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The Higher Power

P R O L O G U E (1)

Tension built up round the entire building of Lawrence's headquarters.

Having the clear idea about how their boss's ill mood could cause a literal disaster any minute soon, none of the employees dared to caught his eyes by any chance.

In fact minding their very own businesses while sticking on their seats everyone only exchanged glances of fear and nervousness.

It was late none. The lunch time!

And none even dared to approach the boss, Jordan Lawrence to offer him lunch fearing his temperament.

He didn't come out of his cabin to have his lunch himself either, nor others tried to cause any disturbance knowing well what the consequences can promise.

All the eyes at this point seemingly only waited for one person impatiently, she was the only lady with possible dare who can make their boss do things in her own way.

Mrs.Hattiea Lawrence, boss Jordan Lawrence's wife!

The heavy environment was actually caused by her absence today, witnessing the boss coming alone in the headquarters then locking himself up in the cabin angrily was not much hard thing to predict.

Mrs.Hattiea Lawrence was not there with him and it bothered the boss that she just disappeared without even telling him where she was going.

He was in an angry mood to mind others.

Very soon then the wait ended for the lady who finally welcomed herself in the tensed headquarters of Lawrence's, late at noon.

Her sharp eyes had always been her main charm, her heels slapping the strict floor was the only sounded heard in the pin drop silence as the employees only looked at her with their huge sockets with surprise.

Relieved but confused too, they were.

Seeing her so calm and confident like nothing even happened, caused the employees to gulp in literal nervousness.

How can she be so calm after causing such an environment behind her back?

Nobody can understand her sometimes. She was boss Jordan's secretary first than being the boss's wife, she had much more greater responsibilities which was more important than being personal at workplace.


The tale of their pair was actually quite complicated to understand for people. Both were recently married.

They were newly weds of only a week. Jordan was said to meet Hattie only few months ago and sooner after she was appointed as his secretary right away without any questions.

Months went by in secret.

Yet the talk of marriage was still unpredictable among the two but it did happen in short months.

They got married in only a night without having any grand ceremony, in fact keeping the process simple they just released only a statement of getting one in the press.

Which shortly brought them a lot of publicity.

No one ever predicted that both might be dating in secret before their wedding, it was one impossible thing to imagine after all.

Jordan Lawrence was said to have no heart for anyone, he never even hinted that he had a thing for Hattiea until the news of their marriage made the headlines.

He was never seen having any romantic relationships with anyone before his marriage too so it was one impossible thing to believe that his eyes always searched for someone all the time, who could be Mrs.Hattiea Lawrence.

How could he melt his nature that easily when it comes to her? Some rumoured their bond as a great love tale and some envied the pair of both to name it as a publicity stunt.

But still the relationship of both remained unsolved for everyone.

At the moment, none actually minded the other scenarios about the pair but only one that boss Jordan needed only his to be calmed down and get normal.

Hence she was the only rescue at the moment for everyone!

"Mrs.Lawrence, you are finally here!"

One of the lady employee approached Hattie in urgency.

Meanwhile, looking at the lady's face for short seconds and detecting clear nervousness, Hattie frowned a little.

"What's the matter?"

She questioned blankly in authority while the lady employee shook her head before stating the reason of her worry.

"Terrible. It's Mr.Lawrence."

The lady gulped a hard lump down on her throat before addressing her angry boss and looking back to his silent and scary cabin.

His aura today literally intimidated the entire headquarters and figuring the issue well, Hattiea understood what really could go wrong today with everyone.

"This is the file he had requested this morning."

The lady employee next pronounced with hesitation before handing a file towards Hattiea.

While frowning at her statement, Hattiea acted a little foreign.

"Why can't you just handle it to him yourself?"

Hattiea questioned making an excuse out of the talk to avoid the event of meeting him.

She knew well that Jordan was angry because of her sudden disappearance.

Hattiea tried to walk pass the lady employee and was about to approach her cabin instead but just then the lady's next statement stopped movements again.

"Mrs.Lawrence, Mr.Lawrence ordered to give this file to you, h-he said he wants you in his office as soon as you arrive!"

Hattie's body stopped working for a minute or two, while her sharp eyes became blank and emotionless.

"Don't make it more worse, please Mrs.Lawrence. I have a family to feed."

The lady employee uttered almost in a sound of beg, her tone hinted that she was about to cry any minute.

She was fearing to lose her job.

As then finally, Hattiea understood the seriousness of the situation. Jordan was finding her and if not she showed up at his cabin then the lady employee whom he demanded to get her would get fired without even having any fault in all of this.

Hattie sighed a long breathe. She cannot be so heartless to cause such a misfortune to someone.

Hence, minding her actions the next second she accepted the file from the lady quietly without any argument, Hattiea's expressions were emotionless and dead.

The lady then mumbled an emotional thankful to her before leaving back to her seat silently.

Hattiea then changed her path and walked over to Jordan office's door elegantly but emotionlessly.

Soon knocking on the door of his, she heard a husky deep growl of anger...

"Come in."

That hinted her to come in, hearing his voice so raspy and dark like that Hattie's heart sure started beating more rapidly for reasons unknown.

Turning the knob next, she then entered inside the pin drop silent cabin professionally.

Eyes were straight and firm, she walked over to his desk in a formal manner.

And just then the strong scent of smoke invaded her nostrils as soon as she welcomed herself near him. He was again smoking.

And this time it was more worse. He seemed to be smoking for hours now.

"Your file, Mr.Lawrence-"

With a straight voice, Hattiea kept the file in front of him. He turned his entire attention to her at instant there then. His dark brown eyes were like deep ocean, he started staring at her intensely without any word for a minute.

That actually wasn't a stare but an angry glare.

Gaining no response in return and seeing no movement from him, Hattie just remained quiet and let his deep eyes roam around her body. His eyes darkened more and he clenched his jaw tightly.

Hattiea waited for what she came for silently.

"Why were you late? Where have you been all this time?"

Jordan's deep and dark voice echoed round the space of two, with domination.

P R O L O G U E (2)

"Why were you late? Where have you been all this time?"

Jordan's deep and dark voice echoed round the space of two, with domination as his dark eyes stared at the woman standing in front him without any easy emotions.

Yet, Hattiea being strong enough showed no signs of weakness or any signs of submission on her face instead she still stood in front of him maintaining her posture professionally.

She was not scared of his outburst like others and that's what made her different than the rest too, she knew her husband wasn't a man to harm anyone especially not her.

She was the best to deal with him because she understood him in right manner and better than others did.

"Something came up."

Hattiea answered in short.

But clearly not having any of her attitude at the moment of heat, a deep yet scary chuckle from Jordan was heard.

He sounded threatening and Hattiea well knew the reason behind his sudden anger as she just chose to not mind him much at the moment.

"What was it? I would like to know the reason."

Jordan uttered next, still glaring at her dangerously before laying his back on the chair more in order to have a better look of her.

The tone of his was a lot more deeper than before now, making the environment more gloomier than it already was.

But Hattiea still chose not to react until the next second he shouted at her loudly.


She took a sharp breath, her chest rose up and down not because of nervousness or fear for him building inside of her but in fact she was just tired.

She was just not ready to start any argument with him at the moment. That was all!

"Today was father-in-law's birthday, someone had to visit him if you didn't care to do so!"

Hattiea replied surprisingly annoyed while Jordan was not even shocked after hearing her answer.

He knew everything and that was what making him more mad at her audacity.

The reason behind his anger was one that she dared to go against his words.

No matter what he always said to her she had always obeyed his wishes being polite.

But regarding this matter, she never behaved well with him.


Jordan slammed his hands over the desk angrily banging it loudly while causing immediate disturbance at the silent cabin containing the two.

Hattiea sure flinched at his sudden action but she still didn't feel much intimidated by him just yet.

She knew he was only being a coward to hide his own feelings deep down, Hattiea had always tried to help Jordan to face all of his difficult circumstances with enough dare to fight those off.

And the case was same with him too, he had always supported her in the very same manner.

He too helped her out in many hard situations of life since he met her.

Hattiea understood him the best at this moment of time but the fact that he would always lie about was his relationship with his parents, caused Hattiea to put herself forward and make everything right in his family.

She knew he was not in a good terms with his father as he had experienced a broken family since childhood.

Jordan was raised by only his mother half of his childhood while his father abandoned the both without any care. That's what angered him till this day.

For him, his only family was his mother whom he deared to no end, no one else held any importance in his life other than her.

No one else!


Jordan shouted again with the same anger. His reason of anger was valid for Hattiea who eyed him with no complains.

She sure respected him but she pitied him more. Witnessing all the ugliness of his parents' relationship, he grew up to be a man with no love.

Till this day he feared to get into any relationship.

He hated his father because he abandoned him and his mother when they needed him the most and today he believed that the same abandonment was the only revenge for his father for all of the struggles him and his mother bore, all alone.

But that's not how world works...

Hattiea knew well that he was not happy doing all that, she wanted to bring happiness in Jordan's life which he never had.

Hattiea wanted to repay everything he had once provided her, that even included the faith in relationships and love.

Hattiea wanted to make his life beautiful like he made hers and in order to do that, she knew that she needed to fix his relationship with his father first.

Hattiea there, standing was soon about to prepare a polite reply for Jordan's angry statements but just then hearing his next claim, she immediately felt devastated.

"Aren't you taking this fake marriage way too seriously?"

Jordan questioned her out of momentary rage while instantly regretting what he just said out of anger.

That was it...

The marriage which confused the entire world even their perfect pair was actually one fake tale and a mere compromise between the two.

Nothing more else was it, than a black lie.

Even though they both knew boundaries of their fake relationship, they still respected each other very much to the possible extend where they promised to never even hurt the other one's beliefs.

Both had been broken and hurt at some point of their life, which was why both decided to become the medicines of one another's wound too.

Until today, he had to bring up their reality of relationship this harshly. He indeed crossed his limits by humiliating Hattiea like that.

Jordan unknowingly drew a line of dare between them both.

Which didn't make both of them feel good, including Jordan himself who was even more surprised that he said what he shouldn't even have said at the very first place.

Hattiea's eyes glistened a little, she was disappointed now.

No words then came out in reply for minutes from either of their mouths, until again Hattiea decided to speak.

"If he is not your father then I got not explanations to do to you about meeting him and if this marriage is fake for you, then you got no rights to question about my whereabouts Mr.Lawrence."

Hattiea spoke with her broken voice while addressing him formally.

As that was when Jordan knew that she was suppressing her cries within her. Her red and glossy eyes glared at him making him more guilty than he already was.

"I have kept the file for you to check."

Hattiea exclaimed next while turning around and exiting the cabin of Jordan not even hearing what he has to say next.

Jordan was still speechless to acknowledge his words that he exclaimed earlier.

He didn't mean to hurt her like that at all, he never intended to cause any harm to her feelings then how come, he ended up making her cry today?

Jordan closed his eyes cursing out loud but soon opening them and breathing deeply he successfully got his senses back again.

He did reacted way too much harsher with her but all of that wouldn't have happened in the very first place if she didn't have gone to meet his father, with whom he had cut all ties.

Jordan looked at the door of his cabin from where his pretend wife just exited herself, to stay away from him.

Regret was now eating him, he respected her to no end and he never intended to cause any harm to her.

Even if they both shared no love relationship, they did shared the closest and the most comfortable friendship with one another.

"Why are you always so stubborn, Hattiea?"

Jordan mumbled to himself gulping a hard lump down his throat with regret.

The reality of their marriage was painful, they had to be one for a difficult reason.

He knew the circumstances pained the both but they both were trying to deal with it at their very best possible ways.

M A R R I A G E ?

Hattiea Smith, aged 23.

She had been working in fashion industry for almost 5 years now, her agency was classified under top 10 agencies in the fashion industry.

Sponsored numbers of famous faces and names in the industry already, Jay's agency was somehow facing some troubles in recent months in order to discover and release new faces.

Hattiea Smith though felt very lucky enough to work with her fiancé, Jayson who was the chairman of the agency himself. He's also her boss and of course... they were about to get married soon as for what rumours claimed.

Both reportedly were madly in love with each other since teenage years. Jayson Rogers, who was also Hattiea's boss... has always been one determined character and a great hard worker in terms of his business.

Since college days both were together with one another and after graduating when he decided to start his own company right away, Hattiea was very happy and followed him wholeheartedly to support him without any second thoughts.

Working with her fiancé has always been her best decision, Hattiea believed. Jayson was a man of his words.

She loved him for that but as days passed he started involving himself too much in his business, being a man of heavy responsibilities indeed she started spending less time with Hattiea.

Not that Hattiea ever complained about his dedication for his work because obviously before they started the agency together... they were nothing, they had nothing with them but now this work gave both everything.

A promising career, a much better lifestyle and a great future ahead indeed.

He was a young entrepreneur and she was his secretary at work.

Hattiea witnessed Jayson struggling before and held his hands tightly when times were tough, struggling period soon vanished but then she felt her hands's grip loosening, Jayson started becoming distant.

She still love him though and believed that it was just his work life which was affecting him.

Such a fool was she!

Hattiea just couldn't help herself falling for the type of man was Jayson before. He was kind, perfect, honest and always used to think about others before himself...

She knew he loved her too.

Otherwise making this far wouldn't have been possible without any corporation.

The only thing Hattie always thought was Jayson being too busy. He was a hardworking man after all and for that she never raised any complains at all.

But nowadays her bothers doubled.

Nowadays out of blue, Jayson started talking about the future with Hattiea, about settling down and moving to his house.

It was quite rare for Hattiea to witness him to be this desperate for marriage, obviously they both decided to settle down once they will be facing no more threats about their business in future.

They had one mutual goal to make their agency reach the top rank first then start planning their family together.

Hence, seeing him this desperate to get married already caused Hattiea to be confused suddenly.

Jayson started bringing Hattiea everywhere with him, even to his meetings that she really didn't needed to be in.

He would always bring up the topic of marriage when he found the chance, since past month.

He had been keeping her close to him most of the time and Hattiea couldn't help but to feel little insecure with all this, she felt that something was really wrong with him.

It was some days ago when this sudden change took place between us.Before this, he always remained busy to make any time for her.

Strange was it, definitely.

Why suddenly he started being so clingy to her?

Hattie's mind always raised a question regarding this? Was she really ready for a marriage with him this soon?

Jayson tend to hold the personality to prioritise his work first always and after marriage will she still be any important to him or is he going to choose work over her again? Questions like this choked her guts and held her hopes back.

She was hesitant to the thought of marriage this soon.

Obviously her heart ached and pained to see the man she loved so much, giving her less attention before but she had made herself stronger enough to get used to it.

But nowadays getting his sudden attention and witnessing him approaching her again and again while bringing up the topic of marriage, made Hattiea feel bit weird about all.

Taking a deep breath, Hattiea simply decided to shake her thoughts off.

Standing up from her seat, Hattiea held a stack of papers in a document from her desk and started walking out of her own cabin in order to approach Jayson's office door with a warm smile on, knowing how much he loves to see her smile always.

Approaching, she knocked the door once but didn't wait for his response from inside. Being his fiancé, Hattiea did also owned the power to not mind his permission.

She needed no permission or his approval moreover to meet him.

She sure was his secretary before and was always used to assist him but first she was his fiancé.

Hattiea opened the door the other minute simply and walked inside the office quietly with her heels only making the sound of her arrival, slapping the floor of his office.

Hattiea's brown eyes instantly fell on the man pacing back and forth in his office with a frown decorated on his face, while holding his phone up to the right ear seriously.

Jayson didn't like working out much, resulting him not being much bulky or muscular but even though he was 6'2 taller.

He still had face of a youngster with firm features making him a man of unique handsome traits. Hattiea appreciated every inch of his charms!

Hattiea took her minute to really just look at him and praised his features dearly. His built and neat suit complimented his body nicely, his personality suited with his serious eyes. His blue eyes made Hattiea's heart thump harder even till this day.

She truly loved him.

Hattiea still stood there near his desk and waited for him to finish his conversation over his call first. His voice was little raspy and he frustratedly sighed in between his talks... he looked kind of stressed which caught Hattiea's attention in no time.

She swallowed a hard lump down her throat as he soon looked at her with a released frown.

A look of relief as soon as he saw her. His tensed brows released away same minute.

Jayson sighed for the last time before ending his call and approaching Hattiea's way. Something was off, he wasn't being himself anymore. He is just too stressed nowadays, maybe?

Sitting on his chair, he closed his eyes tiredly while pinching his temples. Hattiea walked over to him from behind with her steady steps.

Soon holding his firm shoulders from back, she squeezed it giving him a little massage in the back. Jayson parted his lips letting a long sigh out in relief.

Feeling relaxed with her action.

"You seem tired."

Hattiea spoke softly, meanwhile with his eyes still closed Jayson just nodded his head in agreement.

"The directors are being stinky again with the pictures."

Jayson let out tiredly for Hattiea to know the reason of his frustration. He has been working a lot lately, Hattiea knew how important were the directors for him.

He did sponsored the models this far before handling the models to the directors for their ongoing projects and advertising commercials, who were in need of new faces.

But sadly they liked none at the moment of time, the models they have sent to the directors were same as the last time.

Boring and old.

Agency didn't appoint any new model from a long time now, mainly because they couldn't find any worthy face to feature till now.

"Don't worry. It's going to be alright!"

Hattiea intended to cheer Jayson up in a soft tone, he chuckled at the tone of her before opening his mysterious blue eyes then settling his gaze at Hattiea's face.

She smiled dearly when she saw him staring at her for longer minutes. His eyes now held some unreadable emotions.

He has been giving her so much attention lately, Hattiea's stomach experienced a flip again.

Knowing well where this was leading again. 


She asked him blushing a little meanwhile having his eyes still being darted on her.

Since past few days Hattiea has been observing him in quite doubtful manner now, he has been staring at her a lot and sometimes without even any reasons.

When asked, Jayson just replies he loves her and then brings up the topic of marriage again.


Wearing a warm smile on like always, he just shook his head while grabbing Hattiea's hands which were still massaging his broad shoulders, kissing the back of it he said those same words over again...

"Just admiring my soon to be wife."

Jayson spoke in love meanwhile still feeling bit weird about everything.

Those words always touched Hattiea's heart with no efforts but yet at the same time it made her question Jayson's intention behind his desperate wishes too.

Why does he brings up marriage all the time?

"We still have time for that to happen, don't you think-"

Hattiea uttered but just before she could have completed her statement properly...

The door's slammed open pausing her sentence. Her eyes followed the sound and there was standing a lady in her mid 20s on the doorway of Jayson's office.

Tiara Johnson, aged 24.

Hattiea knew her as she had been one of their agency's most successful supermodel in past 4 years.

She was still in high demand now, maybe the only one in demand from their agency.

Besides Tiara, no other model was wanted by any directors for their commercials or branding. Basically Tiara was the only successful model signed with Jay's Agency whose face was responsible for every possible funding and profits the agency was having now.

Even in the time of crisis when no new model was contracted to the agency, Tiara's demand was still high hinting her popularity was no joke.

She was beautiful and gorgeous indeed, also very famous.

As she just barged inside the office with heavy surprise, Hattiea looked at her with questionable eyes.

Never that happened before.

Holding a file in her hand, Tiara looked at Hattiea with her widened eyes yet with a hint of anger hidden within.

What was the reason of that?

Her face was shocked for only first second as if she wasn't expecting Hattiea to be in Jayson's cabin but soon recovering from the shock, Tiara shared a cold and angry look to the couple holding hands.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

Jayson's dark voice questioned Tiara's sudden dare to barge inside his office.

Almost in a tone of shout.

He squeezed Hattiea's hand tightly in the same process as if he doesn't want to leave her hand for even a second. Weird...

Hattiea noticed the heaviness of the aura building up inside Jayson's office.

Hattiea just patted Jayson's back in an intention to calm his sudden outburst down, she was in heavy question too.

Obviously, never before that happened.

In order to get inside Jayson's office even Hattiea had to knock his door first and enter then how come Tiara built up the dare to barge inside the office of Jayson, as if she needed no permission at all for that?

Yet ditching the sick thoughts running inside her head aside, Hattiea decided to question the purpose of visit of their supermodel in demand.

Displeasing her would not be one good idea for the agency as well as Tiara was the only successful model in the present time.

And if she decided to leave then the agency will have to face heavy bankruptcy which Hattiea didn't obviously wanted.

"It's okay. Do you need anything Tiara?"

Hattiea questioned her decorating a formal smile over her features.

Tiara's eyes reddened as she glared at Hattiea with an unknown passion of danger for some seconds before soon opening her mouth again.

"Jay, I need to talk to you alone..."

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