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My Alpha Wife

Last wish

Cold winds were blowing in deep dark night. The atmosphere was soo gloomy as if showing the pain of the people in the hospital
Three figures were sitting in waiting area. Waiting for some news to be exact a good news.
Doctor came outside operation theater, all three of them rushed to doctor asking Condition of the patient present inside, but looking at doctors expression.... 😔 everyone knew its not good
Doctor:- Sorry Mr. Kim we did our level best but we could not save your grandfather. You all can meet him, he is asking for you.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Listening to doctor I felt as if I became orphan. That I lost only elder of my life
All of them entered the ward where there grandpa was present only to see there once stern and strong grandpa so pitiful with all the machines connected to body
Feeling presence in the room old man wrinkling brows slowly to open the eyes only to see his grandchildren, with their eyes puffy and scattered hairs.
Looking at you right now your grandmother did not make it right?
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Keeping his grandpa's hand on his forehead started to cry loudly😭😭😭😭😭😭
Silly child why are you crying I am just going to accompany my wife.
But before that I need to tell you something taehyung, come here son
I need you to do something you can take it as my last wish. I want you to go back to Korea to your family.. to your mom and dad
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
But didn't you said they both died due to accident when I was baby
No they are alive and well in Korea, I took you with me they don't even know about you being with me they think they lost their third child.
Your mom left her home to be with your father. I was so angry I severed all her relationships with our Jung family.
After some years I got to know they had a alpha child then I kidnapped you from hospital to let them know how it feels to lose a child
But now I know how foolish I was, just go to them and live with your family take hoseok along with you and tell your mom that she was har dad's princess
Take care of hobi and yourself as well.
Promise me you will go...
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I..I promise 😢😢😢
That's when he left the world
Now they could not control and started to cry loudly.
Taehyung while grabbing hobi's shoulder exited the room to find the old butler who bowed to them and trying hard to stop his tears
On the way to home hobi slept in car. After tugging him on bed taehyung made his way to his bedroom.
Taehyung's POV
I just can't believe what happened with me. Means all this time I was living in lie. I thought I just had grandpa, grandma and my cousin jhope.
But now not only I got mom and dad but even siblings... but at the expense of my grandparents that's absolutely not a good deal...
Everything I thought if I had a complete family like everyone my life would have been better but now that I think of it my life wasn't any worse.
I don't even know if I should be happy that I got my family or be sad that I lost my grandparents...ugh.. it's too complicated 😩
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Let's just try to sleep. My head started hurting.
He slept the moment his head touched pillow. Too exhausted due to crying and all new information.

New start

Next day in morning taehyung was sitting in his study table with his coffee going through some office files.
That's when someone knocked on the door hearing "come in" j-hope entered.
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Brother breakfast is ready
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You go ahead I am coming.
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
(nods) ok
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
On the dinning table two figures were having breakfast in silence
The silence got disrupted when taehyung asked......
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Butler uncle I want all information about the Kims
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Today in evening we will leave for korea
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Hobi be ready ok?
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
ok (nods)
Yes young master
Again silence took over in environment
Hobi was fumbling with his food. There was something he wanted to ask but was scared.
Atlast taehyung noticed his discomfort and asked him...
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Is there anything you wanna say?
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Umm... yess..wh..what about my college😖😖 (asked in very soft voice)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Don't worry about that, I will handle it
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You will continue your studies there
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I'll talk about your transfer with your principal. Anything else?
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok head)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
No need to be afraid, if you want anything you can ask me directly
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
As long as you know your limit.
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Taehyung left to his studies along with butler
Hobi returned to his room and started packing his bags
He was kinda repulsive on the thought of leaving here, this house, this collage, and his friends( even though he did not had much🙄) but he was excited as well for having new family
Hoseok's POV
Yesterday I lost my grandparents, it was soo sudden my grandfather who was little strict with me as I am omega and my grandmother who was too sweet are not anymore😞
My parents died when I was 8, I was staying with them since then, and ofcoure there is also my brother to be exact a fúcking arrogant pure blood "alpha" 'cousin' brother🙄
Ofcourse I cannot say that infront of him or he will again nagg saying "omegas should not swear" .....ugh....he is too scary and annoying for my sweet heart😩
Eventhough he is an a**hole and and alpha annoying brat😒 and hates omegas but I still love him I guess😑
I cannot stay with him alone in this house its better to leave for korea
let's just hope they are good😌
Same day evening
Taehyung's POV
We are done with funeral
Now we are about to leave for korea. Butler uncle gave all information about those Kim's.
They are one of most rich families of Korea having two sons one alpha and one omega.
They still don't know about me I guess since grandpa wants to hide me they cannot find any leads about me since he was really powerful in US
So let's give them a big surprise
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Butler uncle you take care of this house we are leaving now and bring the luggage from my room
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
And ask someone to call hobi
yes, young master
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
No need, I am here
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Hmm, let's leave
Saying both of them sat in the car leaving for airport...
It feels the new life is going to start
let's just hope everything goes well


Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung Age:- 23 Pure blood Alpha - Cold, Merciless and a proud alpha Have parents and 2 siblings and cousin (jhope) Love :- Grandparents, jhope, someone Hate:- omegas, lies
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Jung Hoseok Age:- 21 Dominant Omega - also called as jhope or hobi - sweet, caring, cheerful - little scared of taehyung - Taehyung, family(will have in future) Love:- Grandparents, Taehyung Hate:- Bitches, sluts
Grandpa Jung Age:- 75 Dominant alpha Strict to hobi as he is omega and loves his wife loves his all grandchildren
Butler Beta Has served Jung family for generations loyal to family
Back to story
They reached Seoul early in morning and checked in hotel as they cannot go to Kim's house this early
After checked in Taehyung first send hobi to his room and then went to his room
They slept for a while
In Taehyung's room at around 9 am there came a knock on door
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Went to open the door )
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Hobi! What happened?
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
oh, it's nothing I just came to call you for breakfast
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You can have your breakfast, I am checking some email right now
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I will have it in room
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
ok then
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
He went downstairs for breakfast
He took a seat near window enjoying early morning scenery
Hoseok's POV
I sat on table near window enjoying breakfast and looking at bustling streets
Sometimes it just feels amazing when everyone is busy and here I am leisurely enjoying myself 😄
when I was busy with my thoughts someone tapped my shoulder and asked..
Mei yuri
Mei yuri
Can I seat here?
Mei yuri
Mei yuri
If you don't mind
I looked around to see all the seats full
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
yeah, ofcoure you can
That's when I had a good look at him
He was quite tall and well built
A Alpha
That moment our eyes met for a split second and we both looked down it was quite awkward
Mei yuri
Mei yuri
Mei yuri
Mei yuri
Hi I am Jackson wang
Jackson wang
Jackson wang
Your name?
Omg he is really 🔥
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Hi, Jung hoseok. you can call me hobi
Jackson wang
Jackson wang
You are new here?
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
How did you know🤨
Jackson wang
Jackson wang
I just guessed😅
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
ok, yeah, I came here with my brother
Just like that they kept talking and did not even know how 1 hr pass
Jackson wang
Jackson wang
ok then I need to leve now
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Jackson wang
Jackson wang
Would you meet me again maybe at evening I will show you around
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
umm...sorry...but I am busy at evening
Jackson wang
Jackson wang
It's alright
Jackson wang
Jackson wang
Maybe some other day
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
It was nice meeting you☺
Jackson wang
Jackson wang
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
He was pretty handsome 😳😳😳(mumbling)
Jung hoseok
Jung hoseok
Aish...let's go explore garden
He spent rest of his time in garden and in his room

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