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Reborn To Hurt My Love Again

Introduction Ch 1 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Hello ~~
Author (none)
Author (none)
well ~~ i am back with my new story's full of romance ..comedy horror ..and lots of pain ..but still a happy ending maybe 🙂
Author (none)
Author (none)
let me just give you guys a brief ~~
Author (none)
Author (none)
guys introduce yourself ~~
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
I am Jessica Williams ..i am 20 years old ..i completed my i am working in my father company ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
i love cats and dogs and every animal ..and i love my family ..and i hate bi**** type freaks ..
Author (none)
Author (none)
okay ~
Author (none)
Author (none)
Lucas Benjamin (ml)
Lucas Benjamin (ml)
I am Lucas Benjamin ..i am 25 years old .. city's most powerful man ..and i love to do camping and travelling other countries and i love to drink ..
Lucas Benjamin (ml)
Lucas Benjamin (ml)
i hate Cats and dogs ..i find them cute but i think from their opinion i am disgusting ~~
Author (none)
Author (none)
okay..nice ..great couple i guess ~~
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
I am Sofia Rodrigo ..i am Jessica childhood friend ..and we are likely sisters ..i love her very very much ~~
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
i am Julia Williams and I am her mother ..i mean Jessica mother not her
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
aunty ?
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
of course she also like my daughter ..i never differentiate between you two
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
and I am this dad jokes speaking husband and father of a most beautiful daughter
Aurora Benjamin (ml mom )
Aurora Benjamin (ml mom )
I am aurora benjamin ..and we are
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
bestie hahahah 💋💋💋
Aurora Benjamin (ml mom )
Aurora Benjamin (ml mom )
stop kissing already ..~~
Aurora Benjamin (ml mom )
Aurora Benjamin (ml mom )
how can you handle her ??
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
don't .. Don't ask me 🙂🙂
Liam Benjamin (ml dad )
Liam Benjamin (ml dad )
and I am husband of this beautiful lady right here ..
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Excuse me mister i am married ?
Aurora Benjamin (ml mom )
Aurora Benjamin (ml mom )
he is talking about me gal ..which angle you are beautiful ?! 🌚🌚
Liam Benjamin (ml dad )
Liam Benjamin (ml dad )
Umm she is my wife ..i will take my leave
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
Take me with you brother 🥲🥲🥲
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
are you alright ?
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
yeah it's feels like daily stuff ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
which i never want to be ended ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
i feel so happy see my parents living happily and smiling ..
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
awww ..lets say something to our readers too !!
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
If you are reading this ..please be till the end ..and support the author ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
and we will see you in our next ch ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
bye bye
Author (none)
Author (none)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Subscribe ♥️

Marriage proposal Ch 2 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

it was just a normal day ..
i woke up and I got ready too and went for my breakfast
but the atmosphere was little dense
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
good morning ~
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
Morning princess~
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
what happened ? why are you faces are down ?
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
*drinking coffee*
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
uhmm friend sent us a marriage proposal !!
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
*spit it out *
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
*cough cough*
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
a..are you ..s.. serious ?
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
look we aren't forcing you ..but she is my bestfriend and I know her from a very long time
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
and his son have met him in your childhood
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Mom ! i met him in childhood ..when childhood ends childness end ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
and we aren't joking ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
marriage is a pretty big decision ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
i can't marry anyone like that ~
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
I know I know ..
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
Look ..we will go in the evening to meet their family and talk with him ..if you don't like it you refused it at that moment only okay
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
yeah !! that's right ..
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
your father's speak first time something intelligent
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
what do you mean huh ?
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
i will you tonight ~~
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
*still in shock didn't hear anything*
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
*punch him on chest a little*
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
ouch 😣 ..babe that's hurts
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
of course it does ☺️
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
okay bye ..then see you i will be in the evening time
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
No wait !!!
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
oh did i scare you ? i didn't mean to ..but still wear this ring
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
what type of bullsh*t is that ?
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Language !!
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
it's from benjamin family ancestors's show whoever couples wear it stays forever together~~ *excited*
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Oh okay ..and why i have to wear ?
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
oh ho ..look just wear it for today when you will refuse ..ring will be taken back ..
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
you will go in the evening ..and they won't see the ring in your beautiful fingers ..they will feel sad right ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
ohh okay
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
bye bye
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
bye honey
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Carson Williams
Carson Williams
Bye beautiful
Julia Williams (fl mom )
Julia Williams (fl mom )
bye *blush *

Office Ch 3 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

This isn't really happening for sure right
i am gonna get married someone I don't know
But my dad said I can refuse it ..but if I did
my mom and aunt relationship gonna be off ..
they might not talking
after the love marriage of my dad and mom ..
Aunt aurora is the only family she ever had ..
and I can't stay single forever ..and i mean i am not in love or something
my head hurts so much !!
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
J BABE !! 😚😚
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Will you stop that habbits of yours ?
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Aaaahhh !! you know i love you
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
i know .. but we are in office hour ..
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
ohh right ..
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
So can you do this work of mine ?
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
i have to go on a date 😁
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
he is very handsome
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Hold up ..wait a min
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
you have a date ..but i have a marriage ..
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
ohh come on.. you never attend anyone weddings !! Don't lie 🤥
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Yeah ..of course I don't attend ..but if I don't attend my marriage then ..i will be single ..
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
yeah that's-
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
It's not confirm yet 😅
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
No you can't marry anyone will marry me only
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Oh shut up
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
You are cheating on me ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Hey hey !! keep your volume down ..
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
Oh come on..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
it's already 4 ..i am leaving
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
okay bye ..send me my brother in law photo
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
mY bRoThEr In LaW pHoTo ..
Jessica Williams ( main )
Jessica Williams ( main )
like i willing be ..
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
Sofia Rodrigo (fl bff)
ಥ_ಥ nobody loves me
One of the mistake she taken ..and now she is regret it alot ...Hope the future could be changed ..hoping that day would have never existed ..
But where it's in your luck power can change it ..
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And ..let's see you in the next chapter

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