NovelToon NovelToon

Reborn As The Empress

episode 1

let's begin
in the dark of night
In an old abandoned warehouse in north America.
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
*Taps ear com.*
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Ty you ready
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
"Luis I lost contact with tyler!"
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
"Tyler was ambushed come to the other side of the warehouse... we need back up"
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
"What!!..I'm on my way"
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Guys.. *Whisper*
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
*shot her in the shoulder*
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alex falls and hits her head knocking her out
As she regains consciousness she heard two familiar voices
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
We already have the money and property transferred to our name...
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Just kill her already.
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
No babe I want her awake first. I wanna see the look on that b*tches when she find out...her life is about to end here ..Stupid Sl*t,
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
😀..oh your up
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Yup..but I'm sure you hoped I didn't wake🙂
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Why are you so calm🤨?
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Last year 👿 bestfriend told me she saw you cheating on me with this b*tch.
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
I didn't believe her😢 that same week she died in a car accident. I knew it seemed to fishy, that she just happen to get into an accident after tell me about you guys.
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
She was my only family and you killed her😠 so when I came to now the truth,I let you guys play your little play.
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
But today, I'll avenge her.
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
😂nice speech you bimbo, but how are you gonna do that. Your tied up and were to far across here.
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
☺That were your wrong Bit*h🙂
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
I set explosives all around this building 🙂.
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
🤨Your bluffing
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
oh you think, check my watch😐
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
*picks up here watch*
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
She actually set a!!
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
No use I locked all the door before coming here😂😁
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
Tyler Smith/Fl ex bf/ past life
please turn it off...Babe I still love you. Do you really wanna kill me.🥺😢
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
Wtf are you talking about!!😡
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
(Love.. ha😒)
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
See you in helll You Bastards🙂.*Yells* (Sorry Mia..)
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
luisa cotton/Fl ex best friend/Past life
😶Nothing ha-
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Name: Anastasia Kinsley Age: 27 Occupation: CEO of a no.1 company/Memeber of a gang Relatives: Orphan Relationship status: betrayed, so she's single Personality:Cruel, Merciless, arrogant, Confident, workaholic, Likes:Guns, fighting, the color black, hacking,Combat,Cooking, Dislikes:betrayal, b*tches, gold diggers, liars, bright colors, her ex bf, ex bestfriend
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
Alexandra Kingsley -FL past life
those to b*stards need no introduction😏...only main, important characters get introduced
Author eve
Author eve
🤭👌Np boss🏃‍♀️💨

episode 2

let's continue 😊
Your majesty please get well soon.😢
I miss your annoying nagging voice😢😭
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Shut up...I wanna sleep more😴😪
Your Majesty!!😲🥳🥳Your up..
call the physician.. quickly!!
Yes ma'am *runs out the room*
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(Your majesty)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
*opens her eyes*
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
who are you, where am I...🥶
😯😟😨 Your don't remember me..😭 her majesty has lost her memories.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
stop crying and tell me your name. and why do you keep calling me 'your majesty'
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
😢My name is Kris Jeter I am your personal maid.
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
ignore the tray and cups
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
The reason I call you 'Your majesty' because you are going to be the soon to be Empress of Arran, since your dad his highness died last month. Oop.. did I say to much.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(Arran?😑..Empress? ...What🙀)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
What is my name?
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Your majesty I am not allowed to say your birth name🤯...I could lose my life.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(For saying my name😐)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Well I can't remember anything about myself so if you don't tell anyone you said my name it I won't neither.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
okay, but you have to pinky promise.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
pinky promise
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Your name is Anastasia Rosaline Bishop, daughter of David Bishop and Ana Bishop... Your mom died at age 7 and Vivian Elbaz your dads concubine had Andrew your little half brother... he is now 10
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(Anastasia Bishop 😱...I was reborn into the novel😶...what was the name again🤔)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(💡..Her Desired)
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
She doesn't like you, to be more exact she hates your guts and she wants Andrew your younger brother to be Emperor and King of Arran
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Your dad trained you since young to be the next ruler. He passed away a month ago and around that same time you were poisoned.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(Oh yes Vivian poisoned her..But one of the physicians found a cure, just in time)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(Besides dealing with family drama, she had to run a kingdom and fight against dirty nobles who didn't want a woman to rule over them...poor girl)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(And since, her father never made Vivian Empress, she's only concubine. Anastasia became Empress of Arran)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(But I think I'm forgetting something..Important....🤷‍♀️Oh well I'll remember it later. Now let's pretend to regain my 'Memories')
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Ah yes I remember now, thank you kris.
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
it's just that you've never once said thank you to me.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(Ah yes Anastasia was an arrogant, rude but powerful and influential woman)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(kris is an orphan and probably he only thing close to friend. So I should be nice to her also in the story she became a princess after she met her family at a party I attended.)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(She is very useful and a good person😊)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Well that's going to change, I'll be thanking you and appreciating all your hard work for now on.
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
😢😭Your majesty😭
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
🤧Okay..okay,Stop crying please🥺
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
*sniffles* okay😊
the door opened
Your alive😭
*tackles Anastasia*
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Duchess, Her highness has now awoken, please be gentle with her.
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
*ignores* babe are you okay, do you want some water.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
I'm good jade, thanks for asking😊
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
(is she okay👀)
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
(👀... I think so)
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
(.Didn't know poison can change someone😶)
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Yes your highness
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Yes Ana
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
I want to take a bathe and have something to eat.
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Your majesty, the physician is on his way, shall I send him back .
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Yes please
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
*Nods..bows and exits the room*
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
So..😊 How does it feel to become empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
I am not totally the Empress. I have not had the ceremony, because you know.
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Ah yes, I was going to talk to you about that. We found the man who owns the beetle poisoning. He confessed to selling someone a case of poison around the week you were poisoned
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
We are still investigating, but I have an idea who the culprit is.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
I think I'll end it here
I'll Introduce in the following chapter 😊
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
don't forget to like☺
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
and vote🙈
Author eve
Author eve
byee babess

episode 3

Author eve
Author eve
hi babiesss😁
Name: Anastasia Bishop age:19 Relatives:Younger brother Occupation/Role: Empress and the Head of Arran Relationships status: Soon (A harem) sexual status: Not a V*rgin Personality : Cruel, Ruthless, Selfless, Flirtatious, Dominant, Woraholic, cold likes: sword fighting,archery, the MLs (soon), cooking, combat, dark colors dislikes:betrayal, dishonesty, b*tches,sl*ts,gold diggers, greedy people
Name:Kris Jeter age:16 Relatives:Her Mom,dad, and older brother Occupation/Role: Personal Maid of Anastasia/ Princess (she lost her memories) Relationships status: None sexual status: V*rgin Personality :Sweet, Selfless,Kind likes: bright colors, sweets dislikes dishonesty, greedy peopl
Name: Jade Lancaster age:21 Relatives:Younger brother Occupation/Role: Duchess of Arran Relationships status: Single Sexual status: Not a V*rgin Personality : Cruel, Ruthless, Selfless, Flirtatious, Woraholic, cold likes: fighting,archery, combat, dislikes:betrayal, dishonesty, b*tches,sl*ts,gold diggers, greedy people, some nobles.
let's continue
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
I think I have an idea who the culprit is.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
it's just a hunch, so don't get upset.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
🙄Just tell me
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Your father's Mistress ,Vivian Elbaz
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Why would you say think so🤨.
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Because Uncle was health as a bison, I found it strange, he just died, it doesn't make sense, Also after he died the first heir gets poisoned 😑 convient...I started to think, who would benefit from all of this, them it came to me the death of uncle and your poisoning is a perfect chance for someones son to become Emperor, with no competition.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
🤔Makes sense.
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Wait your n
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Your majesty, I am here to help you with your bathe.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
(Help me with my bathe😬.)
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Come in *🥶*
*came in* 😨Greetings Duchess *bows*
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Well since you are busy, I'll take my leave.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Have a safe trip. Duchess😉
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Thank you, your majesty 😏
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
Jade Lancaster/Fl bestfriend/Duchess
<After her bathe>
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Your majesty.. I have prepared your outfit for today.
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
👉😶someone who has never worn a dress in her past life.
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
*went over to her wardrobe and found an outfit*
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
that's the outfit his majesty, bought for you, but you never used.😯
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Anastasia Bishop/Fl/ Empress
Well, I will now🙂
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Kris Jeter/personal Maid/fl bestfriend
Author eve
Author eve

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