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Pregnant By The Possessive Alpha CEO

Chapter 1 - I'm An Omega

What is to be expected in this novel: -Family of Three✔️ -Pregnant✔️ -Omegaverse✔️ -Hidden Identity✔️
For those who aren't familiar with Omegaverse:
The population has a second trait to their gender and it falls in three categories.
79.5% are Betas. They have no special traits and live like normal human beings.
19.5% of the world are Alpha's. They have increased physical strength, intelligence, speed, and are deeply attracted to Omega's.
1% of the world are Omega's (Lillian). If they mate with an Alpha, they are 100% guaranteed to get pregnant (if contraceptives aren't used). They also go into heat once every month, but the intensity of the heat can be suppressed with medicine.
There is also something called "Fated Mates", where an Alpha and an Omega feel such strong attraction towards each other that they can never stop loving each other.
The Alpha's feel it stronger, and if their Omega rejects them, they can go through a period of intense heartbreak, which in some cases leads to death.
There is a brief overview. Most of the other elements will be explained throughout the novel, so don't worry!
My heart beat faster and faster as I woke in the darkness, unable to see a thing.
Where am I? Why can't I see anything? And why is it so hard to breathe?
I'm suffocating, the limited air around me slowly diminishing.
All I can remember is walking to a café to meet my Father. He wanted to talk about something.
Suddenly, I heard voices.
Is it true that we're selling an Omega today?
Are they... talking about me?
Ever since I was five, I've known that I was an Omega.
My Father was thrilled, not because I was coming from the 1% of Omegas in the world, but because of the money benefits it entailed.
Yeah, I got her while she was walking to meet her old man.
Don't worry, we gave her some sedatives. She'll still be out before the auction begins.
What? We want her awake so that the Alpha's can see the look of terror on her face!
They live for that! Urgh, you ruined it! Your client will get paid 20% less.
Hey, come on! It was a mistake, alright? Besides, didn't you have one of your female employees dress her in something sexy?
She'll turn them on, even if she's sleeping. Just show her panties to them and tell 'em that she's an Omega and they'll pay millions.
You know how animalistic they are. If they hear the word "Omega", they've already planned out in their head a family with her.
Trust me, she'll be more docile if she's sleeping.
I need to get out of here, before they sell me to whatever psycho Alpha they choose.
I've already had a hard time going to school with Alpha's. I got harassed by all of them at my high school, and it got to a point where I didn't attend class anymore and did my classwork at home.
I still passed and graduated top of my year, and even got a job in one of the best technology companies in the country.
I consider myself quite lucky... but this is anything but lucky!
Someone is selling me and I need to get out of here before I get devoured by a rich Alpha!
However, that was hard when both my wrists and ankles were tied and there was a sack over my head.
My head was spinning, I couldn't breathe anymore.
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
Someone... help me...
Who the heck are- ARGH!
My eyes went wide as I heard a thud and someone collapse.
What was that?
Then, I felt someone touch my ankles and I panicked.
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
No! Hands off of me!
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
I swear, I'll scream! Don't you dare-
Suddenly, both my wrists and ankles were free and someone pulled the sack from my head.
I gasped, ready to fight back with all of my might when I saw a gorgeous and handsome man touch my cheek tenderly.
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
I found you.
Found... me?
-End of Chapter 1-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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Every three votes is a chapter updated (as soon as I get around to it)! Also, check out my other works once you're finished with this one. They are equally as thrilling!
What do you guys think of the names Xavier and Lillian? Should I change them? Comment below.

Chapter 2 - Alpha

My first bad experience with an Alpha was when I was 13. I had cut my hair in a short bob, and everyone told me how pretty I was.
At that time, I was in a class only containing Beta's, but an Alpha from the classroom next door decided to visit some of his friends in my class and somehow smelled me so strongly that he placed his hands on my shoulders and squeezed so hard that I screamed.
Ever since then, all Alphas were banned from coming to my classroom, and everyone blamed me for it.
"It's her fault."
"If only she wasn't an Omega!"
"It's not June's fault. It's her pheromones who pushed him to do that."
I was ostracised and bullied for the rest of the year, until they decided to move me to an exclusively Beta school.
And even then, people quickly picked up that I wasn't a Beta, and they distanced themselves from me. Well, most of them.
But now, being in front of an adult Alpha, in such a compromising position, I felt scared.
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
It's okay. I'm here to save you.
He said, reassuringly.
Is he here to help me? He's wearing a suit, so perhaps is he one of the waiters?
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
Why... why are you helping me? You might lose your job!
He looked at me, and shook his head.
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
Come with me.
He spoke coldly before picking me up. However, I was still weak from the drug and I nearly tripped again.
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
Oh no...
I then blushed at the outfit that they had changed me in.
It was a bright red dress with a slit right up to my waist. I felt uncomfortable in my underwear, so I simply assumed that they made me wear something sexy in order to attract clients.
Clients... I was seconds from being sold at an illegal auction for rich people!
And now, this man is saving me.
I promised myself that I'd never trust an Alpha... but I have no choice.
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
Please... don't leave me here.
He looked at me for a good moment before snarling, picking me up in his arms.
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
You're a pain.
Carrying me out of the venue and through the emergency exit, he called a cab and handed him two hundred bills.
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
Tell him your address and get home safe. Lock the door and shut the windows. If someone knocks, don't answer.
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
My address is 5 Sweetstreet Avenue, Apartment Block Number 32.
I then turned towards my saviour, and I smiled.
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
Thank you for your help. I owe you, please tell me how I can repay you.
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
Just get home safe. I have problems of my own to deal with here.
Problems? What-
The cab drove off before I even had a chance to say thank you again.
I'm lost... why would he help me?
Perhaps... maybe not all Alphas are bad after all.
I didn't even catch his name... well, if fate will allow it, I'll make sure to properly thank him next time if I ever see him.
-End of Chapter 2-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~.

Chapter 3 - Blinded

-Xavier's POV-
I smelled her sweet scent the moment I entered that cursed auction.
The smell of sugar, lilies, and snow filled the room, I was surprised to see how other people could function.
Fred Dallas
Fred Dallas
Xavi, what's wrong?
I felt like collapsing onto my knees.
"She's backstage."
A voice echoed through my head, like drums thundering against my brain.
"She needs you."
This voice in my head, I somehow knew that it was my own, and I needed to do what it told me to.
Fred Dallas
Fred Dallas
Xavier, come on. What's wrong? Are you having some sort of attack?
I straightened up, composing myself as much as I could.
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
No, I'm fine.
"She isn't fine. Go and save her."
I need to go save her.
I turned towards my friend Fred, who had insisted that I attend this auction with him.
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
I need to go.
Fred Dallas
Fred Dallas
What? But we just got here!
Xavier Huntley
Xavier Huntley
I-I... I'll be back.
This voice, it told me to go backstage. Behind the curtains, where the true nightmare of these illegal auctions are hidden.
Hehe, she's pretty hot, isn't she?
I turned and noticed a worker smoking in the background, pointing his finger towards what seemed like an angel.
Sure, her ankles and her wrists were tied, and I couldn't even see her face because of the sack over her head, but I already knew that she was the one I needed to save.
Hey, do you think that I could have a taste of her before she's put up for auction?
I'll make her real wet, and it'll make the clients go wild!
"She's mine."
I've never done it with an Omega! Is it any different?
I bet that it's ten times better. Apparently, they love it when you-
"She's mine!"
Who the heck are- ARGH!
I punched him right in the mouth, making him fall to the floor with a huge thump.
Never before had I used my strength with such a raw emotion of rage before.
"Is she okay?"
My instincts immediately drifted towards the woman who was tied up.
Despite her best efforts to stop shivering, I could smell her fear from here.
Poor thing, she must have been terrified. Being sold in such a place, kidnapped against her will...
"Help her."
I walked towards her, and her fear peaked.
She's afraid... of me...
I clutched my chest before pulling out my Swiss army knife before touching her arms to cut the ropes.
Her skin was soft, I could myself falling asleep on it.
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
No! Hands off of me!
I need to see what she looks like...
Lillian Evermore
Lillian Evermore
I swear, I'll scream! Don't you dare-
I pulled off the sack from her head after cutting her bonds, and I melted.
Her bright, shiny shoulder-length hair, her beautiful melted chocolate eyes which swirled in the light above.
She was beautiful... and the voice in my head didn't stop.
"Make her yours."
-End of Chapter 3-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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I gave you the Male POV early this time. Make sure to read on?

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