most important task",
"what it is master**?
he takes them in a big dark projector room. they both sit down in front of the screen . he took the remote and started showing them few pictures on the screen 1 by 1.
...JEON JUNGKOOK the most dangerous mafia in the world , a 25 year old man who have conquer whole asia and russia who is known for killing the most number of people with cruelity there's no one in the world who can use katana better than him. he, he killed my brother ruthlessly and now its time for revenge and you ,jaehyeon and chaewon you both will become a imp. part of this mission....
seeing this masculine figure. their hearts started bumping vigorously. Closing their eyes and making hands into tight fist.
"yes sir we will take our revenge at all cost even if it takes our life we won't give up" both husband and wife shouted.
his eyes darkened seeing the fire in their eyes.
his veins are running and his hands are begging to kill jungkook.
"okay, so after two days you both will arrive to jeon mansion **this is how it looks.
"damn its so big** although he is jk"
"two days later you both will arrive jeon mansion which is also knows as king kook's palace you both have to win his trust and work as his one of his most trustworthy agents insights you have to carefully without letting your guards down have to stole all information about his money, weapons and many businesses but the biggest thing you have to find is HIS BIGGEST WEAKNESS
-"GOT IT!!"
"he has a right hand and his name is kim taeyhyung"
maybe jungkook couldn't give you his whole attention but he will.
so be aware of him your one mistake is enough for him to end you.
chaewon and jaehyeon were sweating because of this serious mission but there's no other option for them. After having some discussions they both head towards their house. Tiredness and worriedness was filling in their eyes.there mind was one side thinking that isn't he making them scapegoats? second side was thinking about their one and only daughter y/n how will she survive if something bad happend to them she is just 19.
mamma ,papa see
a soulfull sweet voice arrived making their stress go away.
its y/n
"yes momma see ,flowers so beautiful"
"y/n lets go inside momma and daddy are tired"
resting themselves on couch you bring two glass of water in th trey and sat beside them they hurriedly drink the water at ones and started breathing heavily.water was flowing from the side of her mouth she cleaned her face with the scarf and looks at y/n with care and worriedness in her eyes whereas y/n's father jaehyeon moved to the bedroom to sleep.now its only y/n and her mom chaewon
is on the couch.
"eomma what happend, why are u looking so serious did something bad happend? did your boss scolded you"? she bombarded them with her questions y/n particularly dont know anything about her parent's business.she is living in an assumptions that her eomma appa works in a company as an employee.
"y/n,my child i wanna tell you something." she took a deep breath and continued, " me and your appa are going for a business trip-" "- A BUSINESS TRIP" you shouted "shhhh let me explain" your mom hushed you. "we are going for a business trip in tokyo, and it would take more than 2 months..." "2 MONTHS" you eyes popped put and chest moved upward listening to this word "yes 2 months or more so you have to take care of yourself and this home don't make it look like a mess ,don't burn my kitchen,don't play games for more than 2 hours and IF ANY STRANGER KNOCK ON THE DOOR DON'T OPEN IT JUST ANSWER BEHIND THE DOORS NO MATTER WHAT HE/SHE WOULD SAY DONT OPEN THE IF YOU DONT KNOW THE PERSON gottit?" you were looking at your eomma without blinking your eyes it is scary to live without them for a long period of time. you were drowning in your thoughts then suddenly your mom called your name "y/n! y/n! are u fine dear" you looked at her with tears started filling in your eyes till they burst out on your cheeks you tightly hugged your eomma and
and say"eomma please dont leave me why u both have to go ?why only appa cant go?why are u going for more than 2 months? pls take yourself with too eommaaa ahh " you burst out on her shoulder making her cloth wet
she knows the reality but the fact of you being broke down in tears with just lies is more breaking her.
she started rubbing your tiny back and started caressing your hair. she wiped your tears and said "**y/n baby, i know u are a strong girl u know you can fight anyone just like your eomma dont u wanna be like like your eomma she can go anywhere she want she can do anything she is strong right? and her daughter is just like her right?and, and we'll bring so many gifts for u from tokyo manga, anime cosplay, headbands so many things okay? dont be sad baby if you would be like this then how can your eomma appa can go hmm ?"
"hmm**" you hummed
"**good girl now go to your room its bed time okay? goodnight"
"goodnight eomma**"
you go to your room to sleep .
your mom also went to her bedroom she saw her husband drifting to sleep she layed herself under the sheets and closed her eyes.
" is she okay now?" her husband spoke still closing his eyes
"**yes she is but i dont think she could leave without us she is just a fragile"
"dont worry, we will complete this mission asap."
"hope so"
they both fell asleep**.
"eomma , i'll miss you" you sobbed while hugging your mamma she was also trying her best not to cry." I'll miss you too baby take care okay!" she said breaking the hug.
"i m also here y/n" your appa looked at you with sadness in his eyes he expanded his arms signalling you to hug him .you run towards him and hugged him tightly while crying.
"appa please come back home soon i love youu"
you said burning your head on his chest. he rubbed your back.
"we'll come home soon y/n you just live happily and dont miss us" the last line he said made your mind stop for a while .Soon they sat in their car and you bend to the window level to see them one more time your eomma she kissed your forehead and smiled at you. " bie honey" she said
"bie eomma appa! come fast i'll wait for u"
you shout running towards the driving car.
your eomma and appa both waved you goodbie from the window. but little do you know they are leaving you forever.
you go back your home your foot steps sound was echoing around the hall the whole house was looking like a dead place
you moved to your bedroom it was messy and kinda cute tho.
you look around and a sigh left left your mouth . you set your hair into a bun and started cleaning your room .....
( you did all those normal house chores, cooking, cleaning floor , cleaning garden you didnt miss your parents that much because you were already busy in works your life. you started dancing while swiping the floor everything was normal)
meanwhile chaewon and jaehyeon at his mansion:
"**sir heechul we are ready to do this mission"
"very good, but remember, be careful you're going to risk everything one single mistake can take your life." he said smiling devilishly.
"sir we have a last wish to you " chaewon said .
"what is it**?" he said with a serious face.
"**promise us if we die during this mission then you'll protect our daughter for the rest of her life dont make her beg around " chaewon said with a dead sad face.
"ofcourse!! why not i would protect her I'll take care of her its my promise**" he said with a smirk on his face.
"now, you both can go for the mission do your best i m proud of you both "
chaewon and jaehyeon both sat in the car for jeon's mansion they both change their uniform into poor clothes .Their car reach a bit far from the mansion they move out of the car and starting walking towards the mansion.
they reach to the bushes and saw the gate of jeon's mansion it was open and some group of people were going inside the mansion they were looking like hostages there hands were tied.
the third partner took out the same rope as those and tied both of their hands.they quitely moved to the gate and get into the group moving their heads down without looking up so the mansion guards won't feel suspious.
after some time they both (chaewon and jaehyeon) reached the main destination.
KING JEON JUNGKOOK'S KINGDOM It was big like hell the outfits of the guards and shooters and the way they were standing in a disciplined way was showing the power of JK.
everything was silent it was looking like hell like satan's punishment hell......
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