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The Escape Of Demon's Bride

Chapter 1

I walk as fast as I could. Someone is chasing me. Wait, I am wrong. Something is chasing me. What have I done that he keeps following me? I am not someone that harms people. Why am I here, running from him? He is...a Demon King!


"Miss Shannon? Hello?" Did someone calls me? Or am I dreaming? I remember I am in Mr. Samuel class. Wait, what? Mr. Samuel? Oh shoot! I wake up quickly. Oh no... he is looking at me. "Ouch, Mr.Sam... my-" before I say anything, he says, "your stomach hurts?" all the students are laughing at me. How did he knows what I am going to say? "No, I checked yesterday and my personal doctor said that-" again, he interrupts, "He said what? You are stressed? So you want to rest, but you come here because you are afraid that your fees for this weekend will burn?" Again, he guess it correctly! "Err, how did you knew what I was going to say?" Shi*. I just make a fool of myself. Everyone is laughing at me. "Miss Shannon, I think that you must be worried about your assignment. Your examination is worse than I thought but I already think your results based on your potential." I sigh.

"I am sorry, sir. I have been working all night. I even sleep only two hours on my bed." Damn it! Sharron, you are so dumb! "Yeah, two hours on your bed and five hours in the class? I do not think so," I become mad! The exam that I failed is not important, anyway. I did not study on purpose.

When I started to get out from the class, I run quickly to avoid someone. Luckily, I am good in sports. After I feel myself is far from my college, I stop running. "Please, help me!" I heard a girl's voice. Who will shout loudly like this if it was not for emergency? The voice come from somewhere near a shop.Oh, a woman like my age. She is wearing a maid's clothes. "Do not let her run. Kill her before she does something worse." The leader is saying something. I look at him. So fierce. Should I help her or not? Nah, I think I will pass. I want to walk forward and forget everything. It is not my problem, anyway.

"Cut her head off!" For God's sake! I move back to take a look. Damn, his people are going to cut her head! Damn it, I just can't watch the girl like that! I run towards her and kicked the man that holds the knife. "Miss, miss... help me. Please help me, miss," I look at the girl. "Shut up, will you? Your voice are making me sick," I said. She seems shocked, so were their leader. Now, there are almost ten guys. I look at them. Four holding knives. Six of them are empty handed. Good. I tied my long hair, ready to fight. "I want her alive," their leader said. "Sorry, dude. We will see about that," I attacked them force fully. I am avoiding the knives and attacking them at the same time.

I kicked one of the guy on the face. He falls down, and I take his knife. The war is on, baby! It is been a long time since I have done this. Kinda excited, too. I kick them one by one. Sorry to say, I don't want to waste my time. I kicked their balls. And it is working! All of them fall down. Damn, my hand is hurting. One of them also stratched my leg with knife. I put my feet on his face. "What are you waiting for? Run!" I scold the woman. She runs quickly. Suddenly, the siren of police is getting loud. Wtf? Their leader call the cops! I take my bag and run.

It is not the ending. It is the beginning.

Chapter 2

I heal my wound by myself. Luckily, it is not that deep. Just who are that man that wants to cut a woman's head? Men these days only protect those who they love so much. It is true. Want me to prove it? I have my own experience. I throw away my clothes that I wore when I fight. I do not threw it near my house, though. I throw it at inside a dustbin at an amusement park. Sometimes, they might put a tracker. I threw my bag, too. I can sense the danger of him. Who is he? He is not an ordinary person since he knows he is safe even the cops are coming. Damn it, my leg hurts! It might leave a scar, too. I am from a special force. I quit two years ago because of a bullshit that I never expected that it will happen.

Somehow, I managed to have a normal life that I have been asking for. I have been living well this two years. I hope my life will not change if I helped the woman earlier. It seems like I need to be aware of my surroundings now. He could be anywhere. I must find out who is that man.

???_"Derrick, those people are useless. I am ashamed to say that they are defeated by a woman."

Derrick_ "What?! They are from the middle force,"

???_ "That means the girl must not be someone that is easy to take care of. She saw everything. You must take care of her."

Derrick_ "Is she going to be like Shen Wu?"

???_ (shake head) "No, Derrick. She will experience something worse than Shen Wu,"

For three days, I am doing well. Now, I have finished my work and go to the book store. I buy three magazines per day. Why? To search that man. I am sure that I have seen him somewhere. "Hot news! A girl named Shen Wu that is been missing for three weeks are being found in maid's clothes. Her tongue cutted and she refused to write anything. She does not confess anything that happen in those three weeks," Holy shi*! Seems like I must have provoked someone that is dangerous. Will he search for me?

I went home and search for him in those magazines. Finally, I found a man that is perfectly look like him! Hernly Cullen. The CEO of Huan Tian building. Shoot! I know this guy! He is indeed a mysterious person. Who knows what he did to women? He even dares to cut their tongue! I must take a safe way. I didn't have a choice. Seems like I need to spend money. I hope I make a wise decision. Tomorrow, I will go to a shop that sells things that I need.

Finally, mission complete. I have bought a sneaky thing. Let us see if this guy really want to find me. I packed and thinking the strategy. I only take necessary things. Next stop: My new rent house! The rent house is not that popular. I only noticed it when I accidentally see it near my college. If that Hernly is still trying to search me, I have no choice than playing hide and seek.

Derrick_ "Sir, we have found her house."

Hernly_ "Good. I want you to go there tomorrow."

Sharron's mind: Shall I go to my rent house this night or tomorrow?

Things are getting difficult. No one is giving up. Sharron does not stop running. Henry is still chasing like a wild beast.

Chapter 3

Luckily, I took a safe step. Who will expect, after I go to my new rent house, his men are there? I wonder if they are already gone. I turn on my laptop. Then, I see a group of men searching my whole old house on the screen. Yep, I bought a CCTV, baby! So, it is true. He really does target me. I see that Henry Cullen is not there. He must be naive to think that I will stay at my house. Over my dead body! After his men checked the house, I must go there back and take the CCTV. I am afraid that he will go there for the second time and noticed the camera. I will go there soon.

Damn, my head hurts! My examination is getting closer. I will have them on Saturday. I only have five weeks left. Shi*. Even that Henry Cullen is getting in my way. I must take the camera tomorrow. I have no choice. I managed to hacked his schedule. I add one schedule in it, saying that someone that is called Mr. Reddit wants to meet him tomorrow. I happened to see Mr. Raddit's profile. I saw that he had met with Henry in a hotel. They seems close. So, I disguised myself as Mr. Raddit's assistant and requested for our meeting two days ago. They agreed and asked for the venue. I arrange the time that I think enough for me to clear all of the proves tomorrow. Let us do it and win the game! Do not worry, after my examination I will continue my life by working overseas. At that time, I will leave.

Henry_ "Derrick, cancel my appointment with Reddit tomorrow. I do not think his project will give us luck. Change my schedule to a vacation to London. I want to meet my family,"

Derrick_ "I will do it now, master,"


Derrick_ "Master, this is weird. Mr. Reddit says

he did not make any appointment with you,"

Henry_ (Shocked) "What? How come? Didn't you said his assistant arranged the time?"

Derrick_ "His assistant message me two days ago and asked your approval. But, I asked him just now and Mr. Reddit said his assistant didn't made any message,"

Henry_ "Locate the person who sent you that message,"

Derrick_ "I will, sir,"


Greenade walks forward her new house. Wow, so big! Lucky me since I have rent this house from Sharron. As soon as Greenade enter the house, she gets trapped by a net. Grenade is shocked.

Herlyn_ "Look at who it is! Sharron Gynda,"

Greenade_ "What do you want? This is my house. I rent this house from Sharron. Please get out,"

Herlyn_ "Oh really? You think you can fool me?"

Greenade_ "I didn't! She says she is moving to United Kingdom for two weeks,"

Herlyn_ "When did you rent this house?"

Greenade_ "Two days ago,"

Herlyn_ (sighs) "She is not Sharron. Let her go. I am sorry for my rudeness. Sharron owns me something. Do you know her location?"

Then, Herlyn's men free Greenade from the net.

Greenade_ "I do not know. I only rent her house."

Herlyn_ "Okay, then. Forgive me for my rudeness, miss. Derrick, let's go,"

In the car, Herlyn is thinking. 'Such a smart woman. Totally my type.'

Derrick_ "Master, do you want to continue your vacation?"

Herlyn does not answer. Derrick understands the meaning. Well, silent means yes.

Greenade calls Sharron.

Greenade_ "Master, everything went well. Mr. Herlyn is gone,"

Sharron_ "Good. Thank you, Greenade. I will give you your money. Did you say to him that I am going to London?"

Greenade_ "No, miss. I said you went to United Kingdom,"

Herlyn thought that Sharron is far from him. Sharron thought that she has managed to run in these two weeks. Well, they two are wrong.

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