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The Run Of The Universe



..."In a universe where everyone is treated fairly, but their deception and betrayal are exposed."...

In an alternate universe, three gods construct the entire universe and promise that those who live in it will live in peace. However, the other god, who felt alone while the other two gods were well-known, has now begun to cause conflicts in the universe. Leaving many awful occurrences at the center of the world, the two gods were detested for a long time in history, yet some say that there are few believers that they will deserve their peace once another deity is created in their universe.

During the reign of three gods, the entire universe is ruled by one woman and two men, while those who dwell in that universe have doubts about the skills of the woman who is also a god. Despite the fact that she is fully aware that everyone doubts her, she has produced a number of well-known architectural structures around the world.

Despite the fact that the man she desires does not pay her much attention, she is unconcerned because she now has the justice to create a cosmos and treat it as carefree. However, as time passed, another man attempted to capture her attention, but she resisted. This enraged the other deity, who wreaked havoc on the universe that two people had created for peace.

While the other man continued to work toward his objective of creating cyber locations and smart technologies, he fell short of his deadline as the woman and he fought over what kind of cosmos they should create. The believers could handle anything, but the gods couldn't, so they fought until they chose the woman's dream structures for the cosmos itself. As the years passed, the cosmos became more malevolent and enraged, making the gods fearful of what the universe will become in the coming years.

The names of the gods, Ennallia, Rocian, and Qsaiur, may appear strange to others, but to the believers, it is a special name.

Ennallia is known for her strength; she knows what objects are difficult to build with and frequently trains herself before creating a universe for herself and the other gods. Rocian, on the other hand, is a very intelligent entity who is regarded as the smartest god in their universe. Meanwhile, Qsaiur is a problem-solver who hides deep secrets and forms friendships with foes, causing the other gods' confidence to erode as he gained it.

Darkian, Seffiane, Orileo, and Phoniexa are four bloodlines formed by the gods, and individuals born into those bloodlines must serve the deity until they die and pass through the afterlife realm. Everything is decided until the never-ending lifeplans for newer lineages, and everyone has their own obligations, purposes, and life routes.

Darkian and Phoniexa are generally recognized as foes because they betrayed one other's bloodlines in order to gain access to their treasure, and other bloodlines felt sorry for them and couldn't do anything that the Gods could.

When the fate of two gods' romance occurs but not for the other god, it is said that the other god remains alone in the darkness, and its role is to help and create everything in the universe while also cooperating. Rocian, on the other hand, does not want to be involved in romance because they are Gods who should be focused on creating and supporting their race as they are destined to be Gods of a new universe.

But they were completely unaware of the afterlife, believing it to be calm but concealing a world of agony; they were unable to weep or feel emotions, and instead of seeing their loved ones as spirits, they simply visited their paintings as a symbol of grief. However, as time passes, the Gods will no longer appear in real life, but will remain as long-lasting ghosts grieving behind the paintings.

Even though Ennallia could not accept her fate as she got feeble but still strong to maintain the universe safe as sound, meanwhile Qsaur and Rocian are willing to give up their life and live as they kept the cosmos secure.

The Gods and the Four Lineages have sworn to preserve this universe from any other species that was not created by them, despite the fact that the Gods have stated that the universe would be controlled by the four bloodlines and that they believe in their strength and wisdom. When they arrived in the hereafter, it was a breathtakingly gorgeous and majestic paradise that they could never have imagined, with artwork adorning every surface and their eyes twinkling with delight. They know it's the proper option to take a step back in their lives, but they'll still be able to fulfill their destiny as Gods of their Universe.

Their souls tarnished as they were placed into a body with no soul inside of them, but Rocian and Ennallia were able to find each other in a large world where humans thought they were the only species in their world, but immorality lurks in the shadows, waiting for them to act as they planned to collapse the world and the other universe. Rocian and Ennallia, on the other hand, never felt like themselves before, as if they were stifled and nearly suffocated when they began to live as humans in a foreign universe.

Then their lives begin to feel like they are being watched, and they get concerned that their lives will not be what they expect as a result of playing a different role in the current environment. They had not expected, however, that a second kid would revolutionize their lives; the first child would provide them bliss that they had never known in ages, and the second child would not feel like a child they owned but rather a child who had been abandoned by its parents.

According to them, there are no exceptions, but their perspective shifts when it comes to their first child. Why is it that inequity only exists in the second child?

Chapter 1: The Misbehaving Orphan

...Chapter One...

..."In the end, it was only about the promises of traveling down the same path, but ending up abandoning each other for a fuller life that someone could appreciate."...

First Person-POV;

I don't think any straight after being intrigued about how the moon changes every month because it's a full moon. Instead of making me feel awful about myself again, another kid joins me while staring at the moon. Why did she become interested in me? I lowered my head to her and inquired as to why she was suddenly interested in me.

"Is it inappropriate for me to be interested in you?" She said it cheerfully, and after years of being alone, I found myself under the tree, fully conversing with someone I didn't know.

"It's strange to have someone to talk to," She sighed and said, pointing to the moon, "Isn't it beautiful?" she stated.

I'm not sure what she's saying, but I believe there's a deeper meaning to it, so I decided to follow her lead on the moon today. Though I was perplexed as to why someone would be so interested in a loner and introvert like me.

"Will you be my friend, Dionne?" " She took my hand in hers, and I was taken aback by the fact that I had accepted my fate of having a buddy from now on.

Years passed in the orphanage, and I began to lighten up and become the typical person I was meant to be, but I continued to receive strange letters from someone who claimed me as her daughter, but why? Someone claimed to be my parents despite the fact that my parents have already died. I began to be concerned, and my buddy Dorothy became aware of my concern.

"Dior, is there something going on?" " I laughed at the term since it reminded me of a high-end brand, but I coughed when I realized it was intended to be a serious debate.

"Yeah, but you don't have to be concerned about me," I said, and she sighed, still concerned about me. I then shrubbed her back and continued my softness to help her relax.

"Dorothy, look at me, I'll be alright, and this is only the beginning of something you don't really need to know," I said once she calmed down and acknowledged me, knowing that it could be sensitive information. "Take care, Dior."

As soon as I heard the orphanage officials shouting my name, I embraced Dorothy and waived her off until I was in a quiet room with speakers. I didn't realize I wasn't the only one in here until I heard someone talk, and my inner self was enraged. As the personnel instructed me to move closer to the speaker, I had an odd impression.

Then I heard someone I didn't want to hear or know, but why? Why has this sensation caused me to turn off my senses today?

"At long last, I'm able to speak with you.." "Dionne," her warm voice made my blood boil; yet, this sensation tried to take control of me, but I was able to push it back.

"W-who are you?" I said. "It's your darling mother, I'm the one who wrote you letters." As she spoke, I became enraged, because she had abandoned me at the orphanage and left me alone here.

Is she returning solely for me to comfort her? I didn't miss her, and I'm no longer an orphan in this orphanage waiting for someone to adopt me.


I yelled at her as if it were nothing to me, but I understood I had done something wrong to her, and the fact that I had no idea why she had abandoned me rendered me useless.

"Dionne, please allow me to explain this to you," I said, unable to calm myself. Because of my anger for her, I felt embarrassed of myself, and the orphanage staff approached me, but why? "You're behaving badly!" "Mrs. Rain, we'll have to cancel your visit today." The staff snatched my hand and walked out of the waiting room.

I was perplexed until I remembered I had yelled in the visiting room, making everyone uncomfortable. When I walked into the hallway, everyone was upset, and Dorothy couldn't even speak to me; nevertheless, I now regret allowing my emotions to take control of me, and I was completely unaware of it. When I saw the orphanage's teacher, he slapped me and lectured me as I tried to explain.

"You've turned into a misbehaving orphan, Dionne!" His talk was terrifying for every orphan, and then I went out from it." All I could hear was the employees screaming and panicked because they thought I was going to die.

Days passed, and I was still trying to heal when I noticed Dorothy sleeping, waiting for me to wake up. I felt bad for her because she was in such a bad situation. "Dorothy, you shouldn't be sleeping here," I said as I brushed her hair until she woke up, and she was surprised that I had finally woken up from the sunlight. "Dior! You've finally risen from your slumber! " She gave me a hug, and I returned the hug. Every time she isn't around, I miss her.

"Miss Dionne, you're ready to leave now," the infirmary nurse tells me as we walk outside the infirmary. I don't see any orphans, but why? I have the impression that I am no longer welcome in this establishment.

"Dorothy, where have all the people gone?"

"I'm not sure why the orphanage is empty today," I say. We both went outside to check, and everyone was there. I waved at them, but they ignored me. I inhaled deeply and made the decision to visit the palm tree.

I was relieved to find no one there when I arrived. Dorothy and I sat there and reminisced about our moment when we remember our first time meeting each other under this tree. When I looked at her, she was beaming at the sun, oblivious to the fact that it was actually the moon. I laughed and looked at it, but I instantly felt horrible about what had transpired in those days, and I regretted not asking the woman who had recognized me as her daughter.

When the time comes for things to change, I hope we don't become separated at that time; if you leave like everyone else, I'll continue to be sad.

"Dior, if the time comes, I'm hoping we'll be able to get through it." I took a deep breath and nodded. I agreed with her and sat on her shoulder for a while, falling asleep on her shoulder. I'd never believed I'd get bored of thinking about what would've happened if I hadn't overthought it.

Is there ever a chance that we won't be able to survive without each other? I'm hoping that doesn't happen in the end.

And it was true, she did leave me, and three months later, the orphanage was destroyed by fire. "Could you hear me, Dorothy?" Dior, it's me! Get up! "I tried to carry her, but she didn't hear me, so I tried CPR to get her to breathe.

"This isn't a joke!" Dorothy, wake up! "I heard people coming in our direction as we hurried to get away from the fire that was growing in size. Someone came to help us, and I discovered that she (Dorothy) is the only one who has bruises, but how did she only got them?

"Miss! We're not going to go down the same path again, so please take care of her." The woman nodded and hoped that I'd be fine for the next few years. As I know this would upset me but at least she'll have a better life than the orphanage we stayed at.

As I remember that I had bruises while I was at the orphanage that Dorothy almost got locked up there. Luckily I wasn't too far from the orphanage and has the strength to carry Dorothy yet I could never save anybody else in the orphanage as I focus on Dorothy who had problems breathing.

When I realized I'd be alone and no one would ever adopt me because I was already 16 years old, I understood I'd need to make a living, but I didn't know how to do it, and the only way I could do it was to go to another orphanage and leave when I was an adolescent.

I'm sorry to leave you. When the reporters began to newscast the orphanage, I waved in the back and left the scene. "Dorothy, I hope you live the life you've always dreamed of." When I reached the city's main street, I began to cry and attempted to hide it as I continued to walk.

When I stopped whimpering and saw a couple of people, my eyes sparkled. Then someone held my hand, but why? Is she familiar with me or has she mistook me for someone else?

"Dionne, might not be that your name?" I attempted releasing go of her hand, but she kept repeating her thoughts until I got tired of hearing them. "Yes, and what exactly do you expect from me?" " I rolled my eyes, which irritated her.

"I recently received some news from a particular woman, she wants me to place you in another orphanage." I was astonished and eager to learn who that woman was, to believe that I was blessed to finally have somewhere to stay and willing to take those risks in order to still have something called living.

"Would you be able to tell me the name of that woman?" "I'd like to thank you for letting me stay in this city's orphanage," I say, "but you don't have to, and I heard you're that orphan who is currently misbehaving." I tried to hide the fact that I was that type of orphan, but she still allowed me to stay in another orphanage until I was an adolescent.

"Just so you know, you have to be ready and take risks for this orphanage, this will be different than the previous one, Rain," she remarked as I approached her. What is she referring to? When I tried to figure out what she meant, I realized it was the same woman who used to refer to me as her daughter.

While walking to the orphanage, I was thrilled but concerned about what would happen to me in the next two years until she said something.

"It appears that you need to say something before I depart," she explained. Rain, what did you mean when you said your last name? Because she was gone when I last saw her, she chuckled and then left a letter. Eventually, I got a little carried away wondering what kind of person she was and read the note to realize it was the one.


"You come from a prominent family bloodline and your last name was Rain, and I'm Raleigh, an explorer. Your mother, on the other hand, had to keep you a secret because the future will reveal your full true identity. I'll see you again, Dionne, if you'll be patient for new solutions."

Then I recognized that I needed to be more patient in order to get more information about my true identity, which was not a misbehaving orphan. I'm willing to take chances to learn those truths because I'm weary of being lied to. And as I decided to open the orphanage's main door, I noticed a few orphans welcome me into their home, and I could see the improvements from what I had seen before.

But, according to Raleigh, I need to be prepared to take risks, and I need to keep my guard up and make sure I'm careful when I enter this new orphanage. Is it possible that if I'm not ready for this new orphanage, I'll be in grave danger once these years begin?

Chapter Two: Dorothy’s Crime

...Chapter Two...

..."Between these crimes, someone's crime saddened me since it brought back memories of a time when we were together."...

First Person-POV;

After 6 years, I eventually found the orphanage I was looking for and went on to work as a detective. Things have been difficult for me to look after the homicides and other crimes since I've become a different person without Dorothy alongside me, and I can't help but miss her. Her gentleness and entrancing voice made me cry just thinking about it. Being a detective appears difficult for me, knowing that I still have something to offer, but the misery of my relatives has left me weak.

I'm not sure what the future holds for me because of my unhappiness. "Dionne Rain, I was wondering which family I came from," I said, puzzled.

Even though I still have my colleagues to help and care for me, I won't be able to overcome my trauma of losing someone close to me. Dorothy, however, will always be in my mind.

"Hello, Detective Rain, it's time for another crime," says Detective Anderson, who is also my partner in crime and the one who recruited me for the job. He may appear threatening, but he is always focused on his work.

I can't help but examine him whenever there's a crime because I was afraid that something would happen to him and I'd lose myself when he died out of nowhere.

"Are you still thinking about it?" Come on, Detective Rain, we still have work to do." He took my hand and led me outside to view the crime while he drove the car to get to the crime scene as quickly as possible.

"Detective Anderson, what is the victim's name?" "We still don't know," He reply, "but someone reported that there's a crime scene in this city's area." I frowned, and he continued driving till we arrived at the neighborhood. While Detective Anderson examines the body, I'll ask the relatives for their personal information so that I can learn more about the victim.

As I approached the victim's relatives, I chose to inquire about the victim's fate before inquiring about the victim's personal information. "How did she pass away, Miss?" "I don't know," She said, I sighed again, "and when I returned here, I was horrified to discover her blood along the road here." She was whimpering, and I groaned again, but I couldn't allow her misery overtake me.

"And what is her name, Miss?" "Dorothy Aphelion, she is my adopted daughter," I said. As I was writing down the information, I realized her name was Dorothy, which caused me to drop the paper. Tears streamed down my face, and I ran to the inspection to see her face, which was there. "Dorothy.. "Why did you abandon me...?"

While attempting to carry her, I noticed a pool of blood on her body, she was pale and white, her warmth had vanished, and when I saw her face, I was shocked. It's the same face I've seen before, but I never expected our first meeting to be like this after all these years.

Although Detective Anderson may not understand me, I never stop whimpering until he approaches me and asks whether I'm okay. He seemed concerned that I was crying continually while holding Dorothy in my arms.

While the cops were checking it, he urged me to get go of her, and I did so, but sadness flowed through my body. We were then instructed to return to the police station to clarify Dorothy's personal details.

Despite the fact that it took us two and a half hours to get there, Detective Anderson is still concerned about what happened earlier. "Detective Rain, here's your handkerchief," he said while attempting to communicate with me, but all I could do was remain silent.

"Come on, Detective Rain, I know you're strong enough to overcome this trauma," he said, despite the fact that I was the only one who doubted myself and believed I couldn't. My eyes welled up with tears, and I couldn't help but cry in front of him. "Detective Anderson, what if it's Dorothy, the one I saw at that crime scene?" "What if it's Dorothy, the one I saw in that crime scene?"

He then hugged me unexpectedly; I'm not sure why, but I hugged him back because I was tired of the trauma of losing someone because of me.

"If it's really her, why don't we confront the relative and tell us that you're the orphan who left Dorothy to her?" Detective Anderson put it simply, but I don't feel like I could do my job properly, and when I learned that Dorothy had died, I felt like I needed to rest. "How could you say it so casually when I couldn't bear looking at her lifeless body again, Detective Anderson?"

We told the police the information about Dorothy Aphelion, my best friend, as we moved down the hallway toward the cops. The cops looked over my notes and told me I could leave now, but I informed Detective Anderson I'd be asking the relative more questions because I needed to expose that I'm the orphan she met six years ago.

"Are you Miss Aphelion?" I'd like to ask you a couple of questions concerning Dorothy's life." I inquired as I scribbled down further details regarding the events leading up to this occurrence. When I grew intrigued about it, I had the impression that the woman was uncomfortable with it. "Are you okay with spreading the facts on her, Miss Aphelion?" "

I took a big breath and said, "Yes, and after all, you're the detective." She began speaking, and I listened as she gave me a few facts about herself.

"Dorothy Aphelion lives her life to the fullest there, savoring every moment, but she misses that orphan." I heard her name was Dionne, but I'm hoping to visit her soon. She is pleasant to be around and shows concern for my adopted daughter. I'm hoping to see her and express my gratitude for her care. This made me weep so hard just saying that.."

I took a deep breath and tears streamed down my face, prompting myself to grab my handkerchief, fearful that this would go on indefinitely, but why can't I stop crying when I heard Dorothy was gone in an instant? I tried to hide my tears as I said, "Thank you for this information, Miss Aphelion."

"And also, I'm Dionne Rain, the orphan you met 6 years ago." I couldn't contain my emotions as I walked away from her and left her like that. I sat in a chair, desperate for more answers, but I knew this was enough for me. "Detective Rain-" I saw Detective Anderson running down the hallway, checking on me. I could tell he was still concerned about my safety.

"It's true, Detective Anderson, I'm the orphan she met 6 years ago," I continued as I whimpered at him, and he tried to console me by telling me to go home because he might be the one to investigate this crime instead of me. "But Detective Anderson, I could still do anything!" I exclaimed. " However, I couldn't help but slip into the vents to hear more information, even though I knew it would put me in distress.

When I sneak into the vents and crawl for approximately 12 minutes, I notice Detective Anderson and Miss Aphelion discussing Dorothy, the victim. Dorothy, my long-lost dearest friend from the first orphanage I visited, is now resting with the angels, but I'm sad I won't be able to feel her warmth in these times, and I hope we'll meet in another dimension where we'll be reunited.

"Are you Dorothy Aphelion's sole relative, Miss Aphelion?" "I am, and in fact, I want to know this orphan," she said, "many staffs have said she is a misbehaving orphan-" I made a quiet noise in the vent, interrupting their conversation; how could I be so clumsy in such a situation, but I decided to back down and return to the hallway where Detective Anderson last saw me.

I heard a few people muttering about the noises in the vent, but I refused to be terrified; instead, I needed to stay strong and make sure no one had seen me go on the vent earlier. Although I didn't hear nearly enough, I assume Miss Aphelion is on her way to find me now.

"Can we talk about this current crime, Detective Rain?" " I got a shiver and turned around to see one of the officers in this station, which made me feel uncomfortable talking to him. Knowing he was close to catching me going into the vents earlier. "Sure, Officer," says the officer, "but we'll talk about it when Detective Anderson arrives."

We both headed down the corridor looking for Detective Anderson, and I found him in the inspection room, where he appeared to be pretty busy at the time. "Officer, I believe we should discuss this after the inspection is over." He nodded and went away, but I chose to exit to give them more time to chat privately.

Someone grabbed my hand as I was about to walk away, and I recognized Detective Anderson. I realized he had finished inspecting, and I should've just let the Officer go, but I had already done so. "I saw you with someone, Detective Rain, and who is it?" "It's one of the cops from this station," I explained, "and I believe he wants us to talk about our latest victim, Detective Anderson."

We both went looking for that officer, and we located him just in time; we were both relieved that he wasn't busy, and we walked right up to him. "Officer, I heard we're having a conversation; you should tell us what it is," he remarked as I remained silent.

I realized I was shivering in front of them because I wasn't paying enough attention to their conversation. "Detective Rain, you weren't paying attention to our conversation." But why did I get distracted in the first place? Perhaps I really require some relaxation now that Dorothy is no longer alive. "I'm sorry Detective Anderson, I think I'll have to go home," I said.

"Of course, Goodbye Detective Rain, we'll see each other tomorrow," He said as I nodded and waved goodbye to both of them, Detective Anderson and Officer, and walked away, oblivious to the fact that Detective Anderson returned with waving at me. I suddenly observed that the lanes had darkened, and I had forgotten that I had not driven today. "Well done, Dionne; you can't even walk down the street alone," I said, ashamed.

On reality, I no longer want to walk alone in the streets, and I recall that woman from 6 years ago who made me believe that she may appear out of nowhere, but what if she did? I spotted a figure of a woman walking alone and moving closer to me as I walked through the streets, but I couldn't let dread consume me; all I had to do was be calm and make no noises around me.

"Damn it, someone's here," I mutter, then ask, "Dionne?" What a delightful surprise, you've developed a ladylike appearance." I was taken aback, and her features resembled those of Raleigh, the explorer I met. However, I knew these people 6 years ago, and I ran into them again today at a difficult time. I couldn't help but feel compelled to ignore her.

"You still feel awkward, how clever, but I need you tomorrow night," Raleigh said quietly, but I couldn't face her. My head tells me that I shouldn't be more awkward around her because she may be important, but why? Isn't she just a curious person? "What are you looking for?! Isn't it possible for you to just leave me alone?! " I stated it without hesitation, but all she did was laugh, and laugh, and laugh some more.

"Don't worry, you'll see Dorothy soon," she said, sending shivers down my spine. I was afraid she would do something to me, but my inner self said I shouldn't be worried about anything, and why should I? Should I pay attention to my outer or inner self? I worried until she mentioned anything else. "Wait, what did you say, Raleigh?" Are you implying that I'll die soon? "

"It's only a possibility, Dionne," I replied quietly, "but I hope you're willing to come tomorrow." She answered, "I'll go if my schedule isn't too tight." I sighed and rolled my eyes when Raleigh started laughing out of nowhere. I felt something across my body when I realized it was already midnight. Then I notice Raleigh is no longer in this area when I look around. I'm assuming it's her curfew?

I'm still interested who killed Dorothy, but why do I have a feeling it's one of the suspects? I have a feeling Raleigh was the one who killed her, so I could be emotionally damaged by her death, but I won't allow it take me fully, but what if she's the suspect I'm looking for?

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