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The Temptation of the Ex-Boyfriend

Episode 1

Hello! Do you guys still remember me?

I hope so...

I open my eyes and stare at the smooth ceiling of my apartment. I'm still half asleep. Luckily, today is my day off. I want to stay with my boyfriend as long as possible...

He makes me feel so good…

Tyler - Good morning my love… - The brown-haired man fills the blonde's face with loud, delicate kisses. The blonde can't help but giggle. It tickled.

Kalel - Hahaha… stop, Ty hahaha - the blonde pleaded between laughs.

Tyler - I already made coffee, let's eat... - he gets out of the huge bed and puts on a white tank top that was lying on the floor until then.

The blonde yawns, looking at the view through the glass window. It was strange to think that so much time had passed. Exactly 15 years…

Kalel gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. Being an architect was demanding a lot from him. He needed rest...

He turned on the shower and relaxed, feeling the warm droplets of water run down his body.

Kalel - Being an adult sucks… - the blonde murmurs with a small smile on his lips. - If you had told me back then that I would have a job and be responsible… I would never have believed it, haha - he said everything with a nostalgic look.

He soaped every part of his body with extreme delicacy. He didn't hate it anymore like he used to. Now his body was his most precious work.

It didn't take long and he finished his shower. He put on simple clothes and went to the dining room. The oval table was laden with food.

Tyler - I made your favorites, love… - The blonde sat down and was greeted with a kiss from the neighbor on the chair beside him. - I love you… - honest. There wasn't even a hint of hesitation in that man. Simply perfect…

So why did it seem like something was missing?

The blond looked away and started eating. He couldn't return those words. Not to that man who was there…

Tyler - What are we going to do today, love? - he changed the subject. He knew everything that had happened with Kalel and so he didn't mind not being reciprocated.

Being close to his beloved was enough for Tyler.

Kalel - I wanted to watch a movie at the cinema… it's been a while since we went out together, hasn't it? - he smiled sweetly.

Tyler - Yeah… We're too busy with our jobs. I barely remember the last time we went out, haha

Kalel - hahaha it's been a long time…

Sometimes I think I did the wrong thing by agreeing to date Tyler. I feel like I'm doing to him what Isaac did to me…

I can't love him. At least not the way I love him…

That's why I don't reciprocate his daily declarations. If I did, it would be a lie. I didn't want to lie to him. Even though I don't love him, I like him a lot. He takes care of me and loves me in a way that Isaac never did…

And yet I still love my dark past…

My mistake.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking about him. I miss him so much…

It seems that none of us were lucky in love. That idiot Andrew left and left Ronald in pieces…

Ronald has changed a lot since then. I hardly recognize him… He is not the same.

I don't really know what to say about Dario…

I guess Benjamin wasn't ready for a serious relationship.

But I can't judge hahaha…

I wasn't exactly a wise lord back then…

I'm not now either…

Why am I being such a fucking idiot to the most perfect person there is?

He's an angel. I honestly don't know how he can love me so much…

I'm not going to lie. I'm not completely fine. Sometimes…

I have my breakdowns and he takes it all…and then just takes care of me…

I think it's impossible to fully heal. No matter how much time passes, one day you will have a relapse. But compared to before, I'm much better.

Ronald always tells me that even though I'm happy, my eyes still look sad…

I don't understand. I am well. Why doesn't he believe it?

I completely forgot about Isaac Calhoun, didn't I?

I… I… I'm over him, aren't I…?

As said, the couple went to the cinema. A new movie would be released. It was time to take a break from work and spend some time together…

Tyler - I'm going to buy snacks. Can you buy the tickets? - he asked sweetly as he adjusted his glasses.

Kalel - Of course. Don't be late… - He stood on tiptoe and placed a kiss on the cheek of the brunette, who immediately smiled happily.

Tyler - Okay… - He left. The blonde stood behind, looking at the other's broad shoulders.

A strange feeling hit the blonde's body. As if it were a sense of deja vu. He looked around as if searching for something. People passed him as if in slow motion.

A cool breeze blew past him. It was nothing more than a tall body walking past him. He looked back and for some reason fixed his gaze on that man.

The black hair was so silky and black. Besides, the man was huge. Only after looking at that increasingly distant back did he realize what he was doing.

The people around him also stared at the now distant man.

Kalel - (I wish I had seen his face…) - thought the blonde, disappointed in himself. - (I wonder if he was really that handsome?) - he asked himself, observing the flushed faces of those people.

The line went and he finally got his tickets. He didn't have to wait long and his boyfriend arrived with the snacks.

Tyler - What happened here? - He asked, observing the atmosphere of the people. They seemed to be talking about a very interesting common topic.

Kalel - I think some celebrity passed by here… - He said uninterested.

Tyler - Hmmm… - he muttered, a little curious about the subject. - Come on… - he held the blonde's hand and guided him.

Get ready because Kalel is back!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘

I wish to never meet Isaac Calhoun again…

This is fine. I'm happy 😊

Episode 2

I am currently 32 years old. And in all that time, I haven't felt a drop of happiness... I suppose this is what they call karma...

...These are the consequences of 15 years ago. When I hurt the only thing that made me feel a strange sensation in my stomach. Someone I wanted to protect and care for...

...His name... is Kalel...

He was my light in the midst of everything...

My family problems, everything. That boarding school was my escape from my turbulent life. But that boy was the refuge of my soul. And at the same time, my total destruction...

...Amidst all those desperate thoughts... he made me want to live...

All this time, I've wondered how he was doing...

...Is he okay?...

I've asked myself these questions thousands of times...

I messed up his mind and left him just like me...

I'm a piece of shit...

I remember the day he left; I watched from that same window where we first made eye contact. When I saw him break down like that, I felt this crazy urge to go there, hug him, and tell him that everything was going to be alright...

...But how could I do that if I didn't even believe those words myself?...

I left him because it was better for him...

Getting involved with me would be problematic and could further damage his psyche...

He could come back anytime and hurt you. Because he didn't love you... like I love you. He hated you precisely because he wanted to love you.

This lonely side of me hates you, Kalel...

But I love you. I love you so much that it's impossible. At the same time that I want to take care of you... deep down...

I want to push you away and make you disappear...

You couldn't live with both of us. We are one, and that's a problem...

I guess it wasn't much use studying at the best school in the country. After all, I became a simple gang leader...

About my friends...

I have no idea how they are... I just know that Andrew took over the family mafia and the other businesses. Dario got married and had a daughter...

I guess we're not friends anymore... I guess time can tear things apart after all.

I think time is the supreme God. It does whatever it wants with anything and everything...

...In the end... it is destiny. And the one who knows all...

"Boss, I think you should lay off the weed..." My henchman snapped me out of my thoughts, making me sit up straight in my black leather chair.

"I didn't give you permission to interfere in my life, Cedric," I said coldly, releasing the smoke from the joint that was now between my fingers.

...Cedric Collins...

...Cedric sighed, dropping some papers on the table. He seemed sad...

"The Falcon is planning something. He and his gang were seen entering that movie theater with several crates. They probably contained weapons and explosives. It's an enclosed space, perfect for ambushing them and taking over their territory..." he changed the subject and looked away from the extremely sexy man in front of him. That position wasn't helping much...

"So that pathetic creature has started to act... hahaha," he laughed, mocking the man mentioned. "Gather the men, we're going to finish him off once and for all," he said seriously, putting his joint out in the ashtray and leaving the room.

"Sir, a very famous new movie is premiering today. There are a lot of people there..." he looked away. "They could get caught in the crossfire..." he said this last part in a lower voice. Perhaps he was afraid of the answer.

"So what? People die all the time." He clenched his jaw in irritation and quickened his pace. The white-haired man was left behind, somewhat hesitant.

"(Which one of them is in charge this time?)" he thought, looking at the broad shoulders in front of him.

... ... ...

...Isaac walked through the crowd that seemed mesmerized by his appearance...

"(Why am I feeling so anxious all of a sudden?)" His heartbeat was getting louder and louder, to the point where he could hear it in his head.

It was as if he felt something was about to happen? What was this feeling that completely took over him and filled his mind? He quickened his pace...

He was in a hurry. He wanted to find this "thing" as quickly as possible. Maybe the weed was kicking in? No. It was already kicking in before...

...What the hell is this?...

The dark-haired man asked himself, so focused on what was in front of him that he didn't even notice what was beside him. A blond man with green eyes who had caught his attention so much in the past...

In the end, he didn't find what he was looking for...

When will they meet again?

Who knows...

After all, only fate knows. You know why?

...Because it knows all...

If I saw Kalel again, I wonder how I would react? How would he react? Would he smile at me?

I remember when I made his smile disappear. At the time, I didn't understand and felt happy because I was being selfish and stayed by his side. Because he made me smile like no one ever had before. I wanted to taste more of that flavor and continued to hurt him...

I'm sorry for making your smile disappear, Kalel. I think adolescence is a terrible time to love someone because surely no teenager fully loves themselves...

They just pretend...

We hate everything about ourselves and hide it. Those are the cowards and liars. We pretend to love our bodies but hate them...

I envy you who admit to hating yourselves. You are the bravest and truest. You speak the truth...

How can I love someone if I didn't even love myself? And to be honest, I still hate myself...

I'm sorry Kalel, I didn't know how to love you and ended up hurting you, please don't forgive me. Never forgive me unless everything happens exactly as it did back then...

And about you, my troubled little teenagers, love yourselves, okay? Accept your flaws; everyone has them. You are all beautiful in your own way. Live freely and reject those who harm you. All people are the most beautiful works of art. And you know why?

"Because we are all free, and those who are free are beautiful birds that must fly and leave this ground that binds them so."

Episode 3

...Chapter 3...


Isaac walked heavily towards the control room. His huge black jacket flapped with each long step he took.

As he approached the metal door, he was attacked, probably by one of the enemies.

He spun on his own axis before being hit by the man and punched in the left side of his face.

The man slammed into the wall and passed out, near some of his teeth that were on the floor.

"Tsk! Maggot," he grumbled in a low tone. He opened the door and faced Cedric and a few henchmen inside.

"Sir," the seven men said in unison, bowing forward with their hands behind their backs. Isaac just nodded.

"Situation?" he snapped, looking at Cedric. He approached the screens and saw someone familiar on the cameras.

People started running in all directions, desperate. A gang battle had started somewhere near the location. The sounds of gunshots and desperate screams only added to the chaos.

It was hard to move in the crowd of people coming from all sides. Tyler crouched on the ground, leaning over Kalel, protecting him from any stray bullets.

Seeing some people fall to the ground being hit, others started lying down to avoid being hit.

On one side, members of one gang, and on the other, members of another. They blocked the only exits of that corridor with white walls tainted with blood.

"What...?" Kalel widened his eyes. The body protecting him was on top of him, breathing heavily. He felt something wet dripping on his body and hugged the body above him. "Tyler! Tyler!"

Without caring about the fight happening behind him, he laid the body on the ground and covered the hole with trembling hands. "Don't die! Don't die!" he pleaded to some entity that had the power to change something. His chest tightened. Why was his breathing getting so shallow?

All the sound in his head was hollow. His blurred vision desperately trying to contain the bleeding that gave him no rest.

And then the sound stopped. A hand grabbed his arm. The shots ceased, and the terrified people on the ground raised their heads, confused.

The dark-skinned man had acted impulsively, as he had not done in a long time. He eyed the smaller body he held possessively. It looked similar, but maybe it wasn't the same.

As soon as he saw the man approach on the security camera, he ran from there as fast as possible, trying to prevent the death of someone who seemed very important to him.

Kalel moved away from the man's hands and was about to curse him when he went into shock. That face, the same face.

Isaac was no different. His deep blue eyes welled up with tears. Tears streamed from his blue eyes; he was happy. And sad too.

Kalel did nothing, just stood still, unable to move a muscle.

That couldn't be him, could it? The man he tried to erase from his memory for years. The man who left him like that.

No, it couldn't be him!

Why him? Out of all the people in this damn world! Why did he have to meet him again now?

All his progress couldn't go down the drain.

His heart raced...

Butterflies in the stomach...

The cold chill down the spine...

Everything came back again.

The good feeling when that body touched his.

Kalel even thought about how he would act when he saw him again. Would he collapse?

He spent five years locked up in a mental hospital! And another ten recovering. Why did he come back just when he was doing fine?

When he had moved on, when he had found someone who loved him and took care of him.

With trembling hands, he held onto the black clothes of the tall man who shed tears on his face.

"Why?" He asked with a broken voice. Damn it! It hurt. It hurt a lot! Did he not realize the harm he had done to Carter?

The brunette looked at him confused. Furrowing his brow. Did he actually expect Kalel to welcome him with open arms and a smile on his face?

...Seriously? After everything?...

Cedric arrived and looked around confused. Why did his boss run amidst bullets and enemies to save that blond-haired man?

"Leave me alone," he pushed the man in front of him away and knelt down, taking care of his boyfriend's wound. He was shaking all over with a pained look in his eyes.

"Kalel... I..."

"Don't talk to me! Go away! Go away! Go away! Stay away from me!" He seemed to be having some kind of crisis, pushing his hands into the bullet hole in the other man's body. With no control at all. The constant tears were the only things filling his vision. Uncontrollable.

Isaac held his trembling hands, preventing him from worsening the other man's injury. He knew how much that poor man hurt him.


"Stop... Kalel... you're making the wound worse..." He pushed the blonde away from the unconscious man on the ground, placing him in a corner and hugging him. "Cedric, take care of this man's injuries," he gestured towards Cedric and then to Tyler.

He no longer cried. He had accepted that this reunion was just fate playing tricks. He was someone who didn't deserve love. He only hurt someone who had once loved him...

The first person to love him...

This reunion was just a slip of the Damned Destiny...

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