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Young Love ( Taekook)

Young Love : Intro

Author Vella
Author Vella
Hello Everyone 🥰
Author Vella
Author Vella
This is my new chat story
Author Vella
Author Vella
young love
Author Vella
Author Vella
It is a Simple love story.. Too many twists aren't there..
Author Vella
Author Vella
Hope you guys will love it 🥰
Author Vella
Author Vella
Note - Not an Omegaverse and there is no Male pregnant
~Young Love~
Kim Taehyung
A 18 year old boy
He is the most handsome and youngest model in South Korea
His Father is a great business man
Kim Taehyung Is raised with lot of discipline and is guided by rules.. As he is from a Royal family his father wants him to be filled with discipline. He is strictly raised by his father from a very young age. His mother Is dead.
Taehyung rarely is allowed to go out. He only goes while out while photo shoot.. His father never let's him step out of his home. Taehyung has never seen the outer world. He is educated in the home he doesn't know the meaning of friendship hasn't interacted with many people.
Behavior flows in Taehyung's Blood. According to him to lead a happy life he has to be alone, disciplined , without friends.. But deep down in his heart he want to explore the world freely and happily, he wants to make friends..
Doesn't know the meaning Love.
A straight man
Jeon Jungkook
18 year old boy
A backbencher in the college.. Doesn't study very lazy, independent person according to him you only live once so he wants to enjoy it completely
A normal middle class boy famous in his college among girls.. But Jeon Jungkook is a Born gay he only flirts with boys( not a playboy) Very cool and free guy
Clumsy, messy, no behavior, completely undisciplined
Finding for a true love, has many friends.
Author Vella
Author Vella
This was the intro of the main characters
Author Vella
Author Vella
See you in next episode 🥰🥰
Author Vella
Author Vella
Please support me
Author Vella
Author Vella
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
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Young love : Luna

Author Vella
Author Vella
Hello everyone
Author Vella
Author Vella
Happy New year 😊😊
~Young Love~
A beautiful afternoon the light sun light falling in the balcony
A boy sitting and reading the book
He was sitting straight on the chair holding the book in his right hand and from another hand sipping some shake. He had a poker face his sharp almond eyes roamed through the lines
Taehyung heard some talking of the boys of his age
He took a sneak peak and saw they were laughing talking hugging returning back home from their college.
Tae didn't wanted to see through the other side but yet his mind was diverting him
A voice came from behind
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Young master tae! lunch is ready
Luna is tae's caretaker she takes care of everything.. She is multi talented person she teaches tae everything
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Yes ❄
Luna went out
Tae closed his book and went out.. Before going he took a glance at the college students
With a straight poker face he closed the door of the balcony with a Thud and went for lunch
He went downstairs to the dining hall
A long dining table where only one plate was arranged for tae
He went and sat their
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Luna isn't Dad coming? ❄
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Master is busy with some work so he will not be able to have lunch with young master
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Tae didn't talk anything
Though he was feeling sad and lonely the expression didn't show on his face
He remained silent and ate the food
As tae was finishing his lunch
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Young master tae after lunch you may have light rest for 30 minutes and then you have piano classes for 1 hour and next you will be going to practice martial arts for another 1 hour at 6 pm you have photo shoot for the new brand and then for 2 hours you have study and then the revision will he taken and then you may have your dinner have little walk in the garden and then directly go to sleep.
Tae listened to his schedule attentively
He sighed
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Ok ❄
He wiped his hands to the towel kept beside and went to his room
He couldn't change his schedule no matter what.. He wanted more time to be out but that wasn't just happening
He went to his bedroom and sat their
Luna was beside him for the whole time to check what he is doing
though it was his time to rest there was no privacy
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Yes young master
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
About my home tution *sigh* tomorrow will it be the same?
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Yes young master a total 7 hours of study from morning to afternoon
As expected there was no sign of him going out to college
He was sad literally sad but his face was same... Expressionless
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Are you sad young master?
Luna was the only one who could say how tae was feeling though he had a poker face everytime
She was talking care of tae after his mother's death and knows tae very well
Tae used to have same poker face when he was angry, sad, happy there was no changes in his expression but yet Luna could identify how he was feeling
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
No ❄
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Luna was trying a lot.. Seeing Tae was not ok for her
She had been requesting Tae's dad to send him to the college for better studies but his father always changed the topic or never gave attention to it
It was night time
It was time for Tae to go to bed
But he was waiting for his dad to come
He was in his night pyjamas standing near the stairs hands crossed at his back
He was eager to meet his dad
He had a very poker face but according to him he was smiling
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Young Master it's time to sleep
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I am waiting for my dad ❄
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Master is gonna come late so he has informed you to sleep early
Taehyung didn't talk anything he glared at the big door and left
He kept hua hands back and walked but he stopped and turned back
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Luna I want to go to college ❄
This was the first time Tae had ever told that
It was always in his heart that he should go to college but he didn't had the courage to face his dad so he never told that
Though he never told that luna knew that tae wanted to go to college but this time when tae told it from his own mouth she felt she has to do something
Tae suddenly told it cause after his mom's death his dad never tried to interact with hindi he was all alone in home.. In the whole big mansion there were only him, luna, and the whole home was guarded by security and his bodyguard who would be following him everywhere ( not in the bathroom)
The strict security made it feel like a jail rather than a living home
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
I will try and talk about this with master
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I don't want you to try.. I want it to be done ❄
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
But young master only if I talk your master will not listen to me.. If you also talk he might listen
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Hmm.. Then whenever dad is free make my schedule also free
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
But young mas----
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Luna Please ❄ only this time
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
This would be hard.. If Tae's father will know that Tae changed his schedule just for the sake to meet him he would be really angry on Tae and luna
This was the 5th time in whole life Tae asked to change the schedule
And everytime he told he used to say only this time
So luna would agree
Tae walked to his room
He was excited
He went to his room and stood in front of the mirror
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I look excited ❄
This is how Tae was seeing himself in the mirror
But the mirror knew how Tae was actually looking
Mirror - Dumb idiot person doesn't even now what excitement is
This is how Tae actually looked
he looked at the time
It was 9:27 pm
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
He went and sat on his bed
His bodyguard was in his room beside his bed standing straight
Tae was looking at the wall in front of him repeatedly
At sharp 3 minutes he fell asleep while sitting on the bed
It was tae's habit.. No matter where he was what he was doing at sharp 9:30pm he used to fall asleep
From very young his mom used to make him sleep at 9:30pm and never there was late in even one second sharp 9:30second he used to sleep and the habit continued and now also he sleeps at 9:30pm
Luna came in his room after some time she saw Tae and smiled
She tucked the blanket
and kissed his forehead
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
I have always wanted you to be free.. This is just another step to make you feel free.. it's not like I don't want to teach you but I want you to make friends be happy.. Hope it will all go good ☺
Luna went out she waited for tae's father
Luna treated Tae like her son.. When she had first become tae's care taker she was only 18years and she was shocked to see the little guys schedule
there was no break at all
He had no rest no free time no play time no nothing
Tae was only 10 years at that time
The Tae she had seen then was different from the Tae she is seeing now
First time when she had met Tae he was a crying baby who was depresses and sad of loosing his mom, uncle and grandpa
At those time Tae used to show his feelings through his expression but now his feelings were hidden and his face showed now expression
As the little guy had a busy schedule Luna tried a lot and begged tae's father that she could change the little guy's schedule
She was successful in making it through years as she gained his father's trust
She had only reached 5% throughout these years and yet Tae was not free
She knew it she wanted to leave Tae free but she couldn't disobey her master
Now Luna is 26years old
She really wants Tae to be free but nothing is there in her hand
Author Vella
Author Vella
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
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Young Love : Ok

~Young Love~
A shiny Morning
Sharp 6:30 am Taehyung woke up
He held his necklace tightly in hand and told
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Good morning mom
He looked around and found his bodyguard standing with a straight face
He rolled his eyes and then went to wash up
The same boring morning in his life no one to greet no one talk about him no one to smile looking at him
How do you feel when you will wake up and no one is there to greet you like your mom..
Author Vella
Author Vella
Well being in PG I remember her.. Morning she used to say good morning and smile at me.
No one greets you the way your parents greet you
Taehyung missed his mom's smile a lot
After Washing up he came out wore his clothes and looked at a big photo
He bowed three times in front of the photo
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I hope you are happy there in heaven mom
There was a knock at his room
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Young master please get ready for your classes
Taehyung didn't talk anything
he opened the door
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Afternoon 11:45 he will be free you can meet him
Tae just stood there
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Young master today you didn't wake up on time.. You woke up 1 and half an hour late
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Hope you will learn to manage time.. Your 1 hour is completely wasted so your rest time and free time will be cancelled your lunch time will be late and also as an punishment you may have to skip your breakfast
Taehyung sighed
These were the rules made by his father according to his father the more you eat the more you become late once you stop eating you will starve and follow everything
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Hope you got to know everything.. Let's not waste time and start your studies
Taehyung went to a big Hall the books were already prepared for him
Luna started talking classes for Tae
Tae listened to everything attentively
And at 11:30am Luna stopped
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Let's go if we start now by sharp 11:45 we will be able to meet your dad
Taehyung closed his book and walked out with a straight face
He took a look at his big wall were no one was there.. His body guard behind him
Taehyung turned back and looked at his body guard he felt annoyed but the expression as usual didn't show on his face
He went and sat in the car and was joined by Luna
His bodyguard followed him from another car behind
They reached The Kim's company
A very big company as Tae entered everyone present bowed at him
Tae walked with a straight face like a king
He was now standing in front of his father's cabin
He knocked at the door
A voice came from in
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
But again there was a knock
as I told Tae doesn't like to talk much he never talks unless it is necessary enough sometimes even though it is necessary he doesn't talk
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
I told rig--
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Master it is Young master here
Sung jin got angry
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Taehyung walked in and stood in front of his dad
He saw his dad sitting there straight
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
But master young master wanted to talk to you *looking down*
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
What do you want to talk??
Tae didn't answer he looked at his dad
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
He wants to talk about College
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Taehyung looked at his dad
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Did you listen now go from here
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I won't go ❄
A silence
Sung jin slapped Tae
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Master 😨
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
taehyung had the same poker face
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I want to go to college I need my freedom
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Luna take him away
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Yes master *bowed*
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Young mas---
Taehyung left from there with a straight face his face was red due to his dad's slap
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
THIS CHILD *kept his hand on his head*
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Master freedom is a thing that is worth nothing.. You have to think. Taehyung now feels the lach of freedom .. see that child never asked you for anything this once he asked you to send him to college it would be good if you fulfil your child's wish
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
I am worried Luna.. I don't want to loose him. I lost my happy family.. My wife, My brother and my dad I don't want to loose my Son.. The outer world is dangerous scary
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
I can't aff---
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Master I promise I won't let anything happen to him.. His responsibility is mine
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Then ---
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Is it ok??
Luna asked with excited voice
Sung Jin's heart calmed.. He had always trusted Luna now also he chose to trust him
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Thank you master.. You are a best dad Tae could ever have
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Remember if anything happen he will never even see the outer world.. The windows of the home will be closed he will be in his home forever
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Yes master.. I assure that he will be safe..
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
Let him study in our university
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Yes master
Kim Sung jin
Kim Sung jin
You may go
Luna (Tae
Luna (Tae's Caretaker)
Yes master
Luna left from there

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