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The Devil's Angel (Part 1)

Marriage is Fixed in Heaven

Tara Pov:

         Life will give us hard time; we have to face it till we breathe. We have accepted the happiness life gives us then why not accept a hard time.

“TARA, if you are not going to move your *** in 5 minutes then I am going to leave you” my brother Branson shouted his lungs out.

I am not a morning person. I hate to wake up so soon. Since I am in my final years I have a seminar to attend. My little brother Branson, huff sometimes I feel he is my elder brother. He is so perfect and I hate that. I love my family.

I groan and wake up from my bed. Still with closed eyes. I did my morning business and got ready. I went down to have my breakfast but it’s already late and my brother is glaring at me.

“Okay, I am sorry. I was busy last night” I said and took my toast

“Yeah busy in watching series,” he said

“Whatever let’s move,” I said

“Bye grandma,” we both said at the same time.

We live with our grandma and grandpa in Texas. After our parents passed away in a car accident, we moved here. It’s been a year now. I miss them a lot. They are like a friend to us. My grandpa is a hero for us.

I drop my brother at his school. I am on the way to my college, my friend Darlina is waiting for me outside of her house. She wave at me when she saw my car.

“Hey girl, good morning,” she said and hug me.

“Good morning Darly,” I said.

She is like a teddy bear. She is my first friend when I join in this college. She has a habit of hugging everyone. She says it’s a way to express her love for them. I never do that. My mom use to tell me about their culture and I kind of like that. So, I followed that.

My mom is south Indian and my dad is German. I look like mixed flavor. I got my blue eyes from my dad and look from my mom. I and my brother used to visit my mom’s places yearly once. This year, we are going to visit them for my cousin's wedding. I am so thrilled about that.

“Tara, babies are you ready for a trip,” she asked me

“What is there to ready, Darly?” I asked her.

“Are you serious? Girl, I have a list to pack and a list to buy there” she said.

She is such a drama queen. I didn’t reply for that I just look at her and shake my head.

“What? Don’t tell me you are not coming” she said

“I am coming, but I don’t have a list as you do. Do one thing just make a list for me too. You know I am not good at that right? ” I said and park my car. We reached our college.

“Yeah sure, anything for my babies,” she said

I smile at her. We kept our bags in the locker and looked at her call schedule. Our first-class is computational Finance. I love Maths. Is that a weird thing?  Because my cousins used to say that I am weird to love maths.

It’s interesting. I mean I like to solve problems. We were going to class when my senior came to us.

“Hi, Tara,” he said

“Ah, Hi?” I replied more like a question

“Hmm… Are you free today? We can hang out after class” he asked while caressing his neck.

Wow… he is asking me out. Should I say yes? But I didn’t get that spark.

“Uh, hmm… Thank you for asking me. But, I am sorry” I said with an awkward smile. I seriously hate to do this. I hate when I hurt someone unknowingly.

“Oh it’s okay, maybe we can be friends right?” he asked me

“Yeah sure, we can” I shake my hand and smile at him.

“Why do you reject him? He seems to be a nice guy” asked my friend

“I don’t feel that pull with him,” I said

“Maybe you will get that pull when we go be Russia,” she said and teased me.

I rolled my eyes at her. “I don’t think so, Darly. Let’s go, I don’t want to get scolded by Miss. Rosa”

We went to attend our class. Love is a beautiful thing and marriage is precious. My mom used to say “Marriage is fixed in heaven by god; we should respect that and love that person till we live”

A small smile crept on my face when I think about my parents. They are the perfect couple. I want my marriage to be like that.


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Devil Lucifer

Zale Pov:

    I was in a meeting with the project team. They are presenting me with the project which we are going to work on. I was looking at the presentation. The person who is presenting, I don’t know his name though. He is sweating like a pig. I know I have a dangerous aura. I love the fear in his eyes.

It gives me the power of satisfaction. Once they were done with the presentation the room filled with silences. They all bowing their head down and waiting for my words. They don’t have the guts to look at my eyes.

“Good to go. Prepare the sample model for this. 2days time” I said and went out. This is my parent's company. They are no more. I work my *** off for this company. This is my parent's dream. They left this world when I am just 10 years old. It was an accident, that is what they told me.

Without knowing anything about this cruel world I started my steps. But, later when I came to know their death is not an accident and it is a planned murder, I lost it.

My parents are innocent. We were a happy family. Those fuckers have to die. From then on, I started my mafia world. I have killed countless people. I have heard there scream and beg to leave them. But, I was enjoyed my first kill. The fuckers, who killed my family.

I killed every single person in their family. And the gangers who assign to kill my family. When I kill them I am just 16 years old. The fear which I see in their eyes gives me immune pleasure. I am obsessed with that.

I first torcher them for months, they beg me to kill them. But I didn’t. They want to know my pain. They destroy my life, my family. And one day, I grand their wish. I killed them.

Everyone fears me. They call me Devil Lucifer. I like that name though. So, I made this Mafia world and became a mafia king with the name of Devil Lucifer.

At the same time, I don’t want others to know I am a mafia king. I work hard to protect my parent's dream. Now my company is Top one in this Russia. Everyone will die just to get a call to work here.

I have only one rule “Obey me or die”. Obeying me is the best option for them or I will make their life a living hell. I will not kill them that easily. I will make them suffer, and then I will make them beg me to kill them.

After the meeting, I came to my office. My office is on the 50th floor. Only my office is on this floor. I want to be above all. When I look down from my office every person is under my feet. They look like an ant. I love this power.

I got a call from Henrik, my right hand. He is the one who is managing my mafia world in my absences. He is also a good friend to me. His father was working for my family as a driver. In that accident, he lost his only family. He joins hands with me to kill those fuckers.

I received the call, “speak” I said in commenting tone.

“Lucifer, we got the spy. He is our basement” he said

“Hmm. I will be there” I said and cut the call.

I hate betrayers and liars. He dares to spy on me. Let me see who that lucky guy is. It’s been a month, I torcher, someone. Let me have some fun. I smirk and call my secretary.

She rushed and came in the next minute. “Sir, you called me”

“Yes, cancel my meetings. I am leaving” I said and left to play with my prey.

I went straight to my basement. I took another car when I only use to drive alone. In 20 minutes, I reached the basement. When members of my gang saw me, they all stood in line and bow their heads.

Henrik came to me. I nod at him. We went where they hang my prey. Kendrick is enjoying the show while eating his apple. He is my left hand. Henrik and Kendrick are non-identical twins. When he saw me he stood up and gives me a stiff nod.

“Who we have here?” I ask while I round my prey.

“You fucker, Leave me” he shouted

“Okay, I can help with that,” I said and cut the rope. He falls from there and hits his head really hard. He screamed in pain.

“Oh, you ask me to leave you. Look, I did as you ask” I said with a smirk. He already has many marks and buries in his body.

“I see my boys given you the welcome gift,” I said in a mocking tone. I groan in pain and somehow stood up. But, not for long. Again he fell.

“Do you think you can hide your identity for long? Better you surrender to the police before we encounter you” he said with a low voice.

I laugh at his words. So, he is a cop. Poor him, he doesn’t know the real me. I look at him and said “Do you really think you people can do that? And for my identity” I went close to him.

I pulled his hair harshly and make him look at my eyes and said “I am the one who will decide what others should know about me”

I stab the knife in his eyes. I don’t like that. It doesn’t show me fear. It’s full of confidence. I should see only fear for me.

He screamed to leave him. I cut his throat. The blood splashed in my face. I wipe it with my hands. I gave an evil smile to the lifeless body.

I turn around and said before I leave “You know what to do”. They both gulped and nodded their head.


Tara Pov:

      I was surrounded in dark. I am panting heavily. Where is this place? “Hello, is anyone here?” I shouted. I started to cry.

I heard a laughing sound. I moved forward toward the voice. “Hello”

“I am here angel, come to me,” the voice said

“W- Who is that,” I asked in a trembling voice.

I didn’t get any reply from that voice. Suddenly someone hugged me from the back. I shout and struggle to get out of that grip.

“There is no escape from me angel,” the voice said.

“N-N- No. Please Leave” I said and cried miserably. I am shouting and begging him to leave. I am in his stronghold. With a jerk, I open my eyes. I was breathing heavily. I am sweating like a pig.

“It’s just a dream. I am here with my family. It’s just a dream” I said to myself like a Mantra.

“Who is that? What dream is that?” I look at the clock, It's just 6 Am. My mom use to say, early morning dreams will come true.

“God, Please I don’t want this to come true. It is terrific” I join my hands and prayed to god.

After some time I got ready and went down. My brother is looking at me in shock. I know why that is. I never wake up this soon in my life. I went near him and close his hanging mouth.

My grandpa said “Dear, are you not feeling well? What happened?”

“I am great, nothing happened. I had a bad dream. So…” I said

“Then let my sister have his dream every day,” my brother said. And there we started our fight. I started to beat him and he as usual holds my hair. We were shouting and cursing each other. My grandpa is laughing at us.

“Oh, God! Stop it now. You old man, you are spoiling them” my grandma scolded. She placed our breakfast on the table.

“Tara dear, you should not do this to your little brother,” my grandma said

“I am not little. I am way better than her. I should have been born before her” my brother resorted.

“See, see grandma. Don’t support him” I said to grandma. My brother making faces and sticking his tough out.

“Stop it already. Have your breakfast soon before it gets cold” my grandma said. We were talking and laughed. In-between my brother is stealing my pancake. He will never change. He is such a kid. But never accept that.

“Did you pack your things, dear?” my grandpa asked

“Almost grandpa. Need to buy little stuff. I am going shopping with Darly” I said and for that grandpa nodded. Once we have done with breakfast I drop Branson at his school and leave to pick Darly.

“Babies, I am so excited. I have a lot of plans there” she said in excitement.

“Darly, you know we can’t go anywhere without our teacher's knowledge right?” I asked her

“Yes, of course. We will tell them something but not the actual place we are going” she said. I look at her. “Okay, we will snick out,” she said and turn her face. I know her. She will do this sort of stuns.

“We can decide that when we reach her. Okay?” I said

“Okay, as you say,” she said in a lazy voice.

“You are early today. Did you’re brother use some trick to wake you up today?” she asked

I remember that horrific dream of mine. By thinking of that, I got goosebumps. That voice, it’s so devilish, dangerous, and cold. A shiver runs through my spine.

Darly touch my hand and said “Tara babies, Are you okay?”

I came back to sense. I started to sweat. “Y-Yeah I am good. Just a small headache”

“Okay, then we can complete our shopping soon. You take a rest. We can meet in college” she said in a worried tone.

I should forget about this dream. It's disturbing me. I am going on a trip with my friends I should enjoy. I am making them worry. No, Tara. “IT’S. JUST. A. DREAM” I mumbled in my mind.


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