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My Mafia Hubby's Obsession

Chapter 1 - Forced Marriage

Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
W-What did you just say? I didn't quite catch that.
It isn't often that someone shocks me like this. Trust me, being the daughter of the most powerful mafia gang in Country X does that to you.
But when my Father repeated those words again, I felt my dream of being a single university student crumble to dust.
I'm Tessa Waters, and though most people don't know much about me, that's because I keep my secrets locked away.
If you saw me in the crowd, you couldn't tell me apart from another. I don't wear extravagant clothing or get my hair styled professionally.
I'm just me.
After my high school life going up in smoke, I decided to start fresh and find love in the most unexpected place; university!
Being a moderately alright-looking freshman, it was only a matter of time before I snagged myself a boyfriend.
But this... this complicates everything.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
Daddy, you can't be serious... we aren't in the old times anyone, arranged marriages are-
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
The man was desperate. His son... scares away any suitor that comes his way.
And you'd give your daughter away to a man like that???
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
Daddy, I-
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
Tess, just trust your Daddy, okay?
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
Have I ever made a wrong decision?
Yes, I can think of a few... though they are too painful to bring up.
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
For you.
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
I've made wrong decisions all my life, but I've always done a good job at protecting you. You can't say otherwise.
He's right. I'm his daughter, the treasured secret of the Lion of the South, Graham Waters.
Not many people in the organisation know about me. Only my Father and his assistant, along with his two right hands. That's how I've been protected for so long.
I don't advertise.
But this...
Marrying a man that I've never met before, one who has physically scared women away...
Not to mention it completely ruins my chances at a normal university life. What am I supposed to say to a handsome guy who comes up to me and asks me out?
"No, sorry, I'm married to a mafia gang leader. It's nothing personal, we can be friends, right?"
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
Tess, I know that you must think that I'm a terrible person...
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
I truly am, but please know that I have a reason for this.
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
A good valid reason... that I can't share with you just yet.
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
But just so you know, I love you. And if you are so against it... I'll find out of they are willing to take something else.
My father has always done the best for me. No matter what, he wouldn't have offered this deal unless he believed that it would make me happy.
I trust him with that.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
I just have to marry him?
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
I can always divorce him if he's not fit for me, right?
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
Besides... you're right. I do trust you, and I owe you a debt as well.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
So, I'll do it.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
I'll marry this man.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
If he has your approval, then he must be alright, right?
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
You've at least met him, right?
Graham Waters
Graham Waters
-End of Chapter 1-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Hey guys, Misty here~. Hope you enjoy this novel~. I poured my heart, soul, and frustrated single life into this, so I hope you guys enjoy it!
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
If you enjoyed it, make sure to tell me in the comments or if you have any questions or suggestions, please put them there.
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
The sign-in to Misty's new novel is below, at the like button~.
What do you think of her Father? A. Forcing her to marry someone that she's never met? What the heck? B. He has her best interests at heart. I don't know what's going on, but maybe he just wants someone to look after her. C. I can't decide! He seems like a good guy and all but forcing his daughter into that situation? Put your answers in the comment section below. I await your comments!

Chapter 2 - Women Are Useless

This is Chester's POV.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Out of the question.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
B-But I haven't even asked the question yet!
It's been a year since my father has visited me, and he will only come back when he has something to ask of me.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Come back next year. Jordan, escort my-
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Everyone in the room froze.
Himself, Jordan and Peter, my right hands, and Geoffrey, my accountant.
I noticed how he wasn't going to say anything with an audience, so just this once, I decided to humour him.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Everyone out.
They all looked at me in silence before obeying my order and leaving the room, walking past my father.
As the door shut, my Father sighed.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Promise me that you'll accept.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Accept what? You haven't even told me yet.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Besides, why should I humour your little request?
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
You're nothing to this organisation anymore. You got yourself out.
And left me to pick up the pieces...
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Chester, this is the last thing I'll ever ask of you.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
The last thing?
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
And if I promise to agree to it beforehand, you'll leave?
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
This is a tempting offer. I'll no longer have to deal with this cynical old man who I embarrassingly share half of my DNA with.
And he'll finally give me a definitive answer and leave me.
Or perhaps... he's wishing to rejoin.
Either way, it gives me an insight of where he lies in my life.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Alright. I, Chester Castell, swear to accept your offer.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
He then walked up to me and took a photograph out of his pocket and set it down on my desk.
I turned it around with my pen and saw the picture of a smiling girl who had something about her that I couldn't quite understand.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
This is Tessa.
"This is Tessa"?
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Why does she suddenly have a name?
My Father then placed down a ring box on my desk.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
I want you to marry this girl.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Are you out of your mind?
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
You said that you would.
I can't believe this nonsense.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
How long will she last before I'll have to stick her in a mental asylum, hm?
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
This world isn't for women as pure and innocent as that.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Pure and innocent, you say? Well, I'm surprised that you didn't see through that.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Well, I guess that after all, my men didn't find out that he had a daughter since very recently.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
A daughter? Who are we talking about?
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
The number one power in Country X, and our current ally; Graham Waters.
Master- I mean, Graham Waters has a daughter?
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Graham Waters was your mentor when you were 10, I don't know if you remembered that.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Well, he has a very much single daughter and I want you to get married to her.
Married... getting married into Master's family?
And to his daughter?
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Don't let that innocent face fool you. As much as Graham has tried to keep her from the business, she's as tough as nails.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
A good match for you.
A good match...
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
You can leave now.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
I'll marry her... or whatever.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
You will?
I snarled.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Why are you so surprised? I said that I'd accept whatever ridiculous request you had.
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
So now, you can leave and never show your face in front of me again.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Chester? The only thing that I can say is that I'm-
Chester Castell
Chester Castell
Save whatever apology you have to the girl you're forcing me to marry.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
Fred Castell was once a powerful man... yet now, he was reduced to this.
Marriage... what does that old man want me married for?
It's no matter. I'll marry her, then lock her up somewhere so she can't be used against me.
I don't need a wife. Women like her are useless.
-End of Chapter 2-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~.
Chapters are being released every hour~. Enjoy!

Chapter 3 - Normal Life

My father has always done his best to keep me from his work.
I know that what he does isn't ethical, but he's the most real person in the field.
He's compassionate and believes in second chances when they are due to be given.
And what I respect about him the most is that he always keeps his word.
No matter what.
I guess it's ironic, since that's the reason why I'm forced to marry whoever this guy is.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
And of course, he's never even met the guy either.
I fell back amongst my mountain of pillows and hugged Armaud, the cat toy that I've had since I was a small child.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
Armaud... what do you think about arranged marriages?
The cat toy didn't respond.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
I know... I think that they are outdated as well.
The cat toy still didn't respond.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
I know, I should trust my father but how can I when he hasn't even met the guy either?
The cat toy, you guessed it, didn't respond.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
Well... hopefully, he's kind enough.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
And treats me well.
I can only hope that's the case.
Suddenly, my phone buzzed.
I dug amongst my pillows before I finally got to my phone and saw that a message had been sent from an unknown number.
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
"Hello, Tessa. This is Fred, your future father-in-law."
Wait, this is all going too fast!
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
"I just heard from Graham that you accepted. That's wonderful! I can't wait to be family with such a polite and dedicated girl!"
Wait, why does his name sound familiar?
Fred... Fred...
Where have I seen that before?
I got up and rummaged through my drawers before producing a huge scrapbook that I've been keeping since I was little.
I flicked past the first few pages and slowly skimmed through each page until I stopped at a huge photo of my father in the army.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
Names, names...
Then, my skin turned pale when I saw the name of the man who had his arm around my Father, laughing away.
Tessa Waters
Tessa Waters
Fred... Castell...
So his son must be-
Chester Castell?
Even without being in the organisation completely, I know that the name Castell carries a lot of weight... and fear.
If we are lions, the Castell's are panthers, with only three things in mind: revenge, money, and fear.
I'm going to be marrying the head of the Castell family...
I'm going to be marrying a lunatic who, if feeling trigger-happy, could shoot me dead if he felt like it.
Forget about being kind or treating me well, I'm still wondering if I'll be able to survive until I turn 19!
Fred Castell
Fred Castell
"If you don't mind, the wedding will be next week. If I remember correctly, that's a few days before you go off to university. Better before than after, right?"
I can't believe this...
I'm going to die.
-End of Chapter 3-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~.
What do you think about Chester? A. He seems like a really scary and cold person. B. He's going to soften up the moment he sees Tessa in her wedding dress. C. I don't know yet. Author, where are the next updates? Put your answers in the comment section below.

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