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Like Father Like Son


Hello guys
It's my new chat story
So let's meet our character
So guys let's meet them
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
Hello readers I'm your female lead Kashvi Sinha Age-25 I'm known as beauty queen in movie industry My nickname is mahi Nature- Cold hearted(outside) Sensitive childish kind hearted Broken(inside) Loves- listening music Being alone cooking gardening and cute things
Vikram Singh oberoi/Devil (ML)
Vikram Singh oberoi/Devil (ML)
Hello I'm your male lead Vikram Singh oberoi Age-30 I'm known as Devil in business world Nature- Cold hearted expression less Bossy Scary towards everyone Loves his son very much but doesn't know how to express it allergic to women due to past soon you'll know.....
Shreshth Singh oberoi (ML younger bro)
Shreshth Singh oberoi (ML younger bro)
Hello I'm Shreshth Singh oberoi Nature-flirty funny very friendly I'm scared of my brother his son and Dad Loves his family alot
Mr Oberoi (ML father)
Mr Oberoi (ML father)
Hello I'm Mr. Kartik Singh oberoi Strict towards his sons but loves them alot Nature- kind hearted
Mrs. Oberoi(ML mother)
Mrs. Oberoi(ML mother)
Hello I'm Ruhi Singh oberoi caring loving kind hearted
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Hello everyone I'm Priyanka Sinha Loves Aakash alot Doesn't like her sister because she is very beautiful then her
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Hello I'm Aakash Rathore Loves fl sister alot guilty towards FL because he was cheating on her
Mrs Sinha(FL Adopted mother)
Mrs Sinha(FL Adopted mother)
Hello I'm Mrs Sinha loves her family alot but strict towards FL
Mr Sinha(FL Adopted father)
Mr Sinha(FL Adopted father)
Hello I'm Mr Sinha loves his family but stricts towards FL
Yes our FL was orphan she was picked by them they don't like FL very much because she is cold to everyone
Vikyath Singh oberoi ( ML son)
Vikyath Singh oberoi ( ML son)
Hello guys I'm Vikhyat Singh oberoi Nature- Cold, scary, expression less suffering from autism Don't talk loves his dad but don't know how to express it.
He is our cutest and sweetest character
okk that's for today
see you

5 years back

5 years ago
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
Why? Why? Why? You guys did this to me I loved you with all my heart but you*expression less face*
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Mahi I.. I.. I never loved you your love was always one sided I just said yes to dated you because you were my childhood friend I don't want our friendship to be broken I always loved Priyu
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Sis I.. I know you don't like me but I love him very much If you don't want us to be together I'll break up our relationship*fake tears*😢😢😭😭😭😭 but I love him very very much
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Priyu Don't cry please Mahi I know you're a very nice girl and caring but it's just you don't express it you never smiled to me and you never expressed it
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
You know that right But you just said it once I would have tried to change myself but what you did to me you....
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Aakash you go and bring water for sis I'll talk to her please*acting pitiful*
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Please go you know na she needs water to calm herself please bring it go*fake concern*
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Okk*goes to bring water*
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
*Wipes her tears and smiles* Aww my sis I feel very bad for you first our parents no my parents don't like you and now Aakash is mine too*victory smile*
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
Your what do you mean your parents?
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
They our mine too
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Aww my innocent sister you're not you're just a picked up child they picked you from roadside you know what no one wants you even your biological parents doesn't want you
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*shocked* no no it's not true you're lying*mumbles*
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
No it's true look*pass her adoption papers and DNA reports* have a look clearly
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*takes it and reads it* *shocked* *reports falls from her hands* *tears escape from her eyes*
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Aww look poor girl is crying *laughs*
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*Don't say anything* *too shocked to say anything* that's why they don't like me as her they are always nice towards her and cold towards me they sent her to famous School and asked me to study by homeschooling they always asked me to wear old dull clothes so that everyone notices her they never take me to any public gathering and parties and no one knows I'm also their daughter
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*in mind*
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*starts going from there*
she didn't noticed that their was a 🚒 coming in her direction
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Priyu where is mahi?
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
After talking she left from here and said she hates us*fake tears*
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
But where ?? you know that she can't handle to much stress
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Yes but she left
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Let's find her come on*starts going toward her direction*
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Ahhhh*cuts her hand*
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
What happen? This *concerned*
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
Aakash Rathore (FL ex boyfriend)
come on let's go to hospital it's bleeding to much*takes her in his arms*
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Priyanka Sinha(FL sister)
Hmm yes
That's it guys bye bye see you

Meeting little bunny

Hello guys Let's start
other side
Mahi didn't noticed the truck and got hit by it
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*on road with blood on her body*
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
is it my end*in mind* *losing consciousness and closing her eyes*
then people took her to the hospital
After 5 years
in a bar
A girl was sitting on the chair totally drunk
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
Ahh this headache from morning when will it go away *drinks another shot*
Priya(FL Manager)
Priya(FL Manager)
Kashvi are you going for the audition for the movie" love is blossoming flower" ??
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
Huh? Yes I'm going is there any problem with it?*rubbing her temples*
Priya(FL Manager)
Priya(FL Manager)
Yes you're not going the role is for Priyanka Sinha so you'll not go their
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*Laughs* Are you scared that I an upcoming actress will take your diva' s role huh?? Do whatever you want but I'll go there and you won't be able to stop me
Priya(FL Manager)
Priya(FL Manager)
Really let's see* drags her towards the basement*
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
Ahh.....leave me you're holding me very tightly it's paining where are you taking me?... leave me... *she wasn't able to do anything because she was drunk and suffering from terrible headache*
Priya(FL Manager)
Priya(FL Manager)
*Throws her inside in the storeroom and locks the door*
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
Priya open the door *shouts* what are you doing? let me go of here now.... open the door*shouts and bangs the door with her hands but nothing happens* *slowly slides down with the support of wall*
Suddenly she hear some noise
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
Is there anybody??
She listens the voice of chattering of teeths
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
In the corner of room she notices a shadow of a boy sitting
She goes towards the boy
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
Hey little bunny what happen to you? Are you lost? What's your name?
the sound of chattering of teeths increases
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*she sits in opposite of that boy*
suddenly the bulb also switched off
and the little boy starts trembling and chattering teeths
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*She goes near him* Are you sacred of darkness??
he starts shivering and moving away from her
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*sigh**she sits there and close her eyes*
she was very tired so she sleeps
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*after 1 hour she feels something heavy on her thighs* *she opens her eyes and looks down*
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D
Mahi Raizada/Daniella D'Cruz/Beauty( FL)
*chuckles* *the little boy was sleeping in her lap she starts patting his head*
She notices that the little boy was suffering from high fever
Okk bye see you in next episode

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